XYZ2RGB() 공개 메소드

Converts a CIEXYZ color to a RGB color
public XYZ2RGB ( float4 _XYZ ) : float4
_XYZ float4
리턴 float4
예제 #1
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: Patapom/GodComplex
        void TestBlackBodyRadiation( TEST_COLOR_PROFILES _type )
            ColorProfile	sRGB = new ColorProfile( ColorProfile.STANDARD_PROFILE.sRGB );

            switch ( _type ) {
                // Load the color gamut and try and plot the locii of various white points
                    m_imageFile.Load( new System.IO.FileInfo( @"..\..\Images\In\xyGamut.png" ) );

                    float2	cornerZero = new float2( 114, 1336 );			// xy=(0.0, 0.0)
                    float2	cornerPoint8Point9 = new float2( 1257, 49 );	// xy=(0.8, 0.9)

            // Check XYZ<->RGB and XYZ<->xyY converter code
            // 			float3	xyY = new float3();
            // 			float3	XYZ = new float3();
            // float4	testRGB = new float4();
            // float4	testXYZ = new float4();
            // for ( int i=1; i <= 10; i++ ) {
            // 	float	f = i / 10.0f;
            // 	testRGB.Set( 1*f, 1*f, 1*f, 1.0f );
            // 	sRGB.RGB2XYZ( testRGB, ref testXYZ );
            // XYZ.Set( testXYZ.x, testXYZ.y, testXYZ.z );
            // ColorProfile.XYZ2xyY( XYZ, ref xyY );
            // ColorProfile.xyY2XYZ( xyY, ref XYZ );
            // testXYZ.Set( XYZ, 1.0f );
            // 	sRGB.XYZ2RGB( testXYZ, ref testRGB );
            // }

                    float2	xy = new float2();
                    float4	color = new float4( 1, 0, 0, 1 );
                    float4	color2 = new float4( 0, 0.5f, 1, 1 );
                    for ( int locusIndex=0; locusIndex < 20; locusIndex++ ) {
            //						float	T = 1500.0f + (8000.0f - 1500.0f) * locusIndex / 20.0f;
                        float	T = 1500.0f + 500.0f * locusIndex;

                        ColorProfile.ComputeWhitePointChromaticities( T, ref xy );

            // Plot with the color of the white point
            // ColorProfile.xyY2XYZ( new float3( xy, 1.0f ), ref XYZ );
            // sRGB.XYZ2RGB( new float4( XYZ, 1.0f ), ref color );

                        float2	fPos = cornerZero + (cornerPoint8Point9 - cornerZero) * new float2( xy.x / 0.8f, xy.y / 0.9f );
                        DrawPoint( (int) fPos.x, (int) fPos.y, 6, ref color );

                        ColorProfile.ComputeWhitePointChromaticitiesAnalytical( T, ref xy );
                        fPos = cornerZero + (cornerPoint8Point9 - cornerZero) * new float2( xy.x / 0.8f, xy.y / 0.9f );
                        DrawPoint( (int) fPos.x, (int) fPos.y, 3, ref color2 );


                    float3x3	whiteBalancingXYZ = float3x3.Identity;
                    float		whitePointCCT = 6500.0f;
                    if ( _type == TEST_COLOR_PROFILES.BUILD_WHITE_POINTS_GRADIENT_BALANCE_D50_TO_D65 ) {
                        // Compute white balancing from a D50 to a D65 illuminant
                        whiteBalancingXYZ = ColorProfile.ComputeWhiteBalanceXYZMatrix( ColorProfile.Chromaticities.AdobeRGB_D50, ColorProfile.ILLUMINANT_D65 );
                        whitePointCCT = 5000.0f;
                    } else if ( _type == TEST_COLOR_PROFILES.BUILD_WHITE_POINTS_GRADIENT_BALANCE_D65_TO_D50 ) {
                        // Compute white balancing from a D65 to a D50 illuminant
                        whiteBalancingXYZ = ColorProfile.ComputeWhiteBalanceXYZMatrix( ColorProfile.Chromaticities.sRGB, ColorProfile.ILLUMINANT_D50 );
                        whitePointCCT = 10000.0f;	// ?? Actually we're already in D65 so assuming we're starting from a D50 illuminant instead actually pushes the white point far away...

                    // Build a gradient of white points from 1500K to 8000K
                    m_imageFile.Init( 650, 32, ImageFile.PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA8, sRGB );

                    float4	RGB = new float4( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
                    float3	XYZ = new float3( 0, 0, 0 );
                    float2	xy = new float2();
                    for ( uint X=0; X < 650; X++ ) {
                        float	T = 1500 + 10 * X;	// From 1500K to 8000K
                        ColorProfile.ComputeWhitePointChromaticities( T, ref xy );

                        ColorProfile.xyY2XYZ( new float3( xy, 1.0f ), ref XYZ );

                        // Apply white balancing
                        XYZ *= whiteBalancingXYZ;

                        sRGB.XYZ2RGB( new float4( XYZ, 1 ), ref RGB );

            // "Normalize"
            //RGB /= Math.Max( Math.Max( RGB.x, RGB.y ), RGB.z );

            // Isolate D65
            if ( Math.Abs( T - whitePointCCT ) < 10.0f )
            RGB.Set( 1, 0, 1, 1 );

                        for ( uint Y=0; Y < 32; Y++ ) {
                            m_imageFile[X,Y] = RGB;

            // Check white balancing yields correct results
            // float3	XYZ_R_in = new float3();
            // float3	XYZ_G_in = new float3();
            // float3	XYZ_B_in = new float3();
            // float3	XYZ_W_in = new float3();
            // sRGB.RGB2XYZ( new float3( 1, 0, 0 ), ref XYZ_R_in );
            // sRGB.RGB2XYZ( new float3( 0, 1, 0 ), ref XYZ_G_in );
            // sRGB.RGB2XYZ( new float3( 0, 0, 1 ), ref XYZ_B_in );
            // sRGB.RGB2XYZ( new float3( 1, 1, 1 ), ref XYZ_W_in );
            // float3	XYZ_R_out = XYZ_R_in * XYZ_D65_D50;
            // float3	XYZ_G_out = XYZ_G_in * XYZ_D65_D50;
            // float3	XYZ_B_out = XYZ_B_in * XYZ_D65_D50;
            // float3	XYZ_W_out = XYZ_W_in * XYZ_D65_D50;

            // float3	xyY_R_out = new float3();
            // float3	xyY_G_out = new float3();
            // float3	xyY_B_out = new float3();
            // float3	xyY_W_out = new float3();
            // ColorProfile.XYZ2xyY( XYZ_R_out, ref xyY_R_out );
            // ColorProfile.XYZ2xyY( XYZ_G_out, ref xyY_G_out );
            // ColorProfile.XYZ2xyY( XYZ_B_out, ref xyY_B_out );
            // ColorProfile.XYZ2xyY( XYZ_W_out, ref xyY_W_out );

            panelColorProfile.Bitmap = m_imageFile.AsBitmap;
예제 #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Decodes a RGBE formatted image into a plain floating-point image
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="_Source">The source RGBE formatted image</param>
		/// <param name="_bSourceIsXYZ">Tells if the source image is encoded as XYZE rather than RGBE</param>
		/// <param name="_Target">The target float4 image</param>
		/// <param name="_bTargetNeedsXYZ">Tells if the target needs to be in CIE XYZ space (true) or RGB (false)</param>
		/// <param name="_ColorProfile">The color profile for the image</param>
		public static void			DecodeRGBEImage( PF_RGBE[,] _Source, bool _bSourceIsXYZ, float4[,] _Target, bool _bTargetNeedsXYZ, ColorProfile _ColorProfile )
			if ( _bSourceIsXYZ ^ _bTargetNeedsXYZ )
			{	// Requires conversion...
				if ( _bSourceIsXYZ )
				{	// Convert from XYZ to RGB
					for ( int Y=0; Y < _Source.GetLength( 1 ); Y++ )
						for ( int X=0; X < _Source.GetLength( 0 ); X++ )
							_Target[X,Y] = _ColorProfile.XYZ2RGB( new float4( _Source[X,Y].DecodedColor.x, _Source[X,Y].DecodedColor.y, _Source[X,Y].DecodedColor.z, 1.0f ) );
				{	// Convert from RGB to XYZ
					for ( int Y=0; Y < _Source.GetLength( 1 ); Y++ )
						for ( int X=0; X < _Source.GetLength( 0 ); X++ )
							_Target[X,Y] = _ColorProfile.RGB2XYZ( new float4( _Source[X,Y].DecodedColor.x, _Source[X,Y].DecodedColor.y, _Source[X,Y].DecodedColor.z, 1.0f ) );

			// Simply decode vector and leave as-is
			for ( int Y=0; Y < _Source.GetLength( 1 ); Y++ )
				for ( int X=0; X < _Source.GetLength( 0 ); X++ )
					_Target[X,Y] = new float4( _Source[X,Y].DecodedColor.x, _Source[X,Y].DecodedColor.y, _Source[X,Y].DecodedColor.z, 1.0f );