private void toolStripButtonViewInsert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List<DocModelView> list = null; if (this.m_target is DocPublication) { list = ((DocPublication)this.m_target).Views; } else if (this.m_target is DocExample) { list = ((DocExample)this.m_target).Views; } using (FormSelectView form = new FormSelectView(this.m_project, "Select the view(s) to include.")) { if (form.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { foreach(DocModelView docView in form.Selection) { if(!list.Contains(docView)) { list.Add(docView); } } this.LoadReferencedViews(); } } }
private void buttonViewBase_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (FormSelectView form = new FormSelectView(this.m_project, null)) { DialogResult res = form.ShowDialog(); if (res == DialogResult.OK) { DocModelView docView = (DocModelView)this.m_target; if (form.Selection != null && form.Selection.Length == 1) { this.textBoxViewBase.Text = form.Selection[0].Name; docView.BaseView = form.Selection[0].Uuid.ToString(); } else { this.textBoxViewBase.Text = String.Empty; docView.BaseView = null; } } } }
private void toolStripMenuItemToolsValidate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DocModelView docView = null; if (this.m_filterviews != null && this.m_filterviews.Length > 0) { docView = this.m_filterviews[0]; } using (FormValidate form = new FormValidate(this.m_project, docView, this.m_filterexchange)) { DialogResult res = form.ShowDialog(); if (res != DialogResult.OK || String.IsNullOrEmpty(Properties.Settings.Default.ValidateFile)) return; this.m_filterviews = new DocModelView[] {form.SelectedView}; this.m_filterexchange = form.SelectedExchange; using (this.m_formProgress = new FormProgress()) { this.m_formProgress.Text = "Validating File"; this.m_formProgress.Description = "Validating file..."; this.backgroundWorkerValidate.RunWorkerAsync(); res = this.m_formProgress.ShowDialog(); if (res != DialogResult.OK) { this.backgroundWorkerValidate.CancelAsync(); } } if (this.m_exception != null) { MessageBox.Show(this, this.m_exception.Message, "Error"); this.m_exception = null; return; } // show window this.splitContainerEdit.Panel2Collapsed = false; this.InitInstanceList(); } #if false DialogResult res = this.openFileDialogValidate.ShowDialog(); if (res != DialogResult.OK) return; using(FormSelectView form = new FormSelectView(this.m_project, "Select the model view for validating the file.")) { if(form.ShowDialog(this) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK && form.Selection != null) { this.m_filterviews = form.Selection; using (FormSelectExchange formExchange = new FormSelectExchange(this.m_filterviews[0])) { if (formExchange.ShowDialog(this) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK && formExchange.Selection != null) { this.m_filterexchange = formExchange.Selection; using (this.m_formProgress = new FormProgress()) { this.m_formProgress.Text = "Validating File"; this.m_formProgress.Description = "Validating file..."; this.backgroundWorkerValidate.RunWorkerAsync(); res = this.m_formProgress.ShowDialog(); if (res != DialogResult.OK) { this.backgroundWorkerValidate.CancelAsync(); } } } } if (this.m_exception != null) { MessageBox.Show(this, this.m_exception.Message, "Error"); this.m_exception = null; return; } // show window this.splitContainerEdit.Panel2Collapsed = false; this.InitInstanceList(); } } #endif }
private void toolStripMenuItemToolsModule_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(this.saveFileDialogModule.ShowDialog(this) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { // prompt for model view using(FormSelectView form = new FormSelectView(this.m_project, "Select an optional Model View for generating validation rules and a schema subset, or none to support all definitions.")) { if(form.ShowDialog(this) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { Compiler compiler = new Compiler(this.m_project, form.Selection, null); System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder ab = compiler.Assembly; ab.Save("IFC4.dll"); if(System.IO.File.Exists(this.saveFileDialogModule.FileName)) { System.IO.File.Delete(this.saveFileDialogModule.FileName); } System.IO.File.Move(compiler.Module.FullyQualifiedName, this.saveFileDialogModule.FileName); } } } }
private void toolStripMenuItemInsertConceptRoot_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DocEntity docEntity = (DocEntity)this.treeView.SelectedNode.Tag; // pick the model view definition using (FormSelectView form = new FormSelectView(this.m_project, null)) { if (form.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK && form.Selection != null && form.Selection.Length == 1) { DocModelView docView = form.Selection[0]; DocConceptRoot docConceptRoot = new DocConceptRoot(); docConceptRoot.ApplicableEntity = docEntity; docView.ConceptRoots.Add(docConceptRoot); // update tree this.treeView.SelectedNode = this.LoadNode(this.treeView.SelectedNode, docConceptRoot, docView.Name, false); } } }
private void toolStripMenuItemFileImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StringBuilder sbErrors = new StringBuilder(); DialogResult res = this.openFileDialogImport.ShowDialog(this); if (res == DialogResult.OK) { List<DocSchema> importedschemas = new List<DocSchema>(); bool updateDescriptions = false; if(this.openFileDialogImport.FileName.EndsWith(".vex")) { DialogResult resUpdate = MessageBox.Show(this, "Do you want to update the documentation? Click Yes to update documentation and definitions, or No to update just definitions.", "Import VEX", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel); if (resUpdate == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel) return; if (resUpdate == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) updateDescriptions = true; } foreach (string filename in this.openFileDialogImport.FileNames) { string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(filename).ToLower(); switch (ext) { case ".vex": using (FormatSPF format = new FormatSPF(filename, SchemaVEX.Types, null)) { format.Load(); // get the root schemata SCHEMATA vexschema = null; foreach (SEntity entity in format.Instances.Values) { if (entity is SCHEMATA) { vexschema = (SCHEMATA)entity; break; } } if (vexschema != null) { DocSchema schema = Program.ImportVex(vexschema, this.m_project, updateDescriptions); importedschemas.Add(schema); // add schemas from multiple files first, process later } } break; case ".xml": if (filename.Contains("Pset_")) { using (FormatXML format = new FormatXML(filename, typeof(PropertySetDef), "")) { format.Load(); PropertySetDef psd = (PropertySetDef)format.Instance; string schema = null; if (psd.Versions != null && psd.Versions.Count > 0) { schema = psd.Versions[0].schema; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(schema)) { // guess the schema according to applicable type value if (psd.ApplicableTypeValue != null) { string[] parts = psd.ApplicableTypeValue.Split(new char[] { '/', '[' }); TreeNode tnEntity = null; if (this.m_mapTree.TryGetValue(parts[0].ToLowerInvariant(), out tnEntity)) { DocSchema docschema = (DocSchema)tnEntity.Parent.Parent.Tag; schema = docschema.Name; } } } if(schema == null) { schema = "IfcProductExtension";//fallback } // find the schema TreeNode tn = null; if (schema != null && this.m_mapTree.TryGetValue(schema.ToLowerInvariant(), out tn)) { DocSchema docschema = (DocSchema)tn.Tag; // find existing pset if applicable DocPropertySet pset = docschema.RegisterPset(psd.Name); // use hashed guid if (pset.Uuid == Guid.Empty) { System.Security.Cryptography.MD5 md5 = System.Security.Cryptography.MD5.Create(); byte[] hash = md5.ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(pset.Name)); pset.Uuid = new Guid(hash); } pset.Name = psd.Name; if (psd.Definition != null) { pset.Documentation = psd.Definition.Trim(); } if (psd.ApplicableTypeValue != null) { pset.ApplicableType = psd.ApplicableTypeValue.Replace("Type", "").Replace("[PerformanceHistory]", ""); // organize at occurrences; use pset type to determine type applicability } // for now, rely on naming convention (better to capture in pset schema eventually) if (psd.Name.Contains("PHistory")) // special naming convention { pset.PropertySetType = "PSET_PERFORMANCEDRIVEN"; } else if (psd.Name.Contains("Occurrence")) { pset.PropertySetType = "PSET_OCCURRENCEDRIVEN"; } else { pset.PropertySetType = "PSET_TYPEDRIVENOVERRIDE"; } // import localized definitions if (psd.PsetDefinitionAliases != null) { foreach (PsetDefinitionAlias pl in psd.PsetDefinitionAliases) { pset.RegisterLocalization(pl.lang, null, pl.Value); } } foreach (PropertyDef subdef in psd.PropertyDefs) { DocProperty docprop = pset.RegisterProperty(subdef.Name); Program.ImportPsdPropertyTemplate(subdef, docprop); } // add to Use Definition at applicable entity #if false if (pset.ApplicableType != null) { string[] apptypes = pset.ApplicableType.Split('/'); if (this.m_mapTree.TryGetValue(apptypes[0].ToLowerInvariant(), out tn)) { DocEntity entity = (DocEntity)tn.Tag; if (this.m_project.ModelViews.Count == 0) { // must have at least one model view for populating property set links this.m_project.ModelViews.Add(new DocModelView()); } foreach (DocModelView docView in this.m_project.ModelViews) { DocConceptRoot docRoot = null; foreach (DocConceptRoot eachRoot in docView.ConceptRoots) { if (eachRoot.ApplicableEntity == entity) { docRoot = eachRoot; break; } } if (docRoot == null) { docRoot = new DocConceptRoot(); docRoot.ApplicableEntity = entity; docView.ConceptRoots.Add(docRoot); } // find the pset template DocTemplateUsage templateuse = null; foreach (DocTemplateUsage eachtemplateuse in docRoot.Concepts) { if (eachtemplateuse.Definition != null && eachtemplateuse.Definition.Name.StartsWith("Property")) { templateuse = eachtemplateuse; break; } } DocTemplateDefinition docdefpset = this.m_project.GetTemplate(new Guid("f74255a6-0c0e-4f31-84ad-24981db62461")); if (docdefpset != null) { // if no template, add it if (templateuse == null) { // get the pset template templateuse = new DocTemplateUsage(); docRoot.Concepts.Add(templateuse); templateuse.Definition = docdefpset; } DocTemplateItem templateitem = new DocTemplateItem(); templateuse.Items.Add(templateitem); templateitem.RuleInstanceID = "IfcPropertySet"; if (apptypes.Length == 2) { templateitem.RuleParameters += "PredefinedType=" + apptypes[1] + ";"; } templateitem.RuleParameters += "Name=" + pset.Name + ";"; templateitem.RuleParameters += "TemplateType=" + pset.PropertySetType + ";"; // don't include documentation -- too wordy templateitem.Documentation = pset.Documentation; } } } else { sbErrors.Append(System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + ": unrecognized ApplicableTypeValue; "); } } #endif } else { sbErrors.Append(System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + ": unrecognized schema; "); } } } else if (filename.Contains("Qto_")) { using (FormatXML format = new FormatXML(filename, typeof(QtoSetDef))) { format.Load(); QtoSetDef qto = (QtoSetDef)format.Instance; string schema = qto.Versions[0].schema; TreeNode tn = null; if (schema != null && this.m_mapTree.TryGetValue(schema.ToLowerInvariant(), out tn)) { DocSchema docschema = (DocSchema)tn.Tag; // find existing pset if applicable DocQuantitySet qset = docschema.RegisterQset(qto.Name); // use hashed guid if (qset.Uuid == Guid.Empty) { System.Security.Cryptography.MD5 md5 = System.Security.Cryptography.MD5.Create(); byte[] hash = md5.ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(qset.Name)); qset.Uuid = new Guid(hash); } // everything is currently named "Base Quantities"; get name from file instead; e.g. "Qto_Beam" qset.Name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename); qset.Documentation = qto.Definition; qset.ApplicableType = qto.ApplicableClasses[0].Value; // fix: remove "Type" if (qset.ApplicableType.EndsWith("Type")) { qset.ApplicableType = qset.ApplicableType.Substring(0, qset.ApplicableType.Length - 4); } // import localized definitions if (qto.QtoDefinitionAliases != null) { foreach (QtoDefinitionAlias pl in qto.QtoDefinitionAliases) { qset.RegisterLocalization(pl.lang, null, pl.Value); } } foreach (QtoDef qtodef in qto.QtoDefs) { DocQuantity q = qset.RegisterQuantity(qtodef.Name); q.Documentation = qtodef.Definition; switch (qtodef.QtoType) { case "IfcQuantityCount": q.QuantityType = DocQuantityTemplateTypeEnum.Q_COUNT; break; case "IfcQuantityLength": q.QuantityType = DocQuantityTemplateTypeEnum.Q_LENGTH; break; case "IfcQuantityArea": q.QuantityType = DocQuantityTemplateTypeEnum.Q_AREA; break; case "IfcQuantityVolume": q.QuantityType = DocQuantityTemplateTypeEnum.Q_VOLUME; break; case "IfcQuantityWeight": q.QuantityType = DocQuantityTemplateTypeEnum.Q_WEIGHT; break; case "IfcQuantityTime": q.QuantityType = DocQuantityTemplateTypeEnum.Q_TIME; break; } foreach (NameAlias namealias in qtodef.NameAliases) { string desc = null; foreach (DefinitionAlias docalias in qtodef.DefinitionAliases) { if (docalias.lang.Equals(namealias.lang)) { desc = docalias.Value; break; } } q.RegisterLocalization(namealias.lang, namealias.Value, desc); } } // map to use definition if (this.m_mapTree.TryGetValue(qset.ApplicableType.ToLowerInvariant(), out tn)) { DocEntity entity = (DocEntity)tn.Tag; if (this.m_project.ModelViews.Count == 0) { // must have at least one model view for populating property set links this.m_project.ModelViews.Add(new DocModelView()); } foreach (DocModelView docView in this.m_project.ModelViews) { DocConceptRoot docRoot = null; foreach (DocConceptRoot eachRoot in docView.ConceptRoots) { if (eachRoot.ApplicableEntity == entity) { docRoot = eachRoot; break; } } if (docRoot == null) { docRoot = new DocConceptRoot(); docRoot.ApplicableEntity = entity; docView.ConceptRoots.Add(docRoot); } // find the qset template DocTemplateUsage templateuse = null; foreach (DocTemplateUsage eachtemplateuse in docRoot.Concepts) { if (eachtemplateuse.Definition.Name.StartsWith("Quantity")) { templateuse = eachtemplateuse; break; } } // if no template, add it if (templateuse == null) { // get the pset template templateuse = new DocTemplateUsage(); docRoot.Concepts.Add(templateuse); templateuse.Definition = this.m_project.GetTemplate(new Guid("6652398e-6579-4460-8cb4-26295acfacc7")); } if (templateuse != null) { DocTemplateItem templateitem = new DocTemplateItem(); templateuse.Items.Add(templateitem); templateitem.RuleInstanceID = "IfcElementQuantity"; templateitem.RuleParameters = "Name=" + qset.Name + ";TemplateType=QTO_OCCURRENCEDRIVEN;"; } } } } else { sbErrors.Append(System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + ": unrecognized schema; "); } } } else if (filename.Contains("ifcXML")) { using (FormatXML format = new FormatXML(filename, typeof(configuration), null, SchemaCNF.Prefixes)) { try { this.m_loading = true; // prevent constructors from registering instances (xml serializer instantiates) format.Load(); DocModelView docView = null; using(FormSelectView form = new FormSelectView(this.m_project, null)) { if(form.ShowDialog(this) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK && form.Selection != null && form.Selection.Length == 1) { docView = form.Selection[0]; } } configuration cnf = (configuration)format.Instance; Program.ImportCnf(cnf, this.m_project, docView); } catch (Exception xx) { MessageBox.Show(this, xx.Message, "Import CNFXML"); } finally { this.m_loading = false; } } } break; case ".mvdxml": this.ImportMVD(filename); break; case ".txt": using (FormatCSV format = new FormatCSV(filename)) { try { format.Instance = this.m_project; format.Load(); } catch (System.Exception xx) { MessageBox.Show(this, xx.Message, "Import CSV"); } } break; case ".ifd": using (FormatIFD format = new FormatIFD(filename)) { try { format.Instance = this.m_project; format.Load(); } catch (System.Exception xx) { MessageBox.Show(this, xx.Message, "Import IFD"); } } break; case ".xsd": using (FormatXML format = new FormatXML(filename, typeof(IfcDoc.Schema.XSD.schema), IfcDoc.Schema.XSD.SchemaXsd.DefaultNamespace)) { try { format.Load(); DocSchema docSchema = Program.ImportXsd((IfcDoc.Schema.XSD.schema)format.Instance, this.m_project); if(docSchema.Name == null) { docSchema.Name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename); } } catch(System.Exception xx) { MessageBox.Show(this, xx.Message, "Import XSD"); } } break; } } // load tree before generating use definitions this.LoadTree(); // load tree again to pick up definitions if (importedschemas.Count > 0) { LoadTree(); } } if (sbErrors.Length > 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, "Import succeeded, however one or more definitions have missing or incorrect information:\r\n" + sbErrors.ToString(), "Import Errors"); } }
private void toolStripMenuItemFileExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult res = this.saveFileDialogExport.ShowDialog(this); if (res == DialogResult.OK) { DocModelView[] views = null; string[] locales = null; DocDefinitionScopeEnum scope = DocDefinitionScopeEnum.None; string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(this.saveFileDialogExport.FileName).ToLower(); switch (ext) { case ".txt": // prompt for locale using (FormSelectLocale form = new FormSelectLocale()) { if (form.ShowDialog(this) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { locales = new string[] { form.SelectedLocale.TwoLetterISOLanguageName }; } else { return; } } // prompt for definitions using (FormFilterDefinitions formFilter = new FormFilterDefinitions()) { if (formFilter.ShowDialog(this) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { scope = formFilter.DefinitionScope; } else { return; } } break; default: // prompt for model view using (FormSelectView form = new FormSelectView(this.m_project, "Select an optional model view for filtering the export, or no model view to export all definitions.")) { if (form.ShowDialog(this) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { if (form.Selection != null) { views = form.Selection; } } } break; } // swap out instances temporarily Dictionary<long, SEntity> old = this.m_instances; long lid = this.m_lastid; this.m_instances = new Dictionary<long, SEntity>(); this.m_lastid = 0; try { DocumentationISO.DoExport(this.m_project, this.saveFileDialogExport.FileName, views, locales, scope, this.m_instances); } catch (Exception x) { MessageBox.Show(x.Message, "Error"); } finally { this.m_instances = old; this.m_lastid = lid; } } }