//Constructors public Airport(String Country, String Region, String ICAOcode) { country = Country; region = Region; icaocode = ICAOcode; countryDataSet = null; regionDataSet = null; icaocodeDataSet = null; }
// Name: regionComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged // // Description: // This event causes the airportComboBox to be populated with // results restricted by region. // Cursor is updated during the loading of data. // // Inputs: // sender Form control object // e Event arguments // // Outputs: // departAirportComboBox // arriveAirportComboBox // profileAirportComboBox // // Returns: // None. // // History: // 02-Oct-2006 ([email protected]) // Created. private void regionComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ComboBox comboBox = (ComboBox)sender; AirportDataSet airportDataSet = new AirportDataSet(); int direction = DEPART; if ((comboBox.SelectedValue != null) && (comboBox.SelectedIndex >= 0)) { if (sender == departRegionComboBox) { departing.icaocode = comboBox.SelectedValue.ToString(); departIatacodeBindingSource.DataSource = airportDataSet.Tables["airport"]; departAirportComboBox.DataSource = departIatacodeBindingSource; iataCodeComboBox = departAirportComboBox; } if (sender == arriveRegionComboBox) { direction = ARRIVE; arriving.icaocode = comboBox.SelectedValue.ToString(); arriveIatacodeBindingSource.DataSource = airportDataSet.Tables["airport"]; arriveAirportComboBox.DataSource = arriveIatacodeBindingSource; iataCodeComboBox = arriveAirportComboBox; } if (sender == profileRegionComboBox) { profile.icaocode = comboBox.SelectedValue.ToString(); profileIatacodeBindingSource.DataSource = airportDataSet.Tables["airport"]; profileAirportComboBox.DataSource = profileIatacodeBindingSource; iataCodeComboBox = profileAirportComboBox; } this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; LoadAirport(direction, comboBox.SelectedValue.ToString(), airportDataSet.Tables["airport"]); if (airportDataSet.Tables["airport"].Rows.Count > 0) { ShowAirportNames(direction, comboBox.SelectedValue.ToString(), airportDataSet.Tables["airportName"]); } else { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show(rm.GetString("EmptyAirport"), rm.GetString("EmptyResultsCaption"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } iataCodeComboBox.Enabled = true; this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow; } }
public Airport(String Country) { country = Country; region = null; icaocode = null; countryDataSet = null; regionDataSet = null; icaocodeDataSet = null; }