/// <summary>
        /// Initialises or returns unmanaged pointer to BreakIterator
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private void InitializeBreakIterator()
            if (_breakIterator != IntPtr.Zero)

            if (_rules != null)
                ErrorCode  errorCode;
                ParseError parseError;

                _breakIterator = NativeMethods.ubrk_openRules(_rules, _rules.Length, Text, Text.Length, out parseError, out errorCode);

                if (errorCode.IsFailure())
                    throw new ParseErrorException("Couldn't create RuleBasedBreakIterator with the given rules!", parseError, _rules);
                ErrorCode errorCode;
                _breakIterator = NativeMethods.ubrk_open(_iteratorType, _locale.Id, Text, Text.Length, out errorCode);
                if (errorCode.IsFailure())
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(
                              string.Format("Could not create a BreakIterator with locale [{0}], BreakIteratorType [{1}] and Text [{2}]", _locale.Id, _iteratorType, Text));