예제 #1
 public Layer Copy(Layer layer)
   Layer copy = (Layer)layer.Clone();
   return copy;
예제 #2
 public Layer Add(Int32 width, Int32 height)
   Layer layer = new Layer(width, height);
   return layer;
예제 #3
 public Layer Add(FastBitmap bitmap)
   Layer layer = new Layer(bitmap);
   return layer;
예제 #4
 public Layer Add()
   Layer layer = new Layer(_image.Width, _image.Height);
   return layer;
예제 #5
    public void BumpMap(Layer bumpmap, Int32 azimuth, Int32 elevation,
      Int32 bevelwidth, Boolean lightzalways1)

      for (Int32 row = 0; row < _bitmap.Height; row++) 
        for (Int32 col = 0; col < _bitmap.Width; col++) 

          // calculate normal for point (col, row)
          // this is an approximation of the derivative
          // I personally haven't figured out why it's
          // the way it is
          // normal_z is constant, I think this means
          // the longer the vector is, the more it lays
          // in the xy plane

          Byte[] x = new Byte[6];

          x[0] = GetBumpMapPixel(bumpmap._bitmap, col - 1, row - 1);
          x[1] = GetBumpMapPixel(bumpmap._bitmap, col - 1, row - 0);
          x[2] = GetBumpMapPixel(bumpmap._bitmap, col - 1, row + 1);
          x[3] = GetBumpMapPixel(bumpmap._bitmap, col + 1, row - 1);
          x[4] = GetBumpMapPixel(bumpmap._bitmap, col + 1, row - 0);
          x[5] = GetBumpMapPixel(bumpmap._bitmap, col + 1, row + 1);

          Single normal_x = x[0] + x[1] + x[2] - x[3] - x[4] - x[5];

          x[0] = GetBumpMapPixel(bumpmap._bitmap, col - 1, row + 1);
          x[1] = GetBumpMapPixel(bumpmap._bitmap, col - 0, row + 1);
          x[2] = GetBumpMapPixel(bumpmap._bitmap, col + 1, row + 1);
          x[3] = GetBumpMapPixel(bumpmap._bitmap, col - 1, row - 1);
          x[4] = GetBumpMapPixel(bumpmap._bitmap, col - 0, row - 1);
          x[5] = GetBumpMapPixel(bumpmap._bitmap, col + 1, row - 1);

          Single normal_y = x[0] + x[1] + x[2] - x[3] - x[4] - x[5];

          Single normal_z = (6F * 255F) / bevelwidth;

          Single length = (Single)Math.Sqrt(
            normal_x * normal_x +
            normal_y * normal_y +
            normal_z * normal_z);

          if (length != 0) 
            normal_x /= length;
            normal_y /= length;
            normal_z /= length;

          // convert to radians

          Double azimuth_rad = azimuth / 180.0 * Math.PI;
          Double elevation_rad = elevation / 180.0 * Math.PI;

          // light vector -- this is the location of the light
          // source but it also serves as the direction with
          // origin <0, 0, 0>
          // the formulas to calculate x, y and z are those to
          // rotate a point in 3D space
          // if lightzalways1 is true, light_z is set to 1
          // because we want full color intensity for that pixel;
          // if we set light_z to (Single)Math.Sin(elevation_rad),
          // which is the correct way to calculate light_z, the
          // color is more dark, but when we ignore light_z, the
          // light source is straight above the pixel and
          // therefore sin(elevation_rad) is always 1

          Single light_x = (Single)(Math.Cos(azimuth_rad) * 
          Single light_y = (Single)(Math.Sin(azimuth_rad) * 
          Single light_z = 1F;
          if (!lightzalways1)
            light_z = (Single)Math.Sin(elevation_rad);

          // the normal and light vector are unit vectors, so
          // taking the dot product of these two yields the
          // cosine of the angle between them

          Single cos_light_normal = 0;
          cos_light_normal += normal_x * light_x;
          cos_light_normal += normal_y * light_y;
          cos_light_normal += normal_z * light_z;

          // get pixel (col, row) of this layer, calculate color
          // and set pixel back with new color

          Color c = _bitmap.GetPixel(col, row);
          Single r = c.R;
          Single g = c.G;
          Single b = c.B;
          r *= cos_light_normal;
          g *= cos_light_normal;
          b *= cos_light_normal;
          Byte red = (Byte)Math.Min(Math.Round(r), 255);
          Byte green = (Byte)Math.Min(Math.Round(g), 255);
          Byte blue = (Byte)Math.Min(Math.Round(b), 255);
          _bitmap.SetPixel(col, row, Color.FromArgb(red, green, blue));

예제 #6
 public Object Clone()
   Layer clone = new Layer(_bitmap.Width, _bitmap.Height);
   clone._bitmap = (FastBitmap)_bitmap.Clone();
   return clone;