public bool PushDeviceStatusUpdate(InsteonDevice device, InsteonDeviceStatus status)
            //note: because the parent caller of this event is an InsteonDevice which is processing a current message received event, it's not been "reset" and we cannot
            //make a call to GetOnLevel for dimmable devices as no response will be handled. We must "ask" ST to make another rest call to obtain current state. All we can 
            //do here is tell it there is an update.

            string path = $"{rootPath}deviceupdate/{device.Address}/{status}";
            var request = new RestRequest(path, Method.PUT) { RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json };

            request.AddQueryParameter("access_token", settings.AccessToken);

            var response = client.Execute(request);

            logger.InfoFormat("Content Returend from ST: {0}", response.Content);
            return response.Content.Contains("ok");
 internal InsteonDeviceEventArgs(InsteonDevice device)
     Device = device;
 internal InsteonDeviceEventArgs(InsteonDevice device)
     Device = device;