예제 #1
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: Pate1337/Mini-PL
        private static void RunInterpreter(BlockNode ast)
            IOHandler io = new SystemIO();
            Visitor   v  = new InterpreterVisitor(io);

예제 #2
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            StreamReader charStream;
            string filePath;

            try {
                filePath = args [0];
            } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) {
                Console.WriteLine ("Please give the file path as the first argument, such as ~/code.txt");

            try {
                charStream = File.OpenText (filePath);
            } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException) {
                Console.WriteLine("File \"" + filePath + "\" was not found. Make sure to give a proper file path as the argument.");

            Parser parser = new Parser (new Scanner (charStream));
            Program program = parser.Parse ();
            SemanticAnalyser semanticAnalyser = new SemanticAnalyser (program);
            semanticAnalyser.Run ();
            InterpreterVisitor interpreterVisitor = new InterpreterVisitor (program);

            if (parser.Errors.Count == 0 && semanticAnalyser.Errors.Count == 0) {
                interpreterVisitor.Run ();
            } else {
                // Combine the lists of errors, sort them by row and column and print them to Console
                List<Error> errors = parser.Errors;
                errors.AddRange (semanticAnalyser.Errors);
                errors = errors.OrderBy (e => e.Row).ThenBy (e => e.Column).ToList ();

                foreach (Error e in errors) {
                    System.Console.WriteLine (e.Print ());