예제 #1
        private void btnGaussSmooth_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int    tap  = Int16.Parse(txtGaussSigma.Text);                                         //ϴ(1)
            string seed = textBox1.Text;                                                           //ϴ(1)
            // start stopwatch
            Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();                                                 // ϴ(1)

            stopWatch.Start();                                                                     // ϴ(1)

            TimeSpan ts;                                                                           // ϴ(1)
            string   elapsedTime;                                                                  // ϴ(1)

            RGBPixel[,] image3 = new RGBPixel[ImageMatrix.GetLength(0), ImageMatrix.GetLength(1)]; // ϴ(1)
            Array.Copy(ImageMatrix, image3, ImageMatrix.GetLength(0) * ImageMatrix.GetLength(1));  // ϴ(N^2) where n is the largest between width and height
            ImageMatrix = ImageOperations.encrypt(ImageMatrix, tap, seed);                         // ϴ(N^2) where n is the largest between width and height

            ImageOperations.DisplayImage(ImageMatrix, pictureBox2);                                // ϴ(N^2) where n is the largest between width and height
            ts = stopWatch.Elapsed;                                                                // ϴ(1)
            // Format and display the TimeSpan value.
            elapsedTime = String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:00}",
                                        ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds,
                                        ts.Milliseconds / 10);                                                                              // ϴ(1)
            label10.Text = elapsedTime;                                                                                                     // ϴ(1)

            PriorityQueue redQ   = new PriorityQueue();                                                                                     // ϴ(1)
            PriorityQueue greenQ = new PriorityQueue();                                                                                     // ϴ(1)
            PriorityQueue blueQ  = new PriorityQueue();                                                                                     // ϴ(1)

            ImageOperations.getFrequency(ImageMatrix, redQ, greenQ, blueQ);                                                                 // ϴ(N^2) where n is the largest between width and height
            Huffman huffmanRed       = new Huffman(redQ);                                                                                   // ϴ(n log n) where n is the largest between width and height
            Huffman huffmanGreen     = new Huffman(greenQ);                                                                                 // ϴ(n log n) where n is the largest between width and height
            Huffman huffmanBlue      = new Huffman(blueQ);                                                                                  // ϴ(n log n) where n is the largest between width and height
            double  originalSize     = ImageMatrix.GetLength(0) * ImageMatrix.GetLength(1) * 8 * 3;                                         // ϴ(1)
            double  compressedSize   = huffmanRed.getCompressedSize() + huffmanGreen.getCompressedSize() + huffmanBlue.getCompressedSize(); // ϴ(1)
            double  compressionRatio = (compressedSize / originalSize) * 100;                                                               // ϴ(1)

            compressRatio.Text = compressionRatio + "%";                                                                                    // ϴ(1)
            Compression.compress(ImageMatrix, huffmanRed, huffmanGreen, huffmanBlue, seed, short.Parse(txtGaussSigma.Text));                // ϴ(N^2) where n is the largest between width and height
            ts = stopWatch.Elapsed;                                                                                                         // ϴ(1)
            // Format and display the TimeSpan value.
            elapsedTime = String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:00}",
                                        ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds,
                                        ts.Milliseconds / 10);                       // ϴ(1)

            label12.Text = elapsedTime;                                              // ϴ(1)

            RGBPixel[,] ImageMatrix2 = Compression.decompress("compressEncode.bin"); // ϴ(N^2) where n is the largest between width and height
            ImageOperations.DisplayImage(ImageMatrix2, pictureBox3);                 // ϴ(N^2) where n is the largest between width and height
            ts = stopWatch.Elapsed;                                                  // ϴ(1)
            // Format and display the TimeSpan value.
            elapsedTime = String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:00}",
                                        ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds,
                                        ts.Milliseconds / 10); // ϴ(1)

            label11.Text = elapsedTime;                        // ϴ(1)
            stopWatch.Stop();                                  // ϴ(1)
예제 #2
        public static RGBPixel[,] decompress(string path)
            int fileoffset;//Θ(1)

            byte[]  fileData    = FileToByteArray(path);
            int     RedTreesize = BitConverter.ToInt32(fileData, 0);                                                                                  //Θ(1)  n=4
            Huffman huffmanRed  = new Huffman(getPriorityQueue(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(fileData, 4, RedTreesize)));                                  //Θ(N) n is size of redTree

            int     greenTreesize = BitConverter.ToInt32(fileData, RedTreesize + 4);                                                                  //Θ(1)  n=4
            Huffman huffmanGreen  = new Huffman(getPriorityQueue(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(fileData, 8 + RedTreesize, greenTreesize)));                //Θ(N) n is size of greenTree

            int     blueTreesize = BitConverter.ToInt32(fileData, 8 + greenTreesize + RedTreesize);                                                   //Θ(1)  n=4
            Huffman huffmanBlue  = new Huffman(getPriorityQueue(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(fileData, 12 + greenTreesize + RedTreesize, blueTreesize))); //Θ(N) n is size of blueTree

            fileoffset = RedTreesize + blueTreesize + greenTreesize + 12;                                                                             //Θ(1)

            int width = BitConverter.ToInt32(fileData, fileoffset);                                                                                   //Θ(1)  n=4

            fileoffset += 4;                                                                                                                          //Θ(1)
            int height = BitConverter.ToInt32(fileData, fileoffset);                                                                                  //Θ(1)  n=4

            fileoffset += 4;                                                                                                                          //Θ(1)
            int seedLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(fileData, fileoffset);                                                                              //Θ(1)  n=4

            fileoffset += 4;                                                                                                                          //Θ(1)

            string seed = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(fileData, fileoffset, seedLength);                                                                 //Θ(N) n is size of Seed

            fileoffset += seedLength;                                                                                                                 //Θ(1)

            int tap = (int)BitConverter.ToInt16(fileData, fileoffset);                                                                                //Θ(1)  n=2

            fileoffset += 2;                                                                                                                          //Θ(1)

            int redL = BitConverter.ToInt32(fileData, fileoffset);                                                                                    //Θ(1)  n=4

            fileoffset += 4;                                                                                                                          //Θ(1)

            int greenL = BitConverter.ToInt32(fileData, fileoffset);                                                                                  //Θ(1)  n=4

            fileoffset += 4;                                                                                                                          //Θ(1)

            int blueL = BitConverter.ToInt32(fileData, fileoffset);                                                                                   //Θ(1)  n=4

            fileoffset += 4;                                                                                                                          //Θ(1)

            redL -= greenL;                                                                                                                           //Θ(1)
            redL -= blueL;                                                                                                                            //Θ(1)

            byte[] binR = new byte[fileData.Length - fileoffset];                                                                                     //Θ(1)
            Array.Copy(fileData, fileoffset, binR, 0, fileData.Length - fileoffset);                                                                  //Θ(N) n is size of BinR

            BitArray bR = new BitArray(binR);                                                                                                         //Θ(N) n is size of BinR

            countR = 0;                                                                                                                               //Θ(1)
            countG = redL;                                                                                                                            //Θ(1)
            countB = redL + greenL;                                                                                                                   //Θ(1)

            RGBPixel[,] Image = new RGBPixel[width, height];                                                                                          //Θ(1)
            //Θ(N^2*K) K is size of binary node represation;
            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                    Image[i, j].red = getColor(huffmanRed.start, bR, ref countR);     //Θ(N) n is size of binary represtation of node

                    Image[i, j].green = getColor(huffmanGreen.start, bR, ref countG); //Θ(N) n is size of binary represtation of node

                    Image[i, j].blue = getColor(huffmanBlue.start, bR, ref countB);   //Θ(N) n is size of binary represtation of node

            ImageOperations.encrypt(Image, tap, seed); //Θ(N^2) large between width and height
            return(Image);                             //Θ(1)
예제 #3
        static int countB      = 0;                    //Θ(1)

        public static void compress(RGBPixel[,] ImageMatrix, Huffman huffmanRed, Huffman huffmanGreen, Huffman huffmanBlue, string seed, short tap)
            List <bool>  tempRed   = new List <bool>(ImageMatrix.GetLength(0) * ImageMatrix.GetLength(1) * 3); //Θ(1)
            List <bool>  tempBlue  = new List <bool>(ImageMatrix.GetLength(0) * ImageMatrix.GetLength(1));     //Θ(1)
            List <bool>  tempGreen = new List <bool>(ImageMatrix.GetLength(0) * ImageMatrix.GetLength(1));     //Θ(1)
            BinaryWriter b         = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Create));                   //Θ(1)

            for (int i = 0; i < ImageMatrix.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < ImageMatrix.GetLength(1); j++)
                    tempRed.AddRange(huffmanRed.ColorsMap[ImageMatrix[i, j].red].Value);       //Θ(1)
                    tempGreen.AddRange(huffmanGreen.ColorsMap[ImageMatrix[i, j].green].Value); //Θ(1)
                    tempBlue.AddRange(huffmanBlue.ColorsMap[ImageMatrix[i, j].blue].Value);    //Θ(1)
            tempRed.AddRange(tempGreen);                                                   //Θ(N) n is size of tempGreen
            tempRed.AddRange(tempBlue);                                                    //Θ(N) n is size of tempBlue
            byte[] RedTree         = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(huffmanRed.writeHuffman());   //Θ(N) N is length of String of "color,freq"
            byte[] greenTree       = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(huffmanGreen.writeHuffman()); //Θ(N) N is length of String of "color,freq"
            byte[] blueTree        = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(huffmanBlue.writeHuffman());  //Θ(N) N is length of String of "color,freq"
            byte[] redTreeLength   = BitConverter.GetBytes(RedTree.Length);                // length of int is 4 bytes so Θ(1)
            byte[] greenTreeLength = BitConverter.GetBytes(greenTree.Length);              // length of int is 4 bytes so Θ(1)
            byte[] blueTreeLength  = BitConverter.GetBytes(blueTree.Length);               // length of int is 4 bytes so Θ(1)
            byte[] width           = BitConverter.GetBytes(ImageMatrix.GetLength(0));      // length of int is 4 bytes so Θ(1)
            byte[] hight           = BitConverter.GetBytes(ImageMatrix.GetLength(1));      // length of int is 4 bytes so Θ(1)
            byte[] seed2Length     = BitConverter.GetBytes(seed.Length);                   // length of int is 4 bytes so Θ(1)
            byte[] seed2           = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(seed);                        //Θ(N) N is length of String of "color,freq"//Θ(N) N is length of String of "color,freq"
            byte[] tap1            = BitConverter.GetBytes(tap);                           // length of short is 2 bytes so Θ(1)
            byte[] redL            = BitConverter.GetBytes(tempRed.Count);                 // length of int is 4 bytes so Θ(1)
            byte[] greenL          = BitConverter.GetBytes(tempGreen.Count);               // length of int is 4 bytes so Θ(1)
            byte[] blueL           = BitConverter.GetBytes(tempBlue.Count);                // length of int is 4 bytes so Θ(1)

            int fileLength = (RedTree.Length) + greenTree.Length + blueTree.Length +
                             redTreeLength.Length + greenTreeLength.Length + blueTreeLength.Length +
                             width.Length + hight.Length + seed2.Length + tap1.Length + seed2Length.Length + redL.Length + greenL.Length
                             + blueL.Length;                                                 //Θ(1)

            List <Byte> bytes2 = new List <Byte>(fileLength);                                //Θ(1)

            bytes2.AddRange(redTreeLength);                                                  //Θ(1)  n=4
            bytes2.AddRange(RedTree);                                                        //Θ(N) n is size of redTree array
            bytes2.AddRange(greenTreeLength);                                                //Θ(1)  n=4
            bytes2.AddRange(greenTree);                                                      //Θ(N) n is size of greenTree array
            bytes2.AddRange(blueTreeLength);                                                 //Θ(1)  n=4
            bytes2.AddRange(blueTree);                                                       //Θ(N) n is size of blueTree array
            bytes2.AddRange(width);                                                          //Θ(1)  n=4
            bytes2.AddRange(hight);                                                          //Θ(1)  n=4
            bytes2.AddRange(seed2Length);                                                    //Θ(N) n is size of tempGreen
            bytes2.AddRange(seed2);                                                          //Θ(1)  n=4
            bytes2.AddRange(tap1);                                                           //Θ(1)  n=4
            bytes2.AddRange(redL);                                                           //Θ(1)  n=4
            bytes2.AddRange(greenL);                                                         //Θ(1)  n=4
            bytes2.AddRange(blueL);                                                          //Θ(1)  n=4

            Byte[]   bytes = new byte[tempRed.Count / 8 + (tempRed.Count % 8 == 0 ? 0 : 1)]; //Θ(1)
            BitArray d     = new BitArray(tempRed.ToArray());                                //Θ(n)  n is size of tempRed

            d.CopyTo(bytes, 0);                                                              //Θ(N)  n is size of Bytes array
            b.Write(bytes2.ToArray());                                                       //Θ(N^2)  n is size of Bytes array
            b.Write(bytes.ToArray());                                                        //Θ(N)  n is size of Bytes array
            b.Close();                                                                       //Θ(1)