Greedy() 공개 메소드

public Greedy ( int k ) : double>.Tuple
k int
리턴 double>.Tuple
예제 #1
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: zshwuhan/CIM
        public static Tuple <List <int>, double> UnifiedCGreedy(Graph graph, Bipartite bg, List <int> Type, double c, double B, double alpha)
            List <double> P = new List <double>();

            for (int id = 0; id < Type.Count; ++id)
                int    type = Type[id];
                double p;
                if (type == 1)
                    p = c * c;
                else if (type == 2)
                    p = c;
                    p = (2 - c) * c;

            int k = (int)(B / c);
            Tuple <List <int>, double> tup = bg.Greedy(k, P);

            Console.WriteLine("seeds have been selected");
예제 #2
        public static void CoordinateDescentAlgCommonHyperGraphOneAlpha(Graph graph)
            StreamReader initial = new StreamReader(filepath + "_ini100.txt");
            List <int>   seeds   = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            double alpha = 0.6; // Step of c of searching the best discount in th Unified Discount Algorithm

            while (alpha <= 1.0)
                Bipartite bg = new Bipartite(filepath, alpha, graph.numV);
                int       b  = 10;
                while (b <= 50)
                // Build a random hyper graph with mH random hyper edges.
                    DateTime Hyper_start = DateTime.Now;
                    ICModel  icm         = new ICModel(alpha);
                    Tuple <List <int>, double> choose = bg.Greedy(b, seeds);
                    DateTime     Hyper_end            = DateTime.Now;
                    double       Hyper_time           = (Hyper_end - Hyper_start).TotalMilliseconds;
                    FileStream   outfile = new FileStream(filepath + "_2o.txt", FileMode.Append);
                    StreamWriter writer  = new StreamWriter(outfile);
                    writer.Write("Choose time:\t" + Hyper_time + "\t");

                    Hyper_start = DateTime.Now;
                    Tuple <double, double> results = icm.InfluenceSpread(graph, choose.Item1, 100);
                    Hyper_end  = DateTime.Now;
                    Hyper_time = (Hyper_end - Hyper_start).TotalMilliseconds;
                    string mem = Convert.ToString(Process.GetCurrentProcess().WorkingSet64 / 8 / 1024 / 1024);
                    writer.Write("Propagation time:\t" + Hyper_time + "\t");
                    writer.Write("a:" + alpha + "\tb:" + b + "\tave:" + results.Item1 + "\tstd:" + results.Item2 + "\tmemory:" + mem + "\n");
                    b += 10;
                alpha += 0.2;
예제 #3
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: zshwuhan/CIM
        public static Tuple <List <int>, double> UnifiedCGreedy(Graph graph, List <int> Type, double c, double B, double alpha)
            List <double> P = new List <double>();

            for (int id = 0; id < Type.Count; ++id)
                int    type = Type[id];
                double p;
                if (type == 1)
                    p = c * c;
                else if (type == 2)
                    p = c;
                    p = (2 - c) * c;

            ICModel            icm = new ICModel(alpha);
            int                mH  = GlobalVar.mH;
            List <List <int> > RR  = new List <List <int> >();

            for (int r = 0; r < mH; ++r)
                List <int> rSet = icm.RR(graph).ToList();
            Bipartite bg = new Bipartite(RR, graph.numV);

            Console.WriteLine("Hyper-graph has been built");
            int k = (int)(B / c);
            Tuple <List <int>, double> tup = bg.Greedy(k, P);

            Console.WriteLine("seeds have been selected");
예제 #4
        public static void CoordinateDescentAlgCommonHyperGraphOneAlpha(Graph graph)
            StreamReader  initial   = new StreamReader(filepath + "_ini100.txt");
            StreamReader  nodetype  = new StreamReader(filepath + "_typeo.txt");
            StreamReader  threshold = new StreamReader(filepath + "_tu.txt");
            List <double> thresh    = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < graph.numV; i++)
            List <int> type = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < graph.numV; i++)
                int flag = int.Parse(nodetype.ReadLine());
                if (flag == 0)
                else if (flag == 1)
            List <double> d = new List <double> {
                0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0
            List <double> cu = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < graph.numV; i++)
                double t = thresh[i];
                double p = 0.0;
                if (type[i] == 1)
                    p = System.Math.Pow(t, 0.5);
                else if (type[i] == 2)
                    p = t;
                    p = 1 - System.Math.Pow(1 - t, 0.5);
                foreach (double point in d)
                    if (point < p)
            List <int> seed = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            int mh = 0;

            if (filepath.Contains("Wiki"))
                mh = 250000;
            else if (filepath.Contains("CA"))
                mh = 2000000;
            else if (filepath.Contains("dblp"))
                mh = 20000000;
                mh = 40000000;
            double alpha = 0.8; // Step of c of searching the best discount in th Unified Discount Algorithm

            while (alpha <= 0.8)
                Bipartite bg = new Bipartite(filepath, alpha, graph.numV);
                double    b  = 10;
                while (b <= 10)
                // Build a random hyper graph with mH random hyper edges.
                    DateTime Hyper_start = DateTime.Now;
                    ICModel  icm         = new ICModel(alpha);
                    Tuple <List <int>, double> realize = bg.Greedy(cu, b, seed);
                    DateTime     Hyper_end             = DateTime.Now;
                    double       Hyper_time            = (Hyper_end - Hyper_start).TotalMilliseconds;
                    FileStream   outfile = new FileStream(filepath + "_5o.txt", FileMode.Append);
                    StreamWriter writer  = new StreamWriter(outfile);

                    Hyper_start = DateTime.Now;
                    Tuple <double, double> results = icm.InfluenceSpread(graph, realize.Item1, 200);
                    Hyper_end = DateTime.Now;
                    writer.Write("Choose time:" + Hyper_time + "\t");
                    Hyper_time = (Hyper_end - Hyper_start).TotalMilliseconds;
                    string mem = Convert.ToString(Process.GetCurrentProcess().WorkingSet64 / 8 / 1024 / 1024);
                    writer.Write("Propagation time:" + Hyper_time + "\t");
                    writer.Write("a:" + alpha + "\tb:" + b + "\tave:" + results.Item1 + "\tstd:" + results.Item2 + "\tmemory:" + mem + "\n");
                    b += 10.0;
                alpha += 0.2;
예제 #5
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: zshwuhan/CIM
        public static void CoordinateDescentAlgCommonHyperGraphOneAlpha(Graph graph, List <int> Type, string RsltDir)
            double       b      = GlobalVar.b; // Step of c of searching the best discount in th Unified Discount Algorithm
            double       alpha  = GlobalVar.Alpha;
            string       Dir    = RsltDir + "/Alpha=" + alpha;
            string       Path   = Dir + "/AllResults.txt";
            StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(Path);

            // Build a random hyper graph with mH random hyper edges.
            DateTime Hyper_start = DateTime.Now;
            ICModel  icm         = new ICModel(alpha);
            int      mH          = GlobalVar.mH;

            List <List <int> > RR = new List <List <int> >();

            for (int r = 0; r < mH; ++r)
                List <int> rSet = icm.RR(graph).ToList();
                if (r > 0 && r % 100000 == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine(r + " samples");
            Bipartite bg         = new Bipartite(RR, graph.numV);
            DateTime  Hyper_end  = DateTime.Now;
            double    Hyper_time = (Hyper_end - Hyper_start).TotalMilliseconds;

            Console.WriteLine("Hyper-graph has been built");

            writer.WriteLine("Hyper-graph time:\t" + Hyper_time);

            for (int ind = GlobalVar.St; ind <= GlobalVar.End; ++ind)
                double B = ind * 10.0;


                // Unified Discount Algorithm
                DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
                List <Tuple <List <int>, double> > Res = new List <Tuple <List <int>, double> >();
                for (int i = 1; i <= 20; ++i)
                    double c = i * b;
                    Tuple <List <int>, double> tup = UnifiedCGreedy(graph, bg, Type, c, B, alpha);
                    Console.WriteLine("Alpha=" + alpha + "\tc=" + c + "\t" + tup.Item2);

                // Discrete Influence Maximization
                double   IM_greedy                = 0;
                DateTime IM_greedy_start          = DateTime.Now;
                Tuple <List <int>, double> tup_IM = UnifiedCGreedy(graph, bg, Type, 20 * b, B, alpha);
                Console.WriteLine("Alpha=" + alpha + "\tc=1\t" + tup_IM.Item2);
                DateTime IM_greedy_end = DateTime.Now;
                IM_greedy = (IM_greedy_end - IM_greedy_start).TotalMilliseconds;

                //Influence Maximization results
                double     IM_sp    = Res[Res.Count - 1].Item2;
                List <int> IM_seeds = Res[Res.Count - 1].Item1;
                double     IM_ts    = Hyper_time + IM_greedy;

                // Unified Discount results (except standard deviation)
                int max_i = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < Res.Count - 1; ++i)
                    if (Res[i].Item2 > Res[max_i].Item2)
                        max_i = i;
                DateTime UC_endTime = DateTime.Now;
                Console.WriteLine("Best c=" + (max_i + 1) * b + "\t" + Res[max_i].Item2);
                double     UC_sp    = Res[max_i].Item2;
                List <int> UC_seeds = Res[max_i].Item1;
                double     UC_ts    = (UC_endTime - startTime).TotalMilliseconds + Hyper_time;

                // Proceed to Coordinate Descent. Use the best result of Unified Discount as initial value
                double            init_c     = (max_i + 1) * b;
                List <int>        initNodes  = UC_seeds;
                CoordinateDescent cd         = new CoordinateDescent(graph, bg, initNodes, init_c, Type, GlobalVar.batch_num, alpha, GlobalVar.mH);
                List <double>     C          = cd.IterativeMinimize();
                DateTime          CD_endTime = DateTime.Now;
                double            CD_ts      = (CD_endTime - startTime).TotalMilliseconds + Hyper_time;

                // Evaluation using Monte Carlo Simulations
                List <Pair> IM_P = new List <Pair>();
                foreach (int u in IM_seeds)
                    Pair pair = new Pair(u, 1.0);

                List <Pair> UC_P = new List <Pair>();
                foreach (int u in UC_seeds)
                    double p = 0;
                    if (Type[u] == 1)
                        p = init_c * init_c;
                    else if (Type[u] == 2)
                        p = init_c;
                        p = (2 - init_c) * init_c;
                    Pair pair = new Pair(u, p);

                List <Pair> CD_P = new List <Pair>();
                for (int i = 0; i < graph.numV; ++i)
                    double p = 0;
                    if (Type[i] == 1)
                        p = C[i] * C[i];
                    else if (Type[i] == 2)
                        p = C[i];
                        p = (2 - C[i]) * C[i];
                    Pair pair = new Pair(i, p);

                    if (p > GlobalVar.epsilon)

                // //ICModel icm = new ICModel(alpha);
                Tuple <double, double> IM_tup = icm.InfluenceSpread(graph, IM_P, GlobalVar.MC);
                Tuple <double, double> UC_tup = icm.InfluenceSpread(graph, UC_P, GlobalVar.MC);
                Tuple <double, double> CD_tup = icm.InfluenceSpread(graph, CD_P, GlobalVar.MC);

                double Numerator = 2 * graph.numV * (1 - 1.0 / Math.E) * (Math.Log(Cnk(graph.numV, (int)B)) + Math.Log(graph.numV) + Math.Log(2.0));
                double appro     = 1 - 1.0 / Math.E - Math.Sqrt(Numerator / (IM_tup.Item1 * (double)GlobalVar.mH));
                writer.WriteLine("B=" + B);
                writer.WriteLine("IM:\t" + IM_tup.Item1 + "\t" + IM_tup.Item2 + "\t" + IM_ts + "\t" + appro);
                writer.WriteLine("UC:\t" + UC_tup.Item1 + "\t" + UC_tup.Item2 + "\t" + UC_ts);
                writer.WriteLine("CD:\t" + CD_tup.Item1 + "\t" + CD_tup.Item2 + "\t" + CD_ts);

                string       outPath   = Dir + "/B=" + B + ".txt";
                StreamWriter outWriter = new StreamWriter(outPath);
                outWriter.WriteLine("IM\t" + IM_ts + "\t" + IM_seeds.Count);
                foreach (int u in IM_seeds)
                    outWriter.WriteLine(u + "\t1\t1");

                outWriter.WriteLine("UC\t" + UC_ts + "\t" + UC_seeds.Count);
                foreach (Pair pair in UC_P)
                    outWriter.WriteLine( + "\t" + init_c + "\t" + pair.prob);

                outWriter.WriteLine("CD\t" + CD_ts + "\t" + CD_P.Count);
                foreach (Pair pair in CD_P)
                    outWriter.WriteLine( + "\t" + C[] + "\t" + pair.prob);

                string       ccurvePath = Dir + "/curve_c(" + B + ").txt";
                StreamWriter cWriter    = new StreamWriter(ccurvePath);
                for (int i = 0; i < Res.Count; ++i)
                    double c = (i + 1) * b;
                    cWriter.WriteLine(c + "\t" + Res[i].Item2);
예제 #6
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: IDEAL-Lab/CIM
        public static Tuple<List<int>, double> UnifiedCGreedy(Graph graph, Bipartite bg, List<int> Type, double c, double B, double alpha)
            List<double> P = new List<double>();
            for (int id = 0; id < Type.Count; ++id)
                int type = Type[id];
                double p;
                if (type == 1)
                    p = c * c;
                else if (type == 2)
                    p = c;
                    p = (2 - c) * c;

            int k = (int)(B / c);
            Tuple<List<int>, double> tup = bg.Greedy(k, P);
            Console.WriteLine("seeds have been selected");
            return tup;
예제 #7
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: IDEAL-Lab/CIM
        public static Tuple<List<int>, double> UnifiedCGreedy(Graph graph, List<int> Type, double c, double B, double alpha)
            List<double> P = new List<double>();
            for (int id = 0; id < Type.Count; ++id)
                int type = Type[id];
                double p;
                if (type == 1)
                    p = c * c;
                else if (type == 2)
                    p = c;
                    p = (2 - c) * c;

            ICModel icm = new ICModel(alpha);
            int mH = GlobalVar.mH;
            List<List<int>> RR = new List<List<int>>();
            for (int r = 0; r < mH; ++r)
                List<int> rSet = icm.RR(graph).ToList();
            Bipartite bg = new Bipartite(RR, graph.numV);
            Console.WriteLine("Hyper-graph has been built");
            int k = (int)(B / c);
            Tuple<List<int>, double> tup = bg.Greedy(k, P);
            Console.WriteLine("seeds have been selected");
            return tup;
예제 #8
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: IDEAL-Lab/CIM
        public static void CoordinateDescentAlgCommonHyperGraphOneAlpha(Graph graph, List<int> Type, string RsltDir)
            double b = GlobalVar.b; // Step of c of searching the best discount in th Unified Discount Algorithm
            double alpha = GlobalVar.Alpha;
            string Dir = RsltDir + "/Alpha=" + alpha;
            string Path = Dir + "/AllResults.txt";
            StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(Path);

            // Build a random hyper graph with mH random hyper edges.
            DateTime Hyper_start = DateTime.Now;
            ICModel icm = new ICModel(alpha);
            int mH = GlobalVar.mH;
            List<List<int>> RR = new List<List<int>>();
            for (int r = 0; r < mH; ++r)
                List<int> rSet = icm.RR(graph).ToList();
                if (r > 0 && r % 100000 == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine(r + " samples");
            Bipartite bg = new Bipartite(RR, graph.numV);
            DateTime Hyper_end = DateTime.Now;
            double Hyper_time = (Hyper_end - Hyper_start).TotalMilliseconds;
            Console.WriteLine("Hyper-graph has been built");

            writer.WriteLine("Hyper-graph time:\t" + Hyper_time);

            for (int ind = GlobalVar.St; ind <= GlobalVar.End; ++ind)
                double B = ind * 10.0;


                // Unified Discount Algorithm
                DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
                List<Tuple<List<int>, double>> Res = new List<Tuple<List<int>, double>>();
                for (int i = 1; i*b - 1.0 <= 1e-4; ++i)
                    double c = i * b;
                    Tuple<List<int>, double> tup = UnifiedCGreedy(graph, bg, Type, c, B, alpha);
                    Console.WriteLine("Alpha=" + alpha + "\tc=" + c + "\t" + tup.Item2);

                // Discrete Influence Maximization
                double IM_greedy = 0;
                DateTime IM_greedy_start = DateTime.Now;
                Tuple<List<int>, double> tup_IM = UnifiedCGreedy(graph, bg, Type, 20 * b, B, alpha);
                Console.WriteLine("Alpha=" + alpha + "\tc=1\t" + tup_IM.Item2);
                DateTime IM_greedy_end = DateTime.Now;
                IM_greedy = (IM_greedy_end - IM_greedy_start).TotalMilliseconds;

                //Influence Maximization results
                double IM_sp = Res[Res.Count - 1].Item2;
                List<int> IM_seeds = Res[Res.Count - 1].Item1;
                double IM_ts = Hyper_time + IM_greedy;

                // Unified Discount results (except standard deviation)
                int max_i = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < Res.Count - 1; ++i)
                    if (Res[i].Item2 > Res[max_i].Item2)
                        max_i = i;
                DateTime UC_endTime = DateTime.Now;
                Console.WriteLine("Best c=" + (max_i + 1) * b + "\t" + Res[max_i].Item2);
                double UC_sp = Res[max_i].Item2;
                List<int> UC_seeds = Res[max_i].Item1;
                double UC_ts = (UC_endTime - startTime).TotalMilliseconds + Hyper_time;

                // Proceed to Coordinate Descent. Use the best result of Unified Discount as initial value
                double init_c = (max_i + 1) * b;
                List<int> initNodes = UC_seeds;
                CoordinateDescent cd = new CoordinateDescent(graph, bg, initNodes, init_c, Type, GlobalVar.batch_num, alpha, GlobalVar.mH);
                List<double> C = cd.IterativeMinimize();
                DateTime CD_endTime = DateTime.Now;
                double CD_ts = (CD_endTime - startTime).TotalMilliseconds + Hyper_time;

                // Evaluation using Monte Carlo Simulations
                List<Pair> IM_P = new List<Pair>();
                foreach (int u in IM_seeds)
                    Pair pair = new Pair(u, 1.0);

                List<Pair> UC_P = new List<Pair>();
                foreach (int u in UC_seeds)
                    double p = 0;
                    if (Type[u] == 1)
                        p = init_c * init_c;
                    else if (Type[u] == 2)
                        p = init_c;
                        p = (2 - init_c) * init_c;
                    Pair pair = new Pair(u, p);

                List<Pair> CD_P = new List<Pair>();
                for (int i = 0; i < graph.numV; ++i)
                    double p = 0;
                    if (Type[i] == 1)
                        p = C[i] * C[i];
                    else if (Type[i] == 2)
                        p = C[i];
                        p = (2 - C[i]) * C[i];
                    Pair pair = new Pair(i, p);

                    if (p > GlobalVar.epsilon)

                // //ICModel icm = new ICModel(alpha);
                Tuple<double, double> IM_tup = icm.InfluenceSpread(graph, IM_P, GlobalVar.MC);
                Tuple<double, double> UC_tup = icm.InfluenceSpread(graph, UC_P, GlobalVar.MC);
                Tuple<double, double> CD_tup = icm.InfluenceSpread(graph, CD_P, GlobalVar.MC);

                double Numerator = 2 * graph.numV * (1 - 1.0 / Math.E) * (Math.Log(Cnk(graph.numV, (int)B)) + Math.Log(graph.numV) + Math.Log(2.0));
                double appro = 1 - 1.0 / Math.E - Math.Sqrt(Numerator / (IM_tup.Item1*(double)GlobalVar.mH));
                writer.WriteLine("B=" + B);
                writer.WriteLine("IM:\t" + IM_tup.Item1 + "\t" + IM_tup.Item2 + "\t" + IM_ts + "\t" + appro);
                writer.WriteLine("UC:\t" + UC_tup.Item1 + "\t" + UC_tup.Item2 + "\t" + UC_ts);
                writer.WriteLine("CD:\t" + CD_tup.Item1 + "\t" + CD_tup.Item2 + "\t" + CD_ts);

                string outPath = Dir + "/B=" + B + ".txt";
                StreamWriter outWriter = new StreamWriter(outPath);
                outWriter.WriteLine("IM\t" + IM_ts + "\t" + IM_seeds.Count);
                foreach (int u in IM_seeds)
                    outWriter.WriteLine(u + "\t1\t1");

                outWriter.WriteLine("UC\t" + UC_ts + "\t" + UC_seeds.Count);
                foreach (Pair pair in UC_P)
                    outWriter.WriteLine( + "\t" + init_c + "\t" + pair.prob);

                outWriter.WriteLine("CD\t" + CD_ts + "\t" + CD_P.Count);
                foreach (Pair pair in CD_P)
                    outWriter.WriteLine( + "\t" + C[] + "\t" + pair.prob);

                string ccurvePath = Dir + "/curve_c(" + B + ").txt";
                StreamWriter cWriter = new StreamWriter(ccurvePath);
                for (int i = 0; i < Res.Count; ++i)
                    double c = (i + 1) * b;
                    cWriter.WriteLine(c + "\t" + Res[i].Item2);

            ProcessData4Visual.Fig3(Path, Dir + "/Fig3.txt");
            ProcessData4Visual.Fig4(Path, Dir + "/Fig4.txt");
            ProcessData4Visual.Fig5(Dir + "/curve_c(50).txt", Dir + "/Fig5.txt");
            ProcessData4Visual.Fig6(Path, Dir + "/Fig6.txt");