private void ProcessEventLogInstallSection(PNPDriverINFFile pnpDriverInf, string sectionName, string eventLogType, string eventName) { var installSection = pnpDriverInf.GetSection(sectionName); var relativeRoot = @"Services\EventLog\" + eventLogType + @"\" + eventName; foreach (var line in installSection) { var keyAndValues = INIFile.GetKeyAndValues(line); switch (keyAndValues.Key) { case "AddReg": { foreach (var registrySectionName in keyAndValues.Value) { ProcessAddRegSection(pnpDriverInf, registrySectionName, relativeRoot); } break; } } } }
protected void ProcessInstallServicesSection(PNPDriverINFFile pnpDriverInf, string installSectionName) { var installServicesSection = pnpDriverInf.GetInstallServicesSection(installSectionName, _architectureIdentifier, _minorOSVersion); foreach (var line in installServicesSection) { var keyAndValues = INIFile.GetKeyAndValues(line); switch (keyAndValues.Key) { case "AddService": { var serviceName = keyAndValues.Value[0]; var serviceInstallSection = keyAndValues.Value[2]; var eventLogInstallSection = INIFile.TryGetValue(keyAndValues.Value, 3); var eventLogType = INIFile.TryGetValue(keyAndValues.Value, 4); var eventName = INIFile.TryGetValue(keyAndValues.Value, 5); ProcessServiceInstallSection(pnpDriverInf, serviceInstallSection, serviceName); if (eventLogInstallSection != string.Empty) { // if (eventLogType == string.Empty) { eventLogType = "System"; } if (eventName == string.Empty) { eventName = serviceName; } ProcessEventLogInstallSection(pnpDriverInf, eventLogInstallSection, eventLogType, eventName); } break; } } } }
// DDInstall Section in a Network INF File: // protected void ProcessInstallSection(PNPDriverINFFile pnpDriverInf, string installSectionName, string classInstanceID) { var installSection = pnpDriverInf.GetInstallSection(installSectionName, _architectureIdentifier, _minorOSVersion); var softwareKeyName = @"Control\Class\" + pnpDriverInf.ClassGUID + @"\" + classInstanceID; foreach (var line in installSection) { var keyAndValues = INIFile.GetKeyAndValues(line); switch (keyAndValues.Key) { case "AddReg": { foreach (var registrySectionName in keyAndValues.Value) { ProcessAddRegSection(pnpDriverInf, registrySectionName, softwareKeyName); } break; } case "CopyFiles": { if (keyAndValues.Value[0].StartsWith("@")) { ProcessCopyFileDirective(pnpDriverInf, keyAndValues.Value[0].Substring(1)); } else { foreach (var copyFilesSectionName in keyAndValues.Value) { ProcessCopyFilesSection(pnpDriverInf, copyFilesSectionName); } } break; } case "BusType": { if (pnpDriverInf.IsNetworkAdapter) { // Some NICs (AMD PCNet) won't start if BusType is not set (CM_PROB_FAILED_START) var busType = Convert.ToInt32(keyAndValues.Value[0]); SetCurrentControlSetRegistryKey(softwareKeyName, "BusType", RegistryValueKind.String, busType.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } break; } case "Characteristics": { if (pnpDriverInf.IsNetworkAdapter) { // No evidence so far that the presence of this value is critical, but it's a good practice to add it var characteristics = PNPDriverINFFile.ConvertFromIntStringOrHexString(keyAndValues.Value[0]); SetCurrentControlSetRegistryKey(softwareKeyName, "Characteristics", RegistryValueKind.DWord, characteristics); } break; } } } }
private void ProcessServiceInstallSection(PNPDriverINFFile pnpDriverInf, string sectionName, string serviceName) { Console.WriteLine("Registering service '" + serviceName + "'"); var serviceInstallSection = pnpDriverInf.GetSection(sectionName); var displayName = string.Empty; var serviceBinary = string.Empty; var serviceTypeString = string.Empty; var errorControlString = string.Empty; var loadOrderGroup = string.Empty; //string guiModeRelativeRoot = @"Services\" + serviceName; foreach (var line in serviceInstallSection) { var keyAndValues = INIFile.GetKeyAndValues(line); switch (keyAndValues.Key) { case "AddReg": { // // AddReg will always come after ServiceBinaryServiceBinary var relativeRoot = @"Services\" + serviceName; foreach (var registrySectionName in keyAndValues.Value) { ProcessAddRegSection(pnpDriverInf, registrySectionName, relativeRoot); } break; } case "DisplayName": { displayName = INIFile.TryGetValue(keyAndValues.Value, 0); break; } case "ServiceBinary": { serviceBinary = INIFile.TryGetValue(keyAndValues.Value, 0); break; } case "ServiceType": { serviceTypeString = INIFile.TryGetValue(keyAndValues.Value, 0); break; } case "ErrorControl": { errorControlString = INIFile.TryGetValue(keyAndValues.Value, 0); break; } case "LoadOrderGroup": { loadOrderGroup = INIFile.TryGetValue(keyAndValues.Value, 0); break; } } } displayName = pnpDriverInf.ExpandToken(displayName); displayName = INIFile.Unquote(displayName); var fileName = serviceBinary.Replace(@"%12%\", string.Empty); var imagePath = PNPDriverINFFile.ExpandDirID(serviceBinary); var serviceType = PNPDriverINFFile.ConvertFromIntStringOrHexString(serviceTypeString); var errorControl = PNPDriverINFFile.ConvertFromIntStringOrHexString(errorControlString); var deviceDescription = pnpDriverInf.GetDeviceDescription(_hardwareID, _architectureIdentifier, _minorOSVersion, _productType); BaseDeviceService deviceService; if (pnpDriverInf.IsNetworkAdapter) { // this is a nic, we are binding TCP/IP to it // we need a unique NetCfgInstanceID that will be used with Tcpip service and the nic's class var netCfgInstanceID = "{" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToUpper() + "}"; deviceService = new NetworkDeviceService(deviceDescription, serviceName, displayName, loadOrderGroup, serviceType, errorControl, fileName, imagePath, netCfgInstanceID); _deviceServices.Add(deviceService); } else { deviceService = new BaseDeviceService(deviceDescription, serviceName, displayName, loadOrderGroup, serviceType, errorControl, fileName, imagePath); _deviceServices.Add(deviceService); } }