public static void Export(DocProject project, DocModelView docView, string path, Dictionary<string, DocObject> mapEntity, Dictionary<string, string> mapSchema) { Dictionary<DocObject, bool> included = docView.Filter(project); const string HEADERCELL = "<th style=\"-webkit-transform:rotate(90deg); writing-mode:tb-rl; -moz-transform:rotate(90deg); -o-transform: rotate(90deg); white-space:nowrap; display:blocking; ms-filter: \"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=0.083)\"; >"; // get list of entities in order List<DocEntity> sortEntity = project.GetEntityList(); // build list of templates in use (to preserve sort order) Dictionary<DocTemplateDefinition, List<DocConceptRoot>> mapTemplates = new Dictionary<DocTemplateDefinition, List<DocConceptRoot>>(); // double-loop not optimal, but lists aren't that large foreach (DocEntity docSortEnt in sortEntity) { foreach (DocConceptRoot docRoot in docView.ConceptRoots) { if (docRoot.ApplicableEntity == docSortEnt) { foreach (DocTemplateUsage docConcept in docRoot.Concepts) { if (!mapTemplates.ContainsKey(docConcept.Definition)) { mapTemplates.Add(docConcept.Definition, new List<DocConceptRoot>()); } mapTemplates[docConcept.Definition].Add(docRoot); } } } } // build list of concept roots sorted by entity order List<DocConceptRoot> sortConceptRoot = new List<DocConceptRoot>(); foreach (DocEntity docSortEntity in sortEntity) { foreach (DocConceptRoot docRoot in docView.ConceptRoots) { if (docRoot.ApplicableEntity == docSortEntity) { sortConceptRoot.Add(docRoot); break; } } } using (FormatEXP formatEXP = new FormatEXP(path + @"\" + docView.Code + ".exp")) { formatEXP.Instance = project; formatEXP.ModelViews = new DocModelView[] { docView }; formatEXP.Save(); } using (FormatXSD formatXSD = new FormatXSD(path + @"\" + docView.Code + ".xsd")) { formatXSD.Instance = project; formatXSD.ModelViews = new DocModelView[] { docView }; formatXSD.Save(); } using (FormatSPF format = new FormatSPF(path + @"\" + docView.Code + ".ifc", Schema.IFC.SchemaIfc.Types, new Dictionary<long, SEntity>())) { format.InitHeaders(docView.Code, "IFC4"); Schema.IFC.IfcProject ifcProject = new IfcDoc.Schema.IFC.IfcProject(); Program.ExportIfc(ifcProject, project, included); format.Save(); } using (FormatXML format = new FormatXML(path + @"\" + docView.Code + ".mvdxml", typeof(mvdXML), mvdXML.DefaultNamespace)) { mvdXML mvd = new mvdXML(); Program.ExportMvd(mvd, project, included); format.Instance = mvd; format.Save(); } using (FormatHTM format = new FormatHTM(path + @"\" + docView.Code + ".htm", mapEntity, new Dictionary<string, string>(), included)) { format.WriteHeader(docView.Name, 0, null); // 1 Scope // 1.1 Business Case Description // 1.2 Participants and Stakeholders // 2 Normative References // 3 Terms and definitions // 4 Symbols and abbreviated terms // 5 Business processes // 5.1 Process models provided // 5.2 Representative process models // 5.3 Process models formatting format.WriteLine("<h1>6 Exchange requirements</h1>"); format.WriteLine("<h2>6.1 Exchange requirements legibility</h2>"); format.WriteLine("<h3>6.1.1 Exchange requirements list</h3>"); format.WriteLine("<p>Each exchange is listed by name as follows.</p>"); Dictionary<string, string> mapExchangeClass = new Dictionary<string, string>(); format.WriteLine("<ul>"); foreach (DocExchangeDefinition docExchange in docView.Exchanges) { if (docExchange.ExchangeClass != null && !mapExchangeClass.ContainsKey(docExchange.ExchangeClass) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(docExchange.ExchangeClass)) { mapExchangeClass.Add(docExchange.ExchangeClass, docExchange.ExchangeClass); } format.WriteLine("<li>" + docExchange.Name + "</li>"); } format.WriteLine("</ul>"); format.WriteLine("<h3>6.1.2 Exchange requirement classification list</h3>"); format.WriteLine("<p>Each phase classification used by this model view is listed by Omniclass notation and title as follows.</p>"); format.WriteLine("<ul>"); foreach (string key in mapExchangeClass.Keys) { format.WriteLine("<li>" + key + "</li>"); } format.WriteLine("</ul>"); format.WriteLine("<h3>6.1.3 Exchange requirement coverage analysis</h3>"); format.WriteLine("<p>Each exchange is listed by name and corresponding classifications for the process undertaken, the sender of the information, and the receiver of the information.</p>"); format.WriteLine("<table class=\"gridtable\">"); format.WriteLine("<tr><th>Exchange</th><th>Process</th><th>Sender</th><th>Receiver</th></tr>"); foreach (DocExchangeDefinition docExchange in docView.Exchanges) { format.WriteLine("<tr><td>" + docExchange.Name + "</td><td>" + docExchange.ExchangeClass + "</td><td>" + docExchange.SenderClass + "</td><td>" + docExchange.ReceiverClass); } format.WriteLine("</table>"); format.WriteLine("<h2>6.2 Exchange requirements detail</h2>"); format.WriteLine("<h3>6.2.1 Exchange requirements definition</h3>"); format.WriteLine("<p>Each exchange is listed by name and a description of the information contained.</p>"); foreach (DocExchangeDefinition docExchange in docView.Exchanges) { format.WriteLine("<h4>" + docExchange.Name + "</h4>"); format.WriteLine(docExchange.Documentation); } format.WriteLine("<h3>6.2.2 Business rule list</h3>"); format.WriteLine("<p>Each exchange consists of a set of entity data definitions with usage defined according to business rule concepts. " + "An entity describes an object class having one or more attributes, where each attribute may refer to values, collections, or references to other objects. "+ "A concept describes usage of object classes, where allowable values and object types are indicated for specific attributes." + "Each heading that follows refers to an exchange, where each table row corresponds to an entity, each table column corresponds to an exchange, and each cell indicates whether the concept is used for the entity within the exchange.</p>"); foreach (DocExchangeDefinition docExchange in docView.Exchanges) { format.WriteLine("<h4>" + docExchange.Name + "</h4>"); List<DocTemplateDefinition> listTemplate = project.GetTemplateList(); List<DocTemplateDefinition> usedTemplate = new List<DocTemplateDefinition>(); foreach (DocConceptRoot docRoot in docView.ConceptRoots) { foreach (DocTemplateUsage docConcept in docRoot.Concepts) { if (!usedTemplate.Contains(docConcept.Definition)) { foreach (DocExchangeItem docExchangeItem in docConcept.Exchanges) { if (docExchangeItem.Exchange == docExchange && (docExchangeItem.Requirement == DocExchangeRequirementEnum.Mandatory || docExchangeItem.Requirement == DocExchangeRequirementEnum.Optional)) { usedTemplate.Add(docConcept.Definition); break; } } } } } for(int i = listTemplate.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!usedTemplate.Contains(listTemplate[i])) { listTemplate.RemoveAt(i); } } format.WriteLine("<table class=\"gridtable\">"); format.Write("<tr>"); format.Write("<th>Entity</th>"); for (int i = 0; i < listTemplate.Count; i++) { format.Write(HEADERCELL); format.Write(listTemplate[i].Name); format.Write("</th>"); } format.WriteLine("</tr>"); foreach (DocConceptRoot docRoot in sortConceptRoot) { DocExchangeRequirementEnum[] reqs = new DocExchangeRequirementEnum[listTemplate.Count]; bool include = false; foreach (DocTemplateUsage docConcept in docRoot.Concepts) { foreach (DocExchangeItem docExchangeItem in docConcept.Exchanges) { if (docExchangeItem.Exchange == docExchange && (docExchangeItem.Requirement == DocExchangeRequirementEnum.Mandatory || docExchangeItem.Requirement == DocExchangeRequirementEnum.Optional)) { int index = listTemplate.IndexOf(docConcept.Definition); reqs[index] = docExchangeItem.Requirement; include = true; break; } } } if (include) { format.Write("<tr>"); format.Write("<td>" + docRoot.ApplicableEntity.Name + "</td>"); for (int i = 0; i < reqs.Length; i++) { format.Write("<td>"); switch (reqs[i]) { case DocExchangeRequirementEnum.Mandatory: format.Write("R"); break; case DocExchangeRequirementEnum.Optional: format.Write("O"); break; } format.Write("</td>"); } format.WriteLine("</tr>"); } } format.WriteLine("</table>"); } format.WriteLine("<h3>6.2.3 Business rule definition</h3>"); format.WriteLine("<p>Business rule definitions are all defined as re-usable templates as indicated in Clause 7.3.5.</p>"); format.WriteLine("<h2>6.3 Exchange requirements reusability</h2>"); format.WriteLine("<p>Names and classifications of exchanges are intended to be consistent across other model views where applicable, "+ "while the content of a particular exchange is intended to be unique.</p>"); format.WriteLine("<h3>6.3.1 Related business process list</h3>"); format.WriteLine("<p>Business processes within this model view are correlated with those used in other model views as follows.</p>"); // Rows: Business processes; Columns: Views; Cells: mark if applicable format.WriteLine("<table class=\"gridtable\">"); format.Write("<tr><th>Process</th>"); foreach (DocModelView docEachView in project.ModelViews) { format.Write(HEADERCELL + docEachView.Name + "</th>"); } format.WriteLine("</tr>"); foreach (string proc in mapExchangeClass.Keys) { format.Write("<tr><td>" + proc + "</td>"); foreach (DocModelView docEachView in project.ModelViews) { bool yes = false; foreach (DocExchangeDefinition docEachExchange in docEachView.Exchanges) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(docEachExchange.ExchangeClass) && docEachExchange.ExchangeClass.Equals(proc)) { yes = true; break; } } format.Write("<td>"); if (yes) { format.Write("X"); } format.Write("</td>"); } format.WriteLine("</tr>"); } format.WriteLine("</table>"); format.WriteLine("<h3>6.3.2 Related exchange requirement list</h3>"); format.WriteLine("<p>Exchange requirements within this model view are correlated with those used in other model views as follows.</p>"); // Rows: Exchanges; Columns: Views; Cells: Mark if applicable format.WriteLine("<table class=\"gridtable\">"); format.Write("<tr><th>Exchange</th>"); foreach (DocModelView docEachView in project.ModelViews) { format.Write(HEADERCELL + docEachView.Name + "</th>"); } format.WriteLine("</tr>"); foreach (DocExchangeDefinition docExchange in docView.Exchanges) { format.Write("<tr><td>" + docExchange.Name + "</td>"); foreach (DocModelView docEachView in project.ModelViews) { bool yes = false; foreach (DocExchangeDefinition docEachExchange in docEachView.Exchanges) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(docEachExchange.Name) && docEachExchange.Name.Equals(docExchange.Name)) { yes = true; break; } } format.Write("<td>"); if (yes) { format.Write("X"); } format.Write("</td>"); } format.WriteLine("</tr>"); } format.WriteLine("</table>"); format.WriteLine("<h3>6.3.3 Related exchange requirement reuse analysis</h3>"); format.WriteLine("<p>Exchange requirements across other model views are correlated as follows.</p>"); // Rows: Exchange names; Columns: Views; Cells: Mark if applicable List<string> listExchangeNames = new List<string>(); foreach (DocModelView docEachView in project.ModelViews) { foreach (DocExchangeDefinition docEachExchange in docEachView.Exchanges) { if (!listExchangeNames.Contains(docEachExchange.Name)) { listExchangeNames.Add(docEachExchange.Name); } } } format.WriteLine("<table class=\"gridtable\">"); format.Write("<tr><th>Exchange</th>"); foreach (DocModelView docEachView in project.ModelViews) { format.Write(HEADERCELL + docEachView.Name + "</th>"); } format.WriteLine("</tr>"); foreach (string exchangename in listExchangeNames) { format.Write("<tr><td>" + exchangename + "</td>"); foreach (DocModelView docEachView in project.ModelViews) { bool yes = false; foreach (DocExchangeDefinition docEachExchange in docEachView.Exchanges) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(docEachExchange.Name) && docEachExchange.Name.Equals(exchangename)) { yes = true; break; } } format.Write("<td>"); if (yes) { format.Write("X"); } format.Write("</td>"); } format.WriteLine("</tr>"); } format.WriteLine("</table>"); format.WriteLine("<h1>7 Model view definition</h1>"); format.WriteLine("<h2>7.1 Data Definition</h2>"); format.WriteLine("<h3>7.1.1 Data definitions list</h3>"); format.WriteLine("<p>Each entity data definition is listed by schema and entity name as follows.</p>"); format.WriteLine("<ul>"); string lastschema = null; foreach (DocConceptRoot docRoot in sortConceptRoot) { string schema = mapSchema[docRoot.ApplicableEntity.Name]; if (schema != lastschema) { // close out last if (docRoot != sortConceptRoot[0]) { format.WriteLine("</ul></li>"); } // open next format.WriteLine("<li>" + schema + "<ul>"); lastschema = schema; } format.WriteLine("<li>" + docRoot.ApplicableEntity.Name + "</li>"); } format.WriteLine("</ul></ul>"); format.WriteLine("<h3>7.1.2 Data definitions</h3>"); format.WriteLine("<p>Each entity data definition is described within subsections as follows, with electronic representations provided in EXPRESS and XSD formats.</p>"); FormatXSD formatXSD = new FormatXSD(null); foreach (DocConceptRoot docRoot in sortConceptRoot) { string xsd = formatXSD.FormatEntity(docRoot.ApplicableEntity, mapEntity, included); format.WriteLine("<h4>" + docRoot.ApplicableEntity.Name + "</h4>"); format.WriteLine(docRoot.ApplicableEntity.Documentation); format.WriteLine("<br/>"); format.WriteExpressEntitySpecification(docRoot.ApplicableEntity, true, false); format.WriteLine("<br/>"); format.WriteFormatted(xsd); } format.WriteLine("<h3>7.1.3 Data definition reference schema list</h3>"); format.WriteLine("<p>Each referenced schema is listed by standards body notation and official title.</p>"); format.WriteLine("<table class=\"gridtable\">"); format.WriteLine("<tr><th>Reference</th><th>Description</th></tr>"); format.WriteLine("<tr><td>ISO 16739:2013</td><td>Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) for data sharing in the construction and facilities management industries</td></tr>"); format.WriteLine("</table>"); // 7.2 Concept definitions format.WriteLine("<h2>7.2 Concept definitions</h2>"); format.WriteLine("<h3>7.2.1 Concept list</h3>"); format.WriteLine("<p>Each concept is listed by entity name and concept template within the following table. "+ "Each row corresponds to an entity, each column corresponds to a concept template, and each cell indicates usage of a concept template for an entity.</p>"); format.WriteLine("<table class=\"gridtable\">"); format.Write("<tr><th>Entity</th>"); foreach (DocTemplateDefinition docTemplate in mapTemplates.Keys) { format.Write(HEADERCELL + docTemplate.Name + "</th>"); } format.WriteLine("</tr>"); foreach (DocConceptRoot docRoot in sortConceptRoot) { if (docRoot.Concepts.Count > 0) { format.Write("<tr><td>" + docRoot.ApplicableEntity.Name + "</td>"); foreach (DocTemplateDefinition docTemplate in mapTemplates.Keys) { format.Write("<td>"); foreach (DocTemplateUsage docConcept in docRoot.Concepts) { if (docConcept.Definition == docTemplate) { format.Write("X"); } } format.Write("</td>"); } format.WriteLine("</tr>"); } } format.WriteLine("</table>"); string pathImages = path + "\\" + docView.Code; System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(pathImages); format.WriteLine("<h3>7.2.2 Concept definitions</h3>"); format.WriteLine("<p>Each entity is described within subsections, with diagrams indicating the graph of attributes and objects representing the combination of all concepts applied to instances of the entity. "+ "Each block in the diagram represents an entity, where the entity name is shown at the top of the block with background in black. "+ "Each attribute within the entity is shown in order, where black is used to indicate a direct attribute and grey is used to indicate an inverse attribute. "+ "Notation to the right of each attribute indicates aggregation, where S indicates a SET (unordered unique objects) and L indicates a LIST (ordered objects), "+ "the first number in brackets indicates the minimum count, and the second number in brackets indicates the maximum count or “?” for unlimited. "+ "Lines connecting blocks indicates attributes that point to objects of other data definitions.</p>"); foreach (DocConceptRoot docRoot in sortConceptRoot) { format.WriteLine("<h4>" + docRoot.ApplicableEntity.Name + "</h4>"); string img = ""; if (docView.Code != null) { int cx = 0; int cy = 0; try { using (System.Drawing.Image image = IfcDoc.Format.PNG.FormatPNG.CreateConceptDiagram(docRoot.ApplicableEntity, docView, mapEntity, new Dictionary<System.Drawing.Rectangle,DocModelRule>(), project, null)) { cx = image.Width; cy = image.Height; string filepath = path + "\\" + docView.Code.ToLower() + "\\" + docRoot.ApplicableEntity.Name.ToLower() + ".png"; image.Save(filepath, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); } } catch { } // shrink for access from MS Word cx = cx / 2; cy = cy / 2; img = "<br/><img src=\"" + docView.Code.ToLower() + "/" + docRoot.ApplicableEntity.Name.ToLower() + ".png\" width=\"" + cx + "\" height=\"" + cy + "\"/>"; } format.WriteLine(docRoot.Documentation); format.WriteLine(img); foreach (DocTemplateUsage docConcept in docRoot.Concepts) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(docConcept.Documentation)) { format.WriteLine("<h5>" + docConcept.Definition.Name + "</h5>"); format.WriteLine(docConcept.Documentation); } } } format.WriteLine("</table>"); format.WriteLine("<h3>7.2.3 Concept attributes list</h3>"); format.WriteLine("<p>Concepts may be defined that use parameters to indicate applicable values. "+ "For example, plumbing objects may make use of ports to enable connectivity to other objects for distribution of water, "+ "and a specific entity such as a hot water heater may have specific ports such as “ColdWaterIn” and “HotWaterOut”. "+ "Defining attributes at concepts enables re-use of concepts where the data structures are the same, but applicable values may differ."+ "Each concept is shown in a subsection as follows, with rows correspoding to entities and rule instances, columns corresponding to template parameters, and cells corresponding to values applied to rules.</p>"); // then format each template foreach (DocTemplateDefinition docTemplate in mapTemplates.Keys) { string[] parameters = docTemplate.GetParameterNames(); if (parameters.Length > 0) { format.WriteLine("<h4>" + docTemplate.Name + "</h4>"); format.WriteLine("<table class=\"gridtable\">"); format.Write("<tr><th>Entity</th>"); foreach (string parm in parameters) { format.Write("<th>" + parm + "</th>"); } format.WriteLine("</tr>"); List<DocConceptRoot> listRoots = mapTemplates[docTemplate]; foreach (DocConceptRoot docRoot in listRoots) { foreach (DocTemplateUsage docConcept in docRoot.Concepts) { if (docConcept.Definition == docTemplate) { if (docConcept.Items.Count == 0) { format.WriteLine("<tr><td>" + docRoot.ApplicableEntity.Name + "</td></tr>"); } else { foreach (DocTemplateItem docItem in docConcept.Items) { if (docItem == docConcept.Items[0]) { format.Write("<tr><td rowspan=\"" + docConcept.Items.Count + "\">" + docRoot.ApplicableEntity.Name + "</td>"); } else { format.Write("<tr>"); } foreach (string parm in parameters) { string val = docItem.GetParameterValue(parm); format.Write("<td>" + val + "</td>"); } format.WriteLine("</tr>"); } } } } } format.WriteLine("</table>"); } } format.WriteLine("<h3>7.2.4 Concept relationship description</h3>"); format.WriteLine("<p>Concepts may inherit from other concepts such that more generic rules may be defined at a higher level and more specific rules at a lower level. "+ "For example, geometry may be defined for a distribution segment (e.g. ducts, pipes, cables) that indicate permitted use of an extruded area solid (IfcExtrudedAreaSolid) "+ "which defines a 2D cross section extruded along a 3D linear segment. "+ "Such rule may be further refined for ducts to indicate that the cross-sections are further restricted to shapes such as hollow rectangles (IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef) "+ "or hollow circles (IfcCircleHollowProfileDef)."+ "Concepts are shown in a hierarchy as follows where inner concepts inherit from outer concepts.</p>"); WriteTemplateList(format, project.Templates, included); format.WriteLine("<h3>7.2.5 Concept requirements applicability</h3>"); format.WriteLine("<p>Each entity is shown in subsections as follows, with rows corresponding to concepts, columns corresponding to exchanges, "+ "and cells indicating requirements where 'R' indicates required and 'O' indicates optional.</p>"); foreach (DocConceptRoot docRoot in sortConceptRoot) { if (docRoot.Concepts.Count > 0) { format.WriteLine("<h4>" + docRoot.ApplicableEntity.Name + "</h4>"); format.WriteLine("<table class=\"gridtable\">"); format.Write("<tr><th>Concept</th>"); for (int i = 0; i < docView.Exchanges.Count; i++) { format.Write(HEADERCELL); format.Write(docView.Exchanges[i].Name); format.Write("</th>"); } format.WriteLine("</tr>"); DocExchangeRequirementEnum[] reqs = new DocExchangeRequirementEnum[docView.Exchanges.Count]; foreach (DocTemplateUsage docConcept in docRoot.Concepts) { StringBuilder sbRequired = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sbOptional = new StringBuilder(); foreach (DocExchangeItem docExchangeItem in docConcept.Exchanges) { int index = docView.Exchanges.IndexOf(docExchangeItem.Exchange); reqs[index] = docExchangeItem.Requirement; } format.Write("<tr><td>" + docConcept.Definition.Name + "</td>"); for (int i = 0; i < docView.Exchanges.Count; i++) { format.Write("<td>"); switch (reqs[i]) { case DocExchangeRequirementEnum.Mandatory: format.Write("R"); break; case DocExchangeRequirementEnum.Optional: format.Write("O"); break; } format.Write("</td>"); } format.WriteLine("</tr>"); } format.WriteLine("</table>"); } } format.WriteLine("<h2>7.3 Concept reusability</h2>"); format.WriteLine("<h3>7.3.1 Concept list</h3>"); format.WriteLine("<p>Each concept used within this model view is listed as follows.</p>"); format.WriteLine("<ul>"); foreach (DocTemplateDefinition docTemplate in mapTemplates.Keys) { format.WriteLine("<li>" + docTemplate.Name + "</li>"); } format.WriteLine("</ul>"); format.WriteLine("<h3>7.3.2 Related existing concept list</h3>"); format.WriteLine("<p>In the following table, each row corresponds to a concept used within this model view, "+ "each column corresponds to another model view, and each cell indicates usage of the concept within the corresponding model view.</p>"); format.WriteLine("<table class=\"gridtable\">"); format.Write("<tr><th>Concept</th>"); foreach (DocModelView docEachView in project.ModelViews) { format.Write(HEADERCELL + docEachView.Name + "</th>"); } format.WriteLine("</tr>"); foreach (DocTemplateDefinition docTemplate in mapTemplates.Keys) { format.Write("<tr><td>" + docTemplate.Name + "</td>"); foreach (DocModelView docEachView in project.ModelViews) { bool yes = false; foreach (DocConceptRoot docEachRoot in docEachView.ConceptRoots) { foreach (DocTemplateUsage docEachUsage in docEachRoot.Concepts) { if (docEachUsage.Definition == docTemplate) { yes = true; break; } } } if (yes) { format.Write("<td>X</td>"); } else { format.Write("<td></td>"); } } format.WriteLine("</tr>"); } format.WriteLine("</table>"); format.WriteLine("<h3>7.3.4 Concept business rule list</h3>"); format.WriteLine("<p>Each concept template is defined in a subsection as follows, with rows corresponding to each business rule. "+ "The <i>Reference</i> column identifies the path to the entity and attribute. " + "The <i>Cardinality</i> column indicates whether the number of permitted instances is restricted differently than the underlying schema, using [N:M] notation where N indicates the minimum number of instances, M indicates the maximum number of instances, where '?' indicates unbounded. "+ "The <i>Parameter</i> column indicates the name of a substitutable parameter, if applicable, defined at each usage of the business rule.<p>"); foreach (DocTemplateDefinition docTemplate in mapTemplates.Keys) { format.WriteLine("<h4>" + docTemplate.Name + "</h4>"); format.WriteLine("<table class=\"gridtable\">"); format.WriteLine("<tr><th>Reference</th><th>Cardinality</th><th>Parameter</th></tr>"); if (docTemplate.Rules != null) { foreach (DocModelRule docRule in docTemplate.Rules) { WriteModelRule(format, docRule, "\\" + docTemplate.Type + "." + docRule.Name); } } format.WriteLine("</table>"); } format.WriteLine("<h3>7.3.5 Concept business rule description</h3>"); format.WriteLine("<p>Each concept template is described in a subsection as follows, with diagrams indicating usage of attributes and entities reflecting defined business rules.</p>"); foreach (DocTemplateDefinition docTemplate in mapTemplates.Keys) { format.WriteLine("<h4>" + docTemplate.Name + "</h4>"); format.WriteLine(docTemplate.Documentation); string img = ""; if (docTemplate.Rules != null && docTemplate.Rules.Count > 0) { img = GenerateTemplateImage(docTemplate, mapEntity, project, path); format.WriteLine(img); } } format.WriteLine("<h2>7.4 Implementation</h2>"); format.WriteLine("<h3>7.4.1 MVD Schema Listing</h3>"); format.WriteLine("The schema encapsulating the data definitions for this model view is published in multiple representations. " + "<p>An MVDXML file defines the referenced entities and rules for this model view. This file may be used to validate instance data (in IFC-SPF or IFC-XML files), filter instance data to include entities and attributes within scope of this model view, or generate sub-schemas (including the EXP and XSD representations). " + "<p>An EXP file represents the schema in EXPRESS format (ISO 10303-11) which adapts the referenced Industry Foundation Classes schema (ISO 16739) by including a subset of data definitions and a subset of attributes within each data definition. The EXP file may be used by software development tools for generating programming languages schemas (e.g. C++, C#, Java), database definitions (e.g. SQL DDL), and data transport schema definitions (e.g. XSD). " + "<p>An XSD file represents the schema in XML Data Definition Language (XSD) which adapts the referenced subset of data definitions. The XSD file may be used by software development tools (e.g. Eclipse, Microsoft Visual Studio) to validate XML files and generate language-specific classes. " + "<p>An IFC file represents the dynamic portions of the schema in the form of property sets within an SPF (ISO 10303-21) instance file.</p>" + "<p>The rationale for publishing multiple representations is to provide the richest level of integration for different implementations; "+ "while XSD is often used in defining web standards replacing document-based exchanges (e.g. invoices), it lacks data model information needed for type safety, data integrity, indexing, and optimization; "+ "all of which may be derived from the EXPRESS representation. "+ "</p>"); format.WriteLine("<table class=\"gridtable\">"); format.WriteLine("<tr><th>File</th><th>Format</th></tr>"); format.WriteLine("<tr><td>" + docView.Code + ".exp</td><td>EXPRESS schema definition</td></tr>"); format.WriteLine("<tr><td>" + docView.Code + ".xsd</td><td>XML schema definition (XSD)</td></tr>"); format.WriteLine("<tr><td>" + docView.Code + ".mvdxml</td><td>MVDXML schema transform</td></tr>"); format.WriteLine("<tr><td>" + docView.Code + ".ifc</td><td>IFC dynamic schema definition</td></tr>"); format.WriteLine("</table>"); format.WriteLine("<h3>7.4.2 MVD Format Description</h3>"); format.WriteLine("<p>Implementations of this model view may publish instance data in various formats. "+ "Such format indicates the data encoding and does not necessarily imply that data may only be exchanged using physical files on computers; "+ "formats may be transmitted over the Internet as the “presentation layer” (OSI Layer 6) of any API. "+ "As the IFC data model supports both full and partial data models where all objects can be tagged to indicate merge directives (Create/Update/Delete using IfcOwnerHistory.ChangeAction), "+ "data may be transmitted in whole or in part, such as indicating only data changes.</p>"); format.WriteLine("<p>As other OSI layers are already standardized, a full web API may be defined by referencing each layer as follows:</p>"); format.WriteLine("<table class=\"gridtable\">"); format.WriteLine("<tr><th>OSI Layer</th><th>OSI Layer Name</th><th>Protocol</th><th>Description</th></tr>"); format.WriteLine("<tr><td>7</td><td>Application</td><td>WebDav</td><td>Defines valid operations such as GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, MKCOL, LOCK, UNLOCK</td></tr>"); format.WriteLine("<tr><td>6</td><td>Presentation</td><td>IFC-SPF/IFC-XML</td><td>Defines data encoding</td></tr>"); format.WriteLine("<tr><td>5</td><td>Session</td><td>HTTP/HTTPS</td><td>Defines establishment of sessions, compression, authentication, requests, responses, and errors</td></tr>"); format.WriteLine("<tr><td>4</td><td>Transport</td><td>TCP</td><td>Defines message delivery</td></tr>"); format.WriteLine("<tr><td>3</td><td>Network</td><td>IP</td><td>Defines network paths across multiple nodes</td></tr>"); format.WriteLine("<tr><td>2</td><td>Data Link</td><td>MAC</td><td>Defines data frame communications between two nodes</td></tr>"); format.WriteLine("<tr><td>1</td><td>Physical</td><td>(undefined)</td><td>Defines physical connectivity</td></tr>"); format.WriteLine("</table>"); format.WriteLine("<p>Each supported format is listed by name, with Extension indicating the default file extension to use on applicable platforms (e.g. Windows), MIME type for indicating the HTTP header when transmitting over the Internet, and Reference standard indicating the presentation layer encoding format.</p>"); format.WriteLine("<table class=\"gridtable\">"); format.WriteLine("<tr><th>Format</th><th>Extension</th><th>MIME</th><th>Reference</th></tr>"); format.WriteLine("<tr><td>IFC-SPF</td><td>.ifc</td><td>application/step</td><td>ISO 10303-21</td></tr>"); format.WriteLine("<tr><td>IFC-XML</td><td>.ifcxml</td><td>application/xml</td><td>ISO 10303-28</td></tr>"); format.WriteLine("</table>"); format.WriteLine("<p>IFC-SPF (ISO 10303-21) is a text format optimized to carry data with complex relationships, supporting human readability yet more compact representation (typically around 10% of size of equivalent XML).</p>"); format.WriteLine("<p>IFC-HDF (ISO 10303-26) is a binary file format encapsulating data in a compact, indexable encoding optimized for quick retrieval and minimal memory usage. "); format.WriteLine("<blockquote class=\"note\">NOTE As this file type is not yet widely implemented, it is not officially part of this model view, however implementations may prefer such format for internal use.</blockquote>"); format.WriteLine("<p>IFC-XML (ISO 10303-28) is a hierarchical markup format with wide support from software development tools and platforms, supporting greater human readability at the expense of larger representation. </p>"); format.WriteLine("<blockquote class=\"note\">NOTE As typical buildings contain millions of elements with graphs of relationships resulting in gigabytes of data, " + "XML is not yet suitable for representing complete buildings from a pragmatic standpoint of data size, transmission cost, and loading time. " + "However, using derived formats along with MVDXML to filter data sets may enable more efficient exchanges to take place.</blockquote>"); format.WriteLine("<p>IFC-ZIP (ISO 21320-1) is a compressed file format encapsulating one of the above formats to minimize data size. "); format.WriteLine("<blockquote class=\"note\">NOTE As this model view is primarily intended for web-based exchange, zip compression may be selected by other means according to the client and server; therefore, the IFC-ZIP format is not officially part of this model view.</blockquote>"); format.WriteLine("<h3>7.4.3 MVD Dynamic Schema Analysis</h3>"); format.WriteLine("<p>Portions of data definitions are defined dynamically, to allow software applications to support extensible definitions while minimizing implementation overhead. "+ "Each property set is shown within a subsection as follows, with rows corresponding to properties. See <i>IfcPropertySet</i> for usage information.</p>"); foreach (DocSection docSection in project.Sections) { foreach (DocSchema docSchema in docSection.Schemas) { foreach (DocPropertySet docPset in docSchema.PropertySets) { if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(docPset)) { format.WriteLine("<h4>" + docPset.Name + "</h4>"); format.WriteLine("<table class=\"gridtable\">"); format.WriteLine("<tr><th>Property</th><th>Property Type</th><th>Data Type</th><th>Description</th></tr>"); foreach (DocProperty docProp in docPset.Properties) { string datatype = docProp.PrimaryDataType; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(docProp.SecondaryDataType)) { datatype += "/" + docProp.SecondaryDataType; } format.WriteLine("<tr><td>" + docProp.Name + "</td><td>" + docProp.PropertyType + "</td><td>" + datatype + "</td><td>" + docProp.Documentation + "</td></tr>"); } format.WriteLine("</table>"); } } } } format.WriteLine("<h3>7.4.4 Non-Applicable Entity Exclusion Analysis</h3>"); format.WriteLine("<p>The referenced IFC schema is shown in the following table, with each row corresponding to a schema namespace, with data definitions listed within, where bold items indicate definitions within scope of this Model View Definition.</p>"); format.WriteLine("<table class=\"gridtable\">"); format.WriteLine("<tr><th>Namespace</th><th>Definitions</th><th>Usage</th></tr>"); foreach (DocSection docSection in project.Sections) { if (docSection.Schemas.Count > 0) { foreach (DocSchema docSchema in docSection.Schemas) { format.Write("<tr><td>" + docSchema.Name + "</td><td>"); int min = 0; int max = 0; foreach (DocEntity docEntity in docSchema.Entities) { max++; if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(docEntity)) { min++; format.Write("<b>"); } format.Write(docEntity.Name); format.Write("; "); if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(docEntity)) { format.Write("</b>"); } } foreach (DocType docType in docSchema.Types) { max++; if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(docType)) { min++; format.Write("<b>"); } format.Write(docType.Name); format.Write("; "); if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(docType)) { format.Write("</b>"); } } format.Write("</td>"); format.Write("<td>" + min + "/" + max + " (" + (100.0 *(double)min/(double)max).ToString("N0") + "%)</td>"); format.WriteLine("</tr>"); } } } format.WriteLine("</table>"); // 8 Conformance testing procedures // 9 Implementation resources // 10 Revision Plans format.WriteFooter(""); } }
public static void GenerateDocumentation( DocProject docProject, string path, Dictionary<long, SEntity> instances, Dictionary<string, DocObject> mapEntity, Dictionary<string, string> mapSchema, DocModelView[] views, string[] locales, BackgroundWorker worker, FormProgress formProgress) { // copy over static content * if it doesn't already exist * string pathContent = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); if (pathContent.EndsWith(@"bin\x86\Debug")) // debugging { pathContent = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(pathContent); pathContent = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(pathContent); pathContent = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(pathContent); } pathContent = System.IO.Path.Combine(pathContent, "content"); if(!System.IO.Directory.Exists(path)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } CopyFiles(pathContent, path); System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(Properties.Settings.Default.OutputPath + "\\diagrams"); Dictionary<string, DocPropertyEnumeration> mapPropEnum = new Dictionary<string, DocPropertyEnumeration>(); foreach (DocSection docSection in docProject.Sections) { foreach (DocSchema docSchema in docSection.Schemas) { foreach (DocPropertyEnumeration docEnum in docSchema.PropertyEnums) { mapPropEnum.Add(docEnum.Name, docEnum); } } } Dictionary<DocObject, string> mapNumber = new Dictionary<DocObject, string>(); // map items to section (e.g. "") string pathSchema = path + @"\schema"; // count progress int progressTotal = docProject.Sections.Count + docProject.Annexes.Count + 2; formProgress.SetProgressTotal(progressTotal); int progressCurrent = 0; // build list of locales in use SortedList<string, string> listLocale = new SortedList<string, string>(); foreach (DocObject eachobj in mapEntity.Values) { if (eachobj.Localization != null) { foreach (DocLocalization doclocal in eachobj.Localization) { // only deal with languages, not regions if (doclocal.Locale != null && doclocal.Locale.Length >= 2) { string language = doclocal.Locale.Substring(0, 2); if (!listLocale.ContainsKey(language)) { listLocale.Add(language, doclocal.Locale); } } } } } // build filter Dictionary<DocObject, bool> included = null; if (views != null) { included = new Dictionary<DocObject, bool>(); foreach (DocModelView docEachView in views) { docProject.RegisterObjectsInScope(docEachView, included); } } Dictionary<DocObject, bool>[] dictionaryViews = new Dictionary<DocObject, bool>[docProject.ModelViews.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < docProject.ModelViews.Count; i++) { DocModelView docView = docProject.ModelViews[i]; if (included != null && included.ContainsKey(docView)) { dictionaryViews[i] = new Dictionary<DocObject, bool>(); docProject.RegisterObjectsInScope(docProject.ModelViews[i], dictionaryViews[i]); } } DocEntity docEntityRoot = docProject.GetDefinition("IfcRoot") as DocEntity; // upper contents page string pathHeaderFrame = path + "\\content.htm"; using (FormatHTM htmProp = new FormatHTM(pathHeaderFrame, mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { DocAnnotation docCover = docProject.Annotations[0]; string projectname = docCover.Code; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(docCover.Version)) { projectname += " - " + docCover.Version; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(docCover.Status)) { projectname += " [" + docCover.Status + "]"; } string projectcopy = docCover.Copyright; htmProp.Write( "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"\">\r\n" + "<html lang=\"en\">" + "<head>" + "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=us-ascii\">" + "<link rel=\"STYLESHEET\" href=\"./ifc-styles.css\" type=\"text/css\">" + "</head>" + "<body class=\"image\">" + "<div class=\"content\">" + "<table summary=\"title\" class=\"content\" frameborder=\"0\">" + "<tr>" + "<td>" + "<p class=\"td\">" + "<b>" + projectname + "</b>" + "</p>" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "<p class=\"td right\">" + "<b>" + projectcopy + "</b>" + "</p>" + "</td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>" + "<table summary=\"short table of content\" class=\"content\">" + "<col width=\"15%\">" + "<col width=\"25%\">" + "<col width=\"20%\">" + "<col width=\"25%\">" + "<col width=\"15%\">" + "<tr>" + "<td class=\"content\">" + "<ol class=\"td none\">" + "<li class=\"std\"><a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"cover.htm\" target=\"info\">" + docProject.Annotations[0].Name + "</a></li>" + "<li class=\"std\"><a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"toc.htm\" target=\"info\">" + docProject.Annotations[1].Name + "</a></li>" + "<li class=\"std\"><a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"foreword.htm\" target=\"info\">" + docProject.Annotations[2].Name + "</a></li>" + "<li class=\"std\"><a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"introduction.htm\" target=\"info\">" + docProject.Annotations[3].Name + "</a></li>" + "</ol>" + "</td>" + "<td class=\"content\">" + "<ol class=\"td num\">" + "<li class=\"std\"><a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"schema/chapter-1.htm\" target=\"info\">" + docProject.Sections[0].Name + "</a></li>" + "<li class=\"std\"><a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"schema/chapter-2.htm\" target=\"info\">" + docProject.Sections[1].Name + "</a></li>" + "<li class=\"std\"><a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"schema/chapter-3.htm\" target=\"info\">" + docProject.Sections[2].Name + "</a></li>" + "<li class=\"std\"><a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"schema/chapter-4.htm\" target=\"info\">" + docProject.Sections[3].Name + "</a></li>" + "</ol>" + "</td>" + "<td class=\"content\">" + "<ol class=\"td num\" start=\"5\">" + "<li class=\"std\"><a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"schema/chapter-5.htm\" target=\"info\">" + docProject.Sections[4].Name + "</a></li>" + "<li class=\"std\"><a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"schema/chapter-6.htm\" target=\"info\">" + docProject.Sections[5].Name + "</a></li>" + "<li class=\"std\"><a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"schema/chapter-7.htm\" target=\"info\">" + docProject.Sections[6].Name + "</a></li>" + "<li class=\"std\"><a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"schema/chapter-8.htm\" target=\"info\">" + docProject.Sections[7].Name + "</a></li>" + "</ol>" + "</td>" + "<td class=\"content\">" + "<ol class=\"td alpha\">" + "<li class=\"std\"><a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-a.htm\" target=\"info\">" + docProject.Annexes[0].Name + "</a></li>" + "<li class=\"std\"><a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-b.htm\" target=\"info\">" + docProject.Annexes[1].Name + "</a></li>" + "<li class=\"std\"><a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-c.htm\" target=\"info\">" + docProject.Annexes[2].Name + "</a></li>" + "<li class=\"std\"><a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-d.htm\" target=\"info\">" + docProject.Annexes[3].Name + "</a></li>" + "</ol>" + "</td>" + "<td class=\"content\">" + "<ol class=\"td alpha\" start=\"5\">" + "<li class=\"std\"><a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-e.htm\" target=\"info\">" + docProject.Annexes[4].Name + "</a></li>" + "<li class=\"std\"><a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-f.htm\" target=\"info\">" + docProject.Annexes[5].Name + "</a></li>" + "</ol>" + "<ol class=\"td none\">" + "<li class=\"std\"><a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"bibliography.htm\" target=\"info\">Bibliography</a></li>" + "<li class=\"std\"><a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"doc_index.htm\" target=\"info\">Index</a></li>" + "</ol>" + "</td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>" + "</div>" + "</body>" + "</html>"); } // cover using (FormatHTM htmSection = new FormatHTM(path + "\\cover.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { DocAnnotation docAnnotation = docProject.Annotations[0]; htmSection.WriteHeader(docAnnotation.Name, 0); htmSection.Write( "\r\n" + "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n" + "<!--\r\n" + " parent.index.location.replace(\"credits.htm\");\r\n" + "//-->\r\n" + "</script>\r\n"); htmSection.WriteLine(docAnnotation.Documentation); htmSection.WriteFooter(Properties.Settings.Default.Footer); } using (FormatHTM htmSection = new FormatHTM(path + "\\foreword.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { DocAnnotation docAnnotation = docProject.Annotations[2]; htmSection.WriteHeader(docAnnotation.Name, 0); htmSection.Write( "\r\n" + "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n" + "<!--\r\n" + " parent.index.location.replace(\"blank.htm\");\r\n" + "//-->\r\n" + "</script>\r\n"); htmSection.WriteLine(" <h1 class=\"std\">" + docAnnotation.Name + "</h1>"); htmSection.WriteLine(docAnnotation.Documentation); htmSection.WriteLinkTo("foreword", 0); htmSection.WriteFooter(Properties.Settings.Default.Footer); } using (FormatHTM htmSection = new FormatHTM(path + "\\introduction.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { DocAnnotation docAnnotation = docProject.Annotations[3]; htmSection.WriteHeader(docAnnotation.Name, 0); htmSection.Write( "\r\n" + "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n" + "<!--\r\n" + " parent.index.location.replace(\"blank.htm\");\r\n" + "//-->\r\n" + "</script>\r\n"); htmSection.WriteLine(" <h1 class=\"std\">" + docAnnotation.Name + "</h1>"); htmSection.WriteLine(docAnnotation.Documentation); htmSection.WriteLinkTo("introduction", 0); htmSection.WriteFooter(Properties.Settings.Default.Footer); } #if false Dictionary<Rectangle, DocEntity> mapRectangle = new Dictionary<Rectangle, DocEntity>(); using (Image imgDiagram = FormatPNG.CreateInheritanceDiagram(docProject, included, docEntityRoot, new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 8.0f), mapRectangle)) { imgDiagram.Save(path + @"\img\cover.png"); using (FormatHTM htmCover = new FormatHTM(path + @"\cover.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmCover.WriteHeader(String.Empty, 1); htmCover.WriteLine("<img src=\"" + path + "/img/cover.png\" usemap=\"#f\"/>"); htmCover.WriteLine("<map name=\"f\">"); foreach (Rectangle rc in mapRectangle.Keys) { DocEntity docEntref = mapRectangle[rc]; DocSchema docEntsch = docProject.GetSchemaOfDefinition(docEntref); string hyperlink = "./schema/" + docEntsch.Name.ToLower() + "/lexical/" + docEntref.Name.ToLower() + ".htm"; htmCover.WriteLine("<area shape=\"rect\" coords=\"" + rc.Left + "," + rc.Top + "," + rc.Right + "," + rc.Bottom + "\" href=\"" + hyperlink + "\" alt=\"" + docEntref.Name + "\" />"); } htmCover.WriteLine("</map>"); htmCover.WriteFooter(String.Empty); } } #endif // NEW: property set index -- build index SortedList<string, SortedList<string, DocPropertySet>> mapProperty = new SortedList<string, SortedList<string, DocPropertySet>>(); foreach (DocSection docSection in docProject.Sections) { foreach (DocSchema docSchema in docSection.Schemas) { foreach (DocPropertySet docPset in docSchema.PropertySets) { if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(docPset)) { // include locales foreach (DocLocalization doclocal in docPset.Localization) { // only deal with languages, not regions if (doclocal.Locale != null && doclocal.Locale.Length >= 2) { string language = doclocal.Locale.Substring(0, 2); if (!listLocale.ContainsKey(language)) { listLocale.Add(language, doclocal.Locale); } } } foreach (DocProperty docProp in docPset.Properties) { string datatype = docProp.PrimaryDataType; if (datatype == null) { datatype = "IfcLabel"; // enumerations } string match = docProp.Name + " (" + docProp.PropertyType.ToString() + "/" + datatype.ToString() + ")"; SortedList<string, DocPropertySet> mapPset = null; if (!mapProperty.TryGetValue(match, out mapPset)) { mapPset = new SortedList<string, DocPropertySet>(); mapProperty.Add(match, mapPset); } mapPset.Add(docPset.Name, docPset); // include locales foreach (DocLocalization doclocal in docProp.Localization) { // only deal with languages, not regions if (doclocal.Locale != null && doclocal.Locale.Length >= 2) { string language = doclocal.Locale.Substring(0, 2); if (!listLocale.ContainsKey(language)) { listLocale.Add(language, doclocal.Locale); } } } } } } } } // now format listing of properties StringBuilder sbProperties = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string nameProp in mapProperty.Keys) { sbProperties.Append("<li>"); sbProperties.Append(nameProp); sbProperties.Append("<ul>"); SortedList<string, DocPropertySet> mapPset = mapProperty[nameProp]; foreach (DocPropertySet pset in mapPset.Values) { string proplinkurl = "../../schema/" + mapSchema[pset.Name].ToLower() + "/pset/" + pset.Name.ToLower() + ".htm"; sbProperties.Append(" "); sbProperties.Append("<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\""); sbProperties.Append(proplinkurl); sbProperties.Append("\">"); sbProperties.Append(pset.Name); sbProperties.Append("</a><br/>"); } sbProperties.Append("</ul></li>"); } string pathProps = path + @"/annex/annex-b/alphabeticalorder_properties.htm"; using (FormatHTM htmProp = new FormatHTM(pathProps, mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmProp.WriteHeader("Properties", 2); htmProp.WriteLine("<h2 class=\"annex\">Individual Properties (" + mapProperty.Count + ")</h2>"); htmProp.WriteLine("<ul class=\"std\">"); htmProp.WriteLine(sbProperties.ToString()); htmProp.WriteLine("</ul>"); htmProp.WriteFooter(Properties.Settings.Default.Footer); } // capture figures and tables List<ContentRef> listFigures = new List<ContentRef>(); List<ContentRef> listTables = new List<ContentRef>(); // NEW: section 4 templates int iTemplate = 0; foreach (DocTemplateDefinition docTemplate in docProject.Templates) { if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(docTemplate)) { iTemplate++; int[] indexpath = new int[] { 4, iTemplate }; GenerateTemplate(docProject, docTemplate, mapEntity, mapSchema, included, indexpath, listFigures, listTables); } } // NEW: model view definitions int iView = 0; if (Properties.Settings.Default.ConceptTables) { foreach (DocModelView docProjectModelView in docProject.ModelViews) { if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(docProjectModelView)) { iView++; string pathTemplate = pathSchema + @"\views\" + docProjectModelView.Name.Replace(' ', '-').ToLower() + "\\index.htm"; using (FormatHTM htmTemplate = new FormatHTM(pathTemplate, mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmTemplate.WriteHeader(docProjectModelView.Name, 1, iView, 0, 0, Properties.Settings.Default.Header); htmTemplate.WriteScript(1, iView, 0, 0); { string indexer = "1." + iView.ToString(); string tag = "h3"; string id = docProjectModelView.Name.ToLower(); htmTemplate.WriteLine("<" + tag + "><a id=\"" + id + "\" name=\"" + id + "\">" + indexer + " " + docProjectModelView.Name + "</a></" + tag + ">"); // write table of status for MVD htmTemplate.WriteLine("<table class=\"gridtable\">"); htmTemplate.WriteLine("<tr><th>Code</th><th>Version</th><th>Status</th><th>Author</th><th>Copyright</th></tr>"); htmTemplate.WriteLine("<tr><td>" + docProjectModelView.Code + "</td><td>" + docProjectModelView.Version + "</td><td>" + docProjectModelView.Status + "</td><td>" + docProjectModelView.Author + "</td><td>" + docProjectModelView.Copyright + "</td></tr>"); htmTemplate.WriteLine("</table>"); string viewtable = FormatView(docProject, docProjectModelView, mapEntity, mapSchema); htmTemplate.WriteDocumentationForISO(viewtable, docProjectModelView, false); } htmTemplate.WriteFooter(Properties.Settings.Default.Footer); } // each exchange... (or sub-page?) if (Properties.Settings.Default.Requirement) { for (int iExchange = 0; iExchange < docProjectModelView.Exchanges.Count; iExchange++) { DocExchangeDefinition docExchange = docProjectModelView.Exchanges[iExchange]; string pathExchange = pathSchema + @"\views\" + MakeLinkName(docProjectModelView) + "\\" + MakeLinkName(docExchange) + ".htm"; using (FormatHTM htmExchange = new FormatHTM(pathExchange, mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmExchange.WriteHeader(docExchange.Name, 1, iView, 0, 0, Properties.Settings.Default.Header); htmExchange.WriteScript(1, iView, iExchange + 1, 0); string indexer = "1." + iView.ToString() + "." + (iExchange + 1).ToString(); string tag = "h4"; string id = docExchange.Name.ToLower(); htmExchange.WriteLine("<" + tag + "><a id=\"" + id + "\" name=\"" + id + "\">" + indexer + " " + docExchange.Name + "</a></" + tag + ">"); htmExchange.WriteLine("<p class=\"std\">"); string exchangedoc = FormatExchange(docProject, docProjectModelView, docExchange, mapEntity, mapSchema); htmExchange.WriteDocumentationForISO(exchangedoc, docExchange, false); htmExchange.WriteLine("</p>"); } // icons for each exchange if (docExchange.Icon != null) { string pathIcon = path + @"\img\mvd-" + MakeLinkName(docExchange) + ".png"; try { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(pathIcon, System.IO.FileMode.Create)) { fs.Write(docExchange.Icon, 0, docExchange.Icon.Length); fs.Close(); } } catch { } } } } } } } string pathTOC = path + @"\toc.htm"; using (FormatHTM htmTOC = new FormatHTM(pathTOC, mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmTOC.WriteHeader("Contents", 0); htmTOC.WriteLine(" <script type=\"text/javascript\">"); htmTOC.WriteLine(" <!--"); htmTOC.WriteLine(" parent.index.location = \"blank.htm\";"); htmTOC.WriteLine(" = \"content.htm\""); htmTOC.WriteLine(" -->"); htmTOC.WriteLine(" </script>"); htmTOC.WriteLine(" <h1 class=\"std\">Contents</h1>"); htmTOC.WriteLine("<p>"); // each section int iSection = 0; foreach (DocSection section in docProject.Sections) { worker.ReportProgress(++progressCurrent, section); if (worker.CancellationPending) return; iSection++; using (FormatHTM htmSectionTOC = new FormatHTM(pathSchema + @"\toc-" + iSection.ToString() + ".htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmSectionTOC.WriteLine( "<html> \r\n" + "<head> \r\n" + "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\"> \r\n" + "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../ifc-styles.css\"> \r\n" + "<title>Section Contents</title> \r\n" + "</head> \r\n" + "<body class=\"image\"> \r\n" + "<div class=\"menu\">\r\n" + "<table class=\"menu\" summary=\"Table of Contents\">\r\n"); htmTOC.WriteTOC(0, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"schema/chapter-" + iSection.ToString() + ".htm\">" + iSection.ToString() + ". " + section.Name + "</a>"); mapNumber.Add(section, iSection.ToString() + "."); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">" + iSection + ". <a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"chapter-" + iSection + ".htm\" target=\"info\" >" + section.Name + "</a></td></tr>\r\n"); // write the section page using (FormatHTM htmSection = new FormatHTM(pathSchema + @"\chapter-" + iSection.ToString() + @".htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmSection.WriteHeader(section.Name, iSection - 1, 0, 0, 0, Properties.Settings.Default.Header); htmSection.WriteScript(iSection, 0, 0, 0); htmSection.WriteLine("<h1 class=\"num\" id=\"scope\">" + section.Name + "</h1>"); section.Documentation = UpdateNumbering(section.Documentation, listFigures, listTables, section); htmSection.WriteDocumentationForISO(section.Documentation, section, Properties.Settings.Default.NoHistory); if (iSection == 1) { if (Properties.Settings.Default.ConceptTables) { int iModel = 0; foreach (DocModelView docModelView in docProject.ModelViews) { if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(docModelView)) { iModel++; string htmllink = "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"views/" + MakeLinkName(docModelView) + "/index.htm\" target=\"info\">" + iSection.ToString() + "." + iModel.ToString() + " " + docModelView.Name + "</a>"; htmTOC.WriteTOC(1, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"schema/views/" + MakeLinkName(docModelView) + "/index.htm\" >" + iSection.ToString() + "." + iModel.ToString() + " " + docModelView.Name + "</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr><td> </td></tr>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">" + htmllink + "</td></tr>"); if (Properties.Settings.Default.Requirement) { int iExchange = 0; foreach (DocExchangeDefinition docExchange in docModelView.Exchanges) { iExchange++; htmllink = "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"views/" + MakeLinkName(docModelView) + "/" + MakeLinkName(docExchange) + ".htm\" target=\"info\">" + iSection.ToString() + "." + iModel.ToString() + "." + iExchange.ToString() + " " + docExchange.Name + "</a>"; htmTOC.WriteTOC(2, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"schema/views/" + MakeLinkName(docModelView) + "/" + MakeLinkName(docExchange) + ".htm\" >" + iSection.ToString() + "." + iModel.ToString() + "." + iExchange.ToString() + " " + docExchange.Name + "</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">" + htmllink + "</td></tr>"); } } } } } } else if (iSection == 2) { htmSection.WriteLine("<dl>"); if (docProject.NormativeReferences != null) { foreach (DocReference docRef in docProject.NormativeReferences) { htmSection.WriteLine("<dt class=\"normativereference\"><a id=\"" + MakeLinkName(docRef) + "\">" + docRef.Name + "</a>, <i>" + docRef.Documentation + "</i></dt>"); htmSection.WriteLine("<dd> </dd>"); } } htmSection.WriteLine("</dl>"); } else if (iSection == 3) { htmTOC.WriteTOC(0, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"schema/chapter-3.htm#terms\">3.1 Terms and definitions</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">3.1 <a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"chapter-3.htm#terms\" target=\"info\" >Terms and definitions</a></td></tr>\r\n"); htmTOC.WriteTOC(0, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"schema/chapter-3.htm#abbreviated\">3.2 Abbreviated terms</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">3.2 <a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"chapter-3.htm#abbreviated\" target=\"info\" >Abbreviated terms</a></td></tr>\r\n"); htmSection.WriteLine("<a id=\"terms\"/>"); htmSection.WriteLine("<h2>3.1 Terms and definitions</h2>"); htmSection.WriteLine("<dl>"); if (docProject.Terms != null) { foreach(DocTerm docTerm in docProject.Terms) { htmSection.WriteTerm(docTerm); } } htmSection.WriteLine("</dl>"); htmSection.WriteLine("<a id=\"abbreviated\"/>"); htmSection.WriteLine("<h2>3.2 Abbreviated terms</h2>"); htmSection.WriteLine("<table class=\"abbreviatedterms\">"); if (docProject.Abbreviations != null) { SortedList<string, DocAbbreviation> sl = new SortedList<string, DocAbbreviation>(); foreach (DocAbbreviation docRef in docProject.Abbreviations) { sl.Add(docRef.Name, docRef); } foreach (string s in sl.Keys) { DocAbbreviation docRef = sl[s]; htmSection.WriteLine("<tr><td class=\"abbreviatedterm\" id=\"" + MakeLinkName(docRef) + "\">" + docRef.Name + "</td>"); htmSection.WriteLine("<td class=\"abbrebiatedterm\">" + docRef.Documentation + "</td></tr>"); } } htmSection.WriteLine("</table>"); } else if (iSection == 4) { FormatHTM.WriteTOCforTemplates(docProject.Templates, 1, iSection.ToString(), htmTOC, htmSectionTOC, included); htmSection.WriteLine("<table class=\"gridtable\">"); htmSection.WriteLine("<tr><th>Template</th>"); for (int i = 0; i < docProject.ModelViews.Count; i++) { DocModelView docView = docProject.ModelViews[i]; if (included != null && included.ContainsKey(docView)) { htmSection.WriteLine("<th>" + docProject.ModelViews[i].Name + "</th>"); } } htmSection.WriteLine("</tr>"); foreach (DocTemplateDefinition docTemplateDefinition in docProject.Templates) { htmSection.WriteTemplateTable(docProject, docTemplateDefinition, 0, dictionaryViews); } htmSection.WriteLine("</table>"); } htmSection.WriteLine("<p>"); int iListSchema = 0; foreach (DocSchema schema in section.Schemas) { if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(schema)) { iListSchema++; htmSection.WriteLine("<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"" + schema.Name.ToLower() + "/content.htm\">" + iSection.ToString() + "." + iListSchema.ToString() + " " + schema.Name + "</a><br>"); } } htmSection.WriteLine("</p>"); htmSection.WriteLinkTo("chapter-" + iSection, 1); htmSection.WriteFooter(Properties.Settings.Default.Footer); } // each schema int iSchema = 0; foreach (DocSchema schema in section.Schemas) { if (worker.CancellationPending) return; if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(schema)) { iSchema++; // ensure directory exists System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(pathSchema + @"\" + schema.Name.ToLower() + @"\lexical\"); // create schema document using (FormatHTM htmSchema = new FormatHTM(pathSchema + @"\" + schema.Name.ToLower() + @"\content.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { { mapNumber.Add(schema, iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString()); htmTOC.WriteTOC(1, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"schema/" + schema.Name.ToLower() + "/content.htm\">" + iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + " " + schema.Name + "</a>"); // extra line between each schema htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr><td> </td></tr>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\"><a id=\"" + iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "\">" + iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "</a> <a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"" + schema.Name.ToLower() + "/content.htm\" target=\"info\">" + schema.Name + "</a></td></tr>\r\n"); htmSchema.WriteHeader(schema.Name, iSection, iSchema, 0, 0, Properties.Settings.Default.Header); htmSchema.WriteScript(iSection, iSchema, 0, 0); htmSchema.WriteLine("<h2 class=\"std\">" + iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + " " + schema.Name + "</h2>"); int iSubSection = 1; // first subsection for schema semantic definition htmTOC.WriteTOC(2, iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + " Schema Definition"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">" + iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + " Schema Definition</td></tr>\r\n"); htmSchema.WriteLine("<h3 class=\"std\">" + iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + " Schema Definition</h3>"); schema.Documentation = UpdateNumbering(schema.Documentation, listFigures, listTables, schema); htmSchema.WriteDocumentationForISO(schema.Documentation, schema, Properties.Settings.Default.NoHistory); // each type if (schema.Types.Count > 0) { iSubSection++; htmTOC.WriteTOC(2, iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + " Types"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">" + iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + " Types</td></tr>\r\n"); int iType = 0; foreach (DocType type in schema.Types) { if (worker.CancellationPending) return; if (type.Name.Equals("IfcNullStyle", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && schema.Name.Equals("IfcConstructionMgmtDomain", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { // bug -- exclude } else if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(type)) { iType++; string formatnum = iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + "." + iType.ToString(); mapNumber.Add(type, formatnum); htmTOC.WriteTOC(3, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"schema/" + mapSchema[type.Name].ToLower() + "/lexical/" + type.Name.ToLower() + ".htm\">" + formatnum.ToString() + " " + type.Name + "</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\"><a id=\"" + formatnum + "\">" + iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + "." + iType.ToString() + "</a> <a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"" + mapSchema[type.Name].ToLower() + "/lexical/" + type.Name.ToLower() + ".htm\" target=\"info\">" + type.Name + "</a><td></tr>\r\n"); using (FormatHTM htmDef = new FormatHTM(pathSchema + @"\" + schema.Name.ToLower() + "\\lexical\\" + type.Name.ToLower() + ".htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmDef.WriteHeader(type.Name, iSection, iSchema, iSubSection, iType, Properties.Settings.Default.Header); htmDef.WriteScript(iSection, iSchema, iSubSection, iType); htmDef.WriteLine("<h4 class=\"num\">" + type.Name + "</h4>"); htmDef.WriteLocalizedNames(type); htmDef.WriteChangeLog(type, docProject); htmDef.WriteLine("<section>"); htmDef.WriteLine("<h5 class=\"num\">Semantic definitions at the type</h5>"); if (type.Documentation != null) { type.Documentation = UpdateNumbering(type.Documentation, listFigures, listTables, type); } htmDef.WriteSummaryHeader("Type definition", true); htmDef.WriteDocumentationForISO(type.Documentation, type, Properties.Settings.Default.NoHistory); htmDef.WriteSummaryFooter(); if(type is DocEnumeration) { DocEnumeration docEnumeration = (DocEnumeration)type; htmDef.WriteSummaryHeader("Enumeration definition", true); htmDef.WriteLine("<table class=\"attributes\">"); htmDef.WriteLine("<tr><th>Constant</th><th>Description</th></tr>"); foreach (DocConstant docConstant in docEnumeration.Constants) { htmDef.Write("<tr><td>"); htmDef.Write(docConstant.Name); htmDef.Write("</td><td>"); htmDef.Write(docConstant.Documentation); htmDef.Write("</td></tr>"); } htmDef.WriteLine("</table>"); htmDef.WriteSummaryFooter(); } else if (type is DocSelect) { DocSelect docSelect = (DocSelect)type; htmDef.WriteSummaryHeader("Select definition", true); htmDef.WriteLine("<table class=\"attributes\">"); htmDef.WriteLine("<tr><th>Type</th><th>Description</th></tr>"); foreach (DocSelectItem docSelectItem in docSelect.Selects) { DocObject docRef = null; if (mapEntity.TryGetValue(docSelectItem.Name, out docRef)) { if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(docRef)) { htmDef.Write("<tr><td>"); htmDef.WriteDefinition(docSelectItem.Name); //htmDef.Write(docSelectItem.Name); htmDef.Write("</td><td>"); htmDef.Write(docSelectItem.Documentation); htmDef.Write("</td></tr>"); } } } htmDef.WriteLine("</table>"); htmDef.WriteSummaryFooter(); } htmDef.WriteLine("</section>"); // where rules (for defined types) if (type is DocDefined && ((DocDefined)type).WhereRules != null && ((DocDefined)type).WhereRules.Count > 0) { DocDefined entity = (DocDefined)type; // formal propositions htmDef.WriteSummaryHeader("Formal Propositions", true); htmDef.WriteLine("<table class=\"propositions\">"); htmDef.WriteLine("<tr><th>Rule</th><th>Description</th></tr>"); foreach (DocWhereRule docAttr in entity.WhereRules) { htmDef.Write("<tr><td>"); htmDef.Write(docAttr.Name); htmDef.Write("</td><td>"); if (docAttr.Documentation != null) { htmDef.WriteDocumentationForISO(docAttr.Documentation, entity, Properties.Settings.Default.NoHistory); } htmDef.WriteLine("</td></tr>"); } htmDef.WriteLine("</table>\r\n"); htmDef.WriteSummaryFooter(); } htmDef.WriteLine("<section>"); htmDef.WriteLine("<h5 class=\"num\">Formal representations</h5>"); if (!Properties.Settings.Default.NoXsd) { htmDef.WriteSummaryHeader("XSD Specification", false); htmDef.Write("<div class=\"xsd\"><code class=\"xsd\">"); if (type is DocSelect) { htmDef.WriteFormatted(FormatXSD.FormatSelect((DocSelect)type, mapEntity, included)); } else if (type is DocEnumeration) { htmDef.WriteFormatted(FormatXSD.FormatEnum((DocEnumeration)type)); } else if (type is DocDefined) { htmDef.WriteFormatted(FormatXSD.FormatDefined((DocDefined)type, mapEntity)); } htmDef.Write("</code></div>"); htmDef.WriteSummaryFooter(); } htmDef.WriteExpressTypeAndDocumentation(type, Properties.Settings.Default.NoHistory, Properties.Settings.Default.ExpressComments); htmDef.WriteLine("</section>"); // write url for incoming page link htmDef.WriteLinkTo(type); htmDef.WriteFooter(Properties.Settings.Default.Footer); } } } } // each entity if (schema.Entities.Count > 0) { iSubSection++; htmTOC.WriteTOC(2, iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + " Entities"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">" + iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + " Entities</td></tr>\r\n"); int iEntity = 0; foreach (DocEntity entity in schema.Entities) { if (worker.CancellationPending) return; if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(entity)) { iEntity++; string formatnum = iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + "." + iEntity.ToString(); mapNumber.Add(entity, formatnum); htmTOC.WriteTOC(3, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"schema/" + mapSchema[entity.Name].ToLower() + "/lexical/" + entity.Name.ToLower() + ".htm\">" + formatnum + " " + entity.Name + "</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\"><a id=\"" + formatnum + "\">" + iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + "." + iEntity.ToString() + "</a> <a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"" + mapSchema[entity.Name].ToLower() + "/lexical/" + entity.Name.ToLower() + ".htm\" target=\"info\">" + entity.Name + "</a></td></tr>\r\n"); using (FormatHTM htmDef = new FormatHTM(pathSchema + @"\" + schema.Name.ToLower() + "\\lexical\\" + entity.Name.ToLower() + ".htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmDef.WriteHeader(entity.Name, iSection, iSchema, iSubSection, iEntity, Properties.Settings.Default.Header); htmDef.WriteScript(iSection, iSchema, iSubSection, iEntity); htmDef.WriteLine("<h4 class=\"num\">" + entity.Name + "</h4>"); htmDef.WriteLocalizedNames(entity); htmDef.WriteChangeLog(entity, docProject); htmDef.WriteLine("<section>"); htmDef.WriteLine("<h5 class=\"num\">Semantic definitions at the entity</h5>"); string entitydocumentation = FormatEntityDescription(docProject, entity, listFigures, listTables); htmDef.WriteSummaryHeader("Entity definition", true); htmDef.WriteDocumentationForISO(entitydocumentation, entity, Properties.Settings.Default.NoHistory); htmDef.WriteSummaryFooter(); if (entity.Attributes != null && entity.Attributes.Count > 0) { htmDef.WriteSummaryHeader("Attribute definitions", true); htmDef.WriteLine("<table class=\"attributes\">"); htmDef.WriteLine("<tr><th>#</th><th>Attribute</th><th>Type</th><th>Cardinality</th><th>Description</th>"); if (views != null) { foreach (DocModelView docViewHeader in views) { htmDef.Write("<th>"); htmDef.Write(docViewHeader.Name.Substring(0, 1)); htmDef.Write("</th>"); } } htmDef.WriteLine("</tr>"); int sequence = 0; // count direct attributes of base classes DocEntity docEntBase = entity; DocObject docBase = null; while(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(docEntBase.BaseDefinition) && mapEntity.TryGetValue(docEntBase.BaseDefinition, out docBase)) { docEntBase = (DocEntity)docBase; foreach(DocAttribute docAttrBase in docEntBase.Attributes) { if (docAttrBase.Inverse == null && docAttrBase.Derived == null) { sequence++; } } } htmDef.WriteEntityAttributes(entity, entity, views, dictionaryViews, ref sequence); htmDef.WriteLine("</table>"); htmDef.WriteSummaryFooter(); } if (entity.WhereRules != null && entity.WhereRules.Count > 0) { // avoid attributes without descriptions int cDescs = 0; foreach (DocWhereRule docAttr in entity.WhereRules) { if (docAttr.Documentation != null) { cDescs++; } } if (cDescs > 0) { // formal propositions htmDef.WriteSummaryHeader("Formal Propositions", true); htmDef.WriteLine("<table class=\"propositions\">"); htmDef.WriteLine("<tr><th>Rule</th><th>Description</th></tr>"); foreach (DocWhereRule docAttr in entity.WhereRules) { htmDef.Write("<tr><td>"); htmDef.Write(docAttr.Name); htmDef.Write("</td><td>"); if (docAttr.Documentation != null) { htmDef.WriteDocumentationForISO(docAttr.Documentation, entity, Properties.Settings.Default.NoHistory); } htmDef.WriteLine("</td></tr>"); } htmDef.WriteLine("</table>\r\n"); htmDef.WriteSummaryFooter(); } } htmDef.WriteLine("</section>"); htmDef.WriteLine("<section>"); htmDef.WriteLine("<h5 class=\"num\">Inherited definitions from supertypes</h5>"); Dictionary<Rectangle, DocEntity> map = new Dictionary<Rectangle, DocEntity>(); using (Font font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 8.0f)) { using (Image img = FormatPNG.CreateInheritanceDiagramForEntity(docProject, included, entity, font, map)) { img.Save(path + "\\diagrams\\" + entity.Name.ToLower() + ".png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); } } htmDef.WriteSummaryHeader("Entity inheritance", true); htmDef.WriteLine("<img src=\"../../../diagrams/" + entity.Name.ToLower() + ".png\" usemap=\"#f\"/>"); htmDef.WriteLine("<map name=\"f\">"); foreach (Rectangle rc in map.Keys) { DocEntity docEntref = map[rc]; DocSchema docEntsch = docProject.GetSchemaOfDefinition(docEntref); string hyperlink = "../../../schema/" + docEntsch.Name.ToLower() + "/lexical/" + docEntref.Name.ToLower() + ".htm"; htmDef.WriteLine("<area shape=\"rect\" coords=\"" + rc.Left + "," + rc.Top + "," + rc.Right + "," + rc.Bottom + "\" href=\"" + hyperlink + "\" alt=\"" + docEntref.Name + "\" />"); } htmDef.WriteLine("</map>"); htmDef.WriteSummaryFooter(); htmDef.WriteSummaryHeader("Attribute inheritance", false); htmDef.WriteLine("<table class=\"attributes\">"); htmDef.Write("<tr><th>#</th><th>Attribute</th><th>Type</th><th>Cardinality</th><th>Description</th>"); if(views != null) { foreach(DocModelView docViewHeader in views) { htmDef.Write("<th>"); htmDef.Write(docViewHeader.Name.Substring(0, 1)); htmDef.Write("</th>"); } } htmDef.WriteLine("</tr>"); int sequenceX = 0; htmDef.WriteEntityInheritance(entity, entity, views, dictionaryViews, ref sequenceX); htmDef.WriteLine("</table>"); htmDef.WriteSummaryFooter(); //htmDef.WriteEntityInheritance(entity); string conceptdocumentation = FormatEntityConcepts(docProject, entity, mapEntity, mapSchema, included, listFigures, listTables); htmDef.WriteDocumentationForISO(conceptdocumentation, entity, Properties.Settings.Default.NoHistory); if (docProject.Examples != null) { List<DocExample> listExample = new List<DocExample>(); foreach (DocExample docExample in docProject.Examples) { BuildExampleList(listExample, docExample, entity, included); } if (listExample.Count > 0) { htmDef.WriteLine("<section>"); htmDef.WriteLine("<h5 class=\"num\">Examples</h5>"); //htmDef.WriteSummaryHeader("Examples", true); htmDef.WriteLine("<ul>"); foreach (DocExample docExample in listExample) { if (docExample.Name != null) { htmDef.Write("<li><a href=\"../../../annex/annex-e/"); htmDef.Write(docExample.Name.Replace(' ', '-').ToLower()); htmDef.Write(".htm\">"); htmDef.Write(docExample.Name); htmDef.Write("</a></li>"); htmDef.WriteLine(""); } } htmDef.WriteLine("</ul>"); //htmDef.WriteSummaryFooter(); htmDef.WriteLine("</section>"); } } htmDef.WriteLine("<section>"); htmDef.WriteLine("<h5 class=\"num\">Formal representations</h5>"); if (!Properties.Settings.Default.NoXsd) { htmDef.WriteSummaryHeader("XSD Specification", false); htmDef.Write("<div class=\"xsd\"><code class=\"xsd\">"); htmDef.WriteFormatted(FormatXSD.FormatEntity(entity, mapEntity, included)); htmDef.Write("</code></div>"); htmDef.WriteSummaryFooter(); } htmDef.WriteExpressEntityAndDocumentation(entity, Properties.Settings.Default.NoHistory, Properties.Settings.Default.ExpressComments); htmDef.WriteLine("</section>"); // write url for incoming page link htmDef.WriteLinkTo(entity); htmDef.WriteFooter(Properties.Settings.Default.Footer); } } } } // functions if (schema.Functions.Count > 0) { iSubSection++; htmTOC.WriteTOC(2, iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + " Functions"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">" + iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + " Functions</td></tr>\r\n"); int iEntity = 0; foreach (DocFunction entity in schema.Functions) { if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(entity)) { iEntity++; string formatnum = iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + "." + iEntity.ToString(); mapNumber.Add(entity, formatnum); htmTOC.WriteTOC(3, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"schema/" + mapSchema[entity.Name].ToLower() + "/lexical/" + entity.Name.ToLower() + ".htm\">" + formatnum + " " + entity.Name + "</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\"><a id=\"" + formatnum + "\">" + iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + "." + iEntity.ToString() + "</a> <a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"" + mapSchema[entity.Name].ToLower() + "/lexical/" + entity.Name.ToLower() + ".htm\" target=\"info\">" + entity.Name + "</a></td></tr>\r\n"); using (FormatHTM htmDef = new FormatHTM(pathSchema + @"\" + schema.Name.ToLower() + "\\lexical\\" + entity.Name.ToLower() + ".htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmDef.WriteHeader(entity.Name, iSection, iSchema, iSubSection, iEntity, Properties.Settings.Default.Header); htmDef.WriteScript(iSection, iSchema, iSubSection, iEntity); htmDef.WriteLine("<h4 class=\"num\">" + entity.Name + "</h4>"); htmDef.WriteLine("<section>"); htmDef.WriteLine("<h5 class=\"num\">Semantic definitions at the function</h5>"); htmDef.WriteSummaryHeader("Function Definition", true); htmDef.WriteLine("<p>"); htmDef.WriteDocumentationForISO(entity.Documentation, entity, Properties.Settings.Default.NoHistory); htmDef.WriteLine("</p>"); htmDef.WriteSummaryFooter(); htmDef.WriteLine("</section>"); htmDef.WriteLine("<section>"); htmDef.WriteLine("<h5 class=\"num\">Formal representations</h5>"); htmDef.WriteSummaryHeader("EXPRESS Specification", true); htmDef.WriteLine("<span class=\"express\">\r\n"); htmDef.WriteExpressFunction(entity); htmDef.WriteLine("</span>\r\n"); htmDef.WriteSummaryFooter(); htmDef.WriteLine("</section>"); // write url for incoming page link htmDef.WriteLinkTo(entity); htmDef.WriteFooter(Properties.Settings.Default.Footer); } } } } // rules if (schema.GlobalRules.Count > 0) { iSubSection++; htmTOC.WriteTOC(2, iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + " Rules"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">" + iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + " Rules</td></tr>\r\n"); int iEntity = 0; foreach (DocGlobalRule entity in schema.GlobalRules) { if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(entity)) { iEntity++; string formatnum = iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + "." + iEntity.ToString(); mapNumber.Add(entity, formatnum); htmTOC.WriteTOC(3, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"schema/" + mapSchema[entity.Name].ToLower() + "/lexical/" + entity.Name.ToLower() + ".htm\">" + formatnum + " " + entity.Name + "</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\"><a id=\"" + formatnum + "\">" + iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + "." + iEntity.ToString() + "</a> <a href=\"" + mapSchema[entity.Name].ToLower() + "/lexical/" + entity.Name.ToLower() + ".htm\" target=\"info\">" + entity.Name + "</a></td></tr>\r\n"); using (FormatHTM htmDef = new FormatHTM(pathSchema + @"\" + schema.Name.ToLower() + "\\lexical\\" + entity.Name.ToLower() + ".htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmDef.WriteHeader(entity.Name, iSection, iSchema, iSubSection, iEntity, Properties.Settings.Default.Header); htmDef.WriteScript(iSection, iSchema, iSubSection, iEntity); htmDef.WriteLine("<h4 class=\"num\">" + entity.Name + "</h4>"); htmDef.WriteLine("<section>"); htmDef.WriteLine("<h5 class=\"num\">Semantic definitions at the global rule</h5>"); htmDef.WriteSummaryHeader("Global Rule Definition", true); htmDef.WriteLine("<p>"); htmDef.WriteDocumentationForISO(entity.Documentation, entity, Properties.Settings.Default.NoHistory); htmDef.WriteLine("</p>"); htmDef.WriteSummaryFooter(); htmDef.WriteLine("</section>"); htmDef.WriteLine("<section>"); htmDef.WriteLine("<h5 class=\"num\">Formal representations</h5>"); htmDef.WriteSummaryHeader("EXPRESS Specification", true); htmDef.WriteLine("<span class=\"express\">\r\n"); htmDef.WriteExpressGlobalRule(entity); htmDef.WriteLine("</span>\r\n"); htmDef.WriteSummaryFooter(); htmDef.WriteLine("</section>"); // write url for incoming page link htmDef.WriteLinkTo(entity); htmDef.WriteFooter(Properties.Settings.Default.Footer); } } } } // property sets if (schema.PropertySets.Count > 0 || schema.PropertyEnums.Count > 0) { iSubSection++; htmTOC.WriteTOC(2, iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + " Property Sets"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">" + iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + " Property Sets</td></tr>\r\n"); int iPset = 0; foreach (DocPropertySet entity in schema.PropertySets) { if (worker.CancellationPending) return; if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(entity)) { iPset++; string formatnum = iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + "." + iPset.ToString(); mapNumber.Add(entity, formatnum); htmTOC.WriteTOC(3, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"schema/" + mapSchema[entity.Name].ToLower() + "/pset/" + entity.Name.ToLower() + ".htm\">" + formatnum + " " + entity.Name + "</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\"><a id=\"" + formatnum + "\">" + formatnum + "</a> <a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"" + mapSchema[entity.Name].ToLower() + "/pset/" + entity.Name.ToLower() + ".htm\" target=\"info\">" + entity.Name + "</a></td></tr>\r\n"); using (FormatHTM htmDef = new FormatHTM(pathSchema + @"\" + schema.Name.ToLower() + "\\pset\\" + entity.Name.ToLower() + ".htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmDef.WriteHeader(entity.Name, iSection, iSchema, iSubSection, iPset, Properties.Settings.Default.Header); htmDef.WriteScript(iSection, iSchema, iSubSection, iPset); htmDef.WriteLine("<h4 class=\"std\">" + iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + "." + iPset.ToString() + " " + entity.Name + "</h4>"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.ApplicableType)) { htmDef.Write("<p>"); htmDef.WriteDefinition(entity.PropertySetType); htmDef.WriteLine("/"); if (entity.ApplicableType != null && entity.ApplicableType.Contains("/")) { // break out, e.g. "IfcSensor/TEMPERATURESENSOR" string[] applicableparts = entity.ApplicableType.Split('/'); for (int iapppart = 0; iapppart < applicableparts.Length; iapppart++) { if (iapppart > 0) { htmDef.Write(" / "); } htmDef.WriteDefinition(applicableparts[iapppart]); } } else { htmDef.WriteDefinition(entity.ApplicableType); } htmDef.Write("</p>"); } // english by default htmDef.WriteLine("<table>"); entity.Localization.Sort(); // ensure sorted foreach (DocLocalization doclocal in entity.Localization) { string localname = doclocal.Name; string localdesc = doclocal.Documentation; string localid = doclocal.Locale.Substring(0, 2).ToLower(); if (localid.Equals("en", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && localdesc == null) { localdesc = entity.Documentation; } htmDef.WriteLine("<tr><td><img src=\"../../../img/locale-" + localid + ".png\" /></td><td><b> " + localname + ":</b> " + localdesc + "</td></tr>"); } htmDef.WriteLine("</table>"); if (!Properties.Settings.Default.NoXml) { ////htmDef.WriteLine("<p><a href=\"" + entity.Name + "\" target=\"ifd\"><img src=\"../../../img/external.png\" title=\"Link to IFD\"/> buildingSMART Data Dictionary</a></p>\r\n"); // // use guid string guid = IfcGloballyUniqueId.Format(entity.Uuid); htmDef.WriteLine("<p><a href=\"" + guid + "/ifcVersion/2x4\" target=\"ifd\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"../../../img/external.png\" title=\"Link to IFD\"/> buildingSMART Data Dictionary</a></p>\r\n"); htmDef.WriteLine("<p><a href=\"../../../psd/" + entity.Name + ".xml\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"../../../img/diagram.png\" title=\"Link to PSD-XML\"/> PSD-XML</a></p>\r\n"); } // write diagram if it exists htmDef.WriteLine(FormatFigure(docProject, entity, null, entity.Name, listFigures)); htmDef.WriteProperties(entity.Properties); // write url for incoming page link htmDef.WriteLinkTo(entity); htmDef.WriteFooter(Properties.Settings.Default.Footer); } // generate PSD listing using (FormatXML formatPSD = new FormatXML(path + @"\psd\" + entity.Name + ".xml", typeof(PropertySetDef)))//, PropertySetDef.DefaultNamespace)) // full casing for compatibility with original files { formatPSD.Instance = Program.ExportPsd(entity, mapPropEnum); formatPSD.Save(); } } } foreach (DocPropertyEnumeration entity in schema.PropertyEnums) { if (worker.CancellationPending) return; if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(entity)) { iPset++; string formatnum = iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + "." + iPset.ToString(); mapNumber.Add(entity, formatnum); htmTOC.WriteTOC(3, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"schema/" + mapSchema[entity.Name].ToLower() + "/pset/" + entity.Name.ToLower() + ".htm\">" + formatnum + " " + entity.Name + "</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\"><a id=\"" + formatnum + "\">" + formatnum + "</a> <a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"" + mapSchema[entity.Name].ToLower() + "/pset/" + entity.Name.ToLower() + ".htm\" target=\"info\">" + entity.Name + "</a></td></tr>\r\n"); using (FormatHTM htmDef = new FormatHTM(pathSchema + @"\" + schema.Name.ToLower() + "\\pset\\" + entity.Name.ToLower() + ".htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmDef.WriteHeader(entity.Name, iSection, iSchema, iSubSection, iPset, Properties.Settings.Default.Header); htmDef.WriteScript(iSection, iSchema, iSubSection, iPset); htmDef.WriteLine("<h4 class=\"std\">" + iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + "." + iPset.ToString() + " " + entity.Name + "</h4>"); // english by default htmDef.WriteLine("<table>"); entity.Localization.Sort(); // ensure sorted foreach (DocLocalization doclocal in entity.Localization) { if (doclocal.Locale != null && doclocal.Locale.Length > 2) { string localname = doclocal.Name; string localdesc = doclocal.Documentation; string localid = doclocal.Locale.Substring(0, 2).ToLower(); if (localid.Equals("en", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && localdesc == null) { localdesc = entity.Documentation; } htmDef.WriteLine("<tr><td><img src=\"../../../img/locale-" + localid + ".png\" /></td><td><b> " + localname + ":</b> " + localdesc + "</td></tr>"); } } htmDef.WriteLine("</table>"); htmDef.WriteLine("<table class=\"gridtable\">"); htmDef.WriteLine("<tr><th>Name</th><th>Description</th></tr>"); bool showdefaultdesc = true; foreach (DocPropertyConstant docprop in entity.Constants) { htmDef.WriteLine("<tr><td>" + docprop.Name + "</td><td>"); if (docprop.Localization.Count > 0) { htmDef.WriteLine("<table class=\"gridtable\">"); docprop.Localization.Sort(); foreach (DocLocalization doclocal in docprop.Localization) { string localname = doclocal.Name; string localdesc = doclocal.Documentation; string localid = doclocal.Locale.Substring(0, 2).ToLower(); if (localid.Equals("en", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && localdesc == null) { localdesc = docprop.Documentation; showdefaultdesc = false; } htmDef.WriteLine("<tr><td><img src=\"../../../img/locale-" + localid + ".png\" /></td><td><b>" + localname + "</b></td><td>" + localdesc + "</td></tr>"); } htmDef.WriteLine("</table>"); } if(showdefaultdesc) { htmDef.WriteLine(docprop.Documentation); } htmDef.WriteLine("</td></tr>"); } htmDef.WriteLine("</table>"); // write url for incoming page link htmDef.WriteLinkTo(entity); htmDef.WriteFooter(Properties.Settings.Default.Footer); } } } } // quantity sets (assume properties always exist for such schemas so always section 4) if (schema.QuantitySets.Count > 0) { iSubSection++; htmTOC.WriteTOC(2, iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + " Quantity Sets"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">" + iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + " Quantity Sets</td></tr>\r\n"); int iPset = 0; foreach (DocQuantitySet entity in schema.QuantitySets) { if (worker.CancellationPending) return; if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(entity)) { iPset++; string formatnum = iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + "." + iPset.ToString(); mapNumber.Add(entity, formatnum); htmTOC.WriteTOC(3, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"schema/" + mapSchema[entity.Name].ToLower() + "/qset/" + entity.Name.ToLower() + ".htm\">" + formatnum + " " + entity.Name + "</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\"><a id=\"" + formatnum + "\">" + formatnum + "</a> <a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"" + mapSchema[entity.Name].ToLower() + "/qset/" + entity.Name.ToLower() + ".htm\" target=\"info\">" + entity.Name + "</a></td></tr>\r\n"); using (FormatHTM htmDef = new FormatHTM(pathSchema + @"\" + schema.Name.ToLower() + "\\qset\\" + entity.Name.ToLower() + ".htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmDef.WriteHeader(entity.Name, iSection, iSchema, iSubSection, iPset, Properties.Settings.Default.Header); htmDef.WriteScript(iSection, iSchema, iSubSection, iPset); htmDef.WriteLine("<h4 class=\"std\">" + iSection.ToString() + "." + iSchema.ToString() + "." + iSubSection.ToString() + "." + iPset.ToString() + " " + entity.Name + "</h4>"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.ApplicableType)) { htmDef.Write("<p>"); htmDef.WriteDefinition("QTO_TYPEDRIVENOVERRIDE"); htmDef.WriteLine("/"); htmDef.WriteDefinition(entity.ApplicableType); htmDef.Write("</p>"); } // english by default htmDef.WriteLine("<table>"); entity.Localization.Sort(); // ensure sorted foreach (DocLocalization doclocal in entity.Localization) { string localname = doclocal.Name; string localdesc = doclocal.Documentation; string localid = doclocal.Locale.Substring(0, 2).ToLower(); if (localid.Equals("en", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && localdesc == null) { localdesc = entity.Documentation; } htmDef.WriteLine("<tr valign=\"top\"><td><img src=\"../../../img/locale-" + localid + ".png\" title=\"Link to XML\"/></td><td><b>" + localname + "</b>: " + localdesc + "</td></tr>"); } htmDef.WriteLine("</table>"); if (!Properties.Settings.Default.NoXml) { htmDef.WriteLine("<p><a href=\"../../../qto/" + entity.Name + ".xml\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"../../../img/diagram.png\" title=\"Link to QTO-XML\"/> QTO-XML</a></p>\r\n"); } // write each quantity htmDef.WriteLine("<table class=\"gridtable\">"); htmDef.WriteLine("<tr><th>Name</th><th>Type</th><th>Description</th>"); foreach (DocQuantity docprop in entity.Quantities) { htmDef.WriteLine("<tr><td>" + docprop.Name + "</td><td>"); htmDef.WriteDefinition(docprop.QuantityType.ToString()); htmDef.WriteLine("</td><td>"); bool showdefaultdesc = false; if(docprop.Localization.Count > 0) { htmDef.WriteLine("<table class=\"gridtable\">"); docprop.Localization.Sort(); foreach (DocLocalization doclocal in docprop.Localization) { string localname = doclocal.Name; string localdesc = doclocal.Documentation; string localid = doclocal.Locale.Substring(0, 2).ToLower(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(localdesc) && localid.Equals("en", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && localdesc == null) { localdesc = docprop.Documentation; showdefaultdesc = false; } htmDef.WriteLine("<tr><td><img src=\"../../../img/locale-" + localid + ".png\" /></td><td><b>" + localname + "</b></td><td>" + localdesc + "</td></tr>"); } htmDef.WriteLine("</table>"); } if(showdefaultdesc) { htmDef.WriteLine(docprop.Documentation); } htmDef.WriteLine("</td></tr>"); } htmDef.WriteLine("</table>"); // write url for incoming page link htmDef.WriteLinkTo(entity); htmDef.WriteFooter(Properties.Settings.Default.Footer); } // generate PSD listing using (FormatXML formatPSD = new FormatXML(path + @"\qto\" + entity.Name + ".xml", typeof(QtoSetDef), QtoSetDef.DefaultNamespace)) // full casing for compatibility with original files { formatPSD.Instance = Program.ExportQto(entity); formatPSD.Save(); } } } } } // v1.8: write links to express-g htmSchema.WriteLine( "<p><a href=\"../../annex/annex-d/" + MakeLinkName(schema) + "/index.htm\" ><img src=\"../../img/diagram.png\" style=\"border: 0px\" title=\"Link to EXPRESS-G diagram\" alt=\"Link to EXPRESS-G diagram\"> EXPRESS-G diagram</a></p>"); // link to this page htmSchema.WriteLinkTo(schema); htmSchema.WriteFooter(Properties.Settings.Default.Footer); } } } htmSectionTOC.WriteLine( "</table>\r\n" + "</div>\r\n" + "</body>\r\n" + "</html>\r\n"); } } int iAnnex = 0; char chAnnex = 'A'; foreach (DocAnnex docannex in docProject.Annexes) { worker.ReportProgress(++progressCurrent, docannex); iAnnex--; htmTOC.WriteTOC(0, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-" + chAnnex.ToString().ToLower() + ".htm\">Annex " + chAnnex.ToString() + ". " + docannex.Name + "</a>"); // write the section page using (FormatHTM htmSection = new FormatHTM(path + @"\annex\annex-" + chAnnex.ToString().ToLower() + @".htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmSection.WriteHeader(docannex.Name, iAnnex, 0, 0, 0, Properties.Settings.Default.Header); htmSection.WriteScript(iAnnex, 0, 0, 0); htmSection.WriteLine("<h1 class=\"annex\">Annex " + chAnnex.ToString() + "</h1>"); if (chAnnex == 'A') { htmSection.WriteLine("<div align=\"center\">(normative)</div>"); } else { htmSection.WriteLine("<div align=\"center\">(informative)</div>"); } htmSection.WriteLine("<h1 class=\"annex\">" + docannex.Name + "</h1>"); // no numbering for annex currently... docannex.Documentation = UpdateNumbering(section.Documentation, ref iFigure, ref iTable); htmSection.WriteDocumentationForISO(docannex.Documentation, docannex, Properties.Settings.Default.NoHistory); // write listing of schemas if (chAnnex == 'A') { // create page for model view //htmSection.WriteComputerListing("IFC4", "ifc4", 0); /* DoExport(docProject, path + @"\annex\annex-a\default\ifc4.exp", null, null, instances, true); DoExport(docProject, path + @"\annex\annex-a\default\ifcXML4.xsd", null, null, instances, true); DoExport(docProject, path + @"\annex\annex-a\default\ifc4.ifc", null, null, instances, true); DoExport(docProject, path + @"\annex\annex-a\default\ifc4.ifcxml", null, null, instances, true); using (FormatHTM htmExpress = new FormatHTM(path + @"\annex\annex-a\default\ifc4.exp.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmExpress.UseAnchors = true; htmExpress.WriteHeader("EXPRESS", 3); htmExpress.WriteExpressSchema(docProject); htmExpress.WriteFooter(""); } using (FormatHTM htmXSD = new FormatHTM(path + @"\annex\annex-a\default\ifcXML4.xsd.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { string xsdcontent = null; using (System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(path + @"\annex\annex-a\default\ifcXML4.xsd.txt")) { xsdcontent = reader.ReadToEnd(); } htmXSD.UseAnchors = false; htmXSD.WriteHeader("XSD", 3); htmXSD.Write("<span class=\"express\">"); htmXSD.WriteFormatted(xsdcontent); htmXSD.Write("</span>"); htmXSD.WriteFooter(""); } */ } else if(chAnnex == 'C') { htmSection.WriteInheritanceMapping(docProject, views); } htmSection.WriteLinkTo("annex-" + chAnnex.ToString().ToLower(), 1); htmSection.WriteFooter(Properties.Settings.Default.Footer); } using (FormatHTM htmSectionTOC = new FormatHTM(path + @"\annex\toc-" + chAnnex.ToString().ToLower() + ".htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmSectionTOC.WriteLine( "<html> \r\n" + "<head> \r\n" + "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\"> \r\n" + "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../ifc-styles.css\"> \r\n" + "<title>Section Contents</title> \r\n" + "</head> \r\n" + "<body class=\"image\"> \r\n" + "<div class=\"menu\">\r\n" + "<table class=\"menu\" summary=\"Table of Contents\">\r\n"); // top level htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">" + chAnnex + ". <a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex-" + chAnnex.ToString().ToLower() + ".htm\" target=\"info\" >" + docannex.Name + "</a></td></tr>\r\n"); switch (chAnnex) { case 'A': // each MVD has specific schema //if (Properties.Settings.Default.ConceptTables) { int iCodeView = 0; foreach (DocModelView docModelView in docProject.ModelViews) { if ((included == null || included.ContainsKey(docModelView)) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(docModelView.Code)) { iCodeView++; htmTOC.WriteTOC(1, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-a/" + MakeLinkName(docModelView) + "/index.htm\" >A." + iCodeView.ToString() + " " + docModelView.Name + "</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr><td> </td></tr>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">A." + iCodeView.ToString() + " <a href=\"annex-a/" + MakeLinkName(docModelView) + "/index.htm\" target=\"info\" >" + docModelView.Name + "</a></td></tr>"); // create page for model view string pathRoot = path + @"\annex\annex-a\" + MakeLinkName(docModelView) + @"\index.htm"; using (FormatHTM htmRoot = new FormatHTM(pathRoot, mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmRoot.WriteComputerListing(docModelView.Name, docModelView.Code, iCodeView); } // show filtered schemas for model views only if exchanges defined if (Properties.Settings.Default.ConceptTables) { DocModelView[] modelviews = docProject.GetViewInheritance(docModelView); DoExport(docProject, path + @"\annex\annex-a\" + MakeLinkName(docModelView) + @"\" + docModelView.Code + ".exp", modelviews, locales, instances); DoExport(docProject, path + @"\annex\annex-a\" + MakeLinkName(docModelView) + @"\" + docModelView.Code + ".xsd", modelviews, locales, instances); DoExport(docProject, path + @"\annex\annex-a\" + MakeLinkName(docModelView) + @"\" + docModelView.Code + ".ifc", modelviews, locales, instances); DoExport(docProject, path + @"\annex\annex-a\" + MakeLinkName(docModelView) + @"\" + docModelView.Code + ".ifcxml", modelviews, locales, instances); DoExport(docProject, path + @"\annex\annex-a\" + MakeLinkName(docModelView) + @"\" + docModelView.Code + ".xml", modelviews, locales, instances); using (FormatHTM htmExpress = new FormatHTM(path + @"\annex\annex-a\" + MakeLinkName(docModelView) + @"\" + docModelView.Code + ".exp.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmExpress.UseAnchors = true; htmExpress.WriteHeader("EXPRESS", 3); htmExpress.WriteExpressSchema(docProject); htmExpress.WriteFooter(""); } // Future: write XSD with html markup... using (FormatHTM htmXSD = new FormatHTM(path + @"\annex\annex-a\" + MakeLinkName(docModelView) + @"\" + docModelView.Code + ".xsd.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { string xsdcontent = null; using (System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(path + @"\annex\annex-a\" + MakeLinkName(docModelView) + @"\" + docModelView.Code + ".xsd")) { xsdcontent = reader.ReadToEnd(); } htmXSD.UseAnchors = false; htmXSD.WriteHeader("XSD", 3); htmXSD.WriteFormatted(xsdcontent); htmXSD.WriteFooter(""); } } DoExport(docProject, path + @"\annex\annex-a\" + MakeLinkName(docModelView) + @"\" + docModelView.Code + ".mvdxml", new DocModelView[] { docModelView }, locales, instances); } } } break; case 'B': // alphabetical listings htmTOC.WriteTOC(1, "B.1 Definitions"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr><td> </td></tr>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">B.1 Definitions</td></tr>"); htmTOC.WriteTOC(2, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-b/alphabeticalorder_definedtypes.htm\" >B.1.1 Defined types</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">B.1.1 <a href=\"annex-b/alphabeticalorder_definedtypes.htm\" target=\"info\" >Defined types</a></td></tr>"); htmTOC.WriteTOC(2, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-b/alphabeticalorder_enumtypes.htm\" >B.1.2 Enumeration types</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">B.1.2 <a href=\"annex-b/alphabeticalorder_enumtypes.htm\" target=\"info\" >Enumeration types</a></td></tr>"); htmTOC.WriteTOC(2, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-b/alphabeticalorder_selecttypes.htm\" >B.1.3 Select types</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">B.1.3 <a href=\"annex-b/alphabeticalorder_selecttypes.htm\" target=\"info\" >Select types</a></td></tr>"); htmTOC.WriteTOC(2, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-b/alphabeticalorder_entities.htm\" >B.1.4 Entities</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">B.1.4 <a href=\"annex-b/alphabeticalorder_entities.htm\" target=\"info\" >Entities</a></td></tr>"); htmTOC.WriteTOC(2, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-b/alphabeticalorder_functions.htm\" >B.1.5 Functions</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">B.1.5 <a href=\"annex-b/alphabeticalorder_functions.htm\" target=\"info\" >Functions</a></td></tr>"); htmTOC.WriteTOC(2, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-b/alphabeticalorder_rules.htm\" >B.1.6 Rules</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">B.1.6 <a href=\"annex-b/alphabeticalorder_rules.htm\" target=\"info\" >Rules</a></td></tr>"); htmTOC.WriteTOC(2, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-b/alphabeticalorder_psets.htm\" >B.1.7 Property sets</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">B.1.7 <a href=\"annex-b/alphabeticalorder_psets.htm\" target=\"info\" >Property sets</a></td></tr>"); htmTOC.WriteTOC(2, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-b/alphabeticalorder_qsets.htm\" >B.1.8 Quantity sets</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">B.1.8 <a href=\"annex-b/alphabeticalorder_qsets.htm\" target=\"info\" >Quantity sets</a></td></tr>"); htmTOC.WriteTOC(2, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-b/alphabeticalorder_psets.htm\" >B.1.9 Individual properties</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">B.1.9 <a href=\"annex-b/alphabeticalorder_properties.htm\" target=\"info\" >Individual properties</a></td></tr>"); // locales int indexb = 1; foreach (string locale in listLocale.Keys) { indexb++; string localeheader = locale.ToUpper(); if (locale == "zh") { localeheader += " [Chinese]"; // no language-generic info available } else { try { System.Globalization.CultureInfo cultureinfo = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(locale); if (cultureinfo != null) { localeheader += " [" + cultureinfo.EnglishName + "]"; } } catch { } } // each locale htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr><td> </td></tr>"); htmTOC.WriteTOC(1, "B." + indexb.ToString() + " " + localeheader); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">B." + indexb.ToString() + " " + localeheader + "</td></tr>"); htmTOC.WriteTOC(2, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-b/" + locale.ToLower() + "/alphabeticalorder_definedtypes.htm\" >B." + indexb.ToString() + ".1 Defined types</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">B." + indexb.ToString() + ".1 <a href=\"annex-b/" + locale.ToLower() + "/alphabeticalorder_definedtypes.htm\" target=\"info\" >Defined types</a></td></tr>"); htmTOC.WriteTOC(2, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-b/" + locale.ToLower() + "/alphabeticalorder_enumtypes.htm\" >B." + indexb.ToString() + ".2 Enumeration types</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">B." + indexb.ToString() + ".2 <a href=\"annex-b/" + locale.ToLower() + "/alphabeticalorder_enumtypes.htm\" target=\"info\" >Enumeration types</a></td></tr>"); htmTOC.WriteTOC(2, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-b/" + locale.ToLower() + "/alphabeticalorder_selecttypes.htm\" >B." + indexb.ToString() + ".3 Select types</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">B." + indexb.ToString() + ".3 <a href=\"annex-b/" + locale.ToLower() + "/alphabeticalorder_selecttypes.htm\" target=\"info\" >Select types</a></td></tr>"); htmTOC.WriteTOC(2, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-b/" + locale.ToLower() + "/alphabeticalorder_entities.htm\" >B." + indexb.ToString() + ".4 Entities</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">B." + indexb.ToString() + ".4 <a href=\"annex-b/" + locale.ToLower() + "/alphabeticalorder_entities.htm\" target=\"info\" >Entities</a></td></tr>"); htmTOC.WriteTOC(2, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-b/" + locale.ToLower() + "/alphabeticalorder_functions.htm\" >B." + indexb.ToString() + ".5 Functions</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">B." + indexb.ToString() + ".5 <a href=\"annex-b/" + locale.ToLower() + "/alphabeticalorder_functions.htm\" target=\"info\" >Functions</a></td></tr>"); htmTOC.WriteTOC(2, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-b/" + locale.ToLower() + "/alphabeticalorder_rules.htm\" >B." + indexb.ToString() + ".6 Rules</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">B." + indexb.ToString() + ".6 <a href=\"annex-b/" + locale.ToLower() + "/alphabeticalorder_rules.htm\" target=\"info\" >Rules</a></td></tr>"); /* no translations currently -- enable in future htmTOC.WriteTOC(2, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-b/" + locale.ToLower() + "/alphabeticalorder_psets.htm\" >B." + indexb.ToString() + ".7 Property sets</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\"><a href=\"annex-b/" + locale.ToLower() + "/alphabeticalorder_psets.htm\" target=\"info\" >B." + indexb.ToString() + ".7 Property sets</a></td></tr>"); htmTOC.WriteTOC(2, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-b/" + locale.ToLower() + "/alphabeticalorder_qsets.htm\" >B." + indexb.ToString() + ".8 Quantity sets</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\"><a href=\"annex-b/" + locale.ToLower() + "/alphabeticalorder_qsets.htm\" target=\"info\" >B." + indexb.ToString() + ".8 Quantity sets</a></td></tr>"); */ } // generate alphabetical listings using (FormatHTM htmAlpha1 = new FormatHTM(path + "/annex/annex-b/alphabeticalorder_definedtypes.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmAlpha1.WriteAlphabeticalListing<DocDefined>("Defined Types", path, "definedtypes"); } using (FormatHTM htmAlpha1 = new FormatHTM(path + "/annex/annex-b/alphabeticalorder_enumtypes.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmAlpha1.WriteAlphabeticalListing<DocEnumeration>("Enumeration Types", path, "enumtypes"); } using (FormatHTM htmAlpha1 = new FormatHTM(path + "/annex/annex-b/alphabeticalorder_selecttypes.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmAlpha1.WriteAlphabeticalListing<DocSelect>("Select Types", path, "selecttypes"); } using (FormatHTM htmAlpha1 = new FormatHTM(path + "/annex/annex-b/alphabeticalorder_entities.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmAlpha1.WriteAlphabeticalListing<DocEntity>("Entities", path, "entities"); } using (FormatHTM htmAlpha1 = new FormatHTM(path + "/annex/annex-b/alphabeticalorder_functions.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmAlpha1.WriteAlphabeticalListing<DocFunction>("Functions", path, "functions"); } using (FormatHTM htmAlpha1 = new FormatHTM(path + "/annex/annex-b/alphabeticalorder_rules.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmAlpha1.WriteAlphabeticalListing<DocGlobalRule>("Rules", path, "rules"); } // no translations currently -- enable in future using (FormatHTM htmAlpha1 = new FormatHTM(path + "/annex/annex-b/alphabeticalorder_psets.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmAlpha1.WriteAlphabeticalListing<DocPropertySet>("Property Sets", path, "psets"); } using (FormatHTM htmAlpha1 = new FormatHTM(path + "/annex/annex-b/alphabeticalorder_qsets.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmAlpha1.WriteAlphabeticalListing<DocQuantitySet>("Quantity Sets", path, "qsets"); } // generate localized listings foreach (string locale in listLocale.Keys) { string code = listLocale[locale]; // null for default using (FormatHTM htmAlpha1 = new FormatHTM(path + "/annex/annex-b/" + locale + "/alphabeticalorder_definedtypes.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmAlpha1.WriteLocalizedListing<DocDefined>("Defined Types", code, path, "definedtypes"); } using (FormatHTM htmAlpha1 = new FormatHTM(path + "/annex/annex-b/" + locale + "/alphabeticalorder_enumtypes.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmAlpha1.WriteLocalizedListing<DocEnumeration>("Enumeration Types", code, path, "enumtypes"); } using (FormatHTM htmAlpha1 = new FormatHTM(path + "/annex/annex-b/" + locale + "/alphabeticalorder_selecttypes.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmAlpha1.WriteLocalizedListing<DocSelect>("Select Types", code, path, "selecttypes"); } using (FormatHTM htmAlpha1 = new FormatHTM(path + "/annex/annex-b/" + locale + "/alphabeticalorder_entities.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmAlpha1.WriteLocalizedListing<DocEntity>("Entities", code, path, "entities"); } using (FormatHTM htmAlpha1 = new FormatHTM(path + "/annex/annex-b/" + locale + "/alphabeticalorder_functions.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmAlpha1.WriteLocalizedListing<DocFunction>("Functions", code, path, "functions"); } using (FormatHTM htmAlpha1 = new FormatHTM(path + "/annex/annex-b/" + locale + "/alphabeticalorder_rules.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmAlpha1.WriteLocalizedListing<DocGlobalRule>("Rules", code, path, "rules"); } using (FormatHTM htmAlpha1 = new FormatHTM(path + "/annex/annex-b/" + locale + "/alphabeticalorder_psets.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmAlpha1.WriteLocalizedListing<DocPropertySet>("Property Sets", code, path, "psets"); } using (FormatHTM htmAlpha1 = new FormatHTM(path + "/annex/annex-b/" + locale + "/alphabeticalorder_qsets.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmAlpha1.WriteLocalizedListing<DocQuantitySet>("Quantity Sets", code, path, "qsets"); } } break; case 'C': // Inheritance listings if (docProject.ModelViews != null) { iView = 0; foreach (DocModelView docView in docProject.ModelViews) { if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(docView)) { iView++; htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr><td> </td></tr>"); htmTOC.WriteTOC(1, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-c/" + MakeLinkName(docView) + "/index.htm\" >C." + iView + " " + docView.Name + "</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">C." + iView + " <a href=\"annex-c/" + MakeLinkName(docView) + "/index.htm\" target=\"info\" >" + docView.Name + "</a></td></tr>"); // diagram for view if (!Properties.Settings.Default.SkipDiagrams) { Dictionary<DocObject, bool> viewinclude = new Dictionary<DocObject, bool>(); Dictionary<Rectangle, DocEntity> mapRectangle = new Dictionary<Rectangle, DocEntity>(); docProject.RegisterObjectsInScope(docView, viewinclude); using (Image imgDiagram = FormatPNG.CreateInheritanceDiagram(docProject, viewinclude, docEntityRoot, null, new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 8.0f), mapRectangle)) { using (FormatHTM htmCover = new FormatHTM(path + @"\annex\annex-c\" + MakeLinkName(docView) + @"\index.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmCover.WriteHeader(docView.Name, 3); htmCover.WriteLine("<h2 class=\"std\">C." + iView + " " + docView.Name + " Inheritance</h2>"); htmCover.WriteLine("<img src=\"cover.png\" usemap=\"#f\"/>"); htmCover.WriteLine("<map name=\"f\">"); foreach (Rectangle rc in mapRectangle.Keys) { DocEntity docEntref = mapRectangle[rc]; DocSchema docEntsch = docProject.GetSchemaOfDefinition(docEntref); string hyperlink = "../../../schema/" + docEntsch.Name.ToLower() + "/lexical/" + docEntref.Name.ToLower() + ".htm"; htmCover.WriteLine("<area shape=\"rect\" coords=\"" + rc.Left + "," + rc.Top + "," + rc.Right + "," + rc.Bottom + "\" href=\"" + hyperlink + "\" alt=\"" + docEntref.Name + "\" />"); } htmCover.WriteLine("</map>"); htmCover.WriteLinkTo("inheritance-" + MakeLinkName(docView), 3); htmCover.WriteFooter(String.Empty); using (FormatHTM htmLink = new FormatHTM(path + "/link/inheritance-" + MakeLinkName(docView) + ".htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmLink.WriteLinkPage("../annex/annex-c/" + DocumentationISO.MakeLinkName(docView) + "/index.htm"); } } // create image after (depends on directory being created first) try { imgDiagram.Save(path + @"\annex\annex-c\" + MakeLinkName(docView) + @"\cover.png"); } catch { } } } // all entities htmTOC.WriteTOC(1, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-c/" + MakeLinkName(docView) + "/all.htm\" >C." + iView + ".1 All entities</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">C." + iView + ".1 <a href=\"annex-c/" + MakeLinkName(docView) + "/all.htm\" target=\"info\" >All entities</a></td></tr>"); using (FormatHTM htmInheritAll = new FormatHTM(path + "/annex/annex-c/" + MakeLinkName(docView) + "/all.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmInheritAll.WriteInheritanceListing(null, false, "All entities", docView, path, "all"); } // specific inheritance htmTOC.WriteTOC(1, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-c/" + MakeLinkName(docView) + "/roots.htm\" >C." + iView + ".2 Rooted entities</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">C." + iView + ".2 <a href=\"annex-c/" + MakeLinkName(docView) + "/roots.htm\" target=\"info\" >Rooted entities</a></td></tr>"); using (FormatHTM htmInheritAll = new FormatHTM(path + "/annex/annex-c/" + MakeLinkName(docView) + "/roots.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmInheritAll.WriteInheritanceListing("IfcRoot", false, "Rooted entities", docView, path, "roots"); } htmTOC.WriteTOC(1, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-c/" + MakeLinkName(docView) + "/types.htm\" >C." + iView + ".3 Object types</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">C." + iView + ".3 <a href=\"annex-c/" + MakeLinkName(docView) + "/types.htm\" target=\"info\" >Object types</a></td></tr>"); using (FormatHTM htmInheritAll = new FormatHTM(path + "/annex/annex-c/" + MakeLinkName(docView) + "/types.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmInheritAll.WriteInheritanceListing("IfcObject", true, "Object types", docView, path, "types"); } htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr><td> </td></tr>"); } } } break; case 'D': // Diagrams // Express-G diagrams htmTOC.WriteTOC(1, "D.1 Schema diagrams"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr><td> </td></tr>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">D.1 Schema diagrams</td></tr>"); for (int iSchemaSection = 5; iSchemaSection <= 8; iSchemaSection++) { DocSection docSection = docProject.Sections[iSchemaSection - 1]; int iDiagramSection = iSchemaSection - 4; htmTOC.WriteTOC(2, "D.1." + iDiagramSection + " " + docSection.Name); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">D.1." + iDiagramSection + " " + docSection.Name + "</td></tr>"); int iSchema = 0; for (int iSchemaIndex = 1; iSchemaIndex <= docSection.Schemas.Count; iSchemaIndex++) { DocSchema docSchema = docSection.Schemas[iSchemaIndex - 1]; if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(docSchema)) { iSchema++; htmTOC.WriteTOC(3, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-d/" + MakeLinkName(docSchema) + "/index.htm\" >D.1." + iDiagramSection + "." + iSchema + " " + docSchema.Name + "</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">D.1." + iDiagramSection + "." + iSchema + " <a href=\"annex-d/" + MakeLinkName(docSchema) + "/index.htm\" target=\"info\" >" + docSchema.Name + "</a></td></tr>"); // determine number of diagrams int iLastDiagram = docSchema.GetDiagramCount(); // generate diagrams if (!Properties.Settings.Default.SkipDiagrams) { Image imageSchema = FormatPNG.CreateSchemaDiagram(docSchema, mapEntity); using (FormatHTM htmSchemaDiagram = new FormatHTM(path + "/annex/annex-d/" + MakeLinkName(docSchema) + "/index.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { int iSub = 1; htmSchemaDiagram.WriteHeader(docSection.Name, 3); htmSchemaDiagram.WriteScript(iAnnex, iSub, iSection, 0); htmSchemaDiagram.WriteLine("<h4 class=\"std\">D.1." + iDiagramSection + "." + iSchema + " " + docSchema.Name + "</h4>"); htmSchemaDiagram.WriteLine("<p>"); // write thumbnail links for each diagram for (int iDiagram = 1; iDiagram <= iLastDiagram; iDiagram++) { string formatnumber = iDiagram.ToString("D4"); // 0001 htmSchemaDiagram.WriteLine("<a href=\"diagram_" + formatnumber + ".htm\">" + "<img src=\"diagram_" + formatnumber + ".png\" width=\"300\" height=\"444\" /></a>"); // width=\"150\" height=\"222\"> // generate EXPRESS-G diagram if (docSchema.DiagramPagesHorz != 0) { int pageY = (iDiagram - 1) / docSchema.DiagramPagesHorz; int pageX = (iDiagram - 1) % docSchema.DiagramPagesHorz; int pagePixelCX = CtlExpressG.PageX; int pagePixelCY = CtlExpressG.PageY; using (Image imagePage = new Bitmap(pagePixelCX, pagePixelCY)) { using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(imagePage)) { g.DrawImage(imageSchema, new Rectangle(0, 0, pagePixelCX, pagePixelCY), new Rectangle(pagePixelCX * pageX, pagePixelCY * pageY, pagePixelCX, pagePixelCY), GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } imagePage.Save(path + "/annex/annex-d/" + MakeLinkName(docSchema) + "/diagram_" + formatnumber + ".png"); } } } htmSchemaDiagram.WriteLine("</p>"); htmSchemaDiagram.WriteFooter(Properties.Settings.Default.Footer); } double scale = 0.375; // hard-coded for now -- read from SCHEMATA.scale double pageCX = 1600; // hard-coded for now -- read from double pageCY = 2370; // hard-coded for now -- read from for (int iDiagram = 1; iDiagram <= iLastDiagram; iDiagram++) { string formatnumber = iDiagram.ToString("D4"); using (FormatHTM htmSchema = new FormatHTM(path + "/annex/annex-d/" + MakeLinkName(docSchema) + "/diagram_" + formatnumber + ".htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmSchema.WriteHeader(docSchema.Name, 3); htmSchema.WriteScript(iAnnex, 1, iDiagramSection, iDiagram); htmSchema.WriteLine("<h4 class=\"std\">"); if (iDiagram > 1) { htmSchema.Write("<a href=\"diagram_" + (iDiagram - 1).ToString("D4") + ".htm\"><img src=\"../../../img/navleft.png\" style=\"border: 0px\" /></a>"); } else { // disabled htmSchema.Write("<img src=\"../../../img/navleft.png\" style=\"border: 0px\" />"); } if (iDiagram < iLastDiagram) { htmSchema.Write("<a href=\"diagram_" + (iDiagram + 1).ToString("D4") + ".htm\"><img src=\"../../../img/navright.png\" style=\"border: 0px\" /></a>"); } else { // disabled htmSchema.Write("<img src=\"../../../img/navright.png\" style=\"border: 0px\" />"); } htmSchema.Write(" " + docSchema.Name + " (" + iDiagram + "/" + iLastDiagram + ")"); htmSchema.WriteLine("</h4>"); htmSchema.WriteLine("<img src=\"diagram_" + formatnumber + ".png\" usemap=\"#diagram\" >"); htmSchema.WriteLine(" <map name=\"diagram\" >"); foreach (DocType docType in docSchema.Types) { if ((included == null || included.ContainsKey(docType)) && docType.DiagramNumber == iDiagram && docType.DiagramRectangle != null) { double x0 = docType.DiagramRectangle.X % pageCX * scale; double y0 = docType.DiagramRectangle.Y % pageCY * scale; double x1 = docType.DiagramRectangle.X % pageCX * scale + docType.DiagramRectangle.Width % pageCX * scale; double y1 = docType.DiagramRectangle.Y % pageCY * scale + docType.DiagramRectangle.Height % pageCY * scale; string link = "../../../schema/" + mapSchema[docType.Name].ToLower() + "/lexical/" + docType.Name.ToLower() + ".htm"; htmSchema.WriteLine(" <area shape=\"rect\" coords=\"" + x0 + ", " + y0 + ", " + x1 + ", " + y1 + "\" alt=\"Navigate\" href=\"" + link + "\" />"); } } foreach (DocEntity docType in docSchema.Entities) { if ((included == null || included.ContainsKey(docType)) && docType.DiagramNumber == iDiagram && docType.DiagramRectangle != null) { double x0 = docType.DiagramRectangle.X % pageCX * scale; double y0 = docType.DiagramRectangle.Y % pageCY * scale; double x1 = docType.DiagramRectangle.X % pageCX * scale + docType.DiagramRectangle.Width % pageCX * scale; double y1 = docType.DiagramRectangle.Y % pageCY * scale + docType.DiagramRectangle.Height % pageCY * scale; string link = "../../../schema/" + mapSchema[docType.Name].ToLower() + "/lexical/" + docType.Name.ToLower() + ".htm"; htmSchema.WriteLine(" <area shape=\"rect\" coords=\"" + x0 + ", " + y0 + ", " + x1 + ", " + y1 + "\" alt=\"Navigate\" href=\"" + link + "\" />"); } } if (docSchema.PageTargets != null) { foreach (DocPageTarget docPageTarget in docSchema.PageTargets) { foreach (DocPageSource docPageSource in docPageTarget.Sources) { if (docPageSource.DiagramNumber == iDiagram && docPageSource.DiagramRectangle != null) { double x0 = docPageSource.DiagramRectangle.X % pageCX * scale; double y0 = docPageSource.DiagramRectangle.Y % pageCY * scale; double x1 = docPageSource.DiagramRectangle.X % pageCX * scale + docPageSource.DiagramRectangle.Width % pageCX * scale; double y1 = docPageSource.DiagramRectangle.Y % pageCY * scale + docPageSource.DiagramRectangle.Height % pageCY * scale; string link = "diagram_" + docPageTarget.DiagramNumber.ToString("D4") + ".htm"; htmSchema.WriteLine(" <area shape=\"rect\" coords=\"" + x0 + ", " + y0 + ", " + x1 + ", " + y1 + "\" alt=\"Navigate\" href=\"" + link + "\" />"); } } } } if (docSchema.SchemaRefs != null) { foreach (DocSchemaRef docSchemaRef in docSchema.SchemaRefs) { foreach (DocDefinitionRef docDefinitionRef in docSchemaRef.Definitions) { if (docDefinitionRef.DiagramNumber == iDiagram && docDefinitionRef.DiagramRectangle != null) { double x0 = docDefinitionRef.DiagramRectangle.X % pageCX * scale; double y0 = docDefinitionRef.DiagramRectangle.Y % pageCY * scale; double x1 = docDefinitionRef.DiagramRectangle.X % pageCX * scale + docDefinitionRef.DiagramRectangle.Width % pageCX * scale; double y1 = docDefinitionRef.DiagramRectangle.Y % pageCY * scale + docDefinitionRef.DiagramRectangle.Height % pageCY * scale; if (mapSchema.ContainsKey(docDefinitionRef.Name)) { DocDefinition docDef = mapEntity[docDefinitionRef.Name] as DocDefinition; if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(docDef)) { string link = "../../../schema/" + mapSchema[docDefinitionRef.Name].ToLower() + "/lexical/" + docDefinitionRef.Name.ToLower() + ".htm"; htmSchema.WriteLine(" <area shape=\"rect\" coords=\"" + x0 + ", " + y0 + ", " + x1 + ", " + y1 + "\" alt=\"Navigate\" href=\"" + link + "\" />"); } } } } } } htmSchema.WriteLine(" </map>"); htmSchema.WriteLine("</img>"); htmSchema.WriteFooter(Properties.Settings.Default.Footer); } } } } } } // Instance diagrams htmTOC.WriteTOC(1, "D.2 Instance diagrams"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr><td> </td></tr>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">D.2 Instance diagrams</td></tr>"); // D.1 -- schema diagrams - express-G // D.1.1 -- core layer // D.1.2 -- shared layer // D.1.3 -- domain layer // D.1.4 -- resource layer // D.1.4.1~ schema // D.2 -- instance diagrams // D.2.1~ model view // D.2.1.1~ entity if (docProject.ModelViews != null) { iView = 0; foreach (DocModelView docView in docProject.ModelViews) { if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(docView)) { iView++; htmTOC.WriteTOC(2, "D.2." + iView.ToString() + " " + docView.Name); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">D.2." + iView.ToString() + "<a href=\"annex-d/" + MakeLinkName(docView) + "/cover.htm\" target=\"info\"> " + docView.Name + "</a></td></tr>"); Dictionary<DocObject, bool> viewinclude = new Dictionary<DocObject, bool>(); Dictionary<Rectangle, DocEntity> mapRectangle = new Dictionary<Rectangle, DocEntity>(); docProject.RegisterObjectsInScope(docView, viewinclude); using (FormatHTM htmCover = new FormatHTM(path + @"\annex\annex-d\" + MakeLinkName(docView) + @"\cover.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmCover.WriteHeader(docView.Name, 3); htmCover.WriteLine("<h3 class=\"std\">D.2." + iView + " " + docView.Name + " Diagrams</h3>"); htmCover.WriteFooter(String.Empty); } // sort by entity name SortedList<string, DocConceptRoot> listEntity = new SortedList<string, DocConceptRoot>(); foreach (DocConceptRoot docRoot in docView.ConceptRoots) { if (docRoot.ApplicableEntity != null) { if (!listEntity.ContainsKey(docRoot.ApplicableEntity.Name)) // only one concept root per entity per view currently supported { listEntity.Add(docRoot.ApplicableEntity.Name, docRoot); } } } // now generate int iRoot = 0; foreach (DocConceptRoot docRoot in listEntity.Values) { iRoot++; htmTOC.WriteTOC(3, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-d/" + MakeLinkName(docView) + "/" + MakeLinkName(docRoot.ApplicableEntity) + ".htm\" >D.2." + iView.ToString() + "." + iRoot.ToString() + " " + docRoot.ApplicableEntity.Name + "</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">D.2." + iView.ToString() + "." + iRoot.ToString() + " <a href=\"annex-d/" + MakeLinkName(docView) + "/" + MakeLinkName(docRoot.ApplicableEntity) + ".htm\" target=\"info\">" + docRoot.ApplicableEntity.Name + "</a></td></tr>"); string pathRoot = path + @"\annex\annex-d\" + MakeLinkName(docView) + @"\" + MakeLinkName(docRoot.ApplicableEntity) + ".htm"; using (FormatHTM htmRoot = new FormatHTM(pathRoot, mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmRoot.WriteHeader(docRoot.ApplicableEntity.Name, iAnnex, 2, 0, iView, Properties.Settings.Default.Header); htmRoot.WriteScript(iAnnex, 2, iView, iRoot); htmRoot.WriteLine("<h3 class=\"std\">D.2." + iView.ToString() + "." + iRoot.ToString() + " " + docRoot.ApplicableEntity.Name + "</h3>"); string diagram = FormatDiagram(docProject, docRoot.ApplicableEntity, docView, listFigures, mapEntity, mapSchema); htmRoot.WriteLine(diagram); htmRoot.WriteFooter(Properties.Settings.Default.Footer); } } } } } break; case 'E': if (docProject.Examples != null) { List<DocXsdFormat> xsdFormatBase = new List<DocXsdFormat>(); foreach(DocSection docSection in docProject.Sections) { foreach(DocSchema docSchema in docSection.Schemas) { foreach(DocEntity docEntity in docSchema.Entities) { foreach(DocAttribute docAttr in docEntity.Attributes) { if(docAttr.XsdFormat != DocXsdFormatEnum.Default || docAttr.XsdTagless != null) { DocXsdFormat xsdformat = new DocXsdFormat(); xsdformat.Entity = docEntity.Name; xsdformat.Attribute = docAttr.Name; xsdformat.XsdFormat = docAttr.XsdFormat; xsdformat.XsdTagless = docAttr.XsdTagless; xsdFormatBase.Add(xsdformat); } } } } } List<int> indexpath = new List<int>(); indexpath.Add(0); foreach(DocExample docExample in docProject.Examples) { Dictionary<string, Type> typemap = new Dictionary<string, Type>(); Compiler compiler = new Compiler(docProject, docExample.Views.ToArray(), null); System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder assembly = compiler.Assembly; try { Type[] types = assembly.GetTypes(); foreach (Type t in types) { typemap.Add(t.Name.ToUpper(), t); } } catch { // schema could not be compiled according to definition } List<DocXsdFormat> listFormats = new List<DocXsdFormat>(xsdFormatBase); if (docExample.Views.Count > 0) { foreach (DocXsdFormat customformat in docExample.Views[0].XsdFormats) { listFormats.Add(customformat); } } GenerateExample(docExample, listFormats, path, indexpath, included, mapEntity, mapSchema, typemap, listFigures, listTables, htmTOC, htmSectionTOC); } } break; case 'F': if (docProject.ChangeSets != null) { for (int iChangeset = 1; iChangeset <= docProject.ChangeSets.Count; iChangeset++) { DocChangeSet docChangeSet = docProject.ChangeSets[iChangeset - 1]; // what's new page htmTOC.WriteTOC(1, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-f/" + MakeLinkName(docChangeSet) + "/index.htm\" >F." + iChangeset + " " + docChangeSet.Name + "</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\">F." + iChangeset + " <a href=\"annex-f/" + MakeLinkName(docChangeSet) + "/index.htm\" target=\"info\" >" + docChangeSet.Name + "</a></td></tr>"); using (FormatHTM htmWhatsnew = new FormatHTM(path + @"\annex\annex-f\" + MakeLinkName(docChangeSet) + @"\index.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmWhatsnew.WriteHeader(docChangeSet.Name, 3); htmWhatsnew.WriteScript(iAnnex, iChangeset, 0, 0); htmWhatsnew.WriteLine("<h4 class=\"std\">F." + iChangeset + " " + docChangeSet.Name + "</h4>"); htmWhatsnew.WriteDocumentationForISO(docChangeSet.Documentation, docChangeSet, false); htmWhatsnew.WriteLinkTo(MakeLinkName(docChangeSet), 3); htmWhatsnew.WriteFooter(Properties.Settings.Default.Footer); } // change log for entities htmTOC.WriteTOC(1, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-f/" + MakeLinkName(docChangeSet) + "/changelog.htm\" >F." + iChangeset + ".1 Entities</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\"><a href=\"annex-f/" + MakeLinkName(docChangeSet) + "/changelog.htm\" target=\"info\" >F." + iChangeset + ".1 Entities</a></td></tr>"); string pathChange = path + @"\annex\annex-f\" + MakeLinkName(docChangeSet) + @"\changelog.htm"; using (FormatHTM htmChange = new FormatHTM(pathChange, mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmChange.WriteHeader(docChangeSet.Name, 3); htmChange.WriteScript(iAnnex, iChangeset, 1, 0); htmChange.WriteLine("<h4 class=\"std\">F." + iChangeset + ".1 Entities</h4>"); htmChange.WriteLine("<table class=\"gridtable\">"); htmChange.WriteLine("<tr>" + "<th>Item</th>" + "<th>SPF</th>" + "<th>XML</th>" + "<th>Change</th>" + "<th>Description</th>" + "</tr>"); foreach (DocChangeAction docChangeItem in docChangeSet.ChangesEntities) { htmChange.WriteChangeItem(docChangeItem, 0); } htmChange.WriteLine("</table>"); htmChange.WriteLinkTo(MakeLinkName(docChangeSet) + "-changelog", 3); htmChange.WriteFooter(Properties.Settings.Default.Footer); } // change log for properties htmTOC.WriteTOC(1, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-f/" + MakeLinkName(docChangeSet) + "/properties.htm\" >F." + iChangeset + ".2 Properties</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\"><a href=\"annex-f/" + MakeLinkName(docChangeSet) + "/properties.htm\" target=\"info\" >F." + iChangeset + ".1 Properties</a></td></tr>"); pathChange = path + @"\annex\annex-f\" + MakeLinkName(docChangeSet) + @"\properties.htm"; using (FormatHTM htmChange = new FormatHTM(pathChange, mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmChange.WriteHeader(docChangeSet.Name, 3); htmChange.WriteScript(iAnnex, iChangeset, 1, 0); htmChange.WriteLine("<h4 class=\"std\">F." + iChangeset + ".2 Properties</h4>"); htmChange.WriteLine("<table class=\"gridtable\">"); htmChange.WriteLine("<tr>" + "<th>Item</th>" + "<th>SPF</th>" + "<th>XML</th>" + "<th>Change</th>" + "<th>Description</th>" + "</tr>"); if (docChangeSet.ChangesProperties != null) { foreach (DocChangeAction docChangeItem in docChangeSet.ChangesProperties) { htmChange.WriteChangeItem(docChangeItem, 0); } } htmChange.WriteLine("</table>"); htmChange.WriteLinkTo(MakeLinkName(docChangeSet) + "-properties", 3); htmChange.WriteFooter(Properties.Settings.Default.Footer); } // change log for quantities htmTOC.WriteTOC(1, "<a class=\"listing-link\" href=\"annex/annex-f/" + MakeLinkName(docChangeSet) + "/quantities.htm\" >F." + iChangeset + ".3 Quantities</a>"); htmSectionTOC.WriteLine("<tr class=\"std\"><td class=\"menu\"><a href=\"annex-f/" + MakeLinkName(docChangeSet) + "/quantities.htm\" target=\"info\" >F." + iChangeset + ".3 Quantities</a></td></tr>"); pathChange = path + @"\annex\annex-f\" + MakeLinkName(docChangeSet) + @"\quantities.htm"; using (FormatHTM htmChange = new FormatHTM(pathChange, mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmChange.WriteHeader(docChangeSet.Name, 3); htmChange.WriteScript(iAnnex, iChangeset, 1, 0); htmChange.WriteLine("<h4 class=\"std\">F." + iChangeset + ".3 Quantities</h4>"); htmChange.WriteLine("<table class=\"gridtable\">"); htmChange.WriteLine("<tr>" + "<th>Item</th>" + "<th>SPF</th>" + "<th>XML</th>" + "<th>Change</th>" + "<th>Description</th>" + "</tr>"); if (docChangeSet.ChangesQuantities != null) { foreach (DocChangeAction docChangeItem in docChangeSet.ChangesQuantities) { htmChange.WriteChangeItem(docChangeItem, 0); } } htmChange.WriteLine("</table>"); htmChange.WriteLinkTo(MakeLinkName(docChangeSet) + "-quantities", 3); htmChange.WriteFooter(Properties.Settings.Default.Footer); } } } break; } htmSectionTOC.WriteLine( "</table>\r\n" + "</div>\r\n" + "</body>\r\n" + "</html>\r\n"); } chAnnex++; } // bibliography try { using (FormatHTM htmSection = new FormatHTM(path + @"\bibliography.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmSection.WriteHeader("Bibliography", 0); htmSection.Write( "\r\n" + "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n" + "<!--\r\n" + " parent.index.location.replace(\"blank.htm\");\r\n" + "//-->\r\n" + "</script>\r\n"); htmSection.WriteLine("<h1>Bibliography</h1>"); htmSection.WriteLine("<dl>"); if (docProject.InformativeReferences != null) { foreach (DocReference docRef in docProject.InformativeReferences) { htmSection.WriteLine("<dt class=\"bibliographyreference\"><a id=\"" + MakeLinkName(docRef) + "\" id=\"" + MakeLinkName(docRef) + "\">" + docRef.Name + "</a>, <i>" + docRef.Documentation + "</i></dt>"); htmSection.WriteLine("<dd> </dd>"); } } htmSection.WriteLine("</dl>"); htmSection.WriteFooter(Properties.Settings.Default.Footer); } } catch { htmTOC.ToString(); } htmTOC.WriteLine("</p>"); // write figures htmTOC.WriteLine("<h1 class=\"std\">Figures</h1>"); htmTOC.WriteLine("<p>"); htmTOC.WriteContentRefs(listFigures, "Figure"); htmTOC.WriteLine("</p>"); htmTOC.WriteLine("<p></p>"); // write tables htmTOC.WriteLine("<h1 class=\"std\">Tables</h1>"); htmTOC.WriteLine("<p>"); htmTOC.WriteContentRefs(listTables, "Table"); htmTOC.WriteLine("</p>"); htmTOC.WriteFooter(Properties.Settings.Default.Footer); } worker.ReportProgress(++progressCurrent, "Index"); if (worker.CancellationPending) return; // generate index -- takes very long, so only run when changing SortedList<string, DocObject> listIndex = new SortedList<string, DocObject>(); foreach (string key in mapEntity.Keys) { listIndex.Add(key, mapEntity[key]); } using (FormatHTM htmIndex = new FormatHTM(path + "/doc_index.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) // file name "doc_index" required by ISO { htmIndex.WriteHeader("Index", 0); htmIndex.Write( "\r\n" + "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n" + "<!--\r\n" + " parent.index.location.replace(\"blank.htm\");\r\n" + "//-->\r\n" + "</script>\r\n"); htmIndex.WriteLine( "<div class=\"not-numbered\">\r\n" + "<h1 class=\"std\">Index</h1>\r\n" + "<p class=\"std\">\r\n"); foreach (string key in listIndex.Keys) { DocObject obj = mapEntity[key]; if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(obj)) { htmIndex.WriteLine("<b>" + key + "</b> "); // build ordered list of references in documentation SortedDictionary<string, string> mapRefs = new SortedDictionary<string, string>(); foreach (string refkey1 in listIndex.Keys) { string doc = mapEntity[refkey1].Documentation; if (doc != null)// && key != refkey) // also include main ref for ISO { if (refkey1 == key || doc.Contains(key)) { DocObject refobj = (DocObject)mapEntity[refkey1]; string refnumber = null; if (mapNumber != null && mapNumber.TryGetValue(refobj, out refnumber)) { mapRefs.Add(refnumber, refkey1); } } } } // search references of terms in documentation string comma = ""; foreach (string refnumber in mapRefs.Keys) { string refkey = mapRefs[refnumber]; DocObject refobj = (DocObject)mapEntity[refkey]; string display = refobj.Name;//refnumber; // new: use names for bSI; numbers for ISO if (refobj is DocPropertySet || refobj is DocPropertyEnumeration) { htmIndex.Write(comma + "<a class=\"listing-link\" title=\"" + refobj.Name + "\" href=\"schema/" + mapSchema[refkey].ToLower() + "/pset/" + refobj.Name.ToLower() + ".htm\">" + display + "</a>"); } else if (refobj is DocQuantitySet) { htmIndex.Write(comma + "<a class=\"listing-link\" title=\"" + refobj.Name + "\" href=\"schema/" + mapSchema[refkey].ToLower() + "/qset/" + refobj.Name.ToLower() + ".htm\">" + display + "</a>"); } else { htmIndex.Write(comma + "<a class=\"listing-link\" title=\"" + refobj.Name + "\" href=\"schema/" + mapSchema[refkey].ToLower() + "/lexical/" + refobj.Name.ToLower() + ".htm\">" + display + "</a>"); } comma = ", "; } htmIndex.WriteLine("<br />\r\n"); } } worker.ReportProgress(++progressCurrent, "Links"); if (worker.CancellationPending) return; // new: incoming links foreach(DocSection docLinkSection in docProject.Sections) { int iSection = docProject.Sections.IndexOf(docLinkSection) + 1; using (FormatHTM htmLink = new FormatHTM(path + "/link/chapter-" + iSection.ToString() + ".htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmLink.WriteLinkPage("../schema/chapter-" + iSection.ToString() + ".htm"); } foreach (DocSchema docLinkSchema in docLinkSection.Schemas) { using (FormatHTM htmLink = new FormatHTM(path + "/link/" + MakeLinkName(docLinkSchema) + ".htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmLink.WriteLinkPage("../schema/" + docLinkSchema.Name.ToLower() + "/content.htm"); } foreach (DocEntity docLinkObj in docLinkSchema.Entities) { if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(docLinkObj)) { using (FormatHTM htmLink = new FormatHTM(path + "/link/" + MakeLinkName(docLinkObj) + ".htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmLink.WriteLinkPage("../schema/" + docLinkSchema.Name.ToLower() + "/lexical/" + MakeLinkName(docLinkObj) + ".htm"); } } } foreach(DocType docLinkObj in docLinkSchema.Types) { if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(docLinkObj)) { using (FormatHTM htmLink = new FormatHTM(path + "/link/" + MakeLinkName(docLinkObj) + ".htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmLink.WriteLinkPage("../schema/" + docLinkSchema.Name.ToLower() + "/lexical/" + MakeLinkName(docLinkObj) + ".htm"); } } } foreach (DocFunction docLinkObj in docLinkSchema.Functions) { if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(docLinkObj)) { using (FormatHTM htmLink = new FormatHTM(path + "/link/" + MakeLinkName(docLinkObj) + ".htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmLink.WriteLinkPage("../schema/" + docLinkSchema.Name.ToLower() + "/lexical/" + MakeLinkName(docLinkObj) + ".htm"); } } } foreach (DocGlobalRule docLinkObj in docLinkSchema.GlobalRules) { if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(docLinkObj)) { using (FormatHTM htmLink = new FormatHTM(path + "/link/" + MakeLinkName(docLinkObj) + ".htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmLink.WriteLinkPage("../schema/" + docLinkSchema.Name.ToLower() + "/lexical/" + MakeLinkName(docLinkObj) + ".htm"); } } } foreach (DocPropertySet docLinkObj in docLinkSchema.PropertySets) { if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(docLinkObj)) { using (FormatHTM htmLink = new FormatHTM(path + "/link/" + MakeLinkName(docLinkObj) + ".htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmLink.WriteLinkPage("../schema/" + docLinkSchema.Name.ToLower() + "/pset/" + MakeLinkName(docLinkObj) + ".htm"); } } } foreach (DocPropertyEnumeration docLinkObj in docLinkSchema.PropertyEnums) { if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(docLinkObj)) { using (FormatHTM htmLink = new FormatHTM(path + "/link/" + MakeLinkName(docLinkObj) + ".htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmLink.WriteLinkPage("../schema/" + docLinkSchema.Name.ToLower() + "/pset/" + MakeLinkName(docLinkObj) + ".htm"); } } } foreach (DocQuantitySet docLinkObj in docLinkSchema.QuantitySets) { if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(docLinkObj)) { using (FormatHTM htmLink = new FormatHTM(path + "/link/" + MakeLinkName(docLinkObj) + ".htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmLink.WriteLinkPage("../schema/" + docLinkSchema.Name.ToLower() + "/qset/" + MakeLinkName(docLinkObj) + ".htm"); } } } } } char chAnnex = 'a'; foreach(DocAnnex docAnnex in docProject.Annexes) { using (FormatHTM htmLink = new FormatHTM(path + "/link/annex-" + chAnnex + ".htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmLink.WriteLinkPage("../annex/annex-" + chAnnex + ".htm"); } chAnnex++; } foreach(DocAnnotation docAnnot in docProject.Annotations) { using (FormatHTM htmLink = new FormatHTM(path + "/link/" + MakeLinkName(docAnnot) + ".htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmLink.WriteLinkPage("../" + MakeLinkName(docAnnot) + ".htm"); } } foreach(DocChangeSet docChange in docProject.ChangeSets) { using (FormatHTM htmLink = new FormatHTM(path + "/link/" + MakeLinkName(docChange) + ".htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmLink.WriteLinkPage("../annex/annex-f/" + MakeLinkName(docChange) + "/index.htm"); } using (FormatHTM htmLink = new FormatHTM(path + "/link/" + MakeLinkName(docChange) + "-changelog.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmLink.WriteLinkPage("../annex/annex-f/" + MakeLinkName(docChange) + "/changelog.htm"); } using (FormatHTM htmLink = new FormatHTM(path + "/link/" + MakeLinkName(docChange) + "-properties.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmLink.WriteLinkPage("../annex/annex-f/" + MakeLinkName(docChange) + "/properties.htm"); } using (FormatHTM htmLink = new FormatHTM(path + "/link/" + MakeLinkName(docChange) + "-quantities.htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmLink.WriteLinkPage("../annex/annex-f/" + MakeLinkName(docChange) + "/quantities.htm"); } } foreach(DocModelView docView in docProject.ModelViews) { if (docView.Code != null) { using (FormatHTM htmLink = new FormatHTM(path + "/link/listing-" + docView.Code.ToLower() + ".htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { htmLink.WriteLinkPage("../annex/annex-a/" + MakeLinkName(docView) + "/index.htm"); } } } #if false foreach (string key in listIndex.Keys) { DocObject obj = mapEntity[key]; if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(obj)) { string schemaname = null; if (mapSchema.TryGetValue(obj.Name, out schemaname)) { using (FormatHTM htmLink = new FormatHTM(path + "/link/" + MakeLinkName(obj) + ".htm", mapEntity, mapSchema, included)) { string linkurl = "../schema/" + schemaname.ToLower() + "/lexical/" + MakeLinkName(obj) + ".htm"; if (obj is DocPropertySet || obj is DocPropertyEnumeration) { linkurl = "../schema/" + schemaname.ToLower() + "/pset/" + MakeLinkName(obj) + ".htm"; } else if (obj is DocQuantitySet) { linkurl = "../schema/" + schemaname.ToLower() + "/qset/" + MakeLinkName(obj) + ".htm"; } htmLink.WriteLinkPage(linkurl); } } } } #endif // write links for each concept template recursively List<DocTemplateDefinition> listLink = new List<DocTemplateDefinition>(); foreach (DocTemplateDefinition docTemplate in docProject.Templates) { listLink.Add(docTemplate); GenerateTemplateLink(listLink, mapEntity, mapSchema, included); listLink.Clear(); } // write links for each example recursively List<DocExample> listLinkExample = new List<DocExample>(); if (docProject.Examples != null) { foreach (DocExample docTemplate in docProject.Examples) { listLinkExample.Add(docTemplate); GenerateExampleLink(listLinkExample, mapEntity, mapSchema, included); listLinkExample.Clear(); } } htmIndex.WriteLine("</p>"); htmIndex.WriteFooter(Properties.Settings.Default.Footer); } }
/// <summary> /// Exports file according to format. /// </summary> /// <param name="filepath">File path to export.</param> /// <param name="templates">Optional filter of templates to export.</param> /// <param name="views">Optional filter of views to export.</param> /// <param name="schemas">Optional filter of schemas to export.</param> /// <param name="locales">Optional filter of locales to export.</param> public static void DoExport(DocProject docProject, string filepath, DocModelView[] views, string[] locales, Dictionary<long, SEntity> instances) { string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(filepath).ToLower(); Dictionary<DocObject, bool> included = null; if (views != null) { included = new Dictionary<DocObject, bool>(); foreach (DocModelView docView in views) { docProject.RegisterObjectsInScope(docView, included); } } switch (ext) { case ".ifc": using (FormatSPF format = new FormatSPF(filepath, Schema.IFC.SchemaIfc.Types, instances)) { format.InitHeaders(docProject.Annotations[0].Code, "IFC4"); Schema.IFC.IfcProject ifcProject = new IfcDoc.Schema.IFC.IfcProject(); Program.ExportIfc(ifcProject, docProject, included); format.Save(); } break; case ".ifcxml": using (FormatXML format = new FormatXML(filepath, typeof(Schema.IFC.IfcProject), "")) { Schema.IFC.IfcProject ifcProject = new IfcDoc.Schema.IFC.IfcProject(); Program.ExportIfc(ifcProject, docProject, included); format.Instance = ifcProject; format.Save(); } break; case ".mvdxml": using (FormatXML format = new FormatXML(filepath, typeof(mvdXML), mvdXML.DefaultNamespace)) { mvdXML mvd = new mvdXML(); Program.ExportMvd(mvd, docProject, included); format.Instance = mvd; format.Save(); } break; case ".cs": using (FormatCSC format = new FormatCSC(filepath)) { format.Instance = docProject; format.Save(); } break; case ".exp": // use currently visible model view(s) using (FormatEXP format = new FormatEXP(filepath)) { format.Instance = docProject; format.ModelViews = views; format.Save(); } break; case ".xsd": // use currently visible model view(s) using (FormatXSD format = new FormatXSD(filepath)) { format.Instance = docProject; format.ModelViews = views; format.Save(); } break; case ".xml": // Express XSD Configuration using (FormatXML format = new FormatXML(filepath, typeof(Schema.CNF.configuration), null, Schema.CNF.SchemaCNF.Prefixes)) { Schema.CNF.configuration config = new Schema.CNF.configuration(); Program.ExportCnf(config, docProject, views, included); format.Instance = config; format.Save(); } break; case ".txt": // pick locale using (FormatCSV format = new FormatCSV(filepath)) { format.Instance = docProject; format.Locales = locales; format.Save(); } break; case ".sch": using (FormatXML format = new FormatXML(filepath, typeof(Schema.SCH.schema), "")) { Schema.SCH.schema sch = new Schema.SCH.schema(); Program.ExportSch(sch, docProject, included); format.Instance = sch; format.Save(); } break; } }
/// <summary> /// Exports file according to format. /// </summary> /// <param name="filepath">File path to export.</param> /// <param name="templates">Optional filter of templates to export.</param> /// <param name="views">Optional filter of views to export.</param> /// <param name="schemas">Optional filter of schemas to export.</param> /// <param name="locales">Optional filter of locales to export.</param> public static void DoExport(DocProject docProject, string filepath, DocModelView[] views, string[] locales, Dictionary<long, SEntity> instances) { string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(filepath).ToLower(); Dictionary<DocObject, bool> included = null; if (views != null) { included = new Dictionary<DocObject, bool>(); foreach (DocModelView docView in views) { docProject.RegisterObjectsInScope(docView, included); } } // special case for zip files -- determine based on special naming; make configurable in future Type typeExport = null; if (filepath.EndsWith("")) { typeExport = typeof(DocPropertySet); } else if(filepath.EndsWith("")) { typeExport = typeof(DocQuantitySet); } switch (ext) { case ".ifc": using (FormatSPF format = new FormatSPF(filepath, Schema.IFC.SchemaIfc.Types, instances)) { string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filepath); format.InitHeaders(filename, "IFC4"); // we always use IFC4 (not later schema) for exporting templates, as that is the earliest version required. Schema.IFC.IfcProject ifcProject = new IfcDoc.Schema.IFC.IfcProject(); Program.ExportIfc(ifcProject, docProject, included); format.Save(); } break; case ".ifcxml": using (FormatXML format = new FormatXML(filepath, typeof(Schema.IFC.IfcProject), "")) { Schema.IFC.IfcProject ifcProject = new IfcDoc.Schema.IFC.IfcProject(); Program.ExportIfc(ifcProject, docProject, included); format.Instance = ifcProject; format.Save(); } break; case ".mvdxml": using (FormatXML format = new FormatXML(filepath, typeof(mvdXML), mvdXML.DefaultNamespace)) { mvdXML mvd = new mvdXML(); Program.ExportMvd(mvd, docProject, included); format.Instance = mvd; format.Save(); } break; case ".cs": using (FormatCSC format = new FormatCSC(filepath)) { format.Instance = docProject; format.Save(); } break; case ".exp": // use currently visible model view(s) using (FormatEXP format = new FormatEXP(filepath)) { format.Instance = docProject; format.ModelViews = views; format.Save(); } break; case ".xsd": // use currently visible model view(s) using (FormatXSD format = new FormatXSD(filepath)) { format.Instance = docProject; format.ModelViews = views; format.Save(); } break; case ".xml": // Express XSD Configuration using (FormatXML format = new FormatXML(filepath, typeof(Schema.CNF.configuration), null, Schema.CNF.SchemaCNF.Prefixes)) { Schema.CNF.configuration config = new Schema.CNF.configuration(); Program.ExportCnf(config, docProject, views, included); format.Instance = config; format.Save(); } break; case ".txt": // pick locale using (FormatCSV format = new FormatCSV(filepath)) { format.Instance = docProject; format.Locales = locales; format.Save(); } break; case ".sch": using (FormatXML format = new FormatXML(filepath, typeof(Schema.SCH.schema), "")) { Schema.SCH.schema sch = new Schema.SCH.schema(); Program.ExportSch(sch, docProject, included); format.Instance = sch; format.Save(); } break; case ".zip": using (FormatZIP format = new FormatZIP(new System.IO.FileStream(filepath, System.IO.FileMode.Create), docProject, included, typeExport)) { format.Save(); } break; } }
private void toolStripMenuItemFileImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StringBuilder sbErrors = new StringBuilder(); DialogResult res = this.openFileDialogImport.ShowDialog(this); if (res == DialogResult.OK) { List<DocSchema> importedschemas = new List<DocSchema>(); bool updateDescriptions = false; if(this.openFileDialogImport.FileName.EndsWith(".vex")) { DialogResult resUpdate = MessageBox.Show(this, "Do you want to update the documentation? Click Yes to update documentation and definitions, or No to update just definitions.", "Import VEX", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel); if (resUpdate == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel) return; if (resUpdate == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) updateDescriptions = true; } foreach (string filename in this.openFileDialogImport.FileNames) { string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(filename).ToLower(); switch (ext) { case ".vex": using (FormatSPF format = new FormatSPF(filename, SchemaVEX.Types, null)) { format.Load(); // get the root schemata SCHEMATA vexschema = null; foreach (SEntity entity in format.Instances.Values) { if (entity is SCHEMATA) { vexschema = (SCHEMATA)entity; break; } } if (vexschema != null) { DocSchema schema = Program.ImportVex(vexschema, this.m_project, updateDescriptions); importedschemas.Add(schema); // add schemas from multiple files first, process later } } break; case ".xml": if (filename.Contains("Pset_")) { using (FormatXML format = new FormatXML(filename, typeof(PropertySetDef), "")) { format.Load(); PropertySetDef psd = (PropertySetDef)format.Instance; string schema = null; if (psd.Versions != null && psd.Versions.Count > 0) { schema = psd.Versions[0].schema; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(schema)) { // guess the schema according to applicable type value if (psd.ApplicableTypeValue != null) { string[] parts = psd.ApplicableTypeValue.Split(new char[] { '/', '[' }); TreeNode tnEntity = null; if (this.m_mapTree.TryGetValue(parts[0].ToLowerInvariant(), out tnEntity)) { DocSchema docschema = (DocSchema)tnEntity.Parent.Parent.Tag; schema = docschema.Name; } } } if(schema == null) { schema = "IfcProductExtension";//fallback } // find the schema TreeNode tn = null; if (schema != null && this.m_mapTree.TryGetValue(schema.ToLowerInvariant(), out tn)) { DocSchema docschema = (DocSchema)tn.Tag; // find existing pset if applicable DocPropertySet pset = docschema.RegisterPset(psd.Name); // use hashed guid if (pset.Uuid == Guid.Empty) { System.Security.Cryptography.MD5 md5 = System.Security.Cryptography.MD5.Create(); byte[] hash = md5.ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(pset.Name)); pset.Uuid = new Guid(hash); } pset.Name = psd.Name; if (psd.Definition != null) { pset.Documentation = psd.Definition.Trim(); } if (psd.ApplicableTypeValue != null) { pset.ApplicableType = psd.ApplicableTypeValue.Replace("Type", "").Replace("[PerformanceHistory]", ""); // organize at occurrences; use pset type to determine type applicability } // for now, rely on naming convention (better to capture in pset schema eventually) if (psd.Name.Contains("PHistory")) // special naming convention { pset.PropertySetType = "PSET_PERFORMANCEDRIVEN"; } else if (psd.Name.Contains("Occurrence")) { pset.PropertySetType = "PSET_OCCURRENCEDRIVEN"; } else { pset.PropertySetType = "PSET_TYPEDRIVENOVERRIDE"; } // import localized definitions if (psd.PsetDefinitionAliases != null) { foreach (PsetDefinitionAlias pl in psd.PsetDefinitionAliases) { pset.RegisterLocalization(pl.lang, null, pl.Value); } } foreach (PropertyDef subdef in psd.PropertyDefs) { DocProperty docprop = pset.RegisterProperty(subdef.Name); Program.ImportPsdPropertyTemplate(subdef, docprop); } // add to Use Definition at applicable entity #if false if (pset.ApplicableType != null) { string[] apptypes = pset.ApplicableType.Split('/'); if (this.m_mapTree.TryGetValue(apptypes[0].ToLowerInvariant(), out tn)) { DocEntity entity = (DocEntity)tn.Tag; if (this.m_project.ModelViews.Count == 0) { // must have at least one model view for populating property set links this.m_project.ModelViews.Add(new DocModelView()); } foreach (DocModelView docView in this.m_project.ModelViews) { DocConceptRoot docRoot = null; foreach (DocConceptRoot eachRoot in docView.ConceptRoots) { if (eachRoot.ApplicableEntity == entity) { docRoot = eachRoot; break; } } if (docRoot == null) { docRoot = new DocConceptRoot(); docRoot.ApplicableEntity = entity; docView.ConceptRoots.Add(docRoot); } // find the pset template DocTemplateUsage templateuse = null; foreach (DocTemplateUsage eachtemplateuse in docRoot.Concepts) { if (eachtemplateuse.Definition != null && eachtemplateuse.Definition.Name.StartsWith("Property")) { templateuse = eachtemplateuse; break; } } DocTemplateDefinition docdefpset = this.m_project.GetTemplate(new Guid("f74255a6-0c0e-4f31-84ad-24981db62461")); if (docdefpset != null) { // if no template, add it if (templateuse == null) { // get the pset template templateuse = new DocTemplateUsage(); docRoot.Concepts.Add(templateuse); templateuse.Definition = docdefpset; } DocTemplateItem templateitem = new DocTemplateItem(); templateuse.Items.Add(templateitem); templateitem.RuleInstanceID = "IfcPropertySet"; if (apptypes.Length == 2) { templateitem.RuleParameters += "PredefinedType=" + apptypes[1] + ";"; } templateitem.RuleParameters += "Name=" + pset.Name + ";"; templateitem.RuleParameters += "TemplateType=" + pset.PropertySetType + ";"; // don't include documentation -- too wordy templateitem.Documentation = pset.Documentation; } } } else { sbErrors.Append(System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + ": unrecognized ApplicableTypeValue; "); } } #endif } else { sbErrors.Append(System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + ": unrecognized schema; "); } } } else if (filename.Contains("Qto_")) { using (FormatXML format = new FormatXML(filename, typeof(QtoSetDef))) { format.Load(); QtoSetDef qto = (QtoSetDef)format.Instance; string schema = qto.Versions[0].schema; TreeNode tn = null; if (schema != null && this.m_mapTree.TryGetValue(schema.ToLowerInvariant(), out tn)) { DocSchema docschema = (DocSchema)tn.Tag; // find existing pset if applicable DocQuantitySet qset = docschema.RegisterQset(qto.Name); // use hashed guid if (qset.Uuid == Guid.Empty) { System.Security.Cryptography.MD5 md5 = System.Security.Cryptography.MD5.Create(); byte[] hash = md5.ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(qset.Name)); qset.Uuid = new Guid(hash); } // everything is currently named "Base Quantities"; get name from file instead; e.g. "Qto_Beam" qset.Name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename); qset.Documentation = qto.Definition; qset.ApplicableType = qto.ApplicableClasses[0].Value; // fix: remove "Type" if (qset.ApplicableType.EndsWith("Type")) { qset.ApplicableType = qset.ApplicableType.Substring(0, qset.ApplicableType.Length - 4); } // import localized definitions if (qto.QtoDefinitionAliases != null) { foreach (QtoDefinitionAlias pl in qto.QtoDefinitionAliases) { qset.RegisterLocalization(pl.lang, null, pl.Value); } } foreach (QtoDef qtodef in qto.QtoDefs) { DocQuantity q = qset.RegisterQuantity(qtodef.Name); q.Documentation = qtodef.Definition; switch (qtodef.QtoType) { case "IfcQuantityCount": q.QuantityType = DocQuantityTemplateTypeEnum.Q_COUNT; break; case "IfcQuantityLength": q.QuantityType = DocQuantityTemplateTypeEnum.Q_LENGTH; break; case "IfcQuantityArea": q.QuantityType = DocQuantityTemplateTypeEnum.Q_AREA; break; case "IfcQuantityVolume": q.QuantityType = DocQuantityTemplateTypeEnum.Q_VOLUME; break; case "IfcQuantityWeight": q.QuantityType = DocQuantityTemplateTypeEnum.Q_WEIGHT; break; case "IfcQuantityTime": q.QuantityType = DocQuantityTemplateTypeEnum.Q_TIME; break; } foreach (NameAlias namealias in qtodef.NameAliases) { string desc = null; foreach (DefinitionAlias docalias in qtodef.DefinitionAliases) { if (docalias.lang.Equals(namealias.lang)) { desc = docalias.Value; break; } } q.RegisterLocalization(namealias.lang, namealias.Value, desc); } } // map to use definition if (this.m_mapTree.TryGetValue(qset.ApplicableType.ToLowerInvariant(), out tn)) { DocEntity entity = (DocEntity)tn.Tag; if (this.m_project.ModelViews.Count == 0) { // must have at least one model view for populating property set links this.m_project.ModelViews.Add(new DocModelView()); } foreach (DocModelView docView in this.m_project.ModelViews) { DocConceptRoot docRoot = null; foreach (DocConceptRoot eachRoot in docView.ConceptRoots) { if (eachRoot.ApplicableEntity == entity) { docRoot = eachRoot; break; } } if (docRoot == null) { docRoot = new DocConceptRoot(); docRoot.ApplicableEntity = entity; docView.ConceptRoots.Add(docRoot); } // find the qset template DocTemplateUsage templateuse = null; foreach (DocTemplateUsage eachtemplateuse in docRoot.Concepts) { if (eachtemplateuse.Definition.Name.StartsWith("Quantity")) { templateuse = eachtemplateuse; break; } } // if no template, add it if (templateuse == null) { // get the pset template templateuse = new DocTemplateUsage(); docRoot.Concepts.Add(templateuse); templateuse.Definition = this.m_project.GetTemplate(new Guid("6652398e-6579-4460-8cb4-26295acfacc7")); } if (templateuse != null) { DocTemplateItem templateitem = new DocTemplateItem(); templateuse.Items.Add(templateitem); templateitem.RuleInstanceID = "IfcElementQuantity"; templateitem.RuleParameters = "Name=" + qset.Name + ";TemplateType=QTO_OCCURRENCEDRIVEN;"; } } } } else { sbErrors.Append(System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + ": unrecognized schema; "); } } } else if (filename.Contains("ifcXML")) { using (FormatXML format = new FormatXML(filename, typeof(configuration), null, SchemaCNF.Prefixes)) { try { this.m_loading = true; // prevent constructors from registering instances (xml serializer instantiates) format.Load(); DocModelView docView = null; using(FormSelectView form = new FormSelectView(this.m_project, null)) { if(form.ShowDialog(this) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK && form.Selection != null && form.Selection.Length == 1) { docView = form.Selection[0]; } } configuration cnf = (configuration)format.Instance; Program.ImportCnf(cnf, this.m_project, docView); } catch (Exception xx) { MessageBox.Show(this, xx.Message, "Import CNFXML"); } finally { this.m_loading = false; } } } break; case ".mvdxml": this.ImportMVD(filename); break; case ".txt": using (FormatCSV format = new FormatCSV(filename)) { try { format.Instance = this.m_project; format.Load(); } catch (System.Exception xx) { MessageBox.Show(this, xx.Message, "Import CSV"); } } break; case ".ifd": using (FormatIFD format = new FormatIFD(filename)) { try { format.Instance = this.m_project; format.Load(); } catch (System.Exception xx) { MessageBox.Show(this, xx.Message, "Import IFD"); } } break; case ".xsd": using (FormatXML format = new FormatXML(filename, typeof(IfcDoc.Schema.XSD.schema), IfcDoc.Schema.XSD.SchemaXsd.DefaultNamespace)) { try { format.Load(); DocSchema docSchema = Program.ImportXsd((IfcDoc.Schema.XSD.schema)format.Instance, this.m_project); if(docSchema.Name == null) { docSchema.Name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename); } } catch(System.Exception xx) { MessageBox.Show(this, xx.Message, "Import XSD"); } } break; } } // load tree before generating use definitions this.LoadTree(); // load tree again to pick up definitions if (importedschemas.Count > 0) { LoadTree(); } } if (sbErrors.Length > 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, "Import succeeded, however one or more definitions have missing or incorrect information:\r\n" + sbErrors.ToString(), "Import Errors"); } }
private void toolStripMenuItemExportFolder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult res = this.folderBrowserDialog.ShowDialog(this); if (res == DialogResult.OK) { Dictionary<string, DocPropertyEnumeration> mapPropEnum = new Dictionary<string, DocPropertyEnumeration>(); foreach (DocSection docSection in this.m_project.Sections) { foreach (DocSchema docSchema in docSection.Schemas) { foreach (DocPropertyEnumeration docEnum in docSchema.PropertyEnums) { mapPropEnum.Add(docEnum.Name, docEnum); } } } try { foreach (DocSection docSection in this.m_project.Sections) { foreach (DocSchema docSchema in docSection.Schemas) { foreach (DocPropertySet docPset in docSchema.PropertySets) { PropertySetDef psd = Program.ExportPsd(docPset, mapPropEnum); string filename = System.IO.Path.Combine(this.folderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath, docPset.Name + ".xml"); using (FormatXML format = new FormatXML(filename, typeof(PropertySetDef)))//, PropertySetDef.DefaultNamespace)) { format.Instance = psd; format.Save(); } } foreach (DocQuantitySet docQset in docSchema.QuantitySets) { QtoSetDef qto = Program.ExportQto(docQset); string filename = System.IO.Path.Combine(this.folderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath, docQset.Name + ".xml"); using (FormatXML format = new FormatXML(filename, typeof(QtoSetDef), QtoSetDef.DefaultNamespace)) { format.Instance = qto; format.Save(); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message, "Error"); } } }
private void ImportMVD(string filename) { for (int iNS = 0; iNS < mvdXML.Namespaces.Length; iNS++) { string xmlns = mvdXML.Namespaces[iNS]; using (FormatXML format = new FormatXML(filename, typeof(mvdXML), xmlns)) { try { this.m_loading = true; // prevent constructors from registering instances (xml serializer instantiates) format.Load(); this.m_loading = false; mvdXML mvd = (mvdXML)format.Instance; Program.ImportMvd(mvd, this.m_project, filename); break; } catch (InvalidOperationException xx) { // keep going until successful if (iNS == mvdXML.Namespaces.Length - 1) { MessageBox.Show(this, "The file is not of a supported format (mvdXML 1.0 or mvdXML 1.1).", "Import MVDXML"); } } catch (Exception xx) { MessageBox.Show(this, xx.Message, "Import MVDXML"); xmlns = null; } finally { this.m_loading = false; } } } }
public void Save() { // build map of enumerations Dictionary<string, DocPropertyEnumeration> mapPropEnum = new Dictionary<string, DocPropertyEnumeration>(); foreach (DocSection docSection in this.m_project.Sections) { foreach (DocSchema docSchema in docSection.Schemas) { foreach (DocPropertyEnumeration docEnum in docSchema.PropertyEnums) { mapPropEnum.Add(docEnum.Name, docEnum); } } } using (Package zip = ZipPackage.Open(this.m_stream, FileMode.Create)) { foreach(DocSection docSection in this.m_project.Sections) { foreach(DocSchema docSchema in docSection.Schemas) { if (this.m_type == null || this.m_type == typeof(DocPropertySet)) { foreach (DocPropertySet docPset in docSchema.PropertySets) { if (m_included == null || this.m_included.ContainsKey(docPset)) { Uri uri = PackUriHelper.CreatePartUri(new Uri(docPset.Name + ".xml", UriKind.Relative)); PackagePart part = zip.CreatePart(uri, "", CompressionOption.Normal); using (Stream refstream = part.GetStream()) { refstream.SetLength(0); PropertySetDef psd = Program.ExportPsd(docPset, mapPropEnum); using (FormatXML format = new FormatXML(refstream, typeof(PropertySetDef), PropertySetDef.DefaultNamespace, null)) { format.Instance = psd; format.Save(); } } } } } if (this.m_type == null || this.m_type == typeof(DocQuantitySet)) { foreach (DocQuantitySet docQset in docSchema.QuantitySets) { if (m_included == null || this.m_included.ContainsKey(docQset)) { Uri uri = PackUriHelper.CreatePartUri(new Uri(docQset.Name + ".xml", UriKind.Relative)); PackagePart part = zip.CreatePart(uri, "", CompressionOption.Normal); using (Stream refstream = part.GetStream()) { refstream.SetLength(0); QtoSetDef psd = Program.ExportQto(docQset); using (FormatXML format = new FormatXML(refstream, typeof(QtoSetDef), PropertySetDef.DefaultNamespace, null)) { format.Instance = psd; format.Save(); } } } } } } } } }