override protected IMethod updateMethod() { ElicitationParameters par = p.getClone(); try { par.cred = 0.5; string resposta = this.p.center + ""; par.answers = this.answers; par.answers.Add(resposta); par.x = (Double[])this.x.Clone(); par.times = this.times; this.statistics.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lista[lista.Length - 8])); this.statistics.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lista[lista.Length - 7])); this.statistics.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lista[lista.Length - 6])); this.statistics.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lista[lista.Length - 5])); par.statistics = statistics; par.min = this.p.min; par.center = this.p.center; par.max = this.p.max; par.iteracao = this.p.iteracao; par.index++; Bisection bisection = new Bisection(par, this.ifPrincipal); return(bisection); } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } }
public override void BT_back_ClickAction(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.BT_back_ClickAction(sender, e); try{ Engine.EngineInterface.deleteChildren(this.p.min, this.p.center, this.p.max); } catch (Exception exc) { MessageBox.Show(exc.Message + "-----------\n" + exc.StackTrace); } IMethod method = methodManager.getCurrentMethod(); if (method != null) { Bisection b = (Bisection)method; b.RB_semPreferencia.Checked = false; if (ifPrincipal.isTrainingPhase() == false) { ((Bisection)method).markChoosableAreaChartSeries(((Bisection)method).p.min, ((Bisection)method).middlePoint, ((Bisection)method).p.max); } } }
private void BT_Avançar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { new TimeEvent(this.ifPrincipal.getQuestion(), TimeEvent.EventType.LEAVE_FIRST_PANEL_OF_ELICITATION, access.process); ifPrincipal.getWatch().Stop(); this.timeComsumption = ifPrincipal.getWatch().ElapsedMilliseconds; ifPrincipal.getWatch().Reset(); ElicitationParameters p = new ElicitationParameters(); try { p.max = Convert.ToDouble(TB_ValorMaximo.Text); p.min = Convert.ToDouble(TB_ValorMinimo.Text); if (p.min < p.max || p.min == p.max) { verificar = true; } else { ifPrincipal.DisplayMessage(DefaultConfig.ST_TXT_VALUES_IRREGULARS_MINMAX, true); } } catch { ifPrincipal.DisplayMessage(DefaultConfig.ST_TXT_VALUES_TYPE_WROTE, true); } if (verificar == true) { Firmino firmino; Bisection bisection; Panel panel1 = null; string resposta = TB_ValorMinimo.Text + ';' + TB_ValorMaximo.Text; p.center = (p.max + p.min) / 2; p.index = -1; p.times.Add(timeComsumption / 1000); p.answers.Add(resposta); p.creds.Add(0.0);//Passando credibilidade nula para não construir outra condicional no momento do back //statistics.Add(0);//passando estatistica nula para não desagrupar as respostas e estatisticas p.statistics.AddRange(new double[4] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }); p.W = new double[2] { 0, 0 }; if (this.METHOD.Equals(Engine.EngineInterface.FIRMINO)) { //firmino = new Firmino("", p.min, p.center, p.max, 1, -1, 0, p.times, // p.answers, p.statistics, p.creds, this.ifPrincipal); firmino = new Firmino(p, this.ifPrincipal); //Cria o objeto firmino chamando a classe Firmino. Here thexpert has chose [min, max] with credib=1.0 //firmino.ReceberReferenciadoFrom0(this);//Metodo que faz com que seja possivel o form0 chamar ele proprio panel1 = firmino.panel1; currentMethod = (IMethod)firmino; } else if (this.METHOD.Equals(Engine.EngineInterface.BISECTION)) { bisection = new Bisection(p, this.ifPrincipal); //bisection = new Bisection("", p.min, p.center, p.max, 1, -1, 0, p.times, // p.answers, p.statistics, this.ifPrincipal);//Cria o objeto firmino chamando a classe Firmino. Here thexpert has chose [min, max] with credib=1.0 //bisection.ReceberReferenciadoFrom0(this);//Metodo que faz com que seja possivel o form0 chamar ele proprio //panel1 = bisection.mainPanel; currentMethod = (IMethod)bisection; } this.ifPrincipal.addNewIteraction(currentMethod); } }