//////////////////////////////////////// // Continue Button ///////////////////////////////////// private void Continue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var human = new Human(); var construct = new Construct(); // Life Stage if (Details.Stage == "Life") { var c = new Careers(); c.main(); if (Details.CharacterList[0].Race == "Human") { human.Update("Button", HumanPanel); Details.Stage = "Career"; } else if (Details.CharacterList[0].Race == "Construct") { construct.Update("Button", Details.panel); Details.Stage = "Career"; } } // Career Stage else if (Details.Stage == "Career") { if (Attributes.checkedBoxes != 3) { int x = Careers.maxCareers - Careers.checkedBoxes; DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("You have only selected " + Careers.checkedBoxes + " areers you may select " + x + " more.\n Would you like to use your remaining points?", "Additional Points", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { MessageBox.Show("Please select " + x + " additional Careers"); } else if (dr == DialogResult.No) { AttributePanel.Visible = false; Details.Stage = "Flaws"; FlawsPanel.Visible = true; } } else { CareerPanel.Visible = false; Details.Stage = "Attributes"; AttributePanel.Visible = true; } } // Attributes Stage else if (Details.Stage == "Attributes") { if (Attributes.checkedBoxes != 3) { int x = Attributes.maxAttributes - Attributes.checkedBoxes; DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("You have only selected " + Attributes.checkedBoxes + " attributes you may select " + x + " more.\n Would you like to use your remaining points?", "Additional Points", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { MessageBox.Show("Please select " + x + " additional attributes"); } else if (dr == DialogResult.No) { AttributePanel.Visible = false; Details.Stage = "Flaws"; FlawsPanel.Visible = true; } } else { AttributePanel.Visible = false; Details.Stage = "Flaws"; FlawsPanel.Visible = true; } } // Flaws stage else if (Details.Stage == "Flaws") { MessageBox.Show("Flaws complete more code to come."); } }
private void radioButtons_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { var human = new Human(); var construct = new Construct(); var p = new BackgroundPanels(); RadioButton radioButton = sender as RadioButton; if (Details.buttonGroups.Count != 0 && radioButton.Checked == true) { var C1 = Details.CharacterList[0]; C1.STR = 1; C1.DEX = 1; C1.WILL = 1; C1.RES = 1; C1.INT = 1; C1.PER = 1; C1.Skills.Clear(); if (radioButton.Parent.Text.ToString() == "Nation") { GroupBox rb = Details.buttonGroups[0]; rb.Dispose(); Details.buttonGroups[0] = null; } else if (radioButton.Parent.Text.ToString() == "Planet") { GroupBox rb1 = Details.buttonGroups[1]; rb1.Dispose(); Details.buttonGroups[1] = null; } } if (radioButton.Parent.Text.ToString() == "Nation" && radioButton.Checked == true) { if (radioButton.TabIndex == 0) { p.planetsPanel(Details.panel); foreach (Control ctl in Details.characterPanel.Controls) { if (ctl.Name == "nation") { Details.planet = Human.freeColonies; Details.CharacterList[0].Nationality = radioButton.Text; ctl.Text = "Nationality: " + Details.CharacterList[0].Nationality; } } } if (radioButton.TabIndex == 1) { p.planetsPanel(Details.panel); foreach (Control ctl in Details.characterPanel.Controls) { if (ctl.Name == "nation") { Details.planet = Human.secondColonies; Details.CharacterList[0].Nationality = radioButton.Text; ctl.Text = "Nationality: " + Details.CharacterList[0].Nationality; } } } } else if (radioButton.Parent.Text.ToString() == "Planet" && radioButton.Checked == true) { Details.CharacterList[0].Planet = radioButton.Text; if (Details.CharacterList[0].Nationality == "Democratic Alliance of Free Colonies") { switch (radioButton.TabIndex) { case 0: Details.life = Human.Earthborn; break; case 1: Details.life = Human.FirstExpansion; break; case 2: Details.life = Human.FrontierWorld; break; case 3: Details.life = Human.OrbitalString; break; } } if (Details.CharacterList[0].Nationality == "Second Wave Colonies") { switch (radioButton.TabIndex) { case 0: Details.life = Human.JungleWorld; break; case 1: Details.life = Human.IceWorld; break; case 2: Details.life = Human.DesertWorld; break; case 3: Details.life = Human.MegaCity; break; } } p.LifePanel(Details.panel); } else if (radioButton.Parent.Name.ToString() == "Life" && radioButton.Checked == true) { Details.CharacterList[0].Life = radioButton.Text; } if (Details.CharacterList[0].Race == "Human") { human.Update("update", Details.panel); } else if (Details.CharacterList[0].Race == "Construct") { construct.Update("update", Details.panel); } foreach (Control ctl in Details.characterPanel.Controls) { switch (ctl.Name) { case "Planet": ctl.Text = "Planet: " + Details.CharacterList[0].Planet; break; case "Willpower": ctl.Text = "Willpower: " + Details.CharacterList[0].WILL; break; case "Strength": ctl.Text = "Strength: " + Details.CharacterList[0].STR; break; case "Resiliance": ctl.Text = "Resiliance: " + Details.CharacterList[0].RES; break; case "Dexterity": ctl.Text = "Dexterity: " + Details.CharacterList[0].DEX; break; case "Intelligence": ctl.Text = "Intelligence: " + Details.CharacterList[0].INT; break; case "Perception": ctl.Text = "Perception: " + Details.CharacterList[0].PER; break; case "Abilities": ctl.Text = "Abilities: "; foreach (string x in Details.CharacterList[0].Skills) { ctl.Text += x + "\n"; } break; } } }