public void EnableStreamsFromSelection() { /* Set Color & Depth Resolution and enable streams */ if (StreamProfileSet != null) { /* Optional: Filter the data based on the request */ manager.SenseManager.CaptureManager.FilterByStreamProfiles(StreamProfileSet); /* Enable raw data streaming for specific stream types */ // Set frame Rate, Height and With for all Sterams for (int s = 0; s < RS.Capture.STREAM_LIMIT; s++) { RS.StreamType st = RS.Capture.StreamTypeFromIndex(s); RS.StreamProfile info = StreamProfileSet[st]; if (info.imageInfo.format != 0) { /* For simple request, you can also use sm.EnableStream(...) */ RS.DataDesc desc = new RS.DataDesc(); desc.streams[st].frameRate.min = desc.streams[st].frameRate.max = info.frameRate.max; desc.streams[st].sizeMin.height = desc.streams[st].sizeMax.height = info.imageInfo.height; desc.streams[st].sizeMin.width = desc.streams[st].sizeMax.width = info.imageInfo.width; desc.streams[st].options = info.options; desc.receivePartialSample = true; RS.SampleReader sampleReader = RS.SampleReader.Activate(manager.SenseManager); sampleReader.EnableStreams(desc); } } } }
public T GetProfile <T>() where T : StreamProfile { object error; var ptr = NativeMethods.rs2_get_frame_stream_profile(m_instance.Handle, out error); return(StreamProfile.Create <T>(ptr)); }
// Get names for Drop down Menu private string ProfileToString(RS.StreamProfile streamProfile) { string line = "Unknown "; if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(RS.PixelFormat), streamProfile.imageInfo.format)) { line = streamProfile.imageInfo.format.ToString().Substring(13) + " " + streamProfile.imageInfo.width + "x" + streamProfile.imageInfo.height + "x"; } else { line += streamProfile.imageInfo.width + "x" + streamProfile.imageInfo.height + "x"; } if (streamProfile.frameRate.min != streamProfile.frameRate.max) { line += (float)streamProfile.frameRate.min + "-" + (float)streamProfile.frameRate.max; } else { float fps = (streamProfile.frameRate.min != 0) ? streamProfile.frameRate.min : streamProfile.frameRate.max; line += fps; } line += StreamOptionToString(streamProfile.options); return(line); }
public MotionStreamProfile AddMotionStream(SoftwareMotionStream profile) { object error; var ptr = NativeMethods.rs2_software_sensor_add_motion_stream(Handle, profile, out error); return(StreamProfile.Create <MotionStreamProfile>(ptr)); }
private void PopulateProfiles(RS.DeviceInfo dinfo) { RS.SenseManager pp = RS.SenseManager.CreateInstance(); RS.Device device = pp.CaptureManager.Device; if (device == null) { pp.Dispose(); } RS.StreamProfileSet profile = new RS.StreamProfileSet(); for (int s = 0; s < RS.Capture.STREAM_LIMIT; s++) { RS.StreamType st = RS.Capture.StreamTypeFromIndex(s); if (((int)dinfo.streams & (int)st) != 0) { int num = device.QueryStreamProfileSetNum(st); for (int p = 0; p < num; p++) { if (device.QueryStreamProfileSet(st, p, out profile) < RS.Status.STATUS_NO_ERROR) { break; } RS.StreamProfile sprofile = profile[st]; string profNime = ProfileToString(sprofile); profiles[profile] = sprofile; cb_Profile.Items.Add(profNime); } } else if (((int)dinfo.streams & (int)st) == 0) { } } }
public PoseStreamProfile AddMotionStream(SoftwarePoseStream profile) { object error; var ptr = NativeMethods.rs2_software_sensor_add_pose_stream(m_instance, profile, out error); return(StreamProfile.Create <PoseStreamProfile>(ptr)); }
public VideoFrame AllocateVideoFrame(StreamProfile profile, Frame original, int bpp, int width, int height, int stride, Extension extension = Extension.VideoFrame) { object error; var fref = NativeMethods.rs2_allocate_synthetic_video_frame(m_instance.Handle, profile.m_instance.Handle, original.m_instance.Handle, bpp, width, height, stride, extension, out error); return(new VideoFrame(fref)); }
public VideoStreamProfile AddVideoStream(SoftwareVideoStream profile) { object error; var ptr = NativeMethods.rs2_software_sensor_add_video_stream(m_instance, profile, out error); return(StreamProfile.Create <VideoStreamProfile>(ptr)); }
public T AllocateMotionFrame <T>(StreamProfile profile, Frame original, Extension extension = Extension.VideoFrame) where T : Frame { object error; var fref = NativeMethods.rs2_allocate_synthetic_motion_frame(m_instance.Handle, profile.Handle, original.Handle, extension, out error); return(Frame.Create <T>(fref)); }
public Extrinsics GetExtrinsicsTo(StreamProfile other) { object error; Extrinsics extrinsics; NativeMethods.rs2_get_extrinsics(m_instance.Handle, other.m_instance.Handle, out extrinsics, out error); return(extrinsics); }
/// <summary> /// Clone current profile and change the type, index and format to input parameters /// </summary> /// <param name="type">will change the stream type from the cloned profile.</param> /// <param name="index">will change the stream index from the cloned profile.</param> /// <param name="format">will change the stream format from the cloned profile.</param> /// <param name="width">will change the width of the profile.</param> /// <param name="height">will change the height of the profile.</param> /// <param name="intr">will change the intrinsics of the profile.</param> /// <returns>the cloned stream profile.</returns> public StreamProfile Clone(Stream type, int index, Format format, int width, int height, Intrinsics intr) { object error; var ptr = NativeMethods.rs2_clone_video_stream_profile(Handle, type, index, format, width, height, intr, out error); var p = StreamProfile.Create <VideoStreamProfile>(ptr); p.clone = new Base.DeleterHandle(ptr, StreamProfileReleaser); return(p); }
/// <summary> /// Clone the current profile and change the type, index and format to input parameters /// </summary> /// <param name="type">will change the stream type from the cloned profile.</param> /// <param name="index">will change the stream index from the cloned profile.</param> /// <param name="format">will change the stream format from the cloned profile.</param> /// <returns>the cloned stream profile.</returns> public StreamProfile Clone(Stream type, int index, Format format) { object error; var ptr = NativeMethods.rs2_clone_stream_profile(Handle, type, index, format, out error); var p = StreamProfile.Create(ptr); p.clone = new DeleterHandle(ptr, StreamProfileReleaser); return(p); }
public T GetStream <T>(Stream s, int index = -1) where T : StreamProfile { using (var streams = Streams) { object error; int count = streams.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var ptr = NativeMethods.rs2_get_stream_profile(streams.m_instance, i, out error); var t = StreamProfile.Create <T>(ptr); if (t.Stream == s && (index == -1 || t.Index == index)) { return(t); } t.Dispose(); } return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Return the selected stream profile, which are enabled in this profile. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"><see cref="StreamProfile"/> type or subclass</typeparam> /// <param name="s">Stream type of the desired profile</param> /// <param name="index">Stream index of the desired profile. -1 for any matching.</param> /// <returns>The first matching stream profile</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown when the <see cref="PipelineProfile"/> does not contain the request stream</exception> public T GetStream <T>(Stream s, int index = -1) where T : StreamProfile { object error; using (var streams = new StreamProfileList(NativeMethods.rs2_pipeline_profile_get_streams(Handle, out error))) { int count = streams.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var ptr = NativeMethods.rs2_get_stream_profile(streams.Handle, i, out error); var t = StreamProfile.Create <T>(ptr); if (t.Stream == s && (index == -1 || t.Index == index)) { return(t); } t.Dispose(); } throw new ArgumentException("Profile does not contain the requested stream", nameof(s)); } }
public void StreamColorDepth() /* Stream Color and Depth Synchronously or Asynchronously */ { try { bool sts = true; /* Create an instance of the RS.SenseManager interface */ RS.SenseManager sm = RS.SenseManager.CreateInstance(); if (sm == null) { SetStatus("Failed to create an SDK pipeline object"); return; } /* Optional: if playback or recoridng */ if ((Playback || Record) && File != null) { sm.CaptureManager.SetFileName(File, Record); } /* Optional: Set Input Source */ if (!Playback && DeviceInfo != null) { sm.CaptureManager.FilterByDeviceInfo(DeviceInfo); } /* Set Color & Depth Resolution and enable streams */ if (StreamProfileSet != null) { /* Optional: Filter the data based on the request */ sm.CaptureManager.FilterByStreamProfiles(StreamProfileSet); /* Enable raw data streaming for specific stream types */ for (int s = 0; s < RS.Capture.STREAM_LIMIT; s++) { RS.StreamType st = RS.Capture.StreamTypeFromIndex(s); RS.StreamProfile info = StreamProfileSet[st]; if (info.imageInfo.format != 0) { /* For simple request, you can also use sm.EnableStream(...) */ RS.DataDesc desc = new RS.DataDesc(); desc.streams[st].frameRate.min = desc.streams[st].frameRate.max = info.frameRate.max; desc.streams[st].sizeMin.height = desc.streams[st].sizeMax.height = info.imageInfo.height; desc.streams[st].sizeMin.width = desc.streams[st].sizeMax.width = info.imageInfo.width; desc.streams[st].options = info.options; desc.receivePartialSample = true; RS.SampleReader sampleReader = RS.SampleReader.Activate(sm); sampleReader.EnableStreams(desc); } } } /* Initialization */ SetStatus("Init Started"); if (sm.Init() >= RS.Status.STATUS_NO_ERROR) { /* Reset all properties */ sm.CaptureManager.Device.ResetProperties(RS.StreamType.STREAM_TYPE_ANY); /* Set mirror mode */ RS.MirrorMode mirror = Mirror ? RS.MirrorMode.MIRROR_MODE_HORIZONTAL : RS.MirrorMode.MIRROR_MODE_DISABLED; sm.CaptureManager.Device.MirrorMode = mirror; SetStatus("Streaming"); while (!Stop) { /* Wait until a frame is ready: Synchronized or Asynchronous */ if (sm.AcquireFrame(Synced) < RS.Status.STATUS_NO_ERROR) { break; } /* Display images */ RS.Sample sample = sm.Sample; /* Render streams */ EventHandler <RenderFrameEventArgs> render = RenderFrame; RS.Image image = null; if (MainPanel != RS.StreamType.STREAM_TYPE_ANY && render != null) { image = sample[MainPanel]; render(this, new RenderFrameEventArgs(0, image)); } if (PIPPanel != RS.StreamType.STREAM_TYPE_ANY && render != null) { render(this, new RenderFrameEventArgs(1, sample[PIPPanel])); } /* Optional: Set Mirror State */ mirror = Mirror ? RS.MirrorMode.MIRROR_MODE_HORIZONTAL : RS.MirrorMode.MIRROR_MODE_DISABLED; if (mirror != sm.CaptureManager.Device.MirrorMode) { sm.CaptureManager.Device.MirrorMode = mirror; } /* Optional: Show performance tick */ sm.ReleaseFrame(); } } else { SetStatus("Init Failed"); sts = false; } sm.Dispose(); if (sts) { SetStatus("Stopped"); } } catch (Exception e) { SetStatus(e.GetType().ToString()); } }
// Get entries for color Streams private void PopulateColorDepthMenus(ToolStripMenuItem device_item) { RS.ImplDesc desc = new RS.ImplDesc(); = RS.ImplGroup.IMPL_GROUP_SENSOR; desc.subgroup = RS.ImplSubgroup.IMPL_SUBGROUP_VIDEO_CAPTURE; desc.iuid = devices_iuid[device_item]; current_device_iuid = desc.iuid; desc.cuids[0] = RS.Capture.CUID; profiles.Clear(); foreach (ToolStripMenuItem menu in streamMenue) { if (menu != null) { menu.DropDownItems.Clear(); } } RS.Capture capture; RS.DeviceInfo dinfo2 = GetCheckedDevice(); if (manager.Session.CreateImpl <RS.Capture>(desc, out capture) >= RS.Status.STATUS_NO_ERROR) { RS.Device device = capture.CreateDevice(dinfo2.didx); if (device != null) { RS.StreamProfileSet streamProfileSet = new RS.StreamProfileSet(); for (int s = 0; s < RS.Capture.STREAM_LIMIT; s++) { RS.StreamType streamType = RS.Capture.StreamTypeFromIndex(s); if (((int)dinfo2.streams & (int)streamType) != 0 && streamMenue[s] != null) { streamMenue[s].Visible = true; streamButtons[s].Visible = true; int num = device.QueryStreamProfileSetNum(streamType); for (int p = 0; p < num; p++) { if (device.QueryStreamProfileSet(streamType, p, out streamProfileSet) < RS.Status.STATUS_NO_ERROR) { break; } RS.StreamProfile streamProfile = streamProfileSet[streamType]; ToolStripMenuItem sm1 = new ToolStripMenuItem(ProfileToString(streamProfile), null, new EventHandler(Stream_Item_Click)); profiles[sm1] = streamProfile; streamMenue[s].DropDownItems.Add(sm1); } } else if (((int)dinfo2.streams & (int)streamType) == 0 && streamMenue[s] != null) { streamMenue[s].Visible = false; streamButtons[s].Visible = false; } } device.Dispose(); } capture.Dispose(); } for (int i = 0; i < RS.Capture.STREAM_LIMIT; i++) { ToolStripMenuItem menu = streamMenue[i]; if (menu != null) { streamString[i] = new ToolStripMenuItem("None", null, new EventHandler(Stream_Item_Click)); profiles[streamString[i]] = new RS.StreamProfile(); menu.DropDownItems.Add(streamString[i]); if (menu == colorMenu) { (menu.DropDownItems[0] as ToolStripMenuItem).Checked = true; } else { streamString[i].Checked = true; } } } CheckSelection(); }
/// <summary> /// open subdevice for exclusive access, by commiting to a configuration /// </summary> /// <param name="profile"></param> public void Open(StreamProfile profile) { object error; NativeMethods.rs2_open(m_instance, profile.m_instance.Handle, out error); }
public void RegisterExtrinsicsTo(StreamProfile other, Extrinsics extrinsics) { object error; NativeMethods.rs2_register_extrinsics(Handle, other.Handle, extrinsics, out error); }