public override IceInternal.Acceptor acceptor(ref IceInternal.EndpointI endpoint, string adapterName) { Acceptor p = new Acceptor(_endpoint.acceptor(ref endpoint, adapterName)); endpoint = new EndpointI(endpoint); return(p); }
public override int CompareTo(IceInternal.EndpointI obj) { EndpointI p = null; try { p = (EndpointI)obj; } catch (System.InvalidCastException) { try { return(type() < obj.type() ? -1 : 1); } catch (System.InvalidCastException) { Debug.Assert(false); } } if (this == p) { return(0); } return(_endpoint.CompareTo(p._endpoint)); }
public override bool equivalent(IceInternal.EndpointI endpoint) { if (!(endpoint is EndpointI)) { return(false); } return(((EndpointI)endpoint)._endpoint.equivalent(_endpoint)); }
public EndpointI endpoint(IceInternal.EndpointI delEndp) { if (delEndp == _endpoint) { return(this); } else { return(new EndpointI(delEndp)); } }
public override IceInternal.EndpointI timeout(int timeout) { IceInternal.EndpointI endpoint = _endpoint.timeout(timeout); if (endpoint == _endpoint) { return(this); } else { return(new EndpointI(endpoint)); } }
public override IceInternal.EndpointI connectionId(string connectionId) { IceInternal.EndpointI endpoint = _endpoint.connectionId(connectionId); if (endpoint == _endpoint) { return(this); } else { return(new EndpointI(endpoint)); } }
public override IceInternal.EndpointI compress(bool compress) { IceInternal.EndpointI endpoint = _endpoint.compress(compress); if (endpoint == _endpoint) { return(this); } else { return(new EndpointI(endpoint)); } }
public override List <IceInternal.EndpointI> expandHost(out IceInternal.EndpointI publish) { List <IceInternal.EndpointI> endps = new List <IceInternal.EndpointI>(); foreach (IceInternal.EndpointI endpt in _endpoint.expandHost(out publish)) { endps.Add(endpt == _endpoint ? this : new EndpointI(endpt)); } if (publish != null) { publish = publish == _endpoint ? this : new EndpointI(publish); } return(endps); }
public override bool equivalent(IceInternal.EndpointI endpoint) { EndpointI testEndpoint = null; try { testEndpoint = (EndpointI)endpoint; } catch (System.InvalidCastException) { return(false); } return(testEndpoint._endpoint.equivalent(_endpoint)); }
public override int CompareTo(IceInternal.EndpointI obj) { if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) { return(0); } if (!(obj is EndpointI)) { return(type() < obj.type() ? -1 : 1); } return(_endpoint.CompareTo(((EndpointI)obj)._endpoint)); }
public override List <EndpointI> expandHost(out EndpointI publish) { // // If this endpoint has an empty host (wildcard address), don't expand, just return // this endpoint. // var endpoints = new List <EndpointI>(); if (host_.Length == 0) { publish = null; endpoints.Add(this); return(endpoints); } // // If using a fixed port, this endpoint can be used as the published endpoint to // access the returned endpoints. Otherwise, we'll publish each individual expanded // endpoint. // publish = port_ > 0 ? this : null; List <EndPoint> addresses = Network.getAddresses(host_, port_, instance_.protocolSupport(), Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Ordered, instance_.preferIPv6(), true); if (addresses.Count == 1) { endpoints.Add(this); } else { foreach (EndPoint addr in addresses) { endpoints.Add(createEndpoint(Network.endpointAddressToString(addr), Network.endpointPort(addr), connectionId_)); } } return(endpoints); }
// // Return a server side transceiver for this endpoint, or null if a // transceiver can only be created by an acceptor. In case a // transceiver is created, this operation also returns a new // "effective" endpoint, which might differ from this endpoint, // for example, if a dynamic port number is assigned. // public override IceInternal.Transceiver transceiver(ref IceInternal.EndpointI endpoint) { IceInternal.Transceiver transceiver = _endpoint.transceiver(ref endpoint); if (endpoint == _endpoint) { endpoint = this; } else { endpoint = new EndpointI(endpoint); } if (transceiver != null) { return(new Transceiver(transceiver)); } else { return(null); } }
public override int CompareTo(EndpointI obj) { if (!(obj is IPEndpointI)) { return(type() < obj.type() ? -1 : 1); } IPEndpointI p = (IPEndpointI)obj; if (this == p) { return(0); } int v = string.Compare(host_, p.host_, StringComparison.Ordinal); if (v != 0) { return(v); } if (port_ < p.port_) { return(-1); } else if (p.port_ < port_) { return(1); } int rc = string.Compare(Network.endpointAddressToString(sourceAddr_), Network.endpointAddressToString(p.sourceAddr_), StringComparison.Ordinal); if (rc != 0) { return(rc); } return(string.Compare(connectionId_, p.connectionId_, StringComparison.Ordinal)); }
public override int CompareTo(EndpointI obj) { if (!(obj is EndpointI)) { return(type() < obj.type() ? -1 : 1); } WSEndpoint p = (WSEndpoint)obj; if (this == p) { return(0); } int v = string.Compare(_resource, p._resource, StringComparison.Ordinal); if (v != 0) { return(v); } return(_delegate.CompareTo(p._delegate)); }
override protected EndpointI readWithUnderlying(EndpointI underlying, Ice.InputStream s) { return(new WSEndpoint(instance_, underlying, s)); }
public Reference create(Ice.Identity ident, Ice.InputStream s) { // // Don't read the identity here. Operations calling this // constructor read the identity, and pass it as a parameter. // if ( == 0 && ident.category.Length == 0) { return(null); } // // For compatibility with the old FacetPath. // string[] facetPath = s.readStringSeq(); string facet; if (facetPath.Length > 0) { if (facetPath.Length > 1) { throw new Ice.ProxyUnmarshalException(); } facet = facetPath[0]; } else { facet = ""; } int mode = (int)s.readByte(); if (mode < 0 || mode > (int)Reference.Mode.ModeLast) { throw new Ice.ProxyUnmarshalException(); } bool secure = s.readBool(); Ice.ProtocolVersion protocol; Ice.EncodingVersion encoding; if (!s.getEncoding().Equals(Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0)) { protocol = new Ice.ProtocolVersion(); protocol.read__(s); encoding = new Ice.EncodingVersion(); encoding.read__(s); } else { protocol = Ice.Util.Protocol_1_0; encoding = Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0; } EndpointI[] endpoints = null; string adapterId = ""; int sz = s.readSize(); if (sz > 0) { endpoints = new EndpointI[sz]; for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { endpoints[i] = instance_.endpointFactoryManager().read(s); } } else { adapterId = s.readString(); } return(create(ident, facet, (Reference.Mode)mode, secure, protocol, encoding, endpoints, adapterId, null)); }
public Reference create(string s, string propertyPrefix) { if (s.Length == 0) { return(null); } const string delim = " \t\n\r"; int beg; int end = 0; beg = IceUtilInternal.StringUtil.findFirstNotOf(s, delim, end); if (beg == -1) { Ice.ProxyParseException e = new Ice.ProxyParseException(); e.str = "no non-whitespace characters found in `" + s + "'"; throw e; } // // Extract the identity, which may be enclosed in single // or double quotation marks. // string idstr = null; end = IceUtilInternal.StringUtil.checkQuote(s, beg); if (end == -1) { Ice.ProxyParseException e = new Ice.ProxyParseException(); e.str = "mismatched quotes around identity in `" + s + "'"; throw e; } else if (end == 0) { end = IceUtilInternal.StringUtil.findFirstOf(s, delim + ":@", beg); if (end == -1) { end = s.Length; } idstr = s.Substring(beg, end - beg); } else { beg++; // Skip leading quote idstr = s.Substring(beg, end - beg); end++; // Skip trailing quote } if (beg == end) { Ice.ProxyParseException e = new Ice.ProxyParseException(); e.str = "no identity in `" + s + "'"; throw e; } // // Parsing the identity may raise IdentityParseException. // Ice.Identity ident = instance_.stringToIdentity(idstr); if ( == 0) { // // An identity with an empty name and a non-empty // category is illegal. // if (ident.category.Length > 0) { Ice.IllegalIdentityException e = new Ice.IllegalIdentityException(); = ident; throw e; } // // Treat a stringified proxy containing two double // quotes ("") the same as an empty string, i.e., // a null proxy, but only if nothing follows the // quotes. // else if (IceUtilInternal.StringUtil.findFirstNotOf(s, delim, end) != -1) { Ice.ProxyParseException e = new Ice.ProxyParseException(); e.str = "invalid characters after identity in `" + s + "'"; throw e; } else { return(null); } } string facet = ""; Reference.Mode mode = Reference.Mode.ModeTwoway; bool secure = false; Ice.EncodingVersion encoding = instance_.defaultsAndOverrides().defaultEncoding; Ice.ProtocolVersion protocol = Ice.Util.Protocol_1_0; string adapter = ""; while (true) { beg = IceUtilInternal.StringUtil.findFirstNotOf(s, delim, end); if (beg == -1) { break; } if (s[beg] == ':' || s[beg] == '@') { break; } end = IceUtilInternal.StringUtil.findFirstOf(s, delim + ":@", beg); if (end == -1) { end = s.Length; } if (beg == end) { break; } string option = s.Substring(beg, end - beg); if (option.Length != 2 || option[0] != '-') { Ice.ProxyParseException e = new Ice.ProxyParseException(); e.str = "expected a proxy option but found `" + option + "' in `" + s + "'"; throw e; } // // Check for the presence of an option argument. The // argument may be enclosed in single or double // quotation marks. // string argument = null; int argumentBeg = IceUtilInternal.StringUtil.findFirstNotOf(s, delim, end); if (argumentBeg != -1) { char ch = s[argumentBeg]; if (ch != '@' && ch != ':' && ch != '-') { beg = argumentBeg; end = IceUtilInternal.StringUtil.checkQuote(s, beg); if (end == -1) { Ice.ProxyParseException e = new Ice.ProxyParseException(); e.str = "mismatched quotes around value for " + option + " option in `" + s + "'"; throw e; } else if (end == 0) { end = IceUtilInternal.StringUtil.findFirstOf(s, delim + ":@", beg); if (end == -1) { end = s.Length; } argument = s.Substring(beg, end - beg); } else { beg++; // Skip leading quote argument = s.Substring(beg, end - beg); end++; // Skip trailing quote } } } // // If any new options are added here, // IceInternal::Reference::toString() and its derived classes must be updated as well. // switch (option[1]) { case 'f': { if (argument == null) { Ice.ProxyParseException e = new Ice.ProxyParseException(); e.str = "no argument provided for -f option in `" + s + "'"; throw e; } try { facet = IceUtilInternal.StringUtil.unescapeString(argument, 0, argument.Length); } catch (System.ArgumentException argEx) { Ice.ProxyParseException e = new Ice.ProxyParseException(); e.str = "invalid facet in `" + s + "': " + argEx.Message; throw e; } break; } case 't': { if (argument != null) { Ice.ProxyParseException e = new Ice.ProxyParseException(); e.str = "unexpected argument `" + argument + "' provided for -t option in `" + s + "'"; throw e; } mode = Reference.Mode.ModeTwoway; break; } case 'o': { if (argument != null) { Ice.ProxyParseException e = new Ice.ProxyParseException(); e.str = "unexpected argument `" + argument + "' provided for -o option in `" + s + "'"; throw e; } mode = Reference.Mode.ModeOneway; break; } case 'O': { if (argument != null) { Ice.ProxyParseException e = new Ice.ProxyParseException(); e.str = "unexpected argument `" + argument + "' provided for -O option in `" + s + "'"; throw e; } mode = Reference.Mode.ModeBatchOneway; break; } case 'd': { if (argument != null) { Ice.ProxyParseException e = new Ice.ProxyParseException(); e.str = "unexpected argument `" + argument + "' provided for -d option in `" + s + "'"; throw e; } mode = Reference.Mode.ModeDatagram; break; } case 'D': { if (argument != null) { Ice.ProxyParseException e = new Ice.ProxyParseException(); e.str = "unexpected argument `" + argument + "' provided for -D option in `" + s + "'"; throw e; } mode = Reference.Mode.ModeBatchDatagram; break; } case 's': { if (argument != null) { Ice.ProxyParseException e = new Ice.ProxyParseException(); e.str = "unexpected argument `" + argument + "' provided for -s option in `" + s + "'"; throw e; } secure = true; break; } case 'e': { if (argument == null) { throw new Ice.ProxyParseException("no argument provided for -e option `" + s + "'"); } try { encoding = Ice.Util.stringToEncodingVersion(argument); } catch (Ice.VersionParseException e) { throw new Ice.ProxyParseException("invalid encoding version `" + argument + "' in `" + s + "':\n" + e.str); } break; } case 'p': { if (argument == null) { throw new Ice.ProxyParseException("no argument provided for -p option `" + s + "'"); } try { protocol = Ice.Util.stringToProtocolVersion(argument); } catch (Ice.VersionParseException e) { throw new Ice.ProxyParseException("invalid protocol version `" + argument + "' in `" + s + "':\n" + e.str); } break; } default: { Ice.ProxyParseException e = new Ice.ProxyParseException(); e.str = "unknown option `" + option + "' in `" + s + "'"; throw e; } } } if (beg == -1) { return(create(ident, facet, mode, secure, protocol, encoding, null, null, propertyPrefix)); } List <EndpointI> endpoints = new List <EndpointI>(); if (s[beg] == ':') { List <string> unknownEndpoints = new List <string>(); end = beg; while (end < s.Length && s[end] == ':') { beg = end + 1; end = beg; while (true) { end = s.IndexOf(':', end); if (end == -1) { end = s.Length; break; } else { bool quoted = false; int quote = beg; while (true) { quote = s.IndexOf((System.Char) '\"', quote); if (quote == -1 || end < quote) { break; } else { quote = s.IndexOf((System.Char) '\"', ++quote); if (quote == -1) { break; } else if (end < quote) { quoted = true; break; } ++quote; } } if (!quoted) { break; } ++end; } } string es = s.Substring(beg, end - beg); EndpointI endp = instance_.endpointFactoryManager().create(es, false); if (endp != null) { endpoints.Add(endp); } else { unknownEndpoints.Add(es); } } if (endpoints.Count == 0) { Debug.Assert(unknownEndpoints.Count > 0); Ice.EndpointParseException e2 = new Ice.EndpointParseException(); e2.str = "invalid endpoint `" + unknownEndpoints[0] + "' in `" + s + "'"; throw e2; } else if (unknownEndpoints.Count != 0 && instance_.initializationData().properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault( "Ice.Warn.Endpoints", 1) > 0) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("Proxy contains unknown endpoints:"); int sz = unknownEndpoints.Count; for (int idx = 0; idx < sz; ++idx) { msg.Append(" `"); msg.Append((string)unknownEndpoints[idx]); msg.Append("'"); } instance_.initializationData().logger.warning(msg.ToString()); } EndpointI[] ep = endpoints.ToArray(); return(create(ident, facet, mode, secure, protocol, encoding, ep, null, propertyPrefix)); } else if (s[beg] == '@') { beg = IceUtilInternal.StringUtil.findFirstNotOf(s, delim, beg + 1); if (beg == -1) { Ice.ProxyParseException e = new Ice.ProxyParseException(); e.str = "missing adapter id in `" + s + "'"; throw e; } string adapterstr = null; end = IceUtilInternal.StringUtil.checkQuote(s, beg); if (end == -1) { Ice.ProxyParseException e = new Ice.ProxyParseException(); e.str = "mismatched quotes around adapter id in `" + s + "'"; throw e; } else if (end == 0) { end = IceUtilInternal.StringUtil.findFirstOf(s, delim, beg); if (end == -1) { end = s.Length; } adapterstr = s.Substring(beg, end - beg); } else { beg++; // Skip leading quote adapterstr = s.Substring(beg, end - beg); end++; // Skip trailing quote } if (end != s.Length && IceUtilInternal.StringUtil.findFirstNotOf(s, delim, end) != -1) { Ice.ProxyParseException e = new Ice.ProxyParseException(); e.str = "invalid trailing characters after `" + s.Substring(0, end + 1) + "' in `" + s + "'"; throw e; } try { adapter = IceUtilInternal.StringUtil.unescapeString(adapterstr, 0, adapterstr.Length); } catch (System.ArgumentException argEx) { Ice.ProxyParseException e = new Ice.ProxyParseException(); e.str = "invalid adapter id in `" + s + "': " + argEx.Message; throw e; } if (adapter.Length == 0) { Ice.ProxyParseException e = new Ice.ProxyParseException(); e.str = "empty adapter id in `" + s + "'"; throw e; } return(create(ident, facet, mode, secure, protocol, encoding, null, adapter, propertyPrefix)); } Ice.ProxyParseException ex = new Ice.ProxyParseException(); ex.str = "malformed proxy `" + s + "'"; throw ex; }
internal EndpointI(IceInternal.EndpointI endpoint) { _endpoint = endpoint; _configuration = Configuration.getInstance(); }
public InfoI(EndpointI e) { _endpoint = e; }
public void resolve(string host, int port, Ice.EndpointSelectionType selType, EndpointI endpoint, EndpointI_connectors callback) { // // Try to get the addresses without DNS lookup. If this doesn't work, we queue a resolve // entry and the thread will take care of getting the endpoint addresses. // NetworkProxy networkProxy = _instance.networkProxy(); if (networkProxy == null) { try { List <EndPoint> addrs = Network.getAddresses(host, port, _protocol, selType, _preferIPv6, false); if (addrs.Count > 0) { callback.connectors(endpoint.connectors(addrs, null)); return; } } catch (Ice.LocalException ex) { callback.exception(ex); return; } } _m.Lock(); try { Debug.Assert(!_destroyed); ResolveEntry entry = new ResolveEntry(); = host; entry.port = port; entry.selType = selType; entry.endpoint = endpoint; entry.callback = callback; Ice.Instrumentation.CommunicatorObserver obsv = _instance.getObserver(); if (obsv != null) { = obsv.getEndpointLookupObserver(endpoint); if ( != null) {; } } _queue.AddLast(entry); _m.Notify(); } finally { _m.Unlock(); } }
// // Compare endpoints for sorting purposes // public override int CompareTo(EndpointI obj) { if (!(obj is OpaqueEndpointI)) { return(type() < obj.type() ? -1 : 1); } OpaqueEndpointI p = (OpaqueEndpointI)obj; if (this == p) { return(0); } if (_type < p._type) { return(-1); } else if (p._type < _type) { return(1); } if (_rawEncoding.major < p._rawEncoding.major) { return(-1); } else if (p._rawEncoding.major < _rawEncoding.major) { return(1); } if (_rawEncoding.minor < p._rawEncoding.minor) { return(-1); } else if (p._rawEncoding.minor < _rawEncoding.minor) { return(1); } if (_rawBytes.Length < p._rawBytes.Length) { return(-1); } else if (p._rawBytes.Length < _rawBytes.Length) { return(1); } for (int i = 0; i < _rawBytes.Length; i++) { if (_rawBytes[i] < p._rawBytes[i]) { return(-1); } else if (p._rawBytes[i] < _rawBytes[i]) { return(1); } } return(0); }
// // Check whether the endpoint is equivalent to another one. // public override bool equivalent(EndpointI endpoint) { return(false); }
public WSEndpoint endpoint(EndpointI delEndp) { return(new WSEndpoint(_instance, delEndp, _resource)); }
public EndpointI create(string str, bool oaEndpoint) { string[] arr = IceUtilInternal.StringUtil.splitString(str, " \t\r\n"); if (arr == null) { Ice.EndpointParseException e = new Ice.EndpointParseException(); e.str = "mismatched quote"; throw e; } if (arr.Length == 0) { Ice.EndpointParseException e = new Ice.EndpointParseException(); e.str = "value has no non-whitespace characters"; throw e; } List <string> v = new List <string>(arr); string protocol = v[0]; v.RemoveAt(0); if (protocol.Equals("default")) { protocol = _instance.defaultsAndOverrides().defaultProtocol; } EndpointFactory factory = null; lock (this) { for (int i = 0; i < _factories.Count; i++) { EndpointFactory f = _factories[i]; if (f.protocol().Equals(protocol)) { factory = f; } } } if (factory != null) { EndpointI e = factory.create(v, oaEndpoint); if (v.Count > 0) { Ice.EndpointParseException ex = new Ice.EndpointParseException(); ex.str = "unrecognized argument `" + v[0] + "' in endpoint `" + str + "'"; throw ex; } return(e); // Code below left in place for debugging. /* * EndpointI e = f.create(s.Substring(m.Index + m.Length), oaEndpoint); * BasicStream bs = new BasicStream(_instance, true); * e.streamWrite(bs); * Buffer buf = bs.getBuffer(); * buf.b.position(0); * short type = bs.readShort(); * EndpointI ue = new IceInternal.OpaqueEndpointI(type, bs); * System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Normal: " + e); * System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Opaque: " + ue); * return e; */ } // // If the stringified endpoint is opaque, create an unknown endpoint, // then see whether the type matches one of the known endpoints. // if (protocol.Equals("opaque")) { EndpointI ue = new OpaqueEndpointI(v); if (v.Count > 0) { Ice.EndpointParseException ex = new Ice.EndpointParseException(); ex.str = "unrecognized argument `" + v[0] + "' in endpoint `" + str + "'"; throw ex; } factory = get(ue.type()); if (factory != null) { // // Make a temporary stream, write the opaque endpoint data into the stream, // and ask the factory to read the endpoint data from that stream to create // the actual endpoint. // Ice.OutputStream os = new Ice.OutputStream(_instance, Ice.Util.currentProtocolEncoding); os.writeShort(ue.type()); ue.streamWrite(os); Ice.InputStream iss = new Ice.InputStream(_instance, Ice.Util.currentProtocolEncoding, os.getBuffer(), true); iss.pos(0); iss.readShort(); // type iss.startEncapsulation(); EndpointI e =; iss.endEncapsulation(); return(e); } return(ue); // Endpoint is opaque, but we don't have a factory for its type. } return(null); }
internal WSEndpoint(ProtocolInstance instance, EndpointI del, string res) { _instance = instance; _delegate = (IPEndpointI)del; _resource = res; }
public EndpointI endpoint(IceInternal.EndpointI delEndp) { return(new EndpointI(delEndp)); }
override protected EndpointI createWithUnderlying(EndpointI underlying, List <string> args, bool oaEndpoint) { return(new WSEndpoint(instance_, underlying, args)); }
internal ConnectionI(Communicator communicator, IceInternal.Instance instance, IceInternal.ACMMonitor monitor, IceInternal.Transceiver transceiver, IceInternal.Connector connector, IceInternal.EndpointI endpoint, ObjectAdapterI adapter) { _communicator = communicator; _instance = instance; _monitor = monitor; _transceiver = transceiver; _desc = transceiver.ToString(); _type = transceiver.protocol(); _connector = connector; _endpoint = endpoint; _adapter = adapter; InitializationData initData = instance.initializationData(); _logger = initData.logger; // Cached for better performance. _traceLevels = instance.traceLevels(); // Cached for better performance. _timer = instance.timer(); _writeTimeout = new TimeoutCallback(this); _writeTimeoutScheduled = false; _readTimeout = new TimeoutCallback(this); _readTimeoutScheduled = false; _warn ="Ice.Warn.Connections") > 0; _warnUdp ="Ice.Warn.Datagrams") > 0; _cacheBuffers = instance.cacheMessageBuffers() > 0; if(_monitor != null && _monitor.getACM().timeout > 0) { _acmLastActivity = IceInternal.Time.currentMonotonicTimeMillis(); } else { _acmLastActivity = -1; } _nextRequestId = 1; _messageSizeMax = adapter != null ? adapter.messageSizeMax() : instance.messageSizeMax(); _batchRequestQueue = new IceInternal.BatchRequestQueue(instance, _endpoint.datagram()); _readStream = new InputStream(instance, Util.currentProtocolEncoding); _readHeader = false; _readStreamPos = -1; _writeStream = new OutputStream(instance, Util.currentProtocolEncoding); _writeStreamPos = -1; _dispatchCount = 0; _state = StateNotInitialized; _compressionLevel ="Ice.Compression.Level", 1); if(_compressionLevel < 1) { _compressionLevel = 1; } else if(_compressionLevel > 9) { _compressionLevel = 9; } if(adapter != null) { _servantManager = adapter.getServantManager(); } try { if(adapter != null) { _threadPool = adapter.getThreadPool(); } else { _threadPool = instance.clientThreadPool(); } _threadPool.initialize(this); } catch(LocalException) { throw; } catch(System.Exception ex) { throw new SyscallException(ex); } }
abstract protected EndpointI createWithUnderlying(EndpointI underlying, List <string> args, bool oaEndpoint);
// // Return a server side transceiver for this endpoint, or null if a // transceiver can only be created by an acceptor. In case a // transceiver is created, this operation also returns a new // "effective" endpoint, which might differ from this endpoint, // for example, if a dynamic port number is assigned. // public override Transceiver transceiver(ref EndpointI endpoint) { endpoint = this; return(null); }
abstract protected EndpointI readWithUnderlying(EndpointI underlying, Ice.InputStream s);