private void InsertFactorsResultIntoDbAndFactorScoreList(int factorId, string factoreScoreInString) { int factorScore; var parseToInt = Int32.TryParse(factoreScoreInString, out factorScore); if (parseToInt) { try { var factorName = GetFactorNameById(factorId); FactorAnalize.SetFactorAndFactorScore(new Factor { Name = factorName }, factorScore); if (Options.HaveFactorsHistory) { InsertFactorInDb(factorId, factorScore); } else { if (_maxInterviewNum > 0) { var query = "select " + "from main.FactorResults," + "main.Factors " + "where FactorResults.interview_number = " + _maxInterviewNum + " and FactorResults.respondent_id = " + _respondentId + " and Factors.theme_id = " + _themeId + " and FactorResults.factor_id = " + factorId + " and FactorResults.factor_id ="; var factorResultId = DbConnection.SelectScalarFromDb(query); if (factorResultId.ToString() == "") { throw new Exception("Factor was not found!"); } query = "update main.FactorResults " + "set answer_date = current_date " + ", score = " + factorScore + ", interview_number = " + (_maxInterviewNum + 1) + " where = " + Convert.ToInt32(factorResultId); DbConnection.DmlOperation(query); } else { InsertFactorInDb(factorId, factorScore); } } } catch (Exception exp) { throw new Exception("InsertFactorsResultIntoDbAndFactorScoreList: " + exp); } } }
private DataTable TryGetScoreOfFactors(DataTable table, string factorRowName) { if (table.Columns.Contains(factorRowName)) { var modifiedFactorDataTable = table; for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { var factorId = table.Rows[i][factorRowName]; if (factorId.ToString() != "") { var factorName = GetFactorNameById(Convert.ToInt32(factorId)); modifiedFactorDataTable.Rows[i][factorRowName] = FactorAnalize.GetFactorScoreByFactorName(factorName); } } return(modifiedFactorDataTable); } throw new Exception("TryGetScoreOfFactors: Can't find need row!"); }