public object DeleteDp(string dpId, string userid) { var tran = Utility.Database.BeginDbTransaction(); try { bool b = FindExist(dpId, tran); if (b == true) { return Utility.JsonResult(false, "还有部分员工被归类在此部门中,不能删除此数据"); } else { FX_Department dp = new FX_Department(); dp.Condition.Add("DPID = " + dpId); Utility.Database.Delete(dp, tran); } Utility.Database.Commit(tran); return Utility.JsonResult(true, "删除成功!"); } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.Database.Rollback(tran); throw (new Exception("保存数据失败!错误:" + ex.Message, ex)); } }
public string CreateDepartment(string DPName, string FullName) { IDbTransaction tran = Utility.Database.BeginDbTransaction(); try { string NEW_DPID = MaxValue("D", 6, tran); FX_Department insert_obj = new FX_Department(); insert_obj.DPID = NEW_DPID; insert_obj.DPName = DPName; insert_obj.FullName = FullName; insert_obj.createDate = DateTime.Now.ToString(); Utility.Database.Insert<FX_Department>(insert_obj, tran); Utility.Database.Commit(tran); return Utility.JsonResult(true, "添加成功!"); } catch (Exception e) { Utility.Database.Rollback(tran); return PackResult.JsonMsg(false, "CreateDepartment失败!" + e.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 保存到文档中心和文档中心审核意见表和文章关系表中 /// </summary> /// <param name="tran"></param> /// <param name="caseid"></param> /// <param name="userid"></param> public void SaveToNotice(IDbTransaction tran, string caseid, string userid) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); string DPName = "";//部门名称 string DPID = "";//部门ID string CnName = "";//归档人姓名 string saveFileName = "";//需要存档的文件夹名称 string dir = ""; string UserID = ""; dir = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;//获取应用程序跟目录 dir = dir.Replace("\\", "/"); strSql.Clear(); strSql.AppendFormat(@"select * from FX_AttachMent where CaseID='{0}'", caseid); DataSet ds = Utility.Database.ExcuteDataSet(strSql.ToString(), tran); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { string jsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ds.Tables[0]); List<FX_AttachMent> list_fx = (List<FX_AttachMent>)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonData, typeof(List<FX_AttachMent>)); //将文件复制文档中心下的相应目录 string path = dir + "attachment/documentCenter/"; if (Directory.Exists(path) == false)//如果不存在就创建文件夹 { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } for (int f = 0; f < list_fx.Count(); f++) { string path1 = ""; string path2 = ""; path1 = dir + "附件目录/" + list_fx[f].FilePath; string fileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日HH时mm分ss秒") + "_" + list_fx[f].FileName; path2 = path + fileName; //取出文件并保存到相应目录中 File.Copy(path1, path2, true); saveFileName += "attachment/documentCenter/" + fileName; if (f != (list_fx.Count() - 1)) { saveFileName += "|"; } } } //取出用户相关信息 var userInfo = ComClass.GetUserInfo(userid); DPID = userInfo.DPID; CnName = userInfo.CnName; UserID = userInfo.UserID; //查找部门ID FX_Department department = new FX_Department(); department.Condition.Add("DPID=" + userInfo.DPID); FX_Department department_ad = Utility.Database.QueryList<FX_Department>(department, tran)[0]; DPName = department_ad.DPName; //放入的文件类型ID B_OA_SendDoc sendDoc = new B_OA_SendDoc(); sendDoc.Condition.Add("caseid=" + caseid); sendDoc = Utility.Database.QueryObject<B_OA_SendDoc>(sendDoc); //保存文档 B_OA_Notice newNotice = new B_OA_Notice(); //newNotice.NewsTitle = sendDoc.;//文档标题 newNotice.CreateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");//现在时间 newNotice.NewsTitle = sendDoc.wjbt; newNotice.documentTypeId = sendDoc.fwlxId;//文档类型id string documentTypeName = getFileTypeNameByFileTypeId(sendDoc.fwlxId, tran); newNotice.documentTypeName = documentTypeName;//所选树状图名称,从根节点到子节点 newNotice.CreateMan = CnName;//创建人 newNotice.CreaterId = userid;//创建人 newNotice.AttachmentName = saveFileName;//保存文件路径 newNotice.ShareAttachment = "0";//是否共享文件 newNotice.isSeeInDoor = false;//是否在门户中查看 newNotice.status = "checkThrough";//审核状态 newNotice.caseid = sendDoc.caseid; newNotice.publicRange = 0;//非指定人查看 newNotice.NewsId = ComClass.GetGuid(); newNotice.publicRange = 0;//所有人查看 newNotice.isReadRecord = true;//查看记录 newNotice.isTextSuggetion = true;//可以发表意见 newNotice.ChkMId = UserID + ";"; newNotice.ChkM = CnName + ";"; newNotice.Chkdate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");//审核时间 Utility.Database.Insert<B_OA_Notice>(newNotice, tran); //插入审核记录 //取出审核人ID数组 string[] checkManId = newNotice.ChkMId.Split(';'); //插入审核表,用于文章修改后,或者新生成的文章审核 for (int i = 0; i < checkManId.Length - 1; i++) { B_OA_Notice_Addvice addvice = new B_OA_Notice_Addvice(); var user_check = ComClass.GetUserInfo(checkManId[i]); //审核人ID addvice.chkId = checkManId[i]; //审核人姓名 addvice.chkName = user_check.CnName; //审核状态为未审核 addvice.statuType = "checkThrough"; //审核状态名称 addvice.statusName = "审核通过"; //文章表外键 addvice.noticeId = newNotice.NewsId; Utility.Database.Insert(addvice, tran); } //插入文章关系表 B_OA_Notice_FileType_R fileType_r = new B_OA_Notice_FileType_R(); fileType_r.noticeId = newNotice.NewsId; fileType_r.fileTypeId = sendDoc.fwlxId; Utility.Database.Insert(fileType_r, tran); //sendDoc.fwlxId; }
public object GetAllList(string userid) { var tran = Utility.Database.BeginDbTransaction(); try { FX_Department dp = new FX_Department(); List<FX_Department> list = new List<FX_Department>(); List<FX_Department> listDp = Utility.Database.QueryList(dp, tran); //直接返回数据,而不需要打包一层了 return new { list = listDp, dp }; } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.Database.Rollback(tran); throw (new Exception("数据获取失败!错误:" + ex.Message, ex)); } }
public string FilePlaceS(string caseid, string title, string userid) { var tran = Utility.Database.BeginDbTransaction(); string DPName = "";//部门名称 string DPID = "";//部门ID string CnName = "";//归档人姓名 string AttachmentType = "";//归档文件夹ID string saveFileName = "";//需要存档的文件夹名称 string dir = ""; string UserID = ""; try { dir = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;//获取应用程序跟目录 StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.AppendFormat("select * from FX_AttachMent where CaseID='{0}' and FileName like '归档_%'", caseid); DataSet ds = Utility.Database.ExcuteDataSet(strSql.ToString(), tran); string jsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ds.Tables[0]); List<FX_AttachMent> list_fx = (List<FX_AttachMent>)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonData, typeof(List<FX_AttachMent>)); if (list_fx.Count == 0) { return Utility.JsonResult(false, "没有归档文件,请上传归档文件"); } if (list_fx.Count > 1) { return Utility.JsonResult(false, "该文有两份归档文件,无法归档"); } saveFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日 HH时mm分ss秒") + list_fx[0].FileName; //取出部门id var userInfo = ComClass.GetUserInfo(userid); DPID = userInfo.DPID; CnName = userInfo.CnName; UserID = userInfo.UserID; //查找部门ID FX_Department department = new FX_Department(); department.Condition.Add("DPID=" + userInfo.DPID); FX_Department department_ad = Utility.Database.QueryList<FX_Department>(department, tran)[0]; DPName = department_ad.DPName; //归档文件夹ID B_OA_FileType fileType = new B_OA_FileType(); fileType.Condition.Add("FileTypeName=" + "发文归档"); List<B_OA_FileType> listFileType = Utility.Database.QueryList<B_OA_FileType>(fileType, tran); if (listFileType.Count <= 0) { return Utility.JsonResult(false, "文档中心分类中未有“发文归档”文档,请联系管理员添加"); } B_OA_FileType fileType_ad = listFileType[0]; AttachmentType = fileType_ad.FileTypeId; //保存文档 B_OA_Notice newNotice = new B_OA_Notice(); newNotice.NewsTitle = title;//文档标题 newNotice.CreateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");//现在时间 newNotice.documentTypeId = AttachmentType;//文档类型id newNotice.CreateMan = CnName; //创建人 newNotice.CreaterId = userid;//创建人ID newNotice.AttachmentName = "attachment/documentCenter/" + saveFileName;//保存文件路径 newNotice.ShareAttachment = "0";//是否共享文件 newNotice.Chk = "0";//是否已经审核 newNotice.ChkM = CnName + ";";//审核人 newNotice.Chkdate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");//审核时间 newNotice.documentTypeName = "办公室;收发文归档;发文归档;";//文件文档分类名 newNotice.NewsId = ComClass.GetGuid(); newNotice.publicRange = 0;//所有人查看 newNotice.isReadRecord = true;//查看记录 newNotice.isTextSuggetion = true;//可以发表意见 newNotice.status = "waitCheck";//审核状态待审核 newNotice.ChkMId = UserID + ";"; string path = dir + "attachment\\documentCenter\\"; if (Directory.Exists(path) == false)//如果不存在就创建文件夹 { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } //取出文件并保存到相应目录中 File.Copy(dir + "附件目录\\" + list_fx[0].FilePath, path + saveFileName, true); Utility.Database.Insert<B_OA_Notice>(newNotice, tran); //插入审核记录 //取出审核人ID数组 string[] checkManId = newNotice.ChkMId.Split(';'); //插入审核表,用于文章修改后,或者新生成的文章审核 for (int i = 0; i < checkManId.Length - 1; i++) { B_OA_Notice_Addvice addvice = new B_OA_Notice_Addvice(); var user_check = ComClass.GetUserInfo(checkManId[i]); //审核人ID addvice.chkId = checkManId[i]; //审核人姓名 addvice.chkName = user_check.CnName; //审核状态为未审核 addvice.statuType = "waitcheck"; //审核状态名称 addvice.statusName = "待审核"; //文章表外键 addvice.noticeId = newNotice.NewsId; Utility.Database.Insert(addvice, tran); } //插入文件夹附件表 //B_OA_FileList newFileList = new B_OA_FileList(); //newFileList.NewsId = ComClass.GetGuid(); //newFileList.FileName = saveFileName; //newFileList.RelativePath = "attachment/fileDocument/" + saveFileName; //string a = dir.Replace("\\", "/"); //newFileList.AbsolutePath = a + saveFileName; //newFileList.Extension = saveFileName.Split('.')[1]; //newFileList.FileSize = 0; //newFileList.BeforeFileName = list_fx[0].FileName; //newFileList.Dept = DPID; //Utility.Database.Insert<B_OA_FileList>(newFileList, tran); //修改收文的归档状态 B_OA_SendDoc sendDoc = new B_OA_SendDoc(); sendDoc.Condition.Add("caseid=" + caseid); B_OA_SendDoc sendDoc_ad = Utility.Database.QueryList<B_OA_SendDoc>(sendDoc, tran)[0]; sendDoc_ad.sfgd = 1;//修改归档状态为已归档 Utility.Database.Update(sendDoc_ad, tran); Utility.Database.Commit(tran); return Utility.JsonResult(true, "归档成功,此文档上传的归档附件可在文档中心的“办公室》收发文归档》发文归档”文件夹中看到"); } catch (Exception e) { Utility.Database.Rollback(tran); return Utility.JsonResult(false, "数据加载失败!异常信息: " + e.Message); } }
public static FX_Department GetDeptByUserId(string userId) { //// Department deptEnt = new Department(); //var sql = @"select UserID, EnName, CnName, DPName from FX_UserInfo a, FX_Department b where a.DPID = b.DPID and a.UserID = " + userId; //DataSet ds = Utility.Database.ExcuteDataSet(sql); //return ds; UserInfo uient = new UserInfo(); uient.Condition.Add("UserID=" + userId); uient = Utility.Database.QueryObject<UserInfo>(uient); FX_Department dptent = new FX_Department(); dptent.Condition.Add("DPID=" + uient.DPID); dptent = Utility.Database.QueryObject<FX_Department>(dptent); return dptent; }
// 获取部门和用户信息 public static DeptInfoAndUserInfo GetDeptAndUserByUserId(string userId) { try { var data = new DeptInfoAndUserInfo(); UserInfo uient = new UserInfo(); uient.Condition.Add("UserID=" + userId); uient = Utility.Database.QueryObject<UserInfo>(uient); data.userinfo = uient; FX_Department dptent = new FX_Department(); dptent.Condition.Add("DPID=" + uient.DPID); dptent = Utility.Database.QueryObject<FX_Department>(dptent); data.deptinfo = dptent; return data; } catch (Exception ex) { ComBase.Logger(ex.Message); return null; } }
private bool FindSonExist(string dpid, IDbTransaction tran) { FX_Department dp = new FX_Department(); dp.Condition.Add("PDPID =" + dpid); List<FX_Department> listDp = Utility.Database.QueryList<FX_Department>(dp, tran); if (listDp.Count > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }
public object DeleteDp(string dpId, string userid) { var tran = Utility.Database.BeginDbTransaction(); try { bool b = FindExist(dpId, tran); bool c = FindSonExist(dpId, tran); if (b == true) { return Utility.JsonMsg(false, "删除部门前先保证部门下没有任何用户"); } else if (c == true) { return Utility.JsonMsg(false, "删除部门前先保证部门下没有任何子部门"); } else { FX_Department dp = new FX_Department(); dp.Condition.Add("DPID = " + dpId); Utility.Database.Delete(dp, tran); } Utility.Database.Commit(tran); return Utility.JsonMsg(true, "删除成功!"); } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.Database.Rollback(tran); throw (new Exception("删除失败!错误:" + ex.Message, ex)); } }