public static void CreateAnimatedGif() { using (MagickImageCollection collection = new MagickImageCollection()) { // Add first image and set the animation delay to 100ms collection.Add(SampleFiles.SnakewarePng); collection[0].AnimationDelay = 100; // Add second image, set the animation delay to 100ms and flip the image collection.Add(SampleFiles.SnakewarePng); collection[1].AnimationDelay = 100; collection[1].Flip(); // Optionally reduce colors QuantizeSettings settings = new QuantizeSettings(); settings.Colors = 256; collection.Quantize(settings); // Optionally optimize the images (images should have the same size). collection.Optimize(); // Save gif collection.Write(SampleFiles.OutputDirectory + "Snakeware.Animated.gif"); } }
private void SaveFile() { try { progress = 0; progressMax = (recorded.Count * 4); MagickImage[] mia = new MagickImage[recorded.Count]; Parallel.For(0, recorded.Count, (i) => { mia[i] = new MagickImage(recorded[i].Bitmap); int pr = Interlocked.Increment(ref progress); if (pr % 16 == 0) Invoke(new EmptyCallback(showProgress)); }); progressMax = progress + (mia.Length * 3); bool[] mid = new bool[mia.Length]; mid[0] = false; Parallel.For(1, mia.Length, (i) => { mid[i] = mia[i].Equals(mia[i - 1]); int pr = Interlocked.Increment(ref progress); if (pr % 4 == 0) Invoke(new EmptyCallback(showProgress)); }); Parallel.For(1, mia.Length, (i) => { if (mid[i]) { mia[i].Dispose(); mia[i] = null; } }); progressMax = progress + (mia.Length * 2); MagickImageCollection mic = new MagickImageCollection(); QuantizeSettings qs = new QuantizeSettings(); qs.Colors = 256; int timeOffset = 0; int addi = -1; for (int i = 0; i < mia.Length; ++i) { MagickImage mi = mia[i]; int addDelay; if (mi != null) { mic.Add(mi); ++addi; addDelay = 0; } else { addDelay = mic[addi].AnimationDelay; } int delayMs = recorded[((i + 1) < recorded.Count) ? i + 1 : i].Time + timeOffset; int delayCs = delayMs / 10; timeOffset = delayMs - (delayCs * 10); mic[addi].AnimationDelay = delayCs + addDelay; ++progress; if (progress % 32 == 0) Invoke(new EmptyCallback(showProgress)); } // mic.OptimizePlus(); progressMax = progress + (mic.Count); Parallel.For(0, mic.Count, (i) => { mic[i].Quantize(qs); int pr = Interlocked.Increment(ref progress); Invoke(new EmptyCallback(showProgress)); }); mic.Write(fileName); Parallel.For(0, mic.Count, (i) => { mic[i].Dispose(); }); mic.Dispose(); GC.Collect(); } catch (Exception ex) { exc = ex; } Invoke(new EmptyCallback(doneSaving)); }
private QuantizeSettings CreateQuantizeSettings(XmlElement element) { if (element == null) return null; QuantizeSettings result = new QuantizeSettings(); result.Colors = Variables.GetValue<Int32>(element, "colors"); result.ColorSpace = Variables.GetValue<ColorSpace>(element, "colorSpace"); result.DitherMethod = Variables.GetValue<Nullable<DitherMethod>>(element, "ditherMethod"); result.MeasureErrors = Variables.GetValue<Boolean>(element, "measureErrors"); result.TreeDepth = Variables.GetValue<Int32>(element, "treeDepth"); return result; }
internal static INativeInstance CreateInstance(QuantizeSettings instance) { if (instance == null) return NativeInstance.Zero; return instance.CreateNativeInstance(); }
public void Test_Quantize() { using (MagickImageCollection collection = new MagickImageCollection()) { ExceptionAssert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(delegate () { collection.Quantize(); }); collection.Add(Files.FujiFilmFinePixS1ProJPG); ExceptionAssert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(delegate () { collection.Quantize(null); }); QuantizeSettings settings = new QuantizeSettings(); settings.Colors = 3; MagickErrorInfo errorInfo = collection.Quantize(settings); Assert.IsNull(errorInfo); #if Q8 ColorAssert.AreEqual(new MagickColor("#2b414f"), collection[0], 66, 115); ColorAssert.AreEqual(new MagickColor("#7b929f"), collection[0], 179, 123); ColorAssert.AreEqual(new MagickColor("#44739f"), collection[0], 188, 135); #elif Q16 || Q16HDRI ColorAssert.AreEqual(new MagickColor("#447073169f39"), collection[0], 66, 115); ColorAssert.AreEqual(new MagickColor("#7b4292c29f25"), collection[0], 179, 123); ColorAssert.AreEqual(new MagickColor("#2aef41654efc"), collection[0], 188, 135); #else #error Not implemented! #endif } }
public void Test_Map() { using (MagickImageCollection colors = new MagickImageCollection()) { colors.Add(new MagickImage(MagickColors.Red, 1, 1)); colors.Add(new MagickImage(MagickColors.Green, 1, 1)); using (MagickImage remapImage = colors.AppendHorizontally()) { using (MagickImageCollection collection = new MagickImageCollection()) { ExceptionAssert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(delegate () { collection.Map(null); }); ExceptionAssert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(delegate () { collection.Map(remapImage); }); collection.Read(Files.RoseSparkleGIF); ExceptionAssert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(delegate () { collection.Map(null); }); QuantizeSettings settings = new QuantizeSettings(); settings.DitherMethod = DitherMethod.FloydSteinberg; collection.Map(remapImage, settings); ColorAssert.AreEqual(MagickColors.Red, collection[0], 60, 17); ColorAssert.AreEqual(MagickColors.Green, collection[0], 37, 24); ColorAssert.AreEqual(MagickColors.Red, collection[1], 58, 30); ColorAssert.AreEqual(MagickColors.Green, collection[1], 36, 26); ColorAssert.AreEqual(MagickColors.Red, collection[2], 60, 40); ColorAssert.AreEqual(MagickColors.Green, collection[2], 17, 21); } } } }
public void Quantize(MagickImage image, QuantizeSettings settings) { using (INativeInstance settingsNative = QuantizeSettings.CreateInstance(settings)) { IntPtr exception = IntPtr.Zero; #if ANYCPU if (NativeLibrary.Is64Bit) #endif #if WIN64 || ANYCPU NativeMethods.X64.MagickImageCollection_Quantize(MagickImage.GetInstance(image), settingsNative.Instance, out exception); #endif #if ANYCPU else #endif #if !WIN64 || ANYCPU NativeMethods.X86.MagickImageCollection_Quantize(MagickImage.GetInstance(image), settingsNative.Instance, out exception); #endif CheckException(exception); } }
public override void ConfigGA(GeneticAlgorithm ga) { base.ConfigGA(ga); ga.MutationProbability = 0.4f; ga.TerminationReached += (sender, args) => { using (var collection = new MagickImageCollection()) { var files = Directory.GetFiles(m_destFolder, "*.png"); foreach (var image in files) { collection.Add(image); collection[0].AnimationDelay = 100; } var settings = new QuantizeSettings(); settings.Colors = 256; collection.Quantize(settings); collection.Optimize(); collection.Write(Path.Combine(m_destFolder, "result.gif")); } }; }
/* * Create gif for this test packa4 * If there are more pics than the max (250), set the skip value slightly higher to skip extra images */ public void createGif() { if (this.pngToGifFiles == null || this.pd == null) return; Console.WriteLine("[i] Creating gif for task " + this.taskIDNum); using (MagickImageCollection pngs = new MagickImageCollection()) { int skip = 1, maxPics = 250, extraPics; if ((extraPics = pngToGifFiles.Length - maxPics) > 1) skip = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)pngToGifFiles.Length / maxPics); for (int i = 0, count = 0; i < pngToGifFiles.Length; i += skip) { pngs.Add(pngToGifFiles[i]); pngs[count++].AnimationDelay = 10; } pngs[0].AnimationIterations = 1; QuantizeSettings sett = new QuantizeSettings(); sett.Colors = 256; pngs.Quantize(sett); pngs.Optimize(); pngs.Write(this.pd + "install_" + this.taskIDNum + ".gif"); foreach (string fileToDelete in this.pngToGifFiles) File.Delete(fileToDelete); // Delete the extra .png files Console.WriteLine("[\u221A] Gif created for task " + this.taskIDNum + "."); } // end pngs using }
static void Main(string[] args) { string searchQuery = System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.GetText(); using (MagickImageCollection animation = new MagickImageCollection()) //Very few cartoons are broadcast live it's a terrible strain on the animators wrist. using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) //The Internet, eh? { //Check the query List<a_lengthly_inefficient_search_at_the_taxpayers_expense> searchResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<a_lengthly_inefficient_search_at_the_taxpayers_expense>> (wc.DownloadString(Frinkiac.API_Root + "search?q=" + searchQuery.Replace(" ", "%20"))); if (searchResult.Count <= resultIndex) //Bad grammar overload. throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("search string " + searchQuery + " not found"); //Retrieve captions associated with result childrens_letters_to_god captionResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<childrens_letters_to_god>(wc.DownloadString(Frinkiac.API_Root + "caption?e=" + searchResult[resultIndex].Episode + "&t=" + searchResult[resultIndex].Timestamp)); while (frameBatches > 0) { foreach (an_arm_drawn_by_nobody_it_is_worth_nothing frame in captionResult.Neighboreenos) { //request each frame in captionQuery and add to our MagickImageCollection for the animation MagickImage frameImage = new MagickImage(wc.DownloadData(Frinkiac.IMG_Root + frame.Episode + "/" + frame.Timestamp + ".jpg"), new MagickReadSettings()); frameImage.AnimationDelay = 20; foreach (Anifrinkiac.you_egghead_writers_wouldve_never_thought_of_it caption in captionResult.Subtitles) //Check out the subtitle results if ((frame.Timestamp > caption.StartTimestamp) && (frame.Timestamp < caption.EndTimestamp)) frameImage.Annotate(caption.Content, Gravity.South); //Apply captions animation.Add(frameImage); } //Retrieve the next set of frames if (frameBatches-- > 0) { captionResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<childrens_letters_to_god>(wc.DownloadString(Frinkiac.API_Root + "caption?e=" + searchResult[resultIndex].Episode + "&t=" + captionResult.Neighboreenos[captionResult.Neighboreenos.Count - 1].Timestamp)); //Do it again for all new frames captionResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<childrens_letters_to_god>(wc.DownloadString(Frinkiac.API_Root + "caption?e=" + searchResult[resultIndex].Episode + "&t=" + captionResult.Neighboreenos[captionResult.Neighboreenos.Count - 1].Timestamp)); } } // Optionally reduce colors QuantizeSettings settings = new QuantizeSettings(); settings.Colors = 256; animation.Quantize(settings); // Optionally optimize the images (images should have the same size). animation.Optimize(); //Upload gif to imgur wc.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Client-ID " + System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["imgurClientID"].ToString()); NameValueCollection values = new NameValueCollection { { "image", Convert.ToBase64String(animation.ToByteArray(MagickFormat.Gif)) } }; //Deserialize the xml reply XDocument reply = XDocument.Load(new MemoryStream(wc.UploadValues("", values))); //Give up the goods System.Console.WriteLine(reply.Root.Element("link")); System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText(reply.Root.Element("link").Value + " : " + searchQuery); } }
public void Test_Quantize() { QuantizeSettings settings = new QuantizeSettings(); settings.Colors = 8; Assert.AreEqual(DitherMethod.Riemersma, settings.DitherMethod); settings.DitherMethod = null; Assert.AreEqual(null, settings.DitherMethod); settings.DitherMethod = DitherMethod.No; Assert.AreEqual(DitherMethod.No, settings.DitherMethod); using (MagickImage image = new MagickImage(Files.FujiFilmFinePixS1ProJPG)) { image.Quantize(settings); } }
public void Test_Quantize() { QuantizeSettings settings = new QuantizeSettings(); settings.Colors = 8; Assert.AreEqual(DitherMethod.Riemersma, settings.DitherMethod); settings.DitherMethod = null; Assert.AreEqual(null, settings.DitherMethod); settings.DitherMethod = DitherMethod.No; Assert.AreEqual(DitherMethod.No, settings.DitherMethod); settings.MeasureErrors = true; Assert.AreEqual(true, settings.MeasureErrors); using (MagickImage image = new MagickImage(Files.FujiFilmFinePixS1ProJPG)) { MagickErrorInfo errorInfo = image.Quantize(settings); #if Q8 Assert.AreEqual(6.975, errorInfo.MeanErrorPerPixel, 0.001); #elif Q16 || Q16HDRI Assert.AreEqual(1803.2, errorInfo.MeanErrorPerPixel, 0.1); #else #error Not implemented! #endif Assert.AreEqual(0.352, errorInfo.NormalizedMaximumError, 0.002); Assert.AreEqual(0.001, errorInfo.NormalizedMeanError, 0.001); } }
private void saveToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SaveFileDialog svd = new SaveFileDialog(); svd.Filter = "GIF|*.gif"; if (svd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { using (MagickImageCollection collection = new MagickImageCollection()) { foreach (PictureBox pim in images) { collection.Add(new MagickImage((Bitmap)pim.Image.Clone())); collection[collection.Count - 1].AnimationDelay = 100; } // Optionally reduce colors QuantizeSettings settings = new QuantizeSettings(); settings.Colors = 256; collection.Quantize(settings); // Optionally optimize the images (images should have the same size). collection.Optimize(); // Save gif collection.Write(svd.FileName); } } else { svd.Dispose(); } }
private static string GetDeviceStatePic(GKDevice device, GKState state) { var deviceConfig = GKManager.DeviceLibraryConfiguration.GKDevices.FirstOrDefault(d => d.DriverUID == device.DriverUID); if (deviceConfig == null) { return null; } var stateWithPic = deviceConfig.States.FirstOrDefault(s => s.StateClass == state.StateClass) ?? deviceConfig.States.FirstOrDefault(s => s.StateClass == XStateClass.No); if (stateWithPic == null) { return null; } // Перебираем кадры в состоянии и генерируем gif картинку byte[] bytes; using (var collection = new MagickImageCollection()) { foreach (var frame in stateWithPic.Frames) { var frame1 = frame; frame1.Image = frame1.Image.Replace("#000000", "#FF0F0F0F"); Canvas surface; var imageBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(frame1.Image ?? ""); using (var stream = new MemoryStream(imageBytes)) { surface = (Canvas)XamlServices.Load(stream); } var pngBitmap = surface != null ? InternalConverter.XamlCanvasToPngBitmap(surface) : null; if (pngBitmap == null) { continue; } var img = new MagickImage(pngBitmap) { AnimationDelay = frame.Duration / 10, HasAlpha = true }; collection.Add(img); } if (collection.Count == 0) { return string.Empty; } //Optionally reduce colors QuantizeSettings settings = new QuantizeSettings { Colors = 256 }; collection.Quantize(settings); // Optionally optimize the images (images should have the same size). collection.Optimize(); using (var str = new MemoryStream()) { collection.Write(str, MagickFormat.Gif); bytes = str.ToArray(); } } return Convert.ToBase64String(bytes); }
public bool Map(MagickImage image, QuantizeSettings settings) { using (INativeInstance settingsNative = QuantizeSettings.CreateInstance(settings)) { IntPtr exception = IntPtr.Zero; bool result; #if ANYCPU if (NativeLibrary.Is64Bit) #endif #if WIN64 || ANYCPU result = NativeMethods.X64.MagickImage_Map(Instance, MagickImage.GetInstance(image), settingsNative.Instance, out exception); #endif #if ANYCPU else #endif #if !WIN64 || ANYCPU result = NativeMethods.X86.MagickImage_Map(Instance, MagickImage.GetInstance(image), settingsNative.Instance, out exception); #endif CheckException(exception); return result; } }