예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows a message that the user will need to have different Module permissions for the editing of data
        /// in *this* screen. Call this Method if the screen is read-only and the user has admin rights for the
        /// Module in which the screen is listed in the Main Menu.
        /// The user can choose to not get that message shown again (handled inside this called Method)  - this
        /// choice is stored in a UserDefault.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AParentForm">Reference to the calling Form.</param>
        /// <param name="AShownOnMenuForConvenience">The Module in which the screen is listed in the
        /// Main Menu.</param>
        /// <param name="AModuleThatDataIsAssociatedWith">Module that the data that this Form allows to edit
        /// is associated with.</param>
        /// <param name="AAdminModulePermission">The Module Permission required for editing data in the screen
        /// that differs from the Module Permission that is required for editing data of Setup screens in the
        /// respective Module.</param>
        /// <param name="AUserDefaultNameForNotShowingTheMessageBoxAgain">Name of the UserDefault.
        /// Gets prefixed with <see cref="TUserDefaults.NamedDefaults.SUPPRESS_MESSAGE_PREFIX"/>!</param>
        public static void MsgUserWillNeedToHaveDifferentAdminModulePermissionForEditing(Form AParentForm,
                                                                                         string AShownOnMenuForConvenience, string AModuleThatDataIsAssociatedWith,
                                                                                         string AAdminModulePermission, string AUserDefaultNameForNotShowingTheMessageBoxAgain)
            TFrmExtendedMessageBox ExtendedMessageBox = new TFrmExtendedMessageBox(AParentForm);
            bool   DoNotShowMessageBoxAgain;
            string FinalUserDefaultName = TUserDefaults.NamedDefaults.SUPPRESS_MESSAGE_PREFIX +

            if (!TUserDefaults.GetBooleanDefault(FinalUserDefaultName, false))
                                  AAdminModulePermission) + Environment.NewLine +
                        AShownOnMenuForConvenience, AModuleThatDataIsAssociatedWith),
                    TFrmExtendedMessageBox.TButtons.embbOK, TFrmExtendedMessageBox.TIcon.embiInformation);

                // We don't care about the return value because there is only an 'OK' Button shown...
                ExtendedMessageBox.GetResult(out DoNotShowMessageBoxAgain);

                if (DoNotShowMessageBoxAgain)
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens an extended message box screen.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AParentForm">The owner of the screen</param>
        /// <param name="AMessage">The message</param>
        /// <param name="ACaption">The box Title</param>
        /// <param name="AChkOptionText">Text to display with the checkbox.  If empty no box is displayed.</param>
        /// <param name="AButtons">Integer value for the buttons to display corresponding to the TButtons enumeration.
        /// 0=embbYesYesToAllNoCancel, 1=embbYesYesToAllNoNoToAllCancel, 2=embbYesYesToAllNoNoToAll, 3=embbYesNo, 4=embbYesNoCancel,
        /// 5=embbOK, 6=embbOKCancel</param>
        /// <param name="ADefaultButton">Integer value for the default button corresponding to the TDefaultBtton enumeration.
        /// 0 indicates no default, 1 is button 1 and so on.</param>
        /// <param name="AIcon">Integer value for the icon corresponding to the TIcon enumeration.</param>
        /// <param name="AOptionEntrySelected">Set to true if the checkbox is to be initially selected.</param>
        /// <param name="AOptionExitSelected">Returns true if the option was selected on exit.  False otherwise.</param>
        /// <returns>0=Yes, 1=YesToAll, 2=No, 3=NoToAll, 4=OK, 5=Cancel, 6=Undefined</returns>
        public static int Create(Form AParentForm,
                                 String AMessage,
                                 String ACaption,
                                 String AChkOptionText,
                                 int AButtons,
                                 int ADefaultButton,
                                 int AIcon,
                                 bool AOptionEntrySelected,
                                 out bool AOptionExitSelected)
            TFrmExtendedMessageBox dlg = new TFrmExtendedMessageBox(AParentForm);

            return((int)dlg.GetResult(out AOptionExitSelected));
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify and if necessary update partner data in an extract
        /// </summary>
        public static void VerifyAndUpdateExtract(System.Windows.Forms.Form AForm,
            ref ExtractTDSMExtractTable AExtractTable,
            out bool AChangesMade)
            bool AddressExists;
            bool AddressNeitherCurrentNorMailing;
            bool ReplaceAddress;
            bool ReplaceAddressYesToAll = false;
            bool ReplaceAddressNoToAll = false;
            string CountryName;
            string EmailAddress;
            PLocationTable LocationTable;
            PLocationRow LocationRow;
            PPartnerLocationTable PartnerLocationTable;
            TFrmExtendedMessageBox MsgBox = new TFrmExtendedMessageBox(AForm);

            TFrmExtendedMessageBox.TResult MsgBoxResult;
            bool DontShowPartnerRemovePartnerKeyNonExistent = false;
            bool DontShowReplaceAddress = false;
            bool DontShowPartnerRemoveNoAddress = false;

            // initialize output parameter
            AChangesMade = false;

            // build a collection of objects to be deleted before actually deleting them (as otherwise
            // indexes may not be valid any longer)
            List <ExtractTDSMExtractRow>RowsToDelete = new List <ExtractTDSMExtractRow>();

            // prepare mouse cursor so user knows something is happening
            AForm.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            // look at every single extract row
            foreach (ExtractTDSMExtractRow Row in AExtractTable.Rows)
                // initialize for this row
                ReplaceAddress = false;

                // check if the partner record still exists, otherwise remove from extract
                if (!TRemote.MPartner.Partner.ServerLookups.WebConnectors.VerifyPartner(Row.PartnerKey))
                    if (!DontShowPartnerRemovePartnerKeyNonExistent)
                        MsgBox.ShowDialog(String.Format(Catalog.GetString("The following partner record does not exist any longer and " +
                                    "will therefore be removed from this extract: \n\r\n\r" +
                                    "{0} ({1})"), Row.PartnerShortName, Row.PartnerKey),
                            Catalog.GetString("Verify and Update Extract"),
                            Catalog.GetString("Don't show this message again"),
                        MsgBoxResult = MsgBox.GetResult(out DontShowPartnerRemovePartnerKeyNonExistent);

                    AddressExists = TRemote.MPartner.Partner.ServerLookups.WebConnectors.VerifyPartnerAtLocation
                                        (Row.PartnerKey, new TLocationPK(Row.SiteKey, Row.LocationKey), out AddressNeitherCurrentNorMailing);

                    if (!AddressExists)
                        if (!DontShowReplaceAddress)
                            MsgBox.ShowDialog(String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Address for {0} ({1}) in this extract no longer exists and " +
                                        "will therefore be replaced with a current address"),
                                    Row.PartnerShortName, Row.PartnerKey),
                                Catalog.GetString("Verify and Update Extract"),
                                Catalog.GetString("Don't show this message again"),
                            MsgBoxResult = MsgBox.GetResult(out DontShowReplaceAddress);

                        ReplaceAddress = true;
                    else if (AddressNeitherCurrentNorMailing)
                        if (!ReplaceAddressYesToAll
                            && !ReplaceAddressNoToAll)
                            MsgBoxResult =
                                MsgBox.ShowDialog(String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Address for {0} ({1}) in this extract is not current. " +
                                            "Do you want to update it with a current address if there is one?"),
                                        Row.PartnerShortName, Row.PartnerKey),
                                    Catalog.GetString("Verify and Update Extract"),

                            if (MsgBoxResult == TFrmExtendedMessageBox.TResult.embrYesToAll)
                                ReplaceAddressYesToAll = true;
                            else if (MsgBoxResult == TFrmExtendedMessageBox.TResult.embrYes)
                                ReplaceAddress = true;
                            else if (MsgBoxResult == TFrmExtendedMessageBox.TResult.embrNoToAll)
                                ReplaceAddressNoToAll = true;

                        // need to set the flag each time we come through here.
                        if (ReplaceAddressYesToAll)
                            ReplaceAddress = true;

                    if (ReplaceAddress)
                        if (!TRemote.MPartner.Mailing.WebConnectors.GetBestAddress(Row.PartnerKey,
                                out LocationTable, out PartnerLocationTable, out CountryName, out EmailAddress))
                            // in this case there is no address at all for this partner (should not really happen)
                            if (!DontShowPartnerRemoveNoAddress)
                                MsgBox.ShowDialog(String.Format(Catalog.GetString("No address could be found for {0} ({1}). " +
                                            "Therefore the partner record will be removed from this extract"),
                                        Row.PartnerShortName, Row.PartnerKey),
                                    Catalog.GetString("Verify and Update Extract"),
                                    Catalog.GetString("Don't show this message again"),
                                MsgBoxResult = MsgBox.GetResult(out DontShowPartnerRemoveNoAddress);

                            if (LocationTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                                LocationRow = (PLocationRow)LocationTable.Rows[0];

                                /* it could be that GetBestAddress still returns a non-current address if
                                 * there is no better one */
                                if ((Row.SiteKey != LocationRow.SiteKey)
                                    || (Row.LocationKey != LocationRow.LocationKey))
                                    AChangesMade = true;

                                    Row.SiteKey = LocationRow.SiteKey;
                                    Row.LocationKey = LocationRow.LocationKey;

            // now delete the actual rows
            foreach (ExtractTDSMExtractRow Row in RowsToDelete)
                AChangesMade = true;

            // prepare mouse cursor so user knows something is happening
            AForm.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
        /// <summary>
        /// this supports the batch export files from Petra 2.x.
        /// Each line starts with a type specifier, B for batch, J for journal, T for transaction
        /// </summary>
        public void ImportBatches(TGiftImportDataSourceEnum AImportSource)
            bool ok = false;
            String importString;
            String impOptions;
            OpenFileDialog dialog = null;

            if (FPetraUtilsObject.HasChanges)
                // saving failed, therefore do not try to post
                MessageBox.Show(Catalog.GetString("Please save before calling this function!"), Catalog.GetString(
                        "Failure"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            FdlgSeparator = new TDlgSelectCSVSeparator(false);

            if (AImportSource == TGiftImportDataSourceEnum.FromClipboard)
                importString = Clipboard.GetText(TextDataFormat.UnicodeText);

                if ((importString == null) || (importString.Length == 0))
                    MessageBox.Show(Catalog.GetString("Please first copy data from your spreadsheet application!"),
                        Catalog.GetString("Failure"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                impOptions = TUserDefaults.GetStringDefault("Imp Options", ";American");
                String dateFormatString = TUserDefaults.GetStringDefault("Imp Date", "MDY");
                FdlgSeparator = new TDlgSelectCSVSeparator(false);
                FdlgSeparator.SelectedSeparator = "\t";
                FdlgSeparator.CSVData = importString;
                FdlgSeparator.DateFormat = dateFormatString;

                if (impOptions.Length > 1)
                    FdlgSeparator.NumberFormat = impOptions.Substring(1);
            else if (AImportSource == TGiftImportDataSourceEnum.FromFile)
                dialog = new OpenFileDialog();

                dialog.FileName = TUserDefaults.GetStringDefault("Imp Filename",
                    TClientSettings.GetExportPath() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "import.csv");

                dialog.Title = Catalog.GetString("Import Batches from CSV File");
                dialog.Filter = Catalog.GetString("Gift Batches files (*.csv)|*.csv");
                impOptions = TUserDefaults.GetStringDefault("Imp Options", ";" + TDlgSelectCSVSeparator.NUMBERFORMAT_AMERICAN);

                if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    Boolean fileCanOpen = FdlgSeparator.OpenCsvFile(dialog.FileName);

                    if (!fileCanOpen)
                        MessageBox.Show(Catalog.GetString("Unable to open file."),
                            Catalog.GetString("Gift Import"),

                    importString = File.ReadAllText(dialog.FileName);

                    String dateFormatString = TUserDefaults.GetStringDefault("Imp Date", "MDY");
                    FdlgSeparator.DateFormat = dateFormatString;

                    if (impOptions.Length > 1)
                        FdlgSeparator.NumberFormat = impOptions.Substring(1);

                    FdlgSeparator.SelectedSeparator = impOptions.Substring(0, 1);
                // unknown source!!  The following need a value...
                impOptions = String.Empty;
                importString = String.Empty;

            if (FdlgSeparator.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                Hashtable requestParams = new Hashtable();

                requestParams.Add("ALedgerNumber", FLedgerNumber);
                requestParams.Add("Delimiter", FdlgSeparator.SelectedSeparator);
                requestParams.Add("DateFormatString", FdlgSeparator.DateFormat);
                requestParams.Add("NumberFormat", FdlgSeparator.NumberFormat);
                requestParams.Add("NewLine", Environment.NewLine);

                bool Repeat = true;

                while (Repeat)
                    Repeat = false;

                    TVerificationResultCollection AMessages = new TVerificationResultCollection();
                    GiftBatchTDSAGiftDetailTable NeedRecipientLedgerNumber = new GiftBatchTDSAGiftDetailTable();

                    Thread ImportThread = new Thread(() => ImportGiftBatches(
                            out AMessages,
                            out ok,
                            out NeedRecipientLedgerNumber));

                    using (TProgressDialog ImportDialog = new TProgressDialog(ImportThread))

                    // If NeedRecipientLedgerNumber contains data then AMessages will only ever contain
                    // one message alerting the user that no data has been imported.
                    // We do not want to show this as we will be displaying another more detailed message.
                    if (NeedRecipientLedgerNumber.Rows.Count == 0)

                    // if the import contains gifts with Motivation Group 'GIFT' and that have a Family recipient with no Gift Destination
                    // then the import will have failed and we need to alert the user
                    if (NeedRecipientLedgerNumber.Rows.Count > 0)
                        bool OfferToRunImportAgain = true;
                        bool DoNotShowMessageBoxEverytime = false;
                        TFrmExtendedMessageBox.TResult Result = TFrmExtendedMessageBox.TResult.embrUndefined;
                        int count = 1;

                        // for each gift in which the recipient needs a Git Destination
                        foreach (GiftBatchTDSAGiftDetailRow Row in NeedRecipientLedgerNumber.Rows)
                            if (!DoNotShowMessageBoxEverytime)
                                string CheckboxText = string.Empty;

                                // only show checkbox if there is at least one more occurance of this error
                                if (NeedRecipientLedgerNumber.Rows.Count - count > 0)
                                    CheckboxText = string.Format(
                                        Catalog.GetString("Do this for all further occurances ({0})?"), NeedRecipientLedgerNumber.Rows.Count - count);

                                TFrmExtendedMessageBox extendedMessageBox = new TFrmExtendedMessageBox(FPetraUtilsObject.GetForm());

                                            "Gift Import has been cancelled as the recipient '{0}' ({1}) has no Gift Destination assigned."),
                                        Row.RecipientDescription, Row.RecipientKey) +
                                    "\n\r\n\r\n\r" +
                                    Catalog.GetString("Do you want to assign a Gift Destination to this partner now?"),
                                    Catalog.GetString("Import Errors"),
                                    TFrmExtendedMessageBox.TButtons.embbYesNo, TFrmExtendedMessageBox.TIcon.embiWarning);
                                Result = extendedMessageBox.GetResult(out DoNotShowMessageBoxEverytime);

                            if (Result == TFrmExtendedMessageBox.TResult.embrYes)
                                // allow the user to assign a Gift Destingation
                                TFrmGiftDestination GiftDestinationForm = new TFrmGiftDestination(FPetraUtilsObject.GetForm(), Row.RecipientKey);
                                OfferToRunImportAgain = false;

                                if (DoNotShowMessageBoxEverytime)


                        // if the user has clicked yes to assigning Gift Destinations then offer to restart the import
                        if (OfferToRunImportAgain
                            && (MessageBox.Show(Catalog.GetString("Would you like to import this Gift Batch again?"),
                                    Catalog.GetString("Gift Import"), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question,
                                == DialogResult.Yes))
                            Repeat = true;

            if (ok)
                MessageBox.Show(Catalog.GetString("Your data was imported successfully!"),
                    Catalog.GetString("Gift Import"),

                SaveUserDefaults(dialog, impOptions);
예제 #5
        private void UpdateTaxDeductiblePct()
            decimal OriginalPct = 100;
            decimal NewPct = 100;
            DateTime OriginalValidFrom = DateTime.MinValue;
            DateTime NewValidFrom = DateTime.MinValue;

            // if a datarow already exists
            if (FMainDS.PPartnerTaxDeductiblePct.Rows[0].HasVersion(DataRowVersion.Original))
                OriginalPct = Convert.ToDecimal(
                OriginalValidFrom = Convert.ToDateTime(
                    FMainDS.PPartnerTaxDeductiblePct.Rows[0][PPartnerTaxDeductiblePctTable.GetDateValidFromDBName(), DataRowVersion.Original]);

            int i = 0;

            // there will be either 0 or 1 rows that are not marked as deleted
            while (FMainDS.PPartnerTaxDeductiblePct.Rows[i].RowState == DataRowState.Deleted
                   && i < (FMainDS.PPartnerTaxDeductiblePct.Rows.Count - 1))

            // if Tax Deductible Pct has not just been removed
            if (FMainDS.PPartnerTaxDeductiblePct.Rows[i].HasVersion(DataRowVersion.Current))
                NewPct = Convert.ToDecimal(
                NewValidFrom = Convert.ToDateTime(
                    FMainDS.PPartnerTaxDeductiblePct.Rows[i][PPartnerTaxDeductiblePctTable.GetDateValidFromDBName(), DataRowVersion.Current]);

            // if either pct or date has changed
            if ((NewPct != OriginalPct) || (OriginalValidFrom != NewValidFrom))
                DataTable GiftTotals;

                // find gifts that could be affected by this change
                if (TRemote.MFinance.Gift.WebConnectors.IsPartnerARecipient(FPartnerKey, out GiftTotals, NewPct, NewValidFrom))
                    string StartMsg = string.Empty;
                    string PermissionGifts = string.Empty;
                    string NoPermissionGifts = string.Empty;
                    bool UnpostedGifts = false;
                    bool UnpostedGiftInLedgerWithNoPermission = false;
                    bool PostedGifts = false;
                    bool PostedGiftInLedgerWithNoPermission = false;

                    // check what gifts we have - posted/unposted - ledger permission/no ledger permission
                    foreach (DataRow Row in GiftTotals.Rows)
                        if (Convert.ToInt32(Row["Unposted"]) > 0)
                            if (UserInfo.GUserInfo.IsInLedger(Convert.ToInt32(Row["LedgerNumber"])))
                                UnpostedGifts = true;
                                UnpostedGiftInLedgerWithNoPermission = true;

                        if (Convert.ToInt32(Row["Posted"]) > 0)
                            if (UserInfo.GUserInfo.IsInLedger(Convert.ToInt32(Row["LedgerNumber"])))
                                PostedGifts = true;
                                PostedGiftInLedgerWithNoPermission = true;

                    // if pct (and date) has changed
                    if (NewPct != OriginalPct)
                        StartMsg = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("This partner's Tax Deductible Percentage has been changed from {0}% to {1}%."),
                            OriginalPct.ToString("0.##"), NewPct.ToString("0.##"));
                    // if only date has changed
                        StartMsg =
                                    "This partner's Tax Deductible Percentage has been changed to {0}% for all gifts from {1}."),
                                NewPct.ToString("0.##"), NewValidFrom.Date.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"));

                    /* Unposted gifts */

                    if (UnpostedGifts || UnpostedGiftInLedgerWithNoPermission)
                        if (UnpostedGifts)
                            PermissionGifts = "\n\n" +
                                              Catalog.GetString("Do you want to update all unposted gifts with this new percentage?") + "\n";

                        if (UnpostedGiftInLedgerWithNoPermission)
                            NoPermissionGifts = "\n\n" + Catalog.GetString(
                                "Some unposted gifts cannot be auto updated with this new percentage as you do not have permission to access the ledger which they belong to."
                                ) + "\n";

                        // add info on how many gifts belonging to which ledger
                        foreach (DataRow Row in GiftTotals.Rows)
                            if ((Convert.ToInt32(Row["Unposted"]) > 0) && UserInfo.GUserInfo.IsInLedger(Convert.ToInt32(Row["LedgerNumber"])))
                                if (Convert.ToInt32(Row["Unposted"]) == 1)
                                    PermissionGifts += "\n" + "- " + string.Format(Catalog.GetString("1 unposted gift from Ledger {0}"),
                                    PermissionGifts += "\n" + "- " + string.Format(Catalog.GetString("{0} unposted gifts from Ledger {1}"),
                                        Convert.ToInt32(Row["Unposted"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["LedgerNumber"]));
                            else if (Convert.ToInt32(Row["Unposted"]) > 0)
                                if (Convert.ToInt32(Row["Unposted"]) == 1)
                                    NoPermissionGifts += "\n" + "- " + string.Format(Catalog.GetString("1 unposted gift from Ledger {0}"),
                                    NoPermissionGifts += "\n" + "- " + string.Format(Catalog.GetString("{0} unposted gifts from Ledger {1}"),
                                        Convert.ToInt32(Row["Unposted"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["LedgerNumber"]));

                        // display a message box
                        if (UnpostedGifts)
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NoPermissionGifts))
                                NoPermissionGifts = "(" + NoPermissionGifts + ")";

                            if (MessageBox.Show(StartMsg + PermissionGifts + NoPermissionGifts,
                                    Catalog.GetString("Tax Deductible Percentage Changed"),
                                    MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)
                                // update unposted gifts
                                TRemote.MFinance.Gift.WebConnectors.UpdateUnpostedGiftsTaxDeductiblePct(FPartnerKey, NewPct, NewValidFrom);
                            MessageBox.Show(StartMsg + NoPermissionGifts,
                                Catalog.GetString("Tax Deductible Percentage Changed"),
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

                    /* Posted gifts */

                    if (PostedGifts || PostedGiftInLedgerWithNoPermission)
                        if (PostedGifts)
                            PermissionGifts = Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                    "Do you want to update all posted gifts from {0} with this new percentage?"),
                                NewValidFrom.Date.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy")) + Environment.NewLine;

                        if (PostedGiftInLedgerWithNoPermission)
                            NoPermissionGifts = Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Catalog.GetString(
                                "Some posted gifts cannot be auto updated with this new percentage as you do not have permission to access the ledger which they belong to."
                                ) + Environment.NewLine;

                        // add info on how many gifts belonging to which ledger
                        foreach (DataRow Row in GiftTotals.Rows)
                            if ((Convert.ToInt32(Row["Posted"]) > 0) && UserInfo.GUserInfo.IsInLedger(Convert.ToInt32(Row["LedgerNumber"])))
                                if (Convert.ToInt32(Row["Posted"]) == 1)
                                    PermissionGifts += Environment.NewLine + "- " + string.Format(Catalog.GetString("1 posted gift from Ledger {0}"),
                                    PermissionGifts += Environment.NewLine + "- " +
                                                       string.Format(Catalog.GetString("{0} posted gifts from Ledger {1}"),
                                        Convert.ToInt32(Row["Posted"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["LedgerNumber"]));
                            else if (Convert.ToInt32(Row["Posted"]) > 0)
                                if (Convert.ToInt32(Row["Posted"]) == 1)
                                    NoPermissionGifts += Environment.NewLine + "- " + string.Format(Catalog.GetString("1 posted gift from Ledger {0}"),
                                    NoPermissionGifts += Environment.NewLine + "- " +
                                                         string.Format(Catalog.GetString("{0} posted gifts from Ledger {1}"),
                                        Convert.ToInt32(Row["Posted"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["LedgerNumber"]));

                        // display a message box
                        if (PostedGifts)
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NoPermissionGifts))
                                NoPermissionGifts = "(" + NoPermissionGifts + ")";

                            TFrmExtendedMessageBox ExtendedMessageBox = new TFrmExtendedMessageBox(FPetraUtilsObject.GetForm());

                            if (ExtendedMessageBox.ShowDialog(StartMsg + PermissionGifts + NoPermissionGifts,
                                    Catalog.GetString("Tax Deductible Percentage Changed"),
                                    Catalog.GetString("Do not print the adjusting gift transactions on periodic receipts"),
                                    TFrmExtendedMessageBox.TButtons.embbYesNo, TFrmExtendedMessageBox.TIcon.embiQuestion)
                                == TFrmExtendedMessageBox.TResult.embrYes)
                                bool NoLabel;
                                ExtendedMessageBox.GetResult(out NoLabel);

                                // update posted gifts
                                TCommonScreensForwarding.TaxDeductiblePctAdjust.Invoke(FPartnerKey, NewPct, NewValidFrom, NoLabel,
                            MessageBox.Show(StartMsg + NoPermissionGifts,
                                Catalog.GetString("Tax Deductible Percentage Changed"),
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens an extended message box screen.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AParentForm">The owner of the screen</param>
        /// <param name="AMessage">The message</param>
        /// <param name="ACaption">The box Title</param>
        /// <param name="AChkOptionText">Text to display with the checkbox.  If empty no box is displayed.</param>
        /// <param name="AButtons">Integer value for the buttons to display corresponding to the TButtons enumeration.
        /// 0=embbYesYesToAllNoCancel, 1=embbYesYesToAllNoNoToAllCancel, 2=embbYesYesToAllNoNoToAll, 3=embbYesNo, 4=embbYesNoCancel,
        /// 5=embbOK, 6=embbOKCancel</param>
        /// <param name="ADefaultButton">Integer value for the default button corresponding to the TDefaultBtton enumeration.
        /// 0 indicates no default, 1 is button 1 and so on.</param>
        /// <param name="AIcon">Integer value for the icon corresponding to the TIcon enumeration.</param>
        /// <param name="AOptionEntrySelected">Set to true if the checkbox is to be initially selected.</param>
        /// <param name="AOptionExitSelected">Returns true if the option was selected on exit.  False otherwise.</param>
        /// <returns>0=Yes, 1=YesToAll, 2=No, 3=NoToAll, 4=OK, 5=Cancel, 6=Undefined</returns>
        public static int Create(Form AParentForm,
            String AMessage,
            String ACaption,
            String AChkOptionText,
            int AButtons,
            int ADefaultButton,
            int AIcon,
            bool AOptionEntrySelected,
            out bool AOptionExitSelected)
            TFrmExtendedMessageBox dlg = new TFrmExtendedMessageBox(AParentForm);

            return (int)dlg.GetResult(out AOptionExitSelected);