private void InitializeIdentityServerDatabase(IApplicationBuilder app) { using (var serviceScope = app.ApplicationServices.GetService <IServiceScopeFactory>().CreateScope()) { serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <PersistedGrantDbContext>().Database.Migrate(); var context = serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <ConfigurationDbContext>(); context.Database.Migrate(); if (!context.Clients.Any()) { var client1 = new IdentityServer4.Models.Client { ClientId = "demo.client1", AllowedGrantTypes = GrantTypes.ClientCredentials, ClientSecrets = { new IdentityServer4.Models.Secret("secret".Sha256()) }, AllowedScopes = { "demo.api1" }, ClientName = "Demo Client1" }; context.Clients.Add(client1.ToEntity()); context.SaveChanges(); } if (!context.ApiResources.Any()) { var api1 = new IdentityServer4.Models.ApiResource { Name = "demo.api1", DisplayName = "demo api", Description = "this is just for demo" }; context.ApiResources.Add(api1.ToEntity()); context.SaveChanges(); } } }
public async Task StoreAsync(Model.ApiResource model) { var entity = model.ToEntity(); try { // Remove old scope indexes var existingEntity = await StorageContext.GetEntityBlobAsync <Entities.ApiResource>(entity.Name, StorageContext.ApiResourceBlobContainer); if (existingEntity != null && existingEntity.Scopes != null && existingEntity.Scopes.Count > 0) { //Remove old scope indexes var deleteIndexes = existingEntity?.Scopes?.Select(s => s.Name).Distinct().Select(i => GenerateResourceIndexEntity(entity.Name, i)).ToList(); await DeleteScopeIndexesAsync(deleteIndexes, StorageContext.ApiResourceTable); } // Add new scope indexes var newIndexes = entity?.Scopes?.Select(s => s.Name).Distinct().Select(i => GenerateResourceIndexEntity(entity.Name, i)).ToList(); await CreateScopeIndexesAsync(newIndexes, StorageContext.ApiResourceTable); await StorageContext.SaveBlobAsync(entity.Name, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entity), StorageContext.ApiResourceBlobContainer); } catch (AggregateException agg) { ExceptionHelper.LogStorageExceptions(agg, (tblEx) => { _logger.LogWarning("exception updating {apiName} api resource in table storage: {error}", model.Name, tblEx.Message); }, (blobEx) => { _logger.LogWarning("exception updating {apiName} api resource in blob storage: {error}", model.Name, blobEx.Message); }); throw; } }
public void Properties_Map() { var model = new ApiResource() { Description = "description", DisplayName = "displayname", Name = "foo", Scopes = { new Scope("foo1"), new Scope("foo2") }, Enabled = false }; var mappedEntity = model.ToEntity(); mappedEntity.Scopes.Count.Should().Be(2); var foo1 = mappedEntity.Scopes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "foo1"); foo1.Should().NotBeNull(); var foo2 = mappedEntity.Scopes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "foo2"); foo2.Should().NotBeNull(); var mappedModel = mappedEntity.ToModel(); mappedModel.Description.Should().Be("description"); mappedModel.DisplayName.Should().Be("displayname"); mappedModel.Enabled.Should().BeFalse(); mappedModel.Name.Should().Be("foo"); }
public void Update(ApiResource obj) { var apiResource = DbSet.FirstOrDefault(w => w.Name == obj.Name); var newOne = obj.ToEntity(); newOne.Id = apiResource.Id; DbSet.Update(newOne); }
public void TestResourceConversion() { var is4Resource = new IS4.ApiResource(); var resource = is4Resource.ToApiResourceViewModel(); // Secret should never be automatically copied to view model. Assert.Null(resource.ApiSecret); }
/// <summary> /// Stores a new API resource /// </summary> /// <param name="resource"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task StoreAsync(ApiResource resource) { await _apiResources.InsertAsync(new ApiResourceEntity(resource.Name) { Description = resource.Description, DisplayName = resource.DisplayName, Enabled = resource.Enabled, }); foreach (var claim in resource.UserClaims) { await _apiResourceClaims.InsertAsync(new ApiResourceClaimEntity { Name = resource.Name, Claim = claim, }); } var secrets = resource.ApiSecrets.ToArray(); for (var index = 0; index < resource.ApiSecrets.Count; index++) { var secret = secrets[index]; await _apiSecrets.InsertAsync(new ApiSecretEntity { Name = resource.Name, Sequence = index, Description = secret.Description, Expiration = secret.Expiration, Value = secret.Value, Type = secret.Type, }); } foreach (var scope in resource.Scopes) { await _byScopes.InsertAsync(new ApiResourceNameByScope { Scope = scope.Name, Name = resource.Name, }); await _apiScopes.InsertAsync(new ApiScopeEntity { Name = resource.Name, Scope = scope.Name, Description = scope.Description, DisplayName = scope.DisplayName, Required = scope.Required, ShowInDiscoveryDocument = scope.ShowInDiscoveryDocument, }); foreach (var claim in scope.UserClaims) { await _apiScopeClaims.InsertAsync(new ApiScopeClaimEntity { Scope = $"{resource.Name}|{scope.Name}", Claim = claim, }); } } }
public async Task StoreAsync(Model.ApiResource model) { var entity = model.ToEntity(); try { // Remove old scope indexes var existingEntity = await StorageContext.GetEntityBlobAsync <Entities.ApiResource>(entity.Name, StorageContext.ApiResourceBlobContainer).ConfigureAwait(false); if (existingEntity != null && existingEntity.Scopes != null && existingEntity.Scopes.Count > 0) { //Remove old scope indexes var deleteIndexes = existingEntity?.Scopes?.Select(s => s.Name).Distinct().Select(i => GenerateResourceIndexEntity(entity.Name, i)); await DeleteScopeIndexesAsync(deleteIndexes, StorageContext.ApiResourceTable).ConfigureAwait(false); } // Add new scope indexes var newIndexes = entity?.Scopes?.Select(s => s.Name).Distinct().Select(i => GenerateResourceIndexEntity(entity.Name, i)); await CreateScopeIndexesAsync(newIndexes, StorageContext.ApiResourceTable).ConfigureAwait(false); await StorageContext.SaveBlobWithHashedKeyAsync(entity.Name, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entity), StorageContext.ApiResourceBlobContainer) .ConfigureAwait(false); //Create ApiScopes that don't exist List <string> entityScopes = entity.Scopes?.Select(s => s.Name).ToList(); if (entityScopes.Count > 0) { List <Model.ApiScope> existingApiScopes = (await FindApiScopesByNameAsync(entityScopes).ConfigureAwait(false)).ToList(); foreach (string entityScope in entityScopes.Where(w => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(w)).Distinct()) { if (!existingApiScopes.Any(a => entityScope.Equals(a.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal))) { await StoreAsync(new Model.ApiScope() { Name = entityScope }).ConfigureAwait(false); } } } var entities = await GetAllApiResourceEntitiesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); entities = entities.Where(e => entity.Name != e.Name).Concat(new Entities.ApiResource[] { entity }); await UpdateApiResourceCacheFileAsync(entities).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (AggregateException agg) { ExceptionHelper.LogStorageExceptions(agg, (tblEx) => { _logger.LogWarning("exception updating {apiName} api resource in table storage: {error}", model.Name, tblEx.Message); }, (blobEx) => { _logger.LogWarning("exception updating {apiName} api resource in blob storage: {error}", model.Name, blobEx.Message); }); throw; } }
public void Can_Map() { var model = new ApiResource(); var mappedEntity = model.ToEntity(); var mappedModel = mappedEntity.ToModel(); Assert.NotNull(mappedModel); Assert.NotNull(mappedEntity); }
public async Task <bool> AddApiResource(IdentityServer4.Models.ApiResource resource) { bool Result = false; await Context.ApiResources.AddAsync(resource.ToEntity()); Result = await Context.SaveChangesAsync() > 0; return(Result); }
private static void AddTestEntitiesToSql(IS4.Client client, IS4.ApiResource apiResource) { using (var identityContext = IdentityDbContext) { identityContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(DeleteDataSql); identityContext.ApiResources.Add(apiResource.ToEntity()); identityContext.Clients.Add(client.ToEntity()); identityContext.SaveChanges(); } }
public async Task UpdateWithChildrens(string oldName, ApiResource irs) { var apiDb = await DbSet .Include(s => s.UserClaims) .Where(x => x.Name == oldName).FirstAsync(); var newIr = irs.ToEntity(); newIr.Id = apiDb.Id; newIr.ShallowCopyTo(apiDb); }
public async Task <MessageModel <string> > SaveData(ApiResourceDto request) { if (request != null && request.Id == 0) { IdentityServer4.Models.ApiResource apiResource = new IdentityServer4.Models.ApiResource() { Name = request?.Name, DisplayName = request?.DisplayName, Description = request?.Description, Enabled = true, UserClaims = request?.UserClaims?.Split(","), }; var result = (await _configurationDbContext.ApiResources.AddAsync(apiResource.ToEntity())); await _configurationDbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); } if (request != null && request.Id > 0) { var modelEF = (await _configurationDbContext.ApiResources .Include(d => d.UserClaims) .ToListAsync()).FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == request.Id); modelEF.Name = request?.Name; modelEF.DisplayName = request?.DisplayName; modelEF.Description = request?.Description; var apiResourceClaim = new List <IdentityServer4.EntityFramework.Entities.ApiResourceClaim>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request?.UserClaims)) { request?.UserClaims.Split(",").Where(s => s != "" && s != null).ToList().ForEach(s => { apiResourceClaim.Add(new IdentityServer4.EntityFramework.Entities.ApiResourceClaim() { ApiResource = modelEF, ApiResourceId = modelEF.Id, Type = s }); }); modelEF.UserClaims = apiResourceClaim; } var result = (_configurationDbContext.ApiResources.Update(modelEF)); await _configurationDbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); } return(new MessageModel <string>() { success = true, msg = "添加成功", }); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Put(string resourceName, [FromBody] IroncladResource model) { if (string.Equals(resourceName, "auth_api", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return(this.BadRequest(new { Message = $"Cannot modify the authorization console web API" })); } using (var session = { var document = await session.Query <PostgresResource>().SingleOrDefaultAsync(item => item.Name == resourceName); if (document == null) { return(this.NotFound(new { Message = $"API resource '{resourceName}' not found" })); } // NOTE (Cameron): Because of the mapping/conversion unknowns we rely upon the Postgres integration to perform that operation which is why we do this... var resource = new IdentityServerResource { UserClaims = model.UserClaims, Scopes = model.ApiScopes.Select(scope => new Scope(scope.Name, scope.UserClaims)).ToList(), }; // NOTE (Cameron): If the secret is updated we want to add the new secret... if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ApiSecret)) { resource.ApiSecrets = new List <Secret> { new Secret(model.ApiSecret.Sha256()) }; } var entity = resource.ToEntity(); // update properties (everything supported is an optional update eg. if null is passed we will not update) document.DisplayName = model.DisplayName ?? document.DisplayName; document.UserClaims = entity.UserClaims ?? document.UserClaims; document.Scopes = entity.Scopes ?? document.Scopes; document.Enabled = model.Enabled ?? document.Enabled; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ApiSecret)) { document.Secrets.Add(entity.Secrets.First()); } session.Update(document); await session.SaveChangesAsync(); } return(this.Ok()); }
public static IS4.ApiResource ToIs4ApiResource(this ApiResource apiResource) { var newResource = new IS4.ApiResource { Enabled = apiResource.Enabled, Name = apiResource.Name, DisplayName = apiResource.DisplayName, Description = apiResource.Description, UserClaims = new List <string>(apiResource.UserClaims), Scopes = apiResource.Scopes.Select(s => s.ToIs4Scope()).ToList() }; return(newResource); }
public static ApiResource ToApiResourceViewModel(this IS4.ApiResource resource) { var newResource = new ApiResource { Enabled = resource.Enabled, Name = resource.Name, DisplayName = resource.DisplayName, Description = resource.Description, UserClaims = new List <string>(resource.UserClaims), Scopes = resource.Scopes.Select(s => s.ToScopeViewModel()).ToList() }; return(newResource); }
public IActionResult AddApiResource(ApiResourceViewModel apiResourceViewModel) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View()); } var apiResource = new ApiResourceModel(apiResourceViewModel.Name, apiResourceViewModel.DisplayName); _configurationDbContext.ApiResources.Add(apiResource.ToEntity()); _configurationDbContext.SaveChanges(); _trackTelemetry.TrackEvent(EventName.AddApiResource, EventType.Action, EventStatus.Success); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); }
public async void ShouldAddAndSaveTheApiResourceInTheContext() { var apiResource = new Models.ApiResource(); var context = A.Fake <IConfigurationDbContext>(); var apiRepository = new ApiResourceRepository(context); await apiRepository.AddAsync(apiResource); A.CallTo(() => context.SaveChangesAsync()) .MustHaveHappened(); A.CallTo(() => context.ApiResources.AddAsync( A <Entities.ApiResource> .Ignored, A <CancellationToken> .Ignored)) .MustHaveHappened(); }
private async Task <ApiResource> ConvertToModelAsync(ApiResourceEntity entity) { var resource = new ApiResource { Enabled = entity.Enabled, Name = entity.Name, DisplayName = entity.DisplayName, Description = entity.Description, }; await foreach (var claim in _apiResourceClaims.EnumAsync(entity.Name)) { resource.UserClaims.Add(claim.Claim); } await foreach (var secret in _apiSecrets.EnumAsync(entity.Name)) { resource.ApiSecrets.Add(new Secret { Description = secret.Description, Expiration = secret.Expiration, Type = secret.Type, Value = secret.Value, }); } await foreach (var scope in _apiScopes.EnumAsync(entity.Name)) { var apiScope = new Scope { Name = scope.Scope, DisplayName = scope.DisplayName, Emphasize = scope.Emphasize, Required = scope.Required, ShowInDiscoveryDocument = scope.ShowInDiscoveryDocument, }; await foreach (var claim in _apiScopeClaims.EnumAsync($"{entity.Name}|{apiScope.Name}")) { apiScope.UserClaims.Add(claim.Claim); } resource.Scopes.Add(apiScope); } return(resource); }
public Task <is4Models.ApiResource> FindApiResourceAsync(string name) { is4Models.ApiResource apiResource = new is4Models.ApiResource(); var resourceEntity = _apiResourceService.GetSingle(i => i.Name == name); if (resourceEntity != null) { _logger.LogDebug("Found {api} API resource in database", name); apiResource = _mapper.Map <is4Models.ApiResource>(resourceEntity); } else { _logger.LogDebug("Did not find {api} API resource in database", name); } return(Task.FromResult(apiResource)); }
public static void SeedConfiguration(IConfigurationDbContext context) { Log.Information("Seeding Identity Server configuration"); if (!context.Clients.Any()) { context.Clients.Add(new Client { ClientId = "spa", ClientName = "SPA Client", ClientUri = "http://localhost:4200", AllowedGrantTypes = GrantTypes.Implicit, AllowAccessTokensViaBrowser = true, RequireConsent = false, RedirectUris = { "http://localhost:4200", "http://localhost:4200/auth-callback", "http://localhost:4200/silent.html", }, PostLogoutRedirectUris = { "http://localhost:4200" }, AllowedCorsOrigins = { "http://localhost:4200" }, AllowedScopes = { "openid", "profile", "api" } }.ToEntity()); context.SaveChanges(); } if (!context.IdentityResources.Any()) { context.IdentityResources.AddRange(new IdentityResource[] { new IdentityResources.OpenId(), new IdentityResources.Profile() }.Select(r => r.ToEntity())); context.SaveChanges(); } if (!context.ApiResources.Any()) { var apiResource = new ApiResource("api", "Application api"); context.ApiResources.Add(apiResource.ToEntity()); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public void missing_values_should_use_defaults() { var entity = new IdentityServer4.EntityFramework.Entities.ApiResource { Secrets = new System.Collections.Generic.List <Entities.ApiResourceSecret> { new Entities.ApiResourceSecret { } } }; var def = new ApiResource { ApiSecrets = { new Models.Secret("foo") } }; var model = entity.ToModel(); model.ApiSecrets.First().Type.Should().Be(def.ApiSecrets.First().Type); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Post([FromBody] IroncladResource model) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Name)) { return(this.BadRequest(new { Message = $"Cannot create an API resource without a name" })); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ApiSecret)) { return(this.BadRequest(new { Message = $"Cannot create an API resource without a secret" })); } var resource = new IdentityServerResource(model.Name, model.DisplayName) { ApiSecrets = new List <Secret> { new Secret(model.ApiSecret.Sha256()) }, }; // optional properties resource.UserClaims = model.UserClaims ?? resource.UserClaims; resource.Scopes = model.ApiScopes?.Select(item => new Scope(item.Name, item.UserClaims)).ToList() ?? resource.Scopes; resource.Enabled = model.Enabled ?? resource.Enabled; using (var session = { if (session.Query <PostgresResource>().Any(document => document.Name == model.Name)) { return(this.StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.Conflict, new { Message = "API resource already exists" })); } session.Insert(resource.ToEntity()); await session.SaveChangesAsync(); } return(this.Created(new Uri(this.HttpContext.GetIdentityServerRelativeUrl("~/api/apiresources/" + model.Name)), null)); }
public RegisterApiResourceCommand(IdentityServer4.Models.ApiResource apiResource) { Resource = apiResource; }
/// <summary> /// Maps a model to an entity. /// </summary> /// <param name="model">The model.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static Entities.ApiResource ToEntity(this Models.ApiResource model) { return(model == null ? null : Mapper.Map <Entities.ApiResource>(model)); }
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container. public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { services.AddControllers(); var migrationsAssembly = typeof(Startup).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetName().Name; var api = new IdentityServer4.Models.ApiResource("WebApi", "WebApi", new List <string> { "hotel", "store", "user", "role", "other" }); api.ApiSecrets = new List <Secret> { new IdentityServer4.Models.Secret("654321".Sha256()) }; var apis = new List <IdentityServer4.Models.ApiResource> { api }; var clients = new List <IdentityServer4.Models.Client> { new IdentityServer4.Models.Client { ClientId = "hms_client", AllowedGrantTypes = new List <string> { "password" }, AllowOfflineAccess = true, AccessTokenType = AccessTokenType.Reference, AccessTokenLifetime = 86400, SlidingRefreshTokenLifetime = 1296000, ClientSecrets = { new IdentityServer4.Models.Secret("123456".Sha256()) }, AllowedScopes = new List <string> { "WebApi" } }, }; services.AddIdentityServer() .AddDeveloperSigningCredential() .AddInMemoryApiResources(apis) .AddInMemoryClients(clients) .AddInMemoryIdentityResources(new IdentityServer4.Models.IdentityResource[] { new IdentityServer4.Models.IdentityResources.OpenId(), new IdentityServer4.Models.IdentityResources.Profile() }) .AddOperationalStore(opt => { opt.ConfigureDbContext = context => { context.UseMySQL(Configuration.GetConnectionString("AuthDB"), sql => { sql.MigrationsAssembly(migrationsAssembly); }); }; opt.EnableTokenCleanup = true; opt.TokenCleanupInterval = 30; }) .AddResourceOwnerValidator <ResourceOwnerPasswordValidator>(); }
public void Remove(ApiResource obj) { var apiResource = DbSet.FirstOrDefault(w => w.Name == obj.Name); DbSet.Remove(apiResource); }
public static void Scope(this ApiResource resource, Scope scope) { resource.Scopes ??= new List <Scope>(); resource.Scopes.Add(scope); }
public void Add(ApiResource obj) { DbSet.Add(obj.ToEntity()); }
public static ApiResource ToEntity(this Models.ApiResource resource) { return(resource == null ? null : Mapper.Map <ApiResource>(resource)); }
/// <summary> /// Maps a model to an entity. /// </summary> /// <param name="model">The model.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static ApiResource ToEntity(this Ids4.ApiResource model) { return(model == null ? null : Mapper.Map <ApiResource>(model)); }