public static IfdBase CreateDescription(string baseurl, string sessionid, string langid, string desc) { try { string url = baseurl + "api/4.0/IfdDescription?languageGuid=" + langid + "&description=" + desc + "&descriptionType=DEFINITION"; HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(url); request.Method = "POST"; request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; request.ContentLength = 0; request.Accept = "application/json"; request.Headers.Add("cookie", "peregrineapisessionid=" + sessionid); HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream(); DataContractJsonSerializerSettings settings = new DataContractJsonSerializerSettings(); DataContractJsonSerializer ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(IfdBase)); IfdBase ifdRoot = (IfdBase)ser.ReadObject(stream); return(ifdRoot); } catch (Exception xx) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(xx.Message); } return(null); }
public static void UploadTemplateUsage(DocProject docProject, string baseurl, string sessionid, string parentid, DocTemplateUsage docConc) { // MVD Concept entry is a relationship in BSDD; contexts are exchanges foreach (DocTemplateItem docItem in docConc.Items) { if (docItem.Concepts.Count == 0) { string code = docItem.GetParameterValue("Reference"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) { code = docItem.Name; } code = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(code); string name = docItem.GetParameterValue("Name"); if (code != null && name != null) { // if no sub-concepts, then its a property IfdBase ifdItem = CreateConcept(baseurl, sessionid, docItem, code, name, null, IfdConceptTypeEnum.PROPERTY); CreateRelationship(baseurl, sessionid, parentid, ifdItem.guid, IfdRelationshipTypeEnum.ASSIGNS_PROPERTIES); string paramval = docItem.GetParameterValue("Value"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(paramval)) { DocDefinition docDef = docProject.GetDefinition(paramval); if (docDef != null) { // get the measure type IfdBase ifdType = SearchConcept(baseurl, sessionid, docDef.Name, IfdConceptTypeEnum.MEASURE); if (ifdType == null) { // create concept ifdType = CreateConcept(baseurl, sessionid, docDef, docDef.Name, docDef.Name, null, IfdConceptTypeEnum.MEASURE); } CreateRelationship(baseurl, sessionid, ifdItem.guid, ifdType.guid, IfdRelationshipTypeEnum.ASSIGNS_MEASURES); } } } } else { // otherwise its a nest if (docItem.Name != null) { IfdBase ifdItem = CreateConcept(baseurl, sessionid, docItem, docItem.Name, docItem.Name, null, IfdConceptTypeEnum.NEST); CreateRelationship(baseurl, sessionid, parentid, ifdItem.guid, IfdRelationshipTypeEnum.ASSIGNS_COLLECTIONS); // recurse -- e.g. properties within property sets foreach (DocTemplateUsage docInner in docItem.Concepts) { UploadTemplateUsage(docProject, baseurl, sessionid, ifdItem.guid, docInner); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="baseurl">URL of server</param> /// <param name="sessionid">identifies server session</param> /// <param name="docObject">object to be published</param> /// <param name="identifier">identifier to use for IFC name</param> /// <param name="name">identifier to use for English name</param> /// <param name="type">identifier to use for IFC property type encoding, which is stored within description of IFC language</param> /// <param name="conctype">type of concept</param> /// <returns>guid of new concept</returns> public static IfdBase CreateConcept(string baseurl, string sessionid, DocObject docObject, string identifier, string name, string type, IfdConceptTypeEnum conctype) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " " + conctype.ToString() + " " + identifier + " START"); List <IfdName> listNames = new List <IfdName>(); List <IfdBase> listDescs = new List <IfdBase>(); // create name for IFC IfdName ifdNameIFC = CreateName(baseurl, sessionid, LanguageID, identifier); if (ifdNameIFC == null) { return(null); } listNames.Add(ifdNameIFC); // create type identifier if indicated if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(type)) { string desc = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(type); IfdBase ifdDescID = CreateDescription(baseurl, sessionid, LanguageID, desc); if (ifdDescID == null) { return(null); } listDescs.Add(ifdDescID); } // localization bool hasEnglishName = false; bool hasEnglishDesc = false; foreach (DocLocalization docLoc in docObject.Localization) { // look up language id string langid = GetLanguageId(docLoc.Locale); if (langid != null) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(docLoc.Name)) { string locname = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(docLoc.Name); IfdName ifdName = CreateName(baseurl, sessionid, langid, locname); if (ifdName == null) { return(null); } listNames.Add(ifdName); if (langid == LanguageEN) { hasEnglishName = true; } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(docLoc.Documentation)) { string locdesc = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(docLoc.Documentation); IfdBase ifdDesc = CreateDescription(baseurl, sessionid, langid, locdesc); if (ifdDesc == null) { return(null); } listDescs.Add(ifdDesc); if (langid == LanguageEN) { hasEnglishDesc = true; } } } } if (!hasEnglishName && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { // add default english name IfdName ifdNameEN = CreateName(baseurl, sessionid, LanguageEN, name); if (ifdNameEN == null) { return(null); } listNames.Add(ifdNameEN); } if (!hasEnglishDesc && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(docObject.Documentation)) { string desc = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(docObject.Documentation); IfdBase ifdDescEN = CreateDescription(baseurl, sessionid, LanguageEN, desc); if (ifdDescEN == null) { return(null); } listDescs.Add(ifdDescEN); } // create concept StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(baseurl); sb.Append("api/4.0/IfdConcept?fullNameGuids="); for (int i = 0; i < listNames.Count; i++) { if (i != 0) { sb.Append(","); } sb.Append(listNames[i].guid); } sb.Append("&conceptType="); sb.Append(conctype.ToString()); if (listDescs.Count > 0) { sb.Append("&definitionGuids="); for (int i = 0; i < listDescs.Count; i++) { if (i != 0) { sb.Append(","); } sb.Append(listDescs[i].guid); } } string url = sb.ToString(); HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(url); request.Method = "POST"; request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; request.ContentLength = 0; request.Accept = "application/json"; request.Headers.Add("cookie", "peregrineapisessionid=" + sessionid); HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream(); DataContractJsonSerializerSettings settings = new DataContractJsonSerializerSettings(); DataContractJsonSerializer ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(IfdBase)); IfdBase ifdRoot = (IfdBase)ser.ReadObject(stream); // record the ID on the doc object docObject.RegisterDictionary(baseurl, ifdRoot.guid); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " " + conctype.ToString() + " " + identifier + " FINISH"); return(ifdRoot); }
public static void Upload(DocProject docProject, BackgroundWorker worker, string baseurl, string username, string password, string parentid, DocModelView[] docViews) { string sessionid = Connect(docProject, worker, baseurl, username, password); #if false if (docViews != null && docViews.Length > 0) { foreach (DocModelView docView in docViews)//docProject.ModelViews) { // hack: only bridge view for now if (docView.Name.Contains("Bridge")) { string codename = docView.Name; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(docView.Code)) { codename = docView.Code; } IfdBase ifdView = CreateConcept(baseurl, sessionid, docView, codename, docView.Name, IfdConceptTypeEnum.BAG); //CreateRelationship(baseurl, sessionid, parentid, ifdView.guid, "COLLECTS"); // no top-level item for now foreach (DocConceptRoot docRoot in docView.ConceptRoots) { if (docRoot.Name != null) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(docRoot.ToString()); IfdBase ifdRoot = CreateConcept(baseurl, sessionid, docRoot, docRoot.ApplicableEntity.Name, docRoot.Name, IfdConceptTypeEnum.SUBJECT); CreateRelationship(baseurl, sessionid, ifdView.guid, ifdRoot.guid, IfdRelationshipTypeEnum.COLLECTS); foreach (DocTemplateUsage docConc in docRoot.Concepts) { UploadTemplateUsage(docProject, baseurl, sessionid, ifdRoot.guid, docConc); } } } } } } else #endif { // build list of types referenced by property sets Dictionary <string, IfdBase> mapEntities = new Dictionary <string, IfdBase>(); // core schema foreach (DocSection docSection in docProject.Sections) { foreach (DocSchema docSchema in docSection.Schemas) { // only export objects that have associated property sets foreach (DocPropertySet docPset in docSchema.PropertySets) { IfdBase ifdPset = CreateConcept(baseurl, sessionid, docPset, docPset.Name, docPset.Name, docPset.PropertySetType.ToString(), IfdConceptTypeEnum.BAG); foreach (DocProperty docProp in docPset.Properties) { IfdBase ifdProp = CreateConcept(baseurl, sessionid, docProp, docProp.Name, docProp.Name, docProp.PropertyType.ToString(), IfdConceptTypeEnum.PROPERTY); if (ifdProp != null) { CreateRelationship(baseurl, sessionid, ifdPset.guid, ifdProp.guid, IfdRelationshipTypeEnum.COLLECTS); string paramval = docProp.PrimaryDataType; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(paramval)) { DocDefinition docDef = docProject.GetDefinition(paramval); if (docDef != null) { // get the measure type IfdBase ifdType = SearchConcept(baseurl, sessionid, docDef.Name, IfdConceptTypeEnum.MEASURE); if (ifdType == null) { // create concept ifdType = CreateConcept(baseurl, sessionid, docDef, docDef.Name, docDef.Name, null, IfdConceptTypeEnum.MEASURE); // for enums, get enumerated type if (docProp.PropertyType == DocPropertyTemplateTypeEnum.P_ENUMERATEDVALUE) { DocSchema docPropSchema = null; DocPropertyEnumeration docPropEnum = docProject.FindPropertyEnumeration(docProp.SecondaryDataType, out docPropSchema); if (docPropEnum != null) { foreach (DocPropertyConstant docPropConst in docPropEnum.Constants) { IfdBase ifdConst = CreateConcept(baseurl, sessionid, docPropConst, docPropConst.Name, docPropConst.Name, null, IfdConceptTypeEnum.VALUE); CreateRelationship(baseurl, sessionid, ifdType.guid, ifdConst.guid, IfdRelationshipTypeEnum.ASSIGNS_VALUES); } } } } CreateRelationship(baseurl, sessionid, ifdProp.guid, ifdType.guid, IfdRelationshipTypeEnum.ASSIGNS_MEASURES); // ??? fails for Pset_BuildingUse.NarrativeText / IfcText } } } } // now link the property set to applicable type DocEntity[] docEntities = docPset.GetApplicableTypeDefinitions(docProject); if (docEntities != null && docEntities.Length > 0) { // only the first one matters DocEntity docEnt = docEntities[0]; IfdBase ifdEnt = null; if (!mapEntities.TryGetValue(docEnt.Name, out ifdEnt)) { ifdEnt = CreateConcept(baseurl, sessionid, docEnt, docEnt.Name, docEnt.Name, null, IfdConceptTypeEnum.SUBJECT); mapEntities.Add(docEnt.Name, ifdEnt); // subtypes (predefined type) foreach (DocAttribute docAttr in docEnt.Attributes) { if (docAttr.Name.Equals("PredefinedType")) { DocEnumeration docEnum = docProject.GetDefinition(docAttr.DefinedType) as DocEnumeration; if (docEnum != null) { foreach (DocConstant docConst in docEnum.Constants) { IfdBase ifdConst = CreateConcept(baseurl, sessionid, docConst, docConst.Name, docConst.Name, null, IfdConceptTypeEnum.SUBJECT); CreateRelationship(baseurl, sessionid, ifdEnt.guid, ifdConst.guid, IfdRelationshipTypeEnum.SPECIALIZES); } } } } } CreateRelationship(baseurl, sessionid, ifdEnt.guid, ifdPset.guid, IfdRelationshipTypeEnum.ASSIGNS_COLLECTIONS); //!!! Fails with Forbidden!!! why??? // indicates // <ifdRelationshipTypeEnums> // <IfdRelationshipType xmlns="">ASSIGNS_COLLECTIONS</IfdRelationshipType> // </ifdRelationshipTypeEnums> } } foreach (DocQuantitySet docPset in docSchema.QuantitySets) { IfdBase ifdPset = CreateConcept(baseurl, sessionid, docPset, docPset.Name, docPset.Name, "QTO_OCCURRENCEDRIVEN", IfdConceptTypeEnum.BAG); foreach (DocQuantity docProp in docPset.Quantities) { IfdBase ifdProp = CreateConcept(baseurl, sessionid, docProp, docProp.Name, docProp.Name, docProp.QuantityType.ToString(), IfdConceptTypeEnum.PROPERTY); if (ifdProp != null) { CreateRelationship(baseurl, sessionid, ifdPset.guid, ifdProp.guid, IfdRelationshipTypeEnum.COLLECTS); string propclass = "IfcQuantityCount"; switch (docProp.QuantityType) { case DocQuantityTemplateTypeEnum.Q_AREA: propclass = "IfcQuantityArea"; break; case DocQuantityTemplateTypeEnum.Q_COUNT: propclass = "IfcQuantityCount"; break; case DocQuantityTemplateTypeEnum.Q_LENGTH: propclass = "IfcQuantityLength"; break; case DocQuantityTemplateTypeEnum.Q_TIME: propclass = "IfcQuantityTime"; break; case DocQuantityTemplateTypeEnum.Q_VOLUME: propclass = "IfcQuantityVolume"; break; case DocQuantityTemplateTypeEnum.Q_WEIGHT: propclass = "IfcQuantityWeight"; break; } string paramval = propclass; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(paramval)) { DocDefinition docDef = docProject.GetDefinition(paramval); if (docDef != null) { // get the measure type IfdBase ifdType = SearchConcept(baseurl, sessionid, docDef.Name, IfdConceptTypeEnum.MEASURE); if (ifdType == null) { // create concept ifdType = CreateConcept(baseurl, sessionid, docDef, docDef.Name, docDef.Name, null, IfdConceptTypeEnum.MEASURE); } CreateRelationship(baseurl, sessionid, ifdProp.guid, ifdType.guid, IfdRelationshipTypeEnum.ASSIGNS_MEASURES); // ??? fails for Pset_BuildingUse.NarrativeText / IfcText } } } } // now link the property set to applicable type DocEntity[] docEntities = docPset.GetApplicableTypeDefinitions(docProject); if (docEntities != null && docEntities.Length > 0) { // only the first one matters DocEntity docEnt = docEntities[0]; IfdBase ifdEnt = null; if (mapEntities.TryGetValue(docEnt.Name, out ifdEnt)) { CreateRelationship(baseurl, sessionid, ifdEnt.guid, ifdPset.guid, IfdRelationshipTypeEnum.ASSIGNS_COLLECTIONS); } } } } } } }