public void ChoosePlot() { if (RootSaveFile?.Template?.StoryTemplate?.PlotArchetypes == null) { return; } RootSaveFile.Template.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.Choose(); PlotArchetypeNoteOption archetype = (PlotArchetypeNoteOption)RootSaveFile.Template.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.ChildOptions.FirstOrDefault(o => o.IsChecked); if (archetype == null) { return; } PlotArchetype = archetype.Name; var subtype = archetype.ChildOptions.FirstOrDefault(o => o.IsChecked)?.Name; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subtype)) { PlotSubtype = subtype; } archetype.ChooseElement(); var element = archetype.ElementOptions.FirstOrDefault(o => o.IsChecked)?.Name; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(element)) { PlotElement = element; } }
private string GetPlotString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PlotArchetype)) { sb.AppendLine($"Plot type: {PlotArchetype}"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PlotSubtype)) { sb.AppendLine($"; {PlotSubtype}. "); } PlotArchetypeNoteOption archetype = RootSaveFile?.Template?.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.ChildOptions.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name.Equals(PlotArchetype)) as PlotArchetypeNoteOption; if (archetype != null) { sb.Append("Elements: "); for (int i = 0; i < archetype.ElementOptions.Count; i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.Append(", "); } sb.Append(archetype.ElementOptions[i].Name); } sb.Append("; "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PlotElement)) { sb.AppendLine($"Protagonist is {PlotElement}. "); } } return(sb.ToString()); }
private void comboBox_Archetype_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.AddedItems.Count > 0) { PlotArchetypeNoteOption newArchetype = e.AddedItems[0] as PlotArchetypeNoteOption; if (newArchetype != null) { newArchetype.IsChecked = true; } } }
public void ChoosePlotElement() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PlotArchetype) || RootSaveFile?.Template?.StoryTemplate?.PlotArchetypes?.ChildOptions?.Count <= 0 || RootSaveFile?.Template?.StoryTemplate?.PlotArchetypes?.ChildOptions?.Any(o => o.Name.Equals(PlotArchetype)) != true) { return; } PlotArchetypeNoteOption archetype = (PlotArchetypeNoteOption)RootSaveFile.Template.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.ChildOptions.First(o => o.Name.Equals(PlotArchetype)); archetype.ChooseElement(); var element = archetype.ElementOptions.FirstOrDefault(o => o.IsChecked)?.Name; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(element)) { PlotElement = element; } }
private static void AddDefaultPlotArchetypes(IdeaTreeTemplate defaultTemplate) { PlotArchetypeNoteOption archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Supplication") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Fugitives Imploring the Powerful for Help Against Their Enemies")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Assistance Implored for the Performance of a Pious Duty Which Has Been Forbidden")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Appeals for a Refuge in Which to Die")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Hospitality Besought by the Shipwrecked")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Charity Entreated by Those Cast Off by Their Own People, Whom They Have Disgraced")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Expiation: The Seeking of Pardon, Healing or Deliverance")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("The Surrender of a Corpse, or of a Relic, Solicited")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Supplication of the Powerful for Those Dear to the Suppliant")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Supplication to a Relative in Behalf of Another Relative")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Supplication to a Mother's Lover, in Her Behalf")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Persecutor")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Suppliant")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Authority, whose decision is doubtful")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Deliverance") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Appearance of a Rescuer to the Condemned")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Parent Replaced Upon a Throne by His Children")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Rescue by Friends, or by Strangers Grateful for Benefits Or Hospitality")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Unfortunate")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Threatener")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Rescuer")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Crime Pursued by Vengeance") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("The Avenging of a Slain Parent or Ancestor")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("The Avenging of a Slain Child or Descendant")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Vengeance for a Child Dishonored")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("The Avenging of a Slain Wife or Husband")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Vengeance for the Dishonor, or Attempted Dishonoring, of a Wife")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Vengeance for a Lover Slain")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Vengeance for a Slain or Injured Friend")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Vengeance for a Sister or Brother Seduced")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Vengeance for Intentional Injury or Spoliation")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Vengeance for Having Been Despoiled During Absence")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Revenge for an Attempted Slaying")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Revenge for a False Accusation")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Vengeance for Violation")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Vengeance for Having Been Robbed of One's Own")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Revenge Upon a Whole Sex for a Deception by One")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Professional Pursuit of Criminals")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Avenger")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Criminal")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Vengeance Taken for Kindred upon Kindred") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Mother's Death Avenged Upon a Father")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Mother's Death Avenged Upon a Brother")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Mother's Death Avenged Upon a Sister")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Mother's Death Avenged Upon Multiple Siblings")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Mother's Death Avenged Upon a Son")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Mother's Death Avenged Upon a Daughter")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Mother's Death Avenged Upon Multiple Children")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Mother's Death Avenged Upon a Spouse")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Father's Death Avenged Upon a Mother")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Father's Death Avenged Upon a Brother")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Father's Death Avenged Upon a Sister")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Father's Death Avenged Upon Multiple Siblings")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Father's Death Avenged Upon a Son")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Father's Death Avenged Upon a Daughter")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Father's Death Avenged Upon Multiple Children")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Father's Death Avenged Upon a Spouse")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Both Parents' Death Avenged Upon a Brother")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Both Parents' Death Avenged Upon a Sister")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Both Parents' Death Avenged Upon Multiple Siblings")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Both Parents' Death Avenged Upon a Son")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Both Parents' Death Avenged Upon a Daughter")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Both Parents' Death Avenged Upon Multiple Children")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Both Parents' Death Avenged Upon a Spouse")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Brother's Death Avenged Upon a Mother")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Brother's Death Avenged Upon a Father")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Brother's Death Avenged Upon a Sister")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Brother's Death Avenged Upon Multiple Siblings")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Brother's Death Avenged Upon a Son")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Brother's Death Avenged Upon a Daughter")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Brother's Death Avenged Upon Multiple Children")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Brother's Death Avenged Upon a Spouse")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Sister's Death Avenged Upon a Mother")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Sister's Death Avenged Upon a Father")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Sister's Death Avenged Upon a Brother")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Sister's Death Avenged Upon Multiple Siblings")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Sister's Death Avenged Upon a Son")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Sister's Death Avenged Upon a Daughter")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Sister's Death Avenged Upon Multiple Children")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Sister's Death Avenged Upon a Spouse")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Son's Death Avenged Upon a Mother")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Son's Death Avenged Upon a Father")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Son's Death Avenged Upon a Brother")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Son's Death Avenged Upon a Sister")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Son's Death Avenged Upon Multiple Siblings")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Son's Death Avenged Upon a Daughter")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Son's Death Avenged Upon Multiple Children")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Son's Death Avenged Upon a Spouse")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Daughter's Death Avenged Upon a Mother")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Daughter's Death Avenged Upon a Father")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Daughter's Death Avenged Upon a Brother")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Daughter's Death Avenged Upon a Sister")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Daughter's Death Avenged Upon Multiple Siblings")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Daughter's Death Avenged Upon a Son")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Daughter's Death Avenged Upon Multiple Children")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Daughter's Death Avenged Upon a Husband")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Daughter's Death Avenged Upon a Wife")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Spouse's Death Avenged Upon a Mother")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Spouse's Death Avenged Upon a Father")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Spouse's Death Avenged Upon a Brother")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Spouse's Death Avenged Upon a Sister")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Spouse's Death Avenged Upon Multiple Siblings")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Spouse's Death Avenged Upon a Son")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Spouse's Death Avenged Upon a Daughter")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Spouse's Death Avenged Upon Multiple Children")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Avenging Kinsman")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Guilty Kinsman")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Victim, a Relative of Both")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Pursuit") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Fugitives from Justice Pursued for Brigandage, Political Offenses, etc.")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Pursued for a Fault of Love")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Hero Struggling Against a Power")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Pseudo-Madman Struggling Against an Iago-Like Alienist")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Punishment")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Fugitive")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Disaster") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Defeat Suffered")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Fatherland Destroyed")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("The Fall of Humanity")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Natural Catastrophe")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Monarch Overthrown")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Ingratitude Suffered")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("The Suffering of Unjust Punishment or Enmity")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("An Outrage Suffered")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Abandonment by a Lover or a Spouse")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Children Lost by Their Parents")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Vanquished Power")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Victorious Enemy")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Messenger")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Falling Prey to Cruelty or Misfortune") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("The Innocent Made the Victim of Ambitious Intrigue")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("The Innocent Despoiled by Those Who Should Protect")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("The Powerful Dispossessed and Wretched")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Favorite or an Intimate Finds Himself Forgotten")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("The Unfortunate Robbed of Their Only Hope")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Unfortunate")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Master or Misfortune")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Revolt") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Conspiracy Chiefly of One Individual")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Conspiracy of Several")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Revolt of One Individual, Who Influences and Involves Others")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Revolt of Many")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Tyrant")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Conspirator")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Daring Enterprise") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Preparations For War")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("War")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Combat")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Carrying Off a Desired Person or Object")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Recapture of a Desired Object")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Adventurous Expeditions")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Adventure Undertaken for the Purpose of Obtaining a Love-interest")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Bold Leader")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Object")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Adversary")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Abduction") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Abduction of an Unwilling Lover")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Abduction of a Consenting Lover")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Recapture of an Abducted Lover without the Slaying of the Abductor")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Recapture of an Abducted Lover with the Slaying of the Ravisher")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Rescue of a Captive Friend")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Rescue of a Captive Mother without the Slaying of the Abductor")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Rescue of a Captive Mother with the Slaying of the Ravisher")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Rescue of a Captive Father")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Rescue of a Captive Brother")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Rescue of a Captive Sister without the Slaying of the Abductor")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Rescue of a Captive Sister with the Slaying of the Ravisher")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Rescue of a Captive Son")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Rescue of a Captive Daughter without the Slaying of the Abductor")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Rescue of a Captive Daughter with the Slaying of the Ravisher")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Rescue of a Soul in Captivity to Error")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Abductor")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Abducted")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Guardian")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("The Enigma") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Search for a Person Who Must Be Found on Pain of Death")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Riddle To Be Solved on Pain of Death")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Riddle To Be Solved on Pain of Death, Proposed by the Coveted Woman")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Temptations Offered With the Object of Discovering His Name")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Temptations Offered With the Object of Ascertaining the Sex")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Tests for the Purpose of Ascertaining the Mental Condition")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Interrogator")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Seeker")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Problem")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Obtaining") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Efforts to Obtain an Object by Ruse or Force")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Endeavor by Means of Persuasive Eloquence Alone")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Eloquence With an Arbitrator")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Solicitor")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Adversary Who is Refusing")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Arbitrator")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("One of Various Opposing Parties")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Enmity of Kinsmen") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Hatred of Siblings: One Sibling Hated by Several")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Reciprocal Hatred of Siblings")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Hatred Between Relatives for Reasons of Self-Interest")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Hatred of Daughter for Mother")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Hatred of Daughter for Father")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Hatred of Son for Mother")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Hatred of Son for Father")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Hatred of Mother for Daughter")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Hatred of Mother for Son")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Hatred of Father for Daughter")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Hatred of Father for Son")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Mutual Hatred of Mother and Daughter")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Mutual Hatred of Mother and Son")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Mutual Hatred of Father and Daughter")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Mutual Hatred of Father and Son")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Hatred of Grandfather for Grandson")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Hatred of Grandfather for Granddaughter")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Hatred of Grandmother for Grandson")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Hatred of Grandmother for Granddaughter")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Hatred of Father-in-law for Son-in-law")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Hatred of Father-in-law for Daughter-in-law")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Hatred of Mother-in-law for Son-in-law")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Hatred of Mother-in-law for Daughter-in-law")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Infanticide")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Malevolent Kinsman")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Hated Kinsman")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Arbitrator")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("One of Various Reciprocally Hating Kinsmen")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Rivalry of Kinsmen") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Malicious Rivalry of a Brother")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Malicious Rivalry of Two Brothers")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Rivalry of Two Brothers, With Adultery on the Part of One")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Malicious Rivalry of a Sister")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Malicious Rivalry of Two Sisters")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Rivalry of Two Sisters, With Adultery on the Part of One")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Rivalry of Father and Son, for an Unmarried Woman")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Rivalry of Father and Son, for a Married Woman")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Rivalry of Father and Son, for a Woman Who is Already the Wife of the Father")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Rivalry of Father and Son, for a Woman Who is Already the Wife of the Son")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Rivalry of Mother and Daughter, for an Unmarried Man")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Rivalry of Mother and Daughter, for a Married Man")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Rivalry of Mother and Daughter, for a Man Who is Already the Husband of the Father")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Rivalry of Mother and Daughter, for a Man Who is Already the Husband of the Son")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Rivalry of Cousins")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Rivalry of Friends")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Preferred Kinsman")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Rejected Kinsman")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Object")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Murderous Adultery") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("The Slaying of a Husband by a Paramour")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("The Slaying of a Husband for a Paramour")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("The Slaying of a Trusting Lover")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Slaying of a Wife for a Paramour, and in Self-Interest")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("One of Two Adulterers")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Betrayed Spouse")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Madness") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Kinsmen Slain in Madness")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Lover Slain in Madness")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Slaying or Injuring of a Person not Hated")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Disgrace Brought Upon Oneself Through Madness")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Loss of Loved Ones Brought About by Madness")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Madness Brought on by Fear of Hereditary Insanity")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Madman")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Victim")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Fatal Imprudence") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Imprudence the Cause of One's Own Misfortune")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Imprudence the Cause of One's Own Dishonor")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Curiosity the Cause of One's Own Misfortune")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Loss of the Possession of a Loved One, Through Curiosity")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Curiosity the Cause of Death or Misfortune to Others")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Imprudence the Cause of a Relative's Death")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Imprudence the Cause of a Lover's Death")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Credulity the Cause of Kinsmen's Deaths")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Imprudent")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Victim or Object Lost")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Involuntary Crimes of Love") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Discovery that One Has Had One's Mother as Mistress")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Discovery that One Has Had One's Mother as Mistress, in Which the Crime Has Been Villainously Planned by a Third Person")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Discovery that One Has Married One's Mother")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Discovery that One Has Married One's Mother, in Which the Crime Has Been Villainously Planned by a Third Person")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Discovery that One Has Had a Sister as Mistress")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Discovery that One Has Had a Sister as Mistress, in Which the Crime Has Been Villainously Planned by a Third Person")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Discovery that One Has Married One's Sister")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Discovery that One Has Married One's Sister, in Which the Crime Has Been Villainously Planned by a Third Person")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Being Upon the Point of Taking a Mother, Unknowingly, as Mistress")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Being Upon the Point of Taking a Mother, Unknowingly, as Mistress, in Which the Crime Has Been Villainously Planned by a Third Person")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Being Upon the Point of Taking a Sister, Unknowingly, as Mistress")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Being Upon the Point of Taking a Sister, Unknowingly, as Mistress, in Which the Crime Has Been Villainously Planned by a Third Person")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Being Upon the Point of Violating, Unknowingly, a Daughter")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Being Upon the Point of Violating, Unknowingly, a Daughter, in Which the Crime Has Been Villainously Planned by a Third Person")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Being Upon the Point of Committing an Adultery Unknowingly")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Being Upon the Point of Committing an Adultery Unknowingly, in Which the Crime Has Been Villainously Planned by a Third Person")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Adultery Committed Unknowingly")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Adultery Committed Unknowingly, in Which the Crime Has Been Villainously Planned by a Third Person")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Lover")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Beloved")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Revealer")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Slaying of a Kinsman Unrecognized") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Being Upon the Point of Slaying a Daughter Unknowingly, by Command of a Divinity or an Oracle")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Being Upon the Point of Slaying a Daughter Unknowingly, Through Hatred of the Lover of the Unrecognized Daughter")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Through Political Necessity")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Through a Rivalry in Love")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Being Upon the Point of Killing a Son Unknowingly")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Being Upon the Point of Killing a Son Unknowingly, Strengthened by Machiavellian Instigations")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Being Upon the Point of Slaying a Brother Unknowingly")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Being Upon the Point of Slaying a Brother Unknowingly, Strengthened by Machiavellian Instigations")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Slaying of a Mother Unrecognized")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Father Slain Unknowingly, Through Machiavellian Advice")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Being Upon the Point of Killing a Father Unknowingly, Through Machiavellian Advice")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Father Slain Unknowingly, in Vengeance and Through Instigation")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Grandfather Slain Unknowingly, in Vengeance and Through Instigation")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Involuntary Killing of a Lover")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Being Upon the Point of Killing a Lover Unrecognized")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Failure to Rescue an Unrecognized Son")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Failure to Rescue an Unrecognized Daughter")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Failure to Rescue an Unrecognized Mother")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Failure to Rescue an Unrecognized Father")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Slayer")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Unrecognized Victim")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Self-Sacrificing for an Ideal") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Sacrifice of Life for the Sake of One's Word")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Life Sacrifice for the Success of One's People")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Life Sacrificed in Filial Piety")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Life Sacrificed for the Sake of One's Faith")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Both Love and Life Sacrificed for One's Faith, or a Cause")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Love Sacrificed to the Interests of State")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Sacrifice of Well-Being to Duty")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("The Ideal of 'Honor' Sacrificed to the Ideal of 'Faith'")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Hero")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Ideal")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("'Creditor' or, Person or Thing Sacrificed")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Self-Sacrifice for Kindred") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Life Sacrificed for that of a Relative or a Loved One")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Life Sacrificed for the Happiness of a Relative or a Loved One")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Ambition Sacrificed for the Happiness of a Parent")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Ambition Sacrificed for the Life of a Parent")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Love Sacrificed for the Sake of a Parent's Life")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Love Sacrificed for the Happiness of One's Child")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Love Sacrificed for the Happiness of One's Child, Caused by Unjust Laws")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Life and Honor Sacrificed for the Life of a Parent or Loved One")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Modesty Sacrificed for the Life of a Relative or a Loved One")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Hero")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Kinsman")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("'Creditor' or, Person or Thing Sacrificed")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("All Sacrificed for a Passion") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Religious Vows of Chastity Broken for a Passion")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Respect for a Priest Destroyed")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Future Ruined by Passion")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Power Ruined by Passion")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Ruin of Mind, Health, and Life")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Ruin of Fortunes, Lives, and Honors")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Temptations Destroying the Sense of Duty, of Piety, etc.")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Destruction of Honor, Fortune, and Life by Vice")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Destruction of Honor, Fortune, and Life by Non-Erotic Vice")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Lover")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Object of the Fatal Passion")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Person or Thing Sacrificed")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Necessity of Sacrificing Love Ones") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Necessity for Sacrificing a Daughter in the Public Interest")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Duty of Sacrificing a Daughter in Fulfillment of a Vow to God")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Duty of Sacrificing Benefactors or Loved Ones to One's Faith")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Duty of Sacrificing One's Child, Unknown to Others, Under the Pressure of Necessity")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Duty of Sacrificing One's Parent, Unknown to Others, Under the Pressure of Necessity")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Duty of Sacrificing One's Spouse, Unknown to Others, Under the Pressure of Necessity")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Duty of Sacrificing a Child-in-law for the Public Good")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Duty of Contending with a Sibling-in-Law for the Public Good")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Duty of Contending with a Friend")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Hero")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Beloved Victim")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Necessity for the Sacrifice")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Rivalry of Superior and Inferior") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Of a Man and an Immortal")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Of a Sorcerer and an Ordinary Man")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Of a Sorceress and an Ordinary Woman")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Of Conqueror and Conquered")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Of a Monarch and a Noble")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Of Monarch and Subject")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Of a Powerful Person and an Upstart")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Of Rich and Poor")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Of an Honored Man and a Suspected One")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Rivalry of Two Who are Almost Equal")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Of the Two Successive Husbands of a Divorcee")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Of Lady and Servant")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Rivalry Between Memory or an Ideal and a Living Person")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Double Rivalry (A loves B, who loves C, who loves D, or A)")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Superior Rival")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Inferior Rival")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Object")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Adultery") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Lover Betrayed, For a Younger Lover")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Lover Betrayed, For a Young Spouse")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Spouse Betrayed, For a Slave Who Does Not Love in Return")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Spouse Betrayed, For Debauchery")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Spouse Betrayed, For a Married Person")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Wife Betrayed, With the Intention of Bigamy")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Spouse Betrayed, For a Young Lover, who Does Not Love in Return")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Wife Envied by a Young Girl Who is in Love With Her Husband")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Wife Envied by a Courtesan Who is in Love With Her Husband")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("An Antagonistic Spouse Sacrificed for a Congenial Lover")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Spouse, Believed to be Lost, Forgotten for a Rival")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Commonplace Spouse Sacrificed for a Sympathetic Lover")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Good Spouse Betrayed for an Inferior Rival")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Good Spouse Betrayed for a Grotesque Rival")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Good Spouse Betrayed for a Commonplace Rival, By a Perverse Spouse")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Good Spouse Betrayed for a Rival Less Attractive, But Useful")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Vengeance of a Deceived Spouse")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Jealousy Sacrificed for the Sake of a Cause")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Spouse Persecuted by a Rejected Rival")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Deceived Spouse")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Two Adulterers")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Crimes of Love") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Mother in Love with Her Son")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Violation of a Mother by a Son")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Daughter in Love with her Father")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Violation of a Daughter by a Father")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Woman Enamored of Her Stepson")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Woman and Her Stepson Enamored of Each Other")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Woman Being the Mistress, at the Same Time, of a Father and Son, Both of Whom Accept the Situation")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Man Being the Lover, at the Same Time, of a Mother and Daughter, Both of Whom Accept the Situation")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Man Becomes the Lover of a Daughter-in-Law")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Woman Becomes the Lover of a Son-in-Law")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Brother and Sister in Love with Each Other")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Woman Enamored of Another Woman, Who Resists")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Woman Enamored of Another Woman, Who Yields")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Woman Enamored of a Beast")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Lover")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Beloved")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Discovery of the Dishonor of a Loved One") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Discovery of a Mother's Shame")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Discovery of a Father's Shame")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Discovery of a Daughter's Dishonor")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Discovery of Dishonor in the Family of One's Fiancee")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Discovery than One's Wife Has Been Violated Before Marriage")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Discovery than One's Wife Has Been Violated Since the Marriage")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Discovery than One's Wife Has Previously Committed a Fault")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Discovery that One's Wife Has Formerly Been a Prostitute")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Discovery that One's Mistress, Formerly a Prostitute, Has Returned to Her Old Life")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Discovery that One's Lover is a Scoundrel")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Discovery that One's Spouse is a Scoundrel")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Duty of Punishing a Son Who is a Traitor to Country")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Duty of Punishing a Son Condemned Under a Law Which the Father Has Made")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Duty of Punishing One's Mother to Avenge One's Father")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Discoverer")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Guilty One")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Obstacles to Love") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Marriage Prevented by Inequality of Rank")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Inequality of Fortune an Impediment to Marriage")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Marriage Prevented by Enemies and Contingent Obstacles")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Marriage Forbidden on Account of One's Previous Betrothal to Another")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Free Union Impeded by the Opposition of Relatives")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Free Union Impeded by the Incompatibility of Temper of the Lovers")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("One of Two Lovers")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Obstacle")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("An Enemy Loved") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("The Loved One Hated by Kinsmen of the Lover")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("The Lover Pursued by the Brothers of His Beloved")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("The Lover Hated by the Family of His Beloved")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("The Beloved is an Enemy of the Party of the Lover")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("The Beloved is the Slayer of a Kinsman of the Lover")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Beloved Enemy")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Lover")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Hater")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Ambition") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Ambition Watched and Guarded Against by a Kinsman, or By a Person Under Obligation")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Rebellious Ambition")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Ambition and Covetousness Heaping Crime Upon Crime")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Ambitious Person")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Thing Coveted")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Adversary")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Conflict with a God") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Struggle Against a Deity")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Strife with the Believers in a God")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Controversy with a Deity")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Punishment for Contempt of a God")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Punishment for Pride Before a God")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Mortal")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Immortal")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Mistaken Jealousy") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("The Mistake Originates in the Suspicious Mind of the Jealous One")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Mistaken Jealousy Aroused by Fatal Chance")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Mistaken Jealousy of a Love Which is Purely Platonic")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Baseless Jealousy Aroused by Malicious Rumors")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Jealousy Suggested by a Traitor Who is Moved by Hatred, or Self-Interest")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Reciprocal Jealousy Suggested to Husband and Wife by a Rival")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Jealous One")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Object of Whose Possession He is Jealous")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Supposed Accomplice")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Cause or Author of the Mistake")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Erroneous Judgment") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("False Suspicion Where Faith is Necessary")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("False Suspicion of a Lover")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("False Suspicion Aroused by a Misunderstood Attitude of a Loved One")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("False Suspicions Drawn Upon Oneself to Save a Friend")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("False Suspicions Fall Upon the Innocent")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("False Suspicions Fall Upon the Innocent, in Which the Innocent had a Guilty Intention, or Believes Himself Guilty")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Witness to the Crime, in the Interest of a Loved One, Lets Accusation Fall Upon the Innocent")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("The Accusation is Allowed to Fall Upon an Enemy")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("The Error is Provoked by an Enemy")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("False Suspicion Thrown by the Real Culprit Upon One of His Enemies")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Thrown by the Real Culprit Upon the Second Victim Against Whom He Has Plotted From the Beginning")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Mistaken One")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Victim of the Mistake")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Cause or Author of the Mistake")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Guilty Person")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Remorse") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Remorse for an Unknown Crime")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Remorse for Killing a Kinsman")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Remorse for an Assassination")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Remorse for a Fault of Love")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Remorse for an Adultery")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Culprit")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Victim or Sin")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Interrogator")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Recovery of a Lost One") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Child Stolen")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Unjust Imprisonment")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("A Child Searches to Discover a Parent")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Seeker")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("One Found")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); archetype = new PlotArchetypeNoteOption("Loss of Loved Ones") { IsChoice = true }; archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Witnessing the Slaying of Kinsmen While Powerless to Prevent It")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Helping to Bring Misfortune Upon One's People Through Professional Secrecy")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Divining the Death of a Loved One")); archetype.AddChild(new NoteOption("Learning of the Death of a Kinsman or Ally, and Lapsing into Despair")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Kinsman Slain")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Kinsman Spectator")); archetype.AddElement(new PlotElementNoteOption("Executioner")); defaultTemplate.StoryTemplate.PlotArchetypes.AddChild(archetype); }