예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// check whether there is a patch available; if this is a remote version, try to download a patch from the server this will also get the version of the currently installed code, and the list of patches that can be installed, in local
        /// variables
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AShowStatus">Set to true to show status messages as a MessageBox
        /// if there is a problem, or to false to have them returned in
        /// <paramref name="AStatusMessage" /></param>.
        /// <param name="AStatusMessage">A Status Message in case there is a problem AND
        /// <paramref name="AShowStatus" /> is false.</param>
        public Boolean CheckForRecentPatch(bool AShowStatus, out string AStatusMessage)
            string           localname;
            TFileVersionInfo fileStartVersion;
            TFileVersionInfo filePatchVersion;
            string           directoryListing;
            string           searchPattern;
            string           filesignature;

            AStatusMessage    = "";
            FListOfNewPatches = new SortedList();

            // first get the version of the currently installed binaries
            // read from version.txt in the bin directory; it contains the currently installed version in RPM style (e.g. 3.0.0-14)
            if (!File.Exists(FBinPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "version.txt"))
                throw new Exception(String.Format("Cannot search for new patch, since I cannot find file {0}", FBinPath +
                                                  Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "version.txt"));

            StreamReader srVersion = new StreamReader(FBinPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "version.txt");

            FCurrentlyInstalledVersion = new TFileVersionInfo(srVersion.ReadLine());

            if (FRemotePatchesPath.StartsWith("http://") || FRemotePatchesPath.StartsWith("https://"))
                directoryListing = THTTPUtils.ReadWebsite(FRemotePatchesPath);

                if (directoryListing == null)
                    if (AShowStatus)
                        MessageBox.Show(String.Format(StrProblemConnecting, FRemotePatchesPath),
                        AStatusMessage = String.Format(StrProblemConnecting, FRemotePatchesPath);


                // find all the files names that match the pattern
                // eg <a href="Patch2.2.7-2_2.2.8-0.zip">
                searchPattern = "<a href=\"";

                while (directoryListing.IndexOf(searchPattern) != -1)
                    string filename = directoryListing.Substring(
                        directoryListing.IndexOf(searchPattern) + searchPattern.Length,
                            directoryListing.IndexOf(searchPattern) + searchPattern.Length).IndexOf('"'));
                    directoryListing = directoryListing.Substring(directoryListing.IndexOf(searchPattern) + searchPattern.Length);

                    // signature e.g: gr1100o.r">gr1100o.r</a>                    14-Oct-2008 13:11  153K
                    filesignature = directoryListing.Substring(0, directoryListing.IndexOf("\n"));

                    if (filename.ToLower().StartsWith("patch") && filename.ToLower().EndsWith(".zip"))
                        filePatchVersion = TPatchFileVersionInfo.GetLatestPatchVersionFromDiffZipName(filename);

                        if ((filePatchVersion.Compare(FCurrentlyInstalledVersion) > 0) &&
                            (!System.IO.File.Exists(FPatchesPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Path.GetFileName(filename))))
                            string LocalName = FPatchesPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Path.GetFileName(filename);
                            FListOfNewPatches.Add(LocalName, LocalName);
                    else if (filename.Contains("Setup") && filename.EndsWith(".exe"))
                        // ignore setup executable
                    else if (filename.ToLower().EndsWith(".dll") ||
                        // download .dll/.exe files from the netpatches directory if there is no file with same date already
                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(FPatchesPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + filename + ".signature"))
                            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(FPatchesPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + filename + ".signature");

                            if (sr.ReadLine().Trim() == filesignature.Trim())
                                if (System.IO.File.Exists(FPatchesPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + filename + ".old") &&
                                    !System.IO.File.Exists(FPatchesPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + filename))
                                    // the file has been renamed by the patch, and needs to be reinstated
                                    System.IO.File.Move(FPatchesPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + filename + ".old",
                                                        FPatchesPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + filename);

                                filename = "ALREADY_LATEST";


                        if (filename != "ALREADY_LATEST")
                            string localFile = FPatchesPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + filename;

                            if (filename.ToLower().EndsWith(".dll") ||
                                localFile = FBinPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + filename;

                                // make backup copy of .dll/.exe if there does not already one exist; don't overwrite .orig files
                                if (!File.Exists(localFile + ".orig"))
                                    System.IO.File.Move(localFile, localFile + ".orig");

                            THTTPUtils.DownloadFile(FRemotePatchesPath + "/" + filename, localFile);
                            StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(FPatchesPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + filename + ".signature");

                // todo: remove local .r files if they are not in the net-patches directory
                // todo: the same for *.dll and *.exe; careful: only create an .orig copy once.
                // todo: somehow revert to .orig dll/exe file if there is no patched file in net-patches on the server?
                // todo: patch has to remove dll and exe from net-patches
                // todo: on the server side as well; check net-patches
            else if ((FRemotePatchesPath.Length > 0) && (System.IO.Directory.Exists(FRemotePatchesPath)))
                // check if there are newer patches on the remote server
                string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(FRemotePatchesPath, "Patch*.zip");

                foreach (string filename in files)
                    filePatchVersion = TPatchFileVersionInfo.GetLatestPatchVersionFromDiffZipName(filename);

                    if ((filePatchVersion.Compare(FCurrentlyInstalledVersion) > 0) &&
                        ((!System.IO.File.Exists(FPatchesPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Path.GetFileName(filename)))))
                        localname = FPatchesPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Path.GetFileName(filename);
                        FListOfNewPatches.Add(localname, localname);

            // create a list of patches that should be installed
            string[] patchfiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(FPatchesPath, "Patch*.zip");

            foreach (string filename in patchfiles)
                fileStartVersion = TPatchFileVersionInfo.GetStartVersionFromDiffZipName(filename);
                filePatchVersion = TPatchFileVersionInfo.GetLatestPatchVersionFromDiffZipName(filename);

                if ((fileStartVersion.Compare(FCurrentlyInstalledVersion) >= 0) &&
                    (filePatchVersion.Compare(FCurrentlyInstalledVersion) > 0))
                    FListOfNewPatches.Add(filename, filename);

            // see if any patches are missing; is there a direct line between FCurrentlyInstalledVersion and FLatestAvailablePatch?
            FListOfNewPatches = CheckPatchesConsistent(FListOfNewPatches);
            return(FListOfNewPatches.Count > 0);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// see if any patches are missing; is there a direct line between FCurrentlyInstalledVersion and FLatestAvailablePatch?
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>return a list of all patches that should be applied. empty list if there is a problem</returns>
        public SortedList CheckPatchesConsistent(SortedList AOrderedListOfAllPatches)
            SortedList       ResultPatchList = new SortedList();
            TFileVersionInfo testPatchVersion;

            // get the latest patch that is available
            FLatestAvailablePatch = new TFileVersionInfo(FCurrentlyInstalledVersion);

            foreach (string patch in AOrderedListOfAllPatches.GetValueList())
                testPatchVersion = TPatchFileVersionInfo.GetLatestPatchVersionFromDiffZipName(patch);

                if (testPatchVersion.Compare(FLatestAvailablePatch) > 0)
                    FLatestAvailablePatch = testPatchVersion;

            // drop unnecessary patch files
            // ie. patch files leading to the same version, eg. 2.2.11-1 and 2.2.12-2 to 2.2.12-3
            // we only want the biggest step
            testPatchVersion = new TFileVersionInfo(FCurrentlyInstalledVersion);
            bool patchesAvailable = true;

            while (patchesAvailable)
                StringCollection applyingPatches = new StringCollection();

                foreach (string patch in AOrderedListOfAllPatches.GetValueList())
                    if (TPatchFileVersionInfo.PatchApplies(testPatchVersion, patch))

                patchesAvailable = (applyingPatches.Count > 0);

                if (applyingPatches.Count > 0)
                    // see which of the applying patches takes us further
                    string           highestPatch        = applyingPatches[0];
                    TFileVersionInfo highestPatchVersion = TPatchFileVersionInfo.GetLatestPatchVersionFromDiffZipName(highestPatch);

                    foreach (string patch in applyingPatches)
                        if (TPatchFileVersionInfo.GetLatestPatchVersionFromDiffZipName(patch).Compare(highestPatchVersion) > 0)
                            highestPatch        = patch;
                            highestPatchVersion = TPatchFileVersionInfo.GetLatestPatchVersionFromDiffZipName(highestPatch);

                    ResultPatchList.Add(highestPatch, highestPatch);
                    testPatchVersion = highestPatchVersion;

            if (FLatestAvailablePatch.Compare(testPatchVersion) != 0)
                // check for a generic patch file, starting from version
                foreach (string patch in AOrderedListOfAllPatches.GetValueList())
                    if (patch.Contains(""))
                        testPatchVersion = TPatchFileVersionInfo.GetLatestPatchVersionFromDiffZipName(patch);
                        ResultPatchList.Add(patch, patch);

            if (FLatestAvailablePatch.Compare(testPatchVersion) != 0)
                TLogging.Log("missing patchfile from version " + testPatchVersion.ToString() + " to " + FLatestAvailablePatch.ToString());
                return(new SortedList());
