}//class private static void Create_BluetoothClient(out TestInquiryBtIf btIf, out BluetoothClient cli) { // Ensure this is setup, as we call it from a thread which will not work. TestUtilities.IsUnderTestHarness(); // btIf = new TestInquiryBtIf(); TestRfcommPort port; Stream strm2; WidcommBluetoothClientCommsTest.Create_BluetoothClient(btIf, out port, out cli, out strm2); }
public BluetoothClientTestSocketPair() { TestRfCommIf rfcommIf; TestRfcommPort port; BluetoothClient cli; Stream strm2; WidcommBluetoothClientCommsTest.Create_ConnectedBluetoothClient( out rfcommIf, out port, out cli, out strm2); m_cliA = new BluetoothClientWrapper(cli); m_port = port; m_rfcommIf = rfcommIf; }
protected override void Create(out Stream peer, out ISocketPortBuffers socketBuffer) { TestRfCommIf iface; BluetoothClient cli; Stream tmpStrm2; TestRfcommPort port; WidcommBluetoothClientCommsTest.Create_ConnectedBluetoothClient(out iface, out port, out cli, out tmpStrm2); peer = cli.GetStream(); socketBuffer = new WidcommPortBuffers(port); // Start of with no capacity for write. socketBuffer.AllowWrite(0); }
//---- internal void Create_ConnectedBluetoothClient(out TestRfCommIf rfcommIf, out TestRfcommPort port, out BluetoothClient cli, out Stream strm2) { WidcommBluetoothClientCommsTest.Create_ConnectedBluetoothClient( out rfcommIf, out port, out cli, out strm2); }