private UrlPair GetNextUrl() { UrlPair url = null; lock (lockThis) { if (this.currentUrlIndex < this.urls.Count) { Logger.Info("get url at count: {0}/{1}", this.currentUrlIndex, this.urls.Count); url = this.urls[this.currentUrlIndex++]; } } return(url); }
private void RakerThread(object param) { int threadId = (int)param; Logger.Log("thread{0}: started", threadId); try { using (HttpWebUtility http = new HttpWebUtility()) { UrlPair urlpair = null; while ((urlpair = GetNextUrl()) != null) { string filepath = filePathMaker.MakeFilePath(urlpair.Url, fileNameMakingMethod); bool reportSucceed = true; urlpair.Filename = filepath; Logger.Log(" thread{0}: saving url: {1} to file: {2} (referer: {3})", threadId, urlpair.Url, filepath, urlpair.RefererUrl); if (!AllowOverwrite() && File.Exists(filepath)) { // duplicated Logger.Log(" thread{0}: file already exists! continue to next url.", threadId); urlpair.Result = UrlPair.SaveResult.Duplicated; numOfDuplicated++; reportSucceed = false; } else { try { http.SaveContentToFile(urlpair.Url, filepath, urlpair.RefererUrl); ExceptionTester.Instance.Throw("exception"); } catch (ThreadAbortException ex) { Logger.Warn(" thread{0}: ThreadAbortException raised.", threadId); throw; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Warn(" thread{0}: exception has occured during saving image. '{1}'. try again, using encoded refererurl", threadId, ex.Message); // try again, using encoded refererurl try { // refererUrl에 한글이 포함되어있으면 exception이 발생하므로 인코딩 해줘야 함. http.SaveContentToFile(urlpair.Url, filepath, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(urlpair.RefererUrl)); ExceptionTester.Instance.Throw("savecontenttofile"); } catch (ThreadAbortException ex2) { Logger.Warn(" thread{0}: ThreadAbortException raised.", threadId); throw; } catch (Exception ex2) { Logger.Warn(" thread{0}: exception has occured during saving image. '{1}'", threadId, ex2.Message); reportSucceed = false; } } if (reportSucceed) { Logger.Log(" thread{0}: {1} saved.", threadId, filepath); urlpair.Result = UrlPair.SaveResult.Saved; lock (lockThis) { numOfSucceed++; } } else { Logger.Warn(" thread{0}: {1} save failed.", threadId, filepath); urlpair.Result = UrlPair.SaveResult.Failed; lock (lockThis) { numOfFailed++; } } } // notify lock (lockThis) { if (Progress != null) { // this.currentUrlIndex를 사용하지 않는 이유는, 전부 다 돼서 current == url.length인데, // 락에 걸려서 progressbar performstep은 아직 다 안됐을 경우 자연스럽게 보이기 위함. Progress(urlpair.Url, reportSucceed, urls.Count); } } } } } catch (ThreadAbortException ex) { Logger.Warn("thread{0}: ThreadAbortException raised. aborting thread.", threadId); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Warn("thread{0}: exception has occured in work thread. '{1}'", threadId, ex.Message); } finally { Logger.Log("thread{0}: terminated.", threadId); this.manualEvents[threadId].Set(); } }