예제 #1
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region Validating
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtFileName.Text))
                MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Файл сонгогдоогүй байна!"));

            int attachtype = ISM.Lib.Static.ToInt(radType.EditValue);
            _result           = AttachUtility.SaveFromFile(_remote, _privupdate, 0, attachtype, txtFileName.Text, txtDesc.Text, _typecode, _typeid);
            this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK;
예제 #2
        public Result ListSave()
            Result res = null;
            List <DynamicParameterItem> items = ucParameterPanel1.ItemGetList();

                #region Additional Data мэдээллийг хадгалах

                ArrayList rows = new ArrayList(items.Count);
                foreach (DynamicParameterItem item in items)
                    rows.Add(new object[] { Static.ToLong(item.Id), (int)item.ValueType, Static.ToStr(item.Value), item.AttachId });
                    //switch (item.ValueType)
                    //    case DynamicParameterType.Picture:
                    //    case DynamicParameterType.File:
                    //        break;
                    //    default:
                    //        rows.Add(new object[] { Static.ToLong(item.Id), (int)item.ValueType, Static.ToStr(item.Value), item.AttachId });
                    //        break;

                object[] param = new object[] { _tableprefix, _tablerowkey, rows.ToArray() };
                res = _remote.Connection.Call(_remote.User.UserNo
                                              , CONST_FILEID
                                              , 104002
                                              , _tableprivupdate
                                              , param);
                if (res.ResultNo != 0)
                    goto OnExit;


                #region AttachId дугаараар зургийн мэдээллүүдийг тусад нь илгээж хадгалах

                foreach (DynamicParameterItem item in items)
                    if (item.Editing)
                        if (item.ValueType == DynamicParameterType.Picture)
                            #region Saving Attach Blob
                            res = AttachUtility.SaveImage(_remote, _tableprivupdate, item.AttachId, Static.ToStr(item.Value), item.AttachData, _linktypecode, _linkid);
                            if (res.ResultNo != 0)
                                goto OnExit;

                            #region Collecting New Dynamic record of blob

                            if (item.AttachId == 0)
                                item.AttachId = (ulong)Static.ToLong(res.Param[0]);
                                rows.Add(new object[] { Static.ToLong(item.Id), (int)item.ValueType, item.Value, item.AttachId });

                        if (item.ValueType == DynamicParameterType.File)
                            #region Saving Attach Blob
                            res = AttachUtility.SaveFromFile(_remote, _tableprivupdate, item.AttachId, 1, Static.ToStr(item.Value), _linktypecode, _linkid);
                            if (res.ResultNo != 0)
                                goto OnExit;

                            #region Collecting New Dynamic record of blob

                            if (item.AttachId == 0)
                                item.AttachId = (ulong)Static.ToLong(res.Param[0]);
                                rows.Add(new object[] { Static.ToLong(item.Id), (int)item.ValueType, item.Value, item.AttachId });

                        item.Editing = false;

                if (rows.Count > 0)
                    param = new object[] { _tableprefix, _tablerowkey, rows.ToArray() };
                    res   = _remote.Connection.Call(_remote.User.UserNo
                                                    , CONST_FILEID
                                                    , 104002
                                                    , _tableprivupdate
                                                    , param);

            catch (Exception ex)
                res = new Result(9, ex.ToString());
            if (res != null && res.ResultNo == 0)