private static bool Init(byte[] il2cppBytes, byte[] metadataBytes, string stringVersion, int mode, out Metadata metadata, out Il2Cpp il2Cpp) { var sanity = BitConverter.ToUInt32(metadataBytes, 0); if (sanity != 0xFAB11BAF) { throw new InvalidDataException("ERROR: Metadata file supplied is not valid metadata file."); } float fixedVersion; var metadataVersion = BitConverter.ToInt32(metadataBytes, 4); if (metadataVersion == 24) { if (stringVersion == null) { Console.WriteLine("Input Unity version: "); stringVersion = Console.ReadLine(); } try { var versionSplit = Array.ConvertAll(Regex.Replace(stringVersion, @"\D", ".").Split(new[] { "." }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries), int.Parse); var unityVersion = new Version(versionSplit[0], versionSplit[1]); if (unityVersion >= Unity20201) { fixedVersion = 24.3f; } else if (unityVersion >= Unity20191) { fixedVersion = 24.2f; } else if (unityVersion >= Unity20183) { fixedVersion = 24.1f; } else { fixedVersion = metadataVersion; } } catch { throw new InvalidDataException("You must enter the correct Unity version number"); } } else { fixedVersion = metadataVersion; } Console.WriteLine("Initializing metadata..."); metadata = new Metadata(new MemoryStream(metadataBytes), fixedVersion); //判断il2cpp的magic var il2cppMagic = BitConverter.ToUInt32(il2cppBytes, 0); var isElf = false; var isPE = false; var is64bit = false; var isNSO = false; switch (il2cppMagic) { default: throw new NotSupportedException("ERROR: il2cpp file not supported."); case 0x304F534E: isNSO = true; is64bit = true; break; case 0x905A4D: //PE isPE = true; break; case 0x464c457f: //ELF isElf = true; if (il2cppBytes[4] == 2) //ELF64 { is64bit = true; } break; case 0xCAFEBABE: //FAT Mach-O case 0xBEBAFECA: var machofat = new MachoFat(new MemoryStream(il2cppBytes)); Console.Write("Select Platform: "); for (var i = 0; i < machofat.fats.Length; i++) { var fat = machofat.fats[i]; Console.Write(fat.magic == 0xFEEDFACF ? $"{i + 1}.64bit " : $"{i + 1}.32bit "); } Console.WriteLine(); var key = Console.ReadKey(true); var index = int.Parse(key.KeyChar.ToString()) - 1; var magic = machofat.fats[index % 2].magic; il2cppBytes = machofat.GetMacho(index % 2); if (magic == 0xFEEDFACF) { goto case 0xFEEDFACF; } else { goto case 0xFEEDFACE; } case 0xFEEDFACF: // 64bit Mach-O is64bit = true; break; case 0xFEEDFACE: // 32bit Mach-O break; } var version = config.ForceIl2CppVersion ? config.ForceVersion : metadata.Version; Console.WriteLine("Initializing il2cpp file..."); var il2CppMemory = new MemoryStream(il2cppBytes); if (isNSO) { var nso = new NSO(il2CppMemory, version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages); il2Cpp = nso.UnCompress(); } else if (isPE) { il2Cpp = new PE(il2CppMemory, version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages); } else if (isElf) { if (is64bit) { il2Cpp = new Elf64(il2CppMemory, version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages); } else { il2Cpp = new Elf(il2CppMemory, version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages); } } else if (is64bit) { il2Cpp = new Macho64(il2CppMemory, version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages); } else { il2Cpp = new Macho(il2CppMemory, version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages); } if (mode == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Select Mode: 1.Manual 2.Auto"); var modeKey = Console.ReadKey(true); mode = int.Parse(modeKey.KeyChar.ToString()); } try { if (mode == 1) { Console.Write("Input CodeRegistration: "); var codeRegistration = Convert.ToUInt64(Console.ReadLine(), 16); Console.Write("Input MetadataRegistration: "); var metadataRegistration = Convert.ToUInt64(Console.ReadLine(), 16); il2Cpp.Init(codeRegistration, metadataRegistration); return(true); } else if (mode == 2) { Console.WriteLine("Searching..."); var flag = il2Cpp.PlusSearch(metadata.methodDefs.Count(x => x.methodIndex >= 0), metadata.typeDefs.Length); if (!flag) { flag = il2Cpp.Search(); } if (!flag) { flag = il2Cpp.SymbolSearch(); } if (!flag) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Can't use auto mode to process file, try manual mode."); return(false); } } else { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: You have to choose a mode."); return(false); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); Console.WriteLine("ERROR: An error occurred while processing."); return(false); } return(true); }
private static bool Init(byte[] il2cppBytes, byte[] metadataBytes, out Metadata metadata, out Il2Cpp il2Cpp) { var sanity = BitConverter.ToUInt32(metadataBytes, 0); if (sanity != 0xFAB11BAF) { throw new InvalidDataException("ERROR: Metadata file supplied is not valid metadata file."); } Console.WriteLine("Initializing metadata..."); metadata = new Metadata(new MemoryStream(metadataBytes)); Console.WriteLine($"Metadata Version: {metadata.Version}"); //判断il2cpp的magic var il2cppMagic = BitConverter.ToUInt32(il2cppBytes, 0); var isElf = false; var isPE = false; var is64bit = false; var isNSO = false; var isRaw = false; var baseAddr = 0UL; switch (il2cppMagic) { default: //throw new NotSupportedException("ERROR: il2cpp file not supported."); Console.Write("Failed to recognize the format of il2cpp, processing it as raw memory file!"); isRaw = true; Console.Write("Enter base address (in hex, like 23c000): "); baseAddr = Convert.ToUInt64(Console.ReadLine(), 16); Console.WriteLine("Select the bit width:"); Console.WriteLine("1.32bit 2.64bit"); var k = Console.ReadKey(); var choice = int.Parse(k.KeyChar.ToString()) - 1; if (choice > 2 || choice < 0) { throw new InvalidDataException("ERROR: wrong bit width choice"); } is64bit = choice == 1; break; case 0x304F534E: isNSO = true; is64bit = true; break; case 0x905A4D: //PE isPE = true; break; case 0x464c457f: //ELF isElf = true; if (il2cppBytes[4] == 2) //ELF64 { is64bit = true; } break; case 0xCAFEBABE: //FAT Mach-O case 0xBEBAFECA: var machofat = new MachoFat(new MemoryStream(il2cppBytes)); Console.Write("Select Platform: "); for (var i = 0; i < machofat.fats.Length; i++) { var fat = machofat.fats[i]; Console.Write(fat.magic == 0xFEEDFACF ? $"{i + 1}.64bit " : $"{i + 1}.32bit "); } Console.WriteLine(); var key = Console.ReadKey(true); var index = int.Parse(key.KeyChar.ToString()) - 1; var magic = machofat.fats[index % 2].magic; il2cppBytes = machofat.GetMacho(index % 2); if (magic == 0xFEEDFACF) { goto case 0xFEEDFACF; } else { goto case 0xFEEDFACE; } case 0xFEEDFACF: // 64bit Mach-O is64bit = true; break; case 0xFEEDFACE: // 32bit Mach-O break; } var version = config.ForceIl2CppVersion ? config.ForceVersion : metadata.Version; Console.WriteLine("Initializing il2cpp file..."); var il2CppMemory = new MemoryStream(il2cppBytes); if (isRaw) { il2Cpp = new Raw(il2CppMemory, baseAddr, is64bit, version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages); } else if (isNSO) { var nso = new NSO(il2CppMemory, version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages); il2Cpp = nso.UnCompress(); } else if (isPE) { il2Cpp = new PE(il2CppMemory, version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages); } else if (isElf) { if (is64bit) { il2Cpp = new Elf64(il2CppMemory, version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages); } else { il2Cpp = new Elf(il2CppMemory, version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages); } } else if (is64bit) { il2Cpp = new Macho64(il2CppMemory, version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages); } else { il2Cpp = new Macho(il2CppMemory, version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages); } Console.WriteLine($"Il2Cpp Version: {il2Cpp.Version}"); Console.WriteLine("Searching..."); try { var flag = il2Cpp.PlusSearch(metadata.methodDefs.Count(x => x.methodIndex >= 0), metadata.typeDefs.Length); if (!flag) { flag = il2Cpp.Search(); } if (!flag) { flag = il2Cpp.SymbolSearch(); } if (!flag) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Can't use auto mode to process file, try manual mode."); Console.Write("Input CodeRegistration: "); var codeRegistration = Convert.ToUInt64(Console.ReadLine(), 16); Console.Write("Input MetadataRegistration: "); var metadataRegistration = Convert.ToUInt64(Console.ReadLine(), 16); il2Cpp.Init(codeRegistration, metadataRegistration); return(true); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); Console.WriteLine("ERROR: An error occurred while processing."); return(false); } return(true); }
private static bool Init(string il2cppPath, string metadataPath, out Metadata metadata, out Il2Cpp il2Cpp) { Console.WriteLine("Initializing metadata..."); var metadataBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(metadataPath); metadata = new Metadata(new MemoryStream(metadataBytes)); Console.WriteLine($"Metadata Version: {metadata.Version}"); Console.WriteLine("Initializing il2cpp file..."); var il2cppBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(il2cppPath); var il2cppMagic = BitConverter.ToUInt32(il2cppBytes, 0); var il2CppMemory = new MemoryStream(il2cppBytes); switch (il2cppMagic) { default: throw new NotSupportedException("ERROR: il2cpp file not supported."); case 0x6D736100: var web = new WebAssembly(il2CppMemory); il2Cpp = web.CreateMemory(); break; case 0x304F534E: var nso = new NSO(il2CppMemory); il2Cpp = nso.UnCompress(); break; case 0x905A4D: //PE il2Cpp = new PE(il2CppMemory); break; case 0x464c457f: //ELF if (il2cppBytes[4] == 2) //ELF64 { il2Cpp = new Elf64(il2CppMemory); } else { il2Cpp = new Elf(il2CppMemory); } break; case 0xCAFEBABE: //FAT Mach-O case 0xBEBAFECA: var machofat = new MachoFat(new MemoryStream(il2cppBytes)); Console.Write("Select Platform: "); for (var i = 0; i < machofat.fats.Length; i++) { var fat = machofat.fats[i]; Console.Write(fat.magic == 0xFEEDFACF ? $"{i + 1}.64bit " : $"{i + 1}.32bit "); } Console.WriteLine(); var key = Console.ReadKey(true); var index = int.Parse(key.KeyChar.ToString()) - 1; var magic = machofat.fats[index % 2].magic; il2cppBytes = machofat.GetMacho(index % 2); il2CppMemory = new MemoryStream(il2cppBytes); if (magic == 0xFEEDFACF) { goto case 0xFEEDFACF; } else { goto case 0xFEEDFACE; } case 0xFEEDFACF: // 64bit Mach-O il2Cpp = new Macho64(il2CppMemory); break; case 0xFEEDFACE: // 32bit Mach-O il2Cpp = new Macho(il2CppMemory); break; } var version = config.ForceIl2CppVersion ? config.ForceVersion : metadata.Version; il2Cpp.SetProperties(version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages); Console.WriteLine($"Il2Cpp Version: {il2Cpp.Version}"); if (il2Cpp.Version >= 27 && il2Cpp is ElfBase elf && elf.IsDumped) { Console.WriteLine("Input global-metadata.dat dump address:"); metadata.Address = Convert.ToUInt64(Console.ReadLine(), 16); } Console.WriteLine("Searching..."); try { var flag = il2Cpp.PlusSearch(metadata.methodDefs.Count(x => x.methodIndex >= 0), metadata.typeDefs.Length, metadata.imageDefs.Length); if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) { if (!flag && il2Cpp is PE) { Console.WriteLine("Use custom PE loader"); il2Cpp = PELoader.Load(il2cppPath); il2Cpp.SetProperties(version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages); flag = il2Cpp.PlusSearch(metadata.methodDefs.Count(x => x.methodIndex >= 0), metadata.typeDefs.Length, metadata.imageDefs.Length); } } if (!flag) { flag = il2Cpp.Search(); } if (!flag) { flag = il2Cpp.SymbolSearch(); } if (!flag) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Can't use auto mode to process file, try manual mode."); Console.Write("Input CodeRegistration: "); var codeRegistration = Convert.ToUInt64(Console.ReadLine(), 16); Console.Write("Input MetadataRegistration: "); var metadataRegistration = Convert.ToUInt64(Console.ReadLine(), 16); il2Cpp.Init(codeRegistration, metadataRegistration); return(true); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); Console.WriteLine("ERROR: An error occurred while processing."); return(false); } return(true); }
private static bool Init(string il2cppPath, string metadataPath, string nameTranslationPath, out Metadata metadata, out Il2Cpp il2Cpp) { Console.WriteLine("Initializing metadata..."); var metadataBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(metadataPath); var stringDecryptionInfo = MetadataDecryption.DecryptMetadata(metadataBytes); metadata = new Metadata(new MemoryStream(metadataBytes), stringDecryptionInfo, nameTranslationPath); Console.WriteLine($"Metadata Version: {metadata.Version}"); Console.WriteLine("Initializing il2cpp file..."); var il2cppBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(il2cppPath); var il2cppMagic = BitConverter.ToUInt32(il2cppBytes, 0); var il2CppMemory = new MemoryStream(il2cppBytes); switch (il2cppMagic) { default: throw new NotSupportedException("ERROR: il2cpp file not supported."); case 0x6D736100: var web = new WebAssembly(il2CppMemory); il2Cpp = web.CreateMemory(); break; case 0x304F534E: var nso = new NSO(il2CppMemory); il2Cpp = nso.UnCompress(); break; case 0x905A4D: //PE il2Cpp = new PE(il2CppMemory); break; case 0x464c457f: //ELF if (il2cppBytes[4] == 2) //ELF64 { il2Cpp = new Elf64(il2CppMemory); } else { il2Cpp = new Elf(il2CppMemory); } break; case 0xCAFEBABE: //FAT Mach-O case 0xBEBAFECA: var machofat = new MachoFat(new MemoryStream(il2cppBytes)); Console.Write("Select Platform: "); for (var i = 0; i < machofat.fats.Length; i++) { var fat = machofat.fats[i]; Console.Write(fat.magic == 0xFEEDFACF ? $"{i + 1}.64bit " : $"{i + 1}.32bit "); } Console.WriteLine(); var key = Console.ReadKey(true); var index = int.Parse(key.KeyChar.ToString()) - 1; var magic = machofat.fats[index % 2].magic; il2cppBytes = machofat.GetMacho(index % 2); il2CppMemory = new MemoryStream(il2cppBytes); if (magic == 0xFEEDFACF) { goto case 0xFEEDFACF; } else { goto case 0xFEEDFACE; } case 0xFEEDFACF: // 64bit Mach-O il2Cpp = new Macho64(il2CppMemory); break; case 0xFEEDFACE: // 32bit Mach-O il2Cpp = new Macho(il2CppMemory); break; } var version = config.ForceIl2CppVersion ? config.ForceVersion : metadata.Version; il2Cpp.SetProperties(version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages); Console.WriteLine($"Il2Cpp Version: {il2Cpp.Version}"); if (il2Cpp.Version >= 27 && il2Cpp is ElfBase elf && elf.IsDumped) { Console.WriteLine("Input global-metadata.dat dump address:"); metadata.Address = Convert.ToUInt64(Console.ReadLine(), 16); } Console.WriteLine("Searching..."); try { //var flag = il2Cpp.PlusSearch(metadata.methodDefs.Count(x => x.methodIndex >= 0), metadata.typeDefs.Length); var flag = false; if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) { if (!flag && il2Cpp is PE) { Console.WriteLine("Use custom PE loader"); il2Cpp = PELoader.Load(il2cppPath); il2Cpp.SetProperties(version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages); //flag = il2Cpp.PlusSearch(metadata.methodDefs.Count(x => x.methodIndex >= 0), metadata.typeDefs.Length); } } /*if (!flag) * { * flag = il2Cpp.Search(); * } * if (!flag) * { * flag = il2Cpp.SymbolSearch(); * }*/ if (true) { /*Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Can't use auto mode to process file, try manual mode."); * Console.Write("Input CodeRegistration: "); * var codeRegistration = Convert.ToUInt64(Console.ReadLine(), 16); * Console.Write("Input MetadataRegistration: "); * var metadataRegistration = Convert.ToUInt64(Console.ReadLine(), 16);*/ ProcessModuleCollection pms = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Modules; ulong baseaddr = 0; ProcessModule targetModule = null; foreach (ProcessModule pm in pms) { if (pm.ModuleName == "UserAssembly.dll") { baseaddr = (ulong)pm.BaseAddress; targetModule = pm; break; } } Console.WriteLine("baseadr: 0x" + baseaddr.ToString("x2")); ulong codeRegistration = 0; ulong metadataRegistration = 0; // custom search // searching .text for the following pattern: // lea r8, [rip+0x????????] // lea rdx, [rip+0x????????] // lea rcx, [rip+0x????????] // jmp [rip+0x????????] // or... // 4c 8d 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? // 48 8d 15 ?? ?? ?? ?? // 48 8d 0d ?? ?? ?? ?? // e9 // 22 bytes long // .text is always the first section var text_start = ((PE)il2Cpp).Sections[0].VirtualAddress + baseaddr; var text_end = text_start + ((PE)il2Cpp).Sections[0].VirtualSize; // functions are always aligned to 16 bytes const int patternLength = 22; byte[] d = new byte[patternLength]; for (ulong ptr = text_start; ptr < text_end - patternLength; ptr += 0x10) { Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)ptr, d, 0, patternLength); if ( d[0] == 0x4C && d[1] == 0x8D && d[2] == 0x05 && d[7] == 0x48 && d[8] == 0x8D && d[9] == 0x15 && d[14] == 0x48 && d[15] == 0x8D && d[16] == 0x0D && d[21] == 0xE9 ) { codeRegistration = ptr + 21 + BitConverter.ToUInt32(d, 14 + 3); metadataRegistration = ptr + 14 + BitConverter.ToUInt32(d, 7 + 3); Console.WriteLine($"Found the offsets! codeRegistration: 0x{(codeRegistration - baseaddr).ToString("X2")}, metadataRegistration: 0x{(metadataRegistration - baseaddr).ToString("X2")}"); break; } } if (codeRegistration == 0 && metadataRegistration == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to find CodeRegistration and MetadataRegistration, go yell at Khang"); return(false); } il2Cpp.Init(codeRegistration, metadataRegistration); return(true); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); Console.WriteLine("ERROR: An error occurred while processing."); return(false); } return(true); }
private bool Init(string il2cppPath, string metadataPath, out Metadata metadata, out Il2Cpp il2Cpp) { string Mach_O = "2"; Invoke(new Action(delegate() { if (!use64bitMach_O) { Mach_O = "1"; } })); this.Log("Read config..."); if (File.Exists(realPath + "config.json")) { config = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Config>(File.ReadAllText(Application.StartupPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + @"config.json")); } else { config = new Config(); Log("config.json file does not exist. Using defaults", Color.Yellow); } this.Log("Initializing metadata..."); var metadataBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(metadataPath); metadata = new Metadata(new MemoryStream(metadataBytes)); this.Log($"Metadata Version: {metadata.Version}"); this.Log("Initializing il2cpp file..."); var il2cppBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(il2cppPath); var il2cppMagic = BitConverter.ToUInt32(il2cppBytes, 0); var il2CppMemory = new MemoryStream(il2cppBytes); switch (il2cppMagic) { default: throw new NotSupportedException("ERROR: il2cpp file not supported."); case 0x6D736100: var web = new WebAssembly(il2CppMemory); il2Cpp = web.CreateMemory(); break; case 0x304F534E: var nso = new NSO(il2CppMemory); il2Cpp = nso.UnCompress(); break; case 0x905A4D: //PE il2Cpp = new PE(il2CppMemory); break; case 0x464c457f: //ELF if (il2cppBytes[4] == 2) //ELF64 { il2Cpp = new Elf64(il2CppMemory); } else { il2Cpp = new Elf(il2CppMemory); } break; case 0xCAFEBABE: //FAT Mach-O case 0xBEBAFECA: var machofat = new MachoFat(new MemoryStream(il2cppBytes)); for (var i = 0; i < machofat.fats.Length; i++) { var fat = machofat.fats[i]; //Console.Write(fat.magic == 0xFEEDFACF ? $"{i + 1}.64bit " : $"{i + 1}.32bit "); } var index = int.Parse(Mach_O) - 1; var magic = machofat.fats[index % 2].magic; il2cppBytes = machofat.GetMacho(index % 2); il2CppMemory = new MemoryStream(il2cppBytes); if (magic == 0xFEEDFACF) { goto case 0xFEEDFACF; } else { goto case 0xFEEDFACE; } case 0xFEEDFACF: // 64bit Mach-O il2Cpp = new Macho64(il2CppMemory); break; case 0xFEEDFACE: // 32bit Mach-O il2Cpp = new Macho(il2CppMemory); break; } var version = config.ForceIl2CppVersion ? config.ForceVersion : metadata.Version; il2Cpp.SetProperties(version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages); this.Log($"Il2Cpp Version: {il2Cpp.Version}"); if (il2Cpp.Version >= 27 && il2Cpp is ElfBase elf && elf.IsDumped) { FormDump form = new FormDump(); form.dumpNoteLbl.Text = "Input global-metadata.dat dump address:"; form.Message = 0; if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { metadata.Address = Convert.ToUInt64(form.ReturnedText, 16); this.Log("Inputted address: " + metadata.Address.ToString("X")); } } this.Log("Searching..."); try { var flag = il2Cpp.PlusSearch(metadata.methodDefs.Count(x => x.methodIndex >= 0), metadata.typeDefs.Length, metadata.imageDefs.Length); if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) { if (!flag && il2Cpp is PE) { this.Log("Use custom PE loader"); il2Cpp = PELoader.Load(il2cppPath); il2Cpp.SetProperties(version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages); flag = il2Cpp.PlusSearch(metadata.methodDefs.Count(x => x.methodIndex >= 0), metadata.typeDefs.Length, metadata.imageDefs.Length); } } if (!flag) { flag = il2Cpp.Search(); } if (!flag) { flag = il2Cpp.SymbolSearch(); } if (!flag) { Log("ERROR: Can't use auto mode to process file, input offset pointers to try manual mode.", Color.Yellow); var codeRegistration = Convert.ToUInt64(CodeRegistrationTxtBox.Text, 16); var metadataRegistration = Convert.ToUInt64(metadataRegistrationTxtBox.Text, 16); il2Cpp.Init(codeRegistration, metadataRegistration); return(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log("An error occurred while processing.", Color.Orange); Log(ex.ToString(), Color.Orange); return(false); } return(true); }
private static bool Init(byte[] il2cppBytes, byte[] metadataBytes, string stringVersion, int mode, out Metadata metadata, out Il2Cpp il2Cpp, string[] args) { var sanity = BitConverter.ToUInt32(metadataBytes, 0); if (sanity != 0xFAB11BAF) { throw new Exception("ERROR: Metadata file supplied is not valid metadata file."); } float fixedMetadataVersion; var metadataVersion = BitConverter.ToInt32(metadataBytes, 4); if (metadataVersion == 24) { if (stringVersion == null) { Console.WriteLine("Input Unity version: "); stringVersion = Console.ReadLine(); } try { var versionSplit = Array.ConvertAll(Regex.Replace(stringVersion, @"\D", ".").Split(new[] { "." }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries), int.Parse); var unityVersion = new Version(versionSplit[0], versionSplit[1]); if (unityVersion >= Unity20191) { fixedMetadataVersion = 24.2f; } else if (unityVersion >= Unity20183) { fixedMetadataVersion = 24.1f; } else { fixedMetadataVersion = metadataVersion; } } catch { throw new Exception("You must enter the correct Unity version number"); } } else { fixedMetadataVersion = metadataVersion; } Console.WriteLine("Initializing metadata..."); #if DEBUG_0 int sw = 0; #elif DEBUG_1 int sw = 1; #elif DEBUG_2 int sw = 2; #elif DEBUG_3 int sw = 3; #endif switch (sw) { case 1: metadata = new Metadata(new MemoryStream(metadataBytes), fixedMetadataVersion, "lobbylist.php?format=json-signed-unix&version=2&minimal=1", "serverlist/lobbylist.php?format=json-signed-unix&version=2&minimal=1" /*"serverlist?format=json-signed-unix&version=2&minimal=1"/*"serverlist/lobbylist.php"/*"serverlist?format=json-signed-unix&version=2&minimal=1"*/, "global-metadata2.dat"); break; case 2: metadata = new Metadata(new MemoryStream(metadataBytes), fixedMetadataVersion, "", "", "global-metadata3.dat"); break; case 3: metadata = new Metadata(new MemoryStream(metadataBytes), fixedMetadataVersion, "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\r\nMIGbMBAGByqGSM49AgEGBSuBBAAjA4GGAAQAmxZRMP03JfPEP/qt7n34Ryi74CDe\r\nRZy4er5dQynKaQ3vl1F4VRsSGN+jBrZPcX3GB2u0OTXNUA8hcIDRhVb+GgYAcDmY\r\n+7utHYAZBK3APSxGn46p1+IAChsgl9r93bQz7AJVxxWHYKEA78jMVz6qKHlqKc6a\r\nkUswVSYosQGvw/Agzb0=\r\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----", "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\r\nMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEqCycYK8K5jJlNoQPqIpADxUrWwTR\r\nudWDIbw/VSJzKb7NMeeQfKsvq1Wd8A+7bzx21pVGS3UYrgJfC3bS5rtsMA==\r\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----", "global-metadata4.dat"); break; default: metadata = new Metadata(new MemoryStream(metadataBytes), fixedMetadataVersion, "", "", "global-metadata.dat"); //metadata = new Metadata(new MemoryStream(metadataBytes), fixedMetadataVersion, "", "", "global-metadata.dat"); break; } //判断il2cpp的magic var il2cppMagic = BitConverter.ToUInt32(il2cppBytes, 0); var isElf = false; var isPE = false; var is64bit = false; var isNSO = false; switch (il2cppMagic) { default: throw new Exception("ERROR: il2cpp file not supported."); case 0x304F534E: isNSO = true; is64bit = true; break; case 0x905A4D: //PE isPE = true; break; case 0x464c457f: //ELF isElf = true; if (il2cppBytes[4] == 2) //ELF64 { is64bit = true; } break; case 0xCAFEBABE: //FAT Mach-O case 0xBEBAFECA: var machofat = new MachoFat(new MemoryStream(il2cppBytes)); Console.Write("Select Platform: "); for (var i = 0; i < machofat.fats.Length; i++) { var fat = machofat.fats[i]; Console.Write(fat.magic == 0xFEEDFACF ? $"{i + 1}.64bit " : $"{i + 1}.32bit "); } Console.WriteLine(); var key = Console.ReadKey(true); var index = int.Parse(key.KeyChar.ToString()) - 1; var magic = machofat.fats[index % 2].magic; il2cppBytes = machofat.GetMacho(index % 2); if (magic == 0xFEEDFACF) { goto case 0xFEEDFACF; } else { goto case 0xFEEDFACE; } case 0xFEEDFACF: // 64bit Mach-O is64bit = true; break; case 0xFEEDFACE: // 32bit Mach-O break; } var version = config.ForceIl2CppVersion ? config.ForceVersion : metadata.version; Console.WriteLine("Initializing il2cpp file..."); if (isNSO) { var nso = new NSO(new MemoryStream(il2cppBytes), version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages); il2Cpp = nso.UnCompress(); } else if (isPE) { il2Cpp = new PE(new MemoryStream(il2cppBytes), version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages); } else if (isElf) { if (is64bit) { il2Cpp = new Elf64(new MemoryStream(il2cppBytes), version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages); } else { il2Cpp = new Elf(new MemoryStream(il2cppBytes), version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages); } } else if (is64bit) { il2Cpp = new Macho64(new MemoryStream(il2cppBytes), version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages); } else { il2Cpp = new Macho(new MemoryStream(il2cppBytes), version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages); } if (mode == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Select Mode: 1.Manual 2.Auto 3.Auto(Plus) 4.Auto(Symbol)"); var modeKey = Console.ReadKey(true); mode = int.Parse(modeKey.KeyChar.ToString()); } if (mode != 1) { Console.WriteLine("Searching..."); } try { bool flag; switch (mode) { case 1: //Manual Console.Write("Input CodeRegistration: "); var codeRegistration = Convert.ToUInt64(Console.ReadLine(), 16); Console.Write("Input MetadataRegistration: "); var metadataRegistration = Convert.ToUInt64(Console.ReadLine(), 16); il2Cpp.Init(codeRegistration, metadataRegistration); flag = true; break; case 2: //Auto flag = il2Cpp.Search(); break; case 3: //Auto(Plus) flag = il2Cpp.PlusSearch(metadata.methodDefs.Count(x => x.methodIndex >= 0), metadata.typeDefs.Length); break; case 4: //Auto(Symbol) flag = il2Cpp.SymbolSearch(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("ERROR: You have to choose a mode."); return(false); } if (!flag) { throw new Exception(); } } catch { throw new Exception("ERROR: Can't use this mode to process file, try another mode."); } return(true); }