예제 #1
        private void OnJoin(PacketInvocationData pid)
            var channelName = pid.Content.Substring(pid.Content.IndexOf(':') + 1);

            var  channel  = _channelManager.GetChannel(channelName);
            bool isMyself = string.Compare(pid.Nick, MyNick, true) == 0; // myself

            if (channel == null)
                if (!isMyself) // do not care about JOIN in other channels that we're not in

                channel = _channelManager.AddChannel(channelName);

            var user = channel.AddUser(

            if (isMyself)
                InvokeCallback("MeJoinedChannel", channel);
                InvokeCallback("UserJoinedChannel", channel, user);
예제 #2
        private void OnPart(PacketInvocationData pid)
            if (pid.Content.Length == 0)

            var channelName = pid.Content;

            if (channelName.Contains(' '))
                channelName = channelName.Substring(0, channelName.IndexOf(' '));

            var channel = _channelManager.GetChannel(channelName);

            if (channel == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown channel: " + channelName);

            var user = channel.GetUser(AccessLevelHelper.GetNick(pid.Nick));

            if (user != null)
                if (!channel.RemoveUser(AccessLevelHelper.GetNick(pid.Nick)))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to remove user from channel");
                InvokeCallback("UserLeftChannel", channel, user);
예제 #3
        private void OnPrivateMessage(PacketInvocationData pid)
            var msg = pid.Content;
            int pos;

            if ((pos = msg.IndexOf(" :")) == -1)
                throw new Exception("Malformed PRIVMSG");

            var channelName = msg.Substring(0, pos);

            msg = msg.Substring(pos + 2);

            if (channelName.Length < 2)
                throw new Exception("Malformed PRIVMSG");

            var channel = _channelManager.GetChannel(channelName);

            if (channel == null)
                throw new Exception("PRIVMSG - Channel not found: " + channelName);

            var user = channel.GetUser(AccessLevelHelper.GetNick(pid.Nick));

            if (user == null)
                throw new Exception("PRIVMSG - User '" + AccessLevelHelper.GetNick(pid.Nick) + "' not found in channel: " + channelName);

            InvokeCallback("ChannelMessage", channel, user, msg);
예제 #4
        private void On353(PacketInvocationData pid) // userlist
            var x_data = pid.Content;
            int pos;

            if ((pos = x_data.IndexOf(" = ")) == -1 && // '=' is public channel
                (pos = x_data.IndexOf(" * ")) == -1 && // '*' is private channel
                (pos = x_data.IndexOf(" @ ")) == -1)   // '@' is secret channel
                throw new Exception("Malformed userlist received");

            x_data = x_data.Substring(pos + 3); // #test :Hello Test2 Nice

            if ((pos = x_data.IndexOf(" :")) == -1)
                throw new Exception("Malformed userlist received");

            var channelName = x_data.Substring(0, pos);

            if (channelName.Length < 2)
                throw new Exception("Malformed userlist received");

            var channel = _channelManager.GetChannel(channelName);

            if (channel == null)
                throw new Exception("Unknown channel in 353 packet: " + channelName);

            x_data = x_data.Substring(pos + 2);
            if (!x_data.EndsWith(" ")) // otherwise we dont get the last name ...
                x_data = x_data + ' ';
            while ((pos = x_data.IndexOf(' ')) != -1)
                var rawnick = x_data.Substring(0, pos);
                x_data = x_data.Substring(pos + 1);

                string      nick;
                AccessLevel access;
                AccessLevelHelper.Strip(rawnick, out nick, out access);

                if (nick.Length > 0 &&
                    string.Compare(nick, MyNick, true) != 0)
                    Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("AddUser '{0}' in channel '{1}'", nick, channelName));
                    IrcChannelUser user;
                    if ((user = channel.AddUser(access, nick)) != null)
                        InvokeCallback("UserJoinedChannel", channel, user);
예제 #5
 private void OnPing(PacketInvocationData pid)
     SendFormat("PONG {0}\r\n", pid.Content);
예제 #6
 private void On332(PacketInvocationData pid) // topic
예제 #7
 private void On366(PacketInvocationData pid) // end of userlist
예제 #8
 private void On001(PacketInvocationData pid)
     //Send("JOIN #test\r\n");