public Letter(uint type, Character sender, Character receiver) { mId=0; mType=type; mSender=sender; mReceiver=receiver; }
public void clearPost(Character player) { if(mPostBox.ContainsKey(player)) { mPostBox.Remove(player); } }
public Post getPost(Character player) { if(mPostBox.ContainsKey(player)) { return mPostBox[player]; } return null; }
public static void sendPartyChange(Character ptr, int partyId) { GameServer s=getGameServerFromMap(ptr.getMapId()); if(s!=null) { MessageOut msg=new MessageOut(Protocol.CGMSG_CHANGED_PARTY); msg.writeInt32(ptr.getDatabaseID()); msg.writeInt32(partyId); s.send(msg); } }
public static void registerGameClient(GameServer s, string token, Character ptr) { MessageOut msg=new MessageOut(Protocol.AGMSG_PLAYER_ENTER); msg.writeString(token); msg.writeInt32(ptr.getDatabaseID()); msg.writeString(ptr.getName()); ptr.serializeCharacterData(msg); s.send(msg); }
public static void registerClient(string token, Character ptr) { GameServer s=getGameServerFromMap(ptr.getMapId()); registerGameClient(s, token, ptr); }
void addCharacter(Character character) { uint slot=character.getCharacterSlot(); mCharacters[slot]=character; }
Character getCharacterBySQL(ISL.Server.Account.Account owner) { Character character=null; string sql=String.Format("SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE user_id = {1}", CHARACTERS_TBL_NAME, owner.getID()); DataTable charInfo=mDb.ExecuteQuery(sql); // If the character is not even in the database then // we have no choice but to return nothing. if(charInfo.Rows.Count==0) return null; character=new Character(charInfo.Rows[0]["name"].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(charInfo.Rows[0]["id"])); character.setGender(Convert.ToInt32(charInfo.Rows[0]["gender"])); character.setHairStyle(Convert.ToInt32(charInfo.Rows[0]["hair_style"])); character.setHairColor(Convert.ToInt32(charInfo.Rows[0]["hair_color"])); character.setLevel(Convert.ToInt32(charInfo.Rows[0]["level"])); character.setCharacterPoints(Convert.ToInt32(charInfo.Rows[0]["char_pts"])); character.setCorrectionPoints(Convert.ToInt32(charInfo.Rows[0]["correct_pts"])); Point pos=new Point(Convert.ToInt32(charInfo.Rows[0]["x"]), Convert.ToInt32(charInfo.Rows[0]["y"])); character.setPosition(pos); int mapId=Convert.ToInt32(charInfo.Rows[0]["map_id"]); if(mapId>0) { character.setMapId(mapId); } else { // Set character to default map and one of the default location // Default map is to be 1, as not found return value will be 0. character.setMapId(Configuration.getValue("char_defaultMap", 1)); } character.setCharacterSlot(Convert.ToUInt32(charInfo.Rows[0]["slot"])); // Fill the account-related fields. Last step, as it may require a new // SQL query. if(owner!=null) { character.setAccount(owner); } else { int id=Convert.ToInt32(charInfo.Rows[0]["user_id"]); character.setAccountID(id); string s=String.Format("SELECT level FROM {0} WHERE id = '{1}';", ACCOUNTS_TBL_NAME, id); DataTable levelInfo=mDb.ExecuteQuery(s); character.setAccountLevel(Convert.ToInt32(levelInfo.Rows[0]["level"]), true); } // Load attributes." string s2=String.Format("SELECT attr_id, attr_base, attr_mod FROM {0} WHERE char_id = {1};", CHAR_ATTR_TBL_NAME, character.getDatabaseID()); DataTable attrInfo=mDb.ExecuteQuery(s2); if(attrInfo.Rows.Count>0) { uint nRows=(uint)attrInfo.Rows.Count; for(uint row = 0;row < nRows;++row) { uint id=Convert.ToUInt32(charInfo.Rows[0]["attr_id"]); character.setAttribute(id, Convert.ToDouble(charInfo.Rows[0]["attr_base"])); character.setModAttribute(id, Convert.ToDouble(charInfo.Rows[0]["attr_mod"])); } } // Load the skills of the char from CHAR_SKILLS_TBL_NAME string s3=String.Format("SELECT status_id, status_time FROM {0} WHERE char_id = {1};", CHAR_STATUS_EFFECTS_TBL_NAME, character.getDatabaseID()); DataTable skillInfo=mDb.ExecuteQuery(s3); if(skillInfo.Rows.Count>0) { uint nRows=(uint)skillInfo.Rows.Count; for(uint row = 0;row < nRows;row++) { character.setExperience( Convert.ToInt32(skillInfo.Rows[0]["status_id"]), // Skill Id Convert.ToInt32(skillInfo.Rows[0]["status_time"])); // Experience } } // Load the status effect string s4=String.Format("SELECT status_id, status_time FROM {0} WHERE char_id = {1};", CHAR_STATUS_EFFECTS_TBL_NAME, character.getDatabaseID()); DataTable statusInfo=mDb.ExecuteQuery(s4); if(statusInfo.Rows.Count>0) { uint nRows=(uint)statusInfo.Rows.Count; for(uint row = 0;row < nRows;row++) { character.applyStatusEffect( Convert.ToInt32(statusInfo.Rows[0]["status_id"]), // Status Id Convert.ToInt32(statusInfo.Rows[0]["status_time"])); // Time } } // Load the kill stats string s5=String.Format("SELECT monster_id, kills FROM {0} WHERE char_id = {1};", CHAR_KILL_COUNT_TBL_NAME, character.getDatabaseID()); DataTable killsInfo=mDb.ExecuteQuery(s5); if(killsInfo.Rows.Count>0) { uint nRows=(uint)killsInfo.Rows.Count; for(uint row = 0;row < nRows;row++) { character.setKillCount( Convert.ToInt32(killsInfo.Rows[0]["monster_id"]), // MonsterID Convert.ToInt32(killsInfo.Rows[0]["kills"])); // Kills } } // Load the special status string s6=String.Format("SELECT special_id FROM {0} WHERE char_id = {1};", CHAR_SPECIALS_TBL_NAME, character.getDatabaseID()); DataTable specialsInfo=mDb.ExecuteQuery(s6); if(specialsInfo.Rows.Count>0) { uint nRows=(uint)specialsInfo.Rows.Count; for(uint row = 0;row < nRows;row++) { character.giveSpecial(Convert.ToInt32(specialsInfo.Rows[0]["special_id"])); } } Possessions poss=character.getPossessions(); string s7=String.Format("SELECT slot_type, item_id, item_instance FROM {0} WHERE owner_id = '{1}' ORDER BY slot_type desc;", CHAR_EQUIPS_TBL_NAME, character.getDatabaseID()); DataTable equipInfo=mDb.ExecuteQuery(s7); Dictionary< uint, EquipmentItem > equipData=new Dictionary<uint, EquipmentItem>(); if(equipInfo.Rows.Count>0) { EquipmentItem equipItem=new EquipmentItem(); for(int k = 0, size = equipInfo.Rows.Count;k < size;++k) { equipItem.itemId=Convert.ToUInt32(equipInfo.Rows[0]["item_id"]); equipItem.itemInstance=Convert.ToUInt32(equipInfo.Rows[0]["item_instance"]); equipData.Add(Convert.ToUInt32(equipInfo.Rows[0]["slot_type"]), equipItem); } } poss.setEquipment(equipData); string s8=String.Format("SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE owner_id = '{1}' ORDER by slot ASC", INVENTORIES_TBL_NAME, character.getDatabaseID()); DataTable itemInfo=mDb.ExecuteQuery(s8); Dictionary<uint, InventoryItem > inventoryData=new Dictionary<uint, InventoryItem>(); if(itemInfo.Rows.Count>0) { for(int k = 0, size = itemInfo.Rows.Count;k < size;++k) { InventoryItem item=new InventoryItem(); ushort slot=Convert.ToUInt16(itemInfo.Rows[0]["slot"]); item.itemId=Convert.ToUInt32(itemInfo.Rows[0]["class_id"]); item.amount=Convert.ToUInt32(itemInfo.Rows[0]["amount"]); inventoryData[slot]=item; } } poss.setInventory(inventoryData); return character; }
public bool updateCharacter(Character character) { //dal::PerformTransaction transaction(mDb); //try //{ // // Update the database Character data (see CharacterData for details) // std::ostringstream sqlUpdateCharacterInfo; // sqlUpdateCharacterInfo // << "update " << CHARACTERS_TBL_NAME << " " // << "set " // << "gender = '" << character.getGender() << "', " // << "hair_style = '" << character.getHairStyle() << "', " // << "hair_color = '" << character.getHairColor() << "', " // << "level = '" << character.getLevel() << "', " // << "char_pts = '" << character.getCharacterPoints() << "', " // << "correct_pts = '"<< character.getCorrectionPoints() << "', " // << "x = '" << character.getPosition().x << "', " // << "y = '" << character.getPosition().y << "', " // << "map_id = '" << character.getMapId() << "', " // << "slot = '" << character.getCharacterSlot() << "' " // << "where id = '" << character.getDatabaseID() << "';"; // mDb.execSql(sqlUpdateCharacterInfo.str()); //} //catch (const dal::DbSqlQueryExecFailure& e) //{ // utils::throwError("(DALStorage::updateCharacter #1) " // "SQL query failure: ", e); //} //// Character attributes. //try //{ // for (AttributeMap::const_iterator it = character.mAttributes.begin(), // it_end = character.mAttributes.end(); it != it_end; ++it) // updateAttribute(character.getDatabaseID(), it.first, // it.second.base, it.second.modified); //} //catch (const dal::DbSqlQueryExecFailure &e) //{ // utils::throwError("(DALStorage::updateCharacter #2) " // "SQL query failure: ", e); //} //// Character's skills //try //{ // std::map<int, int>::const_iterator skill_it; // for (skill_it = character.mExperience.begin(); // skill_it != character.mExperience.end(); skill_it++) // { // updateExperience(character.getDatabaseID(), // skill_it.first, skill_it.second); // } //} //catch (const dal::DbSqlQueryExecFailure& e) //{ // utils::throwError("(DALStorage::updateCharacter #3) " // "SQL query failure: ", e); //} //// Character's kill count //try //{ // std::map<int, int>::const_iterator kill_it; // for (kill_it = character.getKillCountBegin(); // kill_it != character.getKillCountEnd(); kill_it++) // { // updateKillCount(character.getDatabaseID(), // kill_it.first, kill_it.second); // } //} //catch (const dal::DbSqlQueryExecFailure& e) //{ // utils::throwError("(DALStorage::updateCharacter #4) " // "SQL query failure: ", e); //} //// Character's special actions //try //{ // // Out with the old // std::ostringstream deleteSql(""); // std::ostringstream insertSql; // deleteSql << "DELETE FROM " << CHAR_SPECIALS_TBL_NAME // << " WHERE char_id='" // << character.getDatabaseID() << "';"; // mDb.execSql(deleteSql.str()); // // In with the new // std::map<int, Special*>::const_iterator special_it; // for (special_it = character.getSpecialBegin(); // special_it != character.getSpecialEnd(); special_it++) // { // insertSql.str(""); // insertSql << "INSERT INTO " << CHAR_SPECIALS_TBL_NAME // << " (char_id, special_id) VALUES (" // << " '" << character.getDatabaseID() << "'," // << " '" << special_it.first << "');"; // mDb.execSql(insertSql.str()); // } //} //catch (const dal::DbSqlQueryExecFailure& e) //{ // utils::throwError("(DALStorage::updateCharacter #5) " // "SQL query failure: ", e);; //} //// Character's inventory //// Delete the old inventory and equipment table first //try //{ // std::ostringstream sqlDeleteCharacterEquipment; // sqlDeleteCharacterEquipment // << "delete from " << CHAR_EQUIPS_TBL_NAME // << " where owner_id = '" << character.getDatabaseID() << "';"; // mDb.execSql(sqlDeleteCharacterEquipment.str()); // std::ostringstream sqlDeleteCharacterInventory; // sqlDeleteCharacterInventory // << "delete from " << INVENTORIES_TBL_NAME // << " where owner_id = '" << character.getDatabaseID() << "';"; // mDb.execSql(sqlDeleteCharacterInventory.str()); //} //catch (const dal::DbSqlQueryExecFailure& e) //{ // utils::throwError("(DALStorage::updateCharacter #6) " // "SQL query failure: ", e); //} //// Insert the new inventory data //try //{ // std::ostringstream sql; // sql << "insert into " << CHAR_EQUIPS_TBL_NAME // << " (owner_id, slot_type, item_id, item_instance) values (" // << character.getDatabaseID() << ", "; // std::string base = sql.str(); // const Possessions &poss = character.getPossessions(); // const EquipData &equipData = poss.getEquipment(); // for (EquipData::const_iterator it = equipData.begin(), // it_end = equipData.end(); it != it_end; ++it) // { // sql.str(""); // sql << base << it.first << ", " << it.second.itemId // << ", " << it.second.itemInstance << ");"; // mDb.execSql(sql.str()); // } // sql.str(""); // sql << "insert into " << INVENTORIES_TBL_NAME // << " (owner_id, slot, class_id, amount) values (" // << character.getDatabaseID() << ", "; // base = sql.str(); // const InventoryData &inventoryData = poss.getInventory(); // for (InventoryData::const_iterator j = inventoryData.begin(), // j_end = inventoryData.end(); j != j_end; ++j) // { // sql.str(""); // unsigned short slot = j.first; // unsigned int itemId = j.second.itemId; // unsigned int amount = j.second.amount; // assert(itemId); // sql << base << slot << ", " << itemId << ", " << amount << ");"; // mDb.execSql(sql.str()); // } //} //catch (const dal::DbSqlQueryExecFailure& e) //{ // utils::throwError("(DALStorage::updateCharacter #7) " // "SQL query failure: ", e); //} //// Update char status effects //try //{ // // Delete the old status effects first // std::ostringstream sql; // sql << "delete from " << CHAR_STATUS_EFFECTS_TBL_NAME // << " where char_id = '" << character.getDatabaseID() << "';"; // mDb.execSql(sql.str()); //} //catch (const dal::DbSqlQueryExecFailure& e) //{ // utils::throwError("(DALStorage::updateCharacter #8) " // "SQL query failure: ", e); //} //try //{ // std::map<int, int>::const_iterator status_it; // for (status_it = character.getStatusEffectBegin(); // status_it != character.getStatusEffectEnd(); status_it++) // { // insertStatusEffect(character.getDatabaseID(), // status_it.first, status_it.second); // } //} //catch (const dal::DbSqlQueryExecFailure& e) //{ // utils::throwError("(DALStorage::updateCharacter #9) " // "SQL query failure: ", e); //} //transaction.commit(); return true; }
void handleCharacterCreateMessage(AccountClient client, MessageIn msg) { string name=msg.readString(); int hairStyle=msg.readInt8(); int hairColor=msg.readInt8(); int gender=msg.readInt8(); // Avoid creation of character from old clients. // int slot=-1; // if(msg.getUnreadLength()>7) // { int slot=msg.readInt8(); // } MessageOut reply=new MessageOut(Protocol.APMSG_CHAR_CREATE_RESPONSE); ISL.Server.Account.Account acc=client.getAccount(); if(acc==null) { reply.writeInt8((byte)ErrorMessage.ERRMSG_NO_LOGIN); } else if(!Program.stringFilter.filterContent(name)) { reply.writeInt8((byte)ErrorMessage.ERRMSG_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } else if(Program.stringFilter.findDoubleQuotes(name)) { reply.writeInt8((byte)ErrorMessage.ERRMSG_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } else if(hairStyle>mNumHairStyles) { reply.writeInt8((byte)Create.CREATE_INVALID_HAIRSTYLE); } else if(hairColor>mNumHairColors) { reply.writeInt8((byte)Create.CREATE_INVALID_HAIRCOLOR); } else if(gender>mNumGenders) { reply.writeInt8((byte)Create.CREATE_INVALID_GENDER); } else if((name.Length<mMinNameLength)|| (name.Length>mMaxNameLength)) { reply.writeInt8((byte)ErrorMessage.ERRMSG_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } else { if( { reply.writeInt8((byte)Create.CREATE_EXISTS_NAME); client.send(reply); return; } // An account shouldn't have more // than <account_maxCharacters> characters. Dictionary<uint, ISL.Server.Account.Character> chars=acc.getCharacters(); if(slot<1||slot>mMaxCharacters||!acc.isSlotEmpty((uint)slot)) { reply.writeInt8((byte)Create.CREATE_INVALID_SLOT); client.send(reply); return; } if((int)chars.Count>=mMaxCharacters) { reply.writeInt8((byte)Create.CREATE_TOO_MUCH_CHARACTERS); client.send(reply); return; } // TODO: Add race, face and maybe special attributes. // Customization of character's attributes... List<int> attributes=new List<int>(); //std::vector<int>(mModifiableAttributes.size(), 0); for(uint i = 0;i < mModifiableAttributes.Count;++i) { attributes.Add(msg.readInt16()); } int totalAttributes=0; for(uint i = 0;i < mModifiableAttributes.Count;++i) { // For good total attributes check. totalAttributes+=attributes[(int)i]; // For checking if all stats are >= min and <= max. if(attributes[(int)i]<mAttributeMinimum ||attributes[(int)i]>mAttributeMaximum) { reply.writeInt8((byte)Create.CREATE_ATTRIBUTES_OUT_OF_RANGE); client.send(reply); return; } } if(totalAttributes>mStartingPoints) { reply.writeInt8((byte)Create.CREATE_ATTRIBUTES_TOO_HIGH); } else if(totalAttributes<mStartingPoints) { reply.writeInt8((byte)Create.CREATE_ATTRIBUTES_TOO_LOW); } else { Character newCharacter=new Character(name); // Set the initial attributes provided by the client for(uint i = 0;i < mModifiableAttributes.Count;++i) { //TODO schauen was hier genau passieren muss //newCharacter.mAttributes.Add((uint)(mModifiableAttributes[(int)i]), mModifiableAttributes[i]); //newCharacter.mAttributes.Add((uint)mModifiableAttributes[(int)i], attributes[(int)i]); } foreach(KeyValuePair<uint, Attribute> defaultAttributePair in mDefaultAttributes) { //TODO schauen was hier genau passieren muss // newCharacter.mAttributes.Add(defaultAttributePair.Key, defaultAttributePair.Value); } newCharacter.setAccount(acc); newCharacter.setCharacterSlot((uint)slot); newCharacter.setGender(gender); newCharacter.setHairStyle(hairStyle); newCharacter.setHairColor(hairColor); newCharacter.setMapId(Configuration.getValue("char_startMap", 1)); Point startingPos=new Point(Configuration.getValue("char_startX", 1024), Configuration.getValue("char_startY", 1024)); newCharacter.setPosition(startingPos); acc.addCharacter(newCharacter); Logger.Write(LogLevel.Information, "Character {0} was created for {1}'s account.", name, acc.getName());; // flush changes // log transaction Transaction trans=new Transaction(); trans.mCharacterId=(uint)newCharacter.getDatabaseID(); trans.mAction=(uint)TransactionMembers.TRANS_CHAR_CREATE; trans.mMessage=acc.getName()+" created character "; trans.mMessage+="called "+name;; reply.writeInt8((byte)ErrorMessage.ERRMSG_OK); client.send(reply); // Send new characters infos back to client sendCharacterData(client, chars[(uint)slot]); return; } } client.send(reply); }
void delCharacter(Character character) { //delCharacter(character.getDatabaseID()); }
void sendCharacterData(AccountClient client, Character ch) { MessageOut charInfo=new MessageOut(Protocol.APMSG_CHAR_INFO); charInfo.writeInt8((int)ch.getCharacterSlot()); charInfo.writeString(ch.getName()); charInfo.writeInt8(ch.getGender()); charInfo.writeInt8(ch.getHairStyle()); charInfo.writeInt8(ch.getHairColor()); charInfo.writeInt16(ch.getLevel()); charInfo.writeInt16(ch.getCharacterPoints()); charInfo.writeInt16(ch.getCorrectionPoints()); foreach(KeyValuePair<uint, AttributeValue> at in ch.mAttributes) { charInfo.writeInt32((int)at.Key); charInfo.writeInt32((int)(at.Value.@base*256)); charInfo.writeInt32((int)(at.Value.modified*256)); } client.send(charInfo); }
void flushSkill(Character character, int skillId) { // Note: Deprecated, use DALStorage::updateExperience instead!!! // TODO: Remove calls of flushSkill for updateExperience instead. //updateExperience(character.getDatabaseID(), skillId, // character.getExperience(skillId)); }
public static void deserializeCharacterData(Character data, MessageIn msg) { //// general character properties //data.setAccountLevel(msg.readInt8()); //data.setGender(ManaServ.getGender(msg.readInt8())); //data.setHairStyle(msg.readInt8()); //data.setHairColor(msg.readInt8()); //data.setLevel(msg.readInt16()); //data.setCharacterPoints(msg.readInt16()); //data.setCorrectionPoints(msg.readInt16()); //// character attributes //uint attrSize = (uint)msg.readInt16(); //for (uint i = 0; i < attrSize; ++i) //{ // uint id = msg.readInt16(); // double @base = msg.readDouble(), // mod = msg.readDouble(); // data.setAttribute(id, @base); // data.setModAttribute(id, mod); //} //// character skills //int skillSize = msg.readInt16(); //for (int i = 0; i < skillSize; ++i) //{ // int skill = msg.readInt16(); // int level = msg.readInt32(); // data.setExperience(skill,level); //} //// status effects currently affecting the character //int statusSize = msg.readInt16(); //for (int i = 0; i < statusSize; i++) //{ // int status = msg.readInt16(); // int time = msg.readInt16(); // data.applyStatusEffect(status, time); //} //// location //data.setMapId(msg.readInt16()); //Point temporaryPoint; //temporaryPoint.x = msg.readInt16(); //temporaryPoint.y = msg.readInt16(); //data.setPosition(temporaryPoint); //// kill count //int killSize = msg.readInt16(); //for (int i = 0; i < killSize; i++) //{ // int monsterId = msg.readInt16(); // int kills = msg.readInt32(); // data.setKillCount(monsterId, kills); //} //// character specials //int specialSize = msg.readInt16(); //data.clearSpecials(); //for (int i = 0; i < specialSize; i++) //{ // data.giveSpecial(msg.readInt32()); //} //Possessions &poss = data.getPossessions(); //EquipData equipData; //int equipSlotsSize = msg.readInt16(); //uint eqSlot; //EquipmentItem equipItem; //for (int j = 0; j < equipSlotsSize; ++j) //{ // eqSlot = msg.readInt16(); // equipItem.itemId = msg.readInt16(); // equipItem.itemInstance = msg.readInt16(); // equipData.insert(equipData.end(), // std::make_pair(eqSlot, equipItem)); //} //poss.setEquipment(equipData); //// Loads inventory - must be last because size isn't transmitted //Dictionary<uint, InventoryItem > inventoryData; //while (msg.getUnreadLength()) //{ // InventoryItem i; // int slotId = msg.readInt16(); // i.itemId = msg.readInt16(); // i.amount = msg.readInt16(); // inventoryData.insert(inventoryData.end(), std::make_pair(slotId, i)); //} //poss.setInventory(inventoryData); }
public static void serializeCharacterData(Character data, MessageOut msg) { //// general character properties //msg.writeInt8(data.getAccountLevel()); //msg.writeInt8(data.getGender()); //msg.writeInt8(data.getHairStyle()); //msg.writeInt8(data.getHairColor()); //msg.writeInt16(data.getLevel()); //msg.writeInt16(data.getCharacterPoints()); //msg.writeInt16(data.getCorrectionPoints()); //msg.writeInt16(data.mAttributes.Count); // foreach(KeyValuePair<uint, AttributeValue> pair in data.mAttributes) // { // msg.writeInt16((Int16)pair.Key); // msg.writeDouble(data.getAttrBase(pair)); // msg.writeDouble(data.getAttrMod(pair)); // } //// character skills //msg.writeInt16(data.getSkillSize()); //Dictionary<int, int>::const_iterator skill_it; //for (skill_it = data.getSkillBegin(); skill_it != data.getSkillEnd() ; skill_it++) //{ // msg.writeInt16(skill_it.first); // msg.writeInt32(skill_it.second); //} //// status effects currently affecting the character //msg.writeInt16(data.getStatusEffectSize()); //std::map<int, int>::const_iterator status_it; //for (status_it = data.getStatusEffectBegin(); status_it != data.getStatusEffectEnd(); status_it++) //{ // msg.writeInt16(status_it.first); // msg.writeInt16(status_it.second); //} //// location //msg.writeInt16(data.getMapId()); //Point pos = data.getPosition(); //msg.writeInt16(pos.x); //msg.writeInt16(pos.y); //// kill count //msg.writeInt16(data.getKillCountSize()); //Dictionary<int, int>::const_iterator kills_it; //for (kills_it = data.getKillCountBegin(); kills_it != data.getKillCountEnd(); kills_it++) //{ // msg.writeInt16(kills_it.first); // msg.writeInt32(kills_it.second); //} //// character specials //Dictionary<int, Special>::const_iterator special_it; //msg.writeInt16(data.getSpecialSize()); //for (special_it = data.getSpecialBegin(); special_it != data.getSpecialEnd() ; special_it++) //{ // msg.writeInt32(special_it.first); //} //// inventory - must be last because size isn't transmitted //const Possessions &poss = data.getPossessions(); //const EquipData &equipData = poss.getEquipment(); //msg.writeInt16(equipData.size()); // number of equipment //for (EquipData::const_iterator k = equipData.begin(), // k_end = equipData.end(); k != k_end; ++k) //{ // msg.writeInt16(k.first); // Equip slot id // msg.writeInt16(k.second.itemId); // ItemId // msg.writeInt16(k.second.itemInstance); // Item Instance id //} //const InventoryData &inventoryData = poss.getInventory(); //for (InventoryData::const_iterator j = inventoryData.begin(), // j_end = inventoryData.end(); j != j_end; ++j) //{ // msg.writeInt16(j.first); // slot id // msg.writeInt16(j.second.itemId); // item id // msg.writeInt16(j.second.amount); // amount //} }
void sendCharacterData(AccountClient client, Character ch) { MessageOut charInfo=new MessageOut(Protocol.APMSG_CHAR_INFO); //charInfo.writeInt8(ch.getCharacterSlot()); //charInfo.writeString(ch.getName()); //charInfo.writeInt8(ch.getGender()); //charInfo.writeInt8(ch.getHairStyle()); //charInfo.writeInt8(ch.getHairColor()); //charInfo.writeInt16(ch.getLevel()); //charInfo.writeInt16(ch.getCharacterPoints()); //charInfo.writeInt16(ch.getCorrectionPoints()); //for (AttributeMap::const_iterator it = ch.mAttributes.begin(), // it_end = ch.mAttributes.end(); // it != it_end; // ++it) //{ // // {id, base value in 256ths, modified value in 256ths }* // charInfo.writeInt32(it.first); // charInfo.writeInt32((int) (it.second.base * 256)); // charInfo.writeInt32((int) (it.second.modified * 256)); //} //client.send(charInfo); }