public void LoadMap(MapData map) { = map; mySprites.Clear(); myPlatforms.Clear(); myWordSprites.Clear(); Vector2 center = myScreenSize / 2; Texture2D shadow = Content.Load<Texture2D>("shadow"); //Make a Platform Texture2D plat45 = Content.Load<Texture2D>("platform45squished"); foreach (PlatformData data in map.Platforms) { if (myAnimatedHero.Items.Contains(data.Item)) { data.Item = null; } PlatformSprite platform = new PlatformSprite(plat45, data); mySprites.Add(platform); myPlatforms.Add(platform); platform.LoadItemTextures(Content, shadow); } SpriteFont font = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("DefaultFont"); foreach (WordCloudData wordCloud in map.WordClouds) { foreach (WordData word in wordCloud.Words) { myWordSprites.Add(new WordSprite(word, font)); } } //It's important to keep Hero added after the other sprites! mySprites.Add(myAnimatedHero); myAnimatedHero.Reset(); int startIndex = map.Platforms.IndexOf(map.startPlatform); if (startIndex >= 0) { PlatformSprite startPlatform = myPlatforms[startIndex]; startPlatform.Update(0); myAnimatedHero.myPosition = myPlatforms[startIndex].myPosition; myAnimatedHero.currentPlatform = myPlatforms[startIndex]; } Update(new GameTime()); offset = center - myAnimatedHero.myPosition; }
public void UpdateCurrentPlatform(float elapsedTime, List<PlatformSprite> platforms) { foreach (PlatformSprite platform in platforms) { platform.UpdateHeroOnPlatform(currentPlatform == platform && IsGrounded && !falling, elapsedTime); } if (!IsGrounded || falling) return; currentPlatform = null; foreach (PlatformSprite platform in platforms) { if (platform.Solid && platform.Contains(myPosition)) { currentPlatform = platform; if (platform.Safe) { respawnPlatform = currentPlatform; } } platform.RespawnPlatform = respawnPlatform == platform; } }
public void UpdateCurrentPlatform(List<PlatformSprite> platforms) { if (!IsGrounded || falling) return; currentPlatform = null; foreach (PlatformSprite platform in platforms) { if (platform.Contains(myPosition)) { currentPlatform = platform; lastPlatform = currentPlatform; break; } } }
public override void Update(float elapsedTime) { base.Update(elapsedTime); myBook.Update((double)elapsedTime); if (currentPlatform == null) { falling = true; } if (falling) { myScale *= 0.9f; myVelocity = Vector2.Zero; if (myScale < 0.001f) { myScale = 1; myPositionZ = 0; myVelocityZ = 0; currentPlatform = respawnPlatform; if (currentPlatform != null) myPosition = currentPlatform.myPosition; falling = false; } return; } myVelocityZ += -2000f * elapsedTime; myPositionZ += myVelocityZ * elapsedTime; myPositionZ = Math.Max(myPositionZ, 0); float maxVel = 400; float slideFactor = (float)Math.Pow(, 0.1); float factor = 1f; if (!moved) { factor = 0.9f; if (IsGrounded) { if (!Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.L)) { factor = 0.3f + slideFactor * 0.7f; } } } myVelocity *= factor; Vector2 edge; if (IsGrounded && currentPlatform != null && (edge = currentPlatform.NearEdge(myPosition)) != Vector2.Zero) { Vector2 nV = myVelocity; nV.Normalize(); edge.Normalize(); if ((nV + edge).Length() > Math.Sqrt(2)) { myVelocity /= Math.Max(20 * (1 - slideFactor), 1); } } if (myVelocity.Length() > maxVel) { myVelocity *= maxVel / myVelocity.Length(); } if (currentPlatform != null) { if (IsGrounded) { if (currentPlatform.LastFrameMovement.Length() < MAX_PLATFORM_JUMP) { myPosition += currentPlatform.LastFrameMovement; } //pushoffVelocity = currentPlatform.Velocity; } else { myPosition += pushoffVelocity * elapsedTime; } } moved = false; float transTime = 0; if (currentPlatform != null) { if (currentPlatform.Item != null) { if ((myPosition - currentPlatform.Item.myPosition).Length() < 35) { currentPlatform.Item.IsCollected = true; Items.Add(; } } if (IsGrounded && currentPlatform.OnMapTransition(myPosition)) { transTime = transitionTime + elapsedTime; } } transitionTime = transTime; }
public override void Update(float elapsedTime) { base.Update(elapsedTime); if (currentPlatform == null) { falling = true; } if (falling) { myScale *= 0.9f; myVelocity = Vector2.Zero; if (myScale < 0.001f) { myScale = 1; myPositionZ = 0; myVelocityZ = 0; currentPlatform = lastPlatform; if (currentPlatform != null) myPosition = currentPlatform.myPosition; falling = false; } return; } myVelocityZ += -2000f * elapsedTime; myPositionZ += myVelocityZ * elapsedTime; myPositionZ = Math.Max(myPositionZ, 0); float maxVel = 400; if (!moved) { if (IsGrounded) { if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.L)) { myVelocity *= 0.9f; } else { myVelocity *= 0.3f; } } else { myVelocity *= 0.9f; } } if (myVelocity.Length() > maxVel) { myVelocity *= maxVel / myVelocity.Length(); } if (currentPlatform != null) { if (IsGrounded) { pushoffVelocity = currentPlatform.Velocity; } myPosition += pushoffVelocity * elapsedTime; Debug.WriteLine(currentPlatform.Velocity); } moved = false; }