protected override Expression VisitJoin(JoinExpression join) { join = (JoinExpression)base.VisitJoin(join); if (join.Join == JoinType.CrossJoin && this.currentWhere != null) { // try to figure out which parts of the current where expression can be used for a join condition var declaredLeft = DeclaredAliasGatherer.Gather(join.Left); var declaredRight = DeclaredAliasGatherer.Gather(join.Right); var declared = new HashSet <TableAlias>(declaredLeft.Union(declaredRight)); var exprs = this.currentWhere.Split(ExpressionType.And, ExpressionType.AndAlso); var good = exprs.Where(e => CanBeJoinCondition(e, declaredLeft, declaredRight, declared)).ToList(); if (good.Count > 0) { var condition = good.Join(ExpressionType.And); join = this.UpdateJoin(join, JoinType.InnerJoin, join.Left, join.Right, condition); var newWhere = exprs.Where(e => !good.Contains(e)).Join(ExpressionType.And); this.currentWhere = newWhere; } } return(join); }
protected override Expression VisitJoin(JoinExpression join) { this.VisitJoinLeft(join.Left); this.WriteLine(Indentation.Same); switch (join.Join) { case JoinType.CrossJoin: this.Write("CROSS JOIN "); break; case JoinType.InnerJoin: this.Write("INNER JOIN "); break; case JoinType.CrossApply: this.Write("CROSS APPLY "); break; case JoinType.OuterApply: this.Write("OUTER APPLY "); break; case JoinType.LeftOuter: case JoinType.SingletonLeftOuter: this.Write("LEFT OUTER JOIN "); break; } this.VisitJoinRight(join.Right); if (join.Condition != null) { this.WriteLine(Indentation.Inner); this.Write("ON "); this.VisitPredicate(join.Condition); this.Indent(Indentation.Outer); } return(join); }
public override ProjectionExpression GetQueryExpression(MappingEntity entity) { var tables = this.mapping.GetTables(entity); if (tables.Count <= 1) { return(base.GetQueryExpression(entity)); } var aliases = new Dictionary <string, TableAlias>(); MappingTable rootTable = tables.Single(ta => !this.mapping.IsExtensionTable(ta)); var tex = new TableExpression(new TableAlias(), entity, this.mapping.GetTableName(rootTable)); aliases.Add(this.mapping.GetTableId(rootTable), tex.Alias); Expression source = tex; foreach (MappingTable table in tables.Where(t => this.mapping.IsExtensionTable(t))) { TableAlias joinedTableAlias = new TableAlias(); string extensionAlias = this.mapping.GetTableId(table); aliases.Add(extensionAlias, joinedTableAlias); List <string> keyColumns = this.mapping.GetExtensionKeyColumnNames(table).ToList(); List <MemberInfo> relatedMembers = this.mapping.GetExtensionRelatedMembers(table).ToList(); string relatedAlias = this.mapping.GetExtensionRelatedTableId(table); TableAlias relatedTableAlias; aliases.TryGetValue(relatedAlias, out relatedTableAlias); TableExpression joinedTex = new TableExpression(joinedTableAlias, entity, this.mapping.GetTableName(table)); Expression cond = null; for (int i = 0, n = keyColumns.Count; i < n; i++) { var memberType = TypeHelper.GetMemberType(relatedMembers[i]); var colType = this.GetColumnType(entity, relatedMembers[i]); var relatedColumn = new ColumnExpression(memberType, colType, relatedTableAlias, this.mapping.GetColumnName(entity, relatedMembers[i])); var joinedColumn = new ColumnExpression(memberType, colType, joinedTableAlias, keyColumns[i]); var eq = joinedColumn.Equal(relatedColumn); cond = (cond != null) ? cond.And(eq) : eq; } source = new JoinExpression(JoinType.SingletonLeftOuter, source, joinedTex, cond); } var columns = new List <ColumnDeclaration>(); this.GetColumns(entity, aliases, columns); SelectExpression root = new SelectExpression(new TableAlias(), columns, source, null); var existingAliases = aliases.Values.ToArray(); Expression projector = this.GetEntityExpression(root, entity); var selectAlias = new TableAlias(); var pc = ColumnProjector.ProjectColumns(this.Translator.Linguist.Language, projector, null, selectAlias, root.Alias); var proj = new ProjectionExpression( new SelectExpression(selectAlias, pc.Columns, root, null), pc.Projector ); return((ProjectionExpression)this.Translator.Police.ApplyPolicy(proj, entity.StaticType.GetTypeInfo())); }
protected override Expression VisitProjection(ProjectionExpression proj) { SelectExpression save = this.currentSelect; this.currentSelect = proj.Select; try { if (!this.isTopLevel) { if (this.CanJoinOnClient(this.currentSelect)) { // make a query that combines all the constraints from the outer queries into a single select SelectExpression newOuterSelect = (SelectExpression)QueryDuplicator.Duplicate(save); // remap any references to the outer select to the new alias; SelectExpression newInnerSelect = (SelectExpression)ColumnMapper.Map(proj.Select, newOuterSelect.Alias, save.Alias); // add outer-join test ProjectionExpression newInnerProjection = this.language.AddOuterJoinTest(new ProjectionExpression(newInnerSelect, proj.Projector)); newInnerSelect = newInnerProjection.Select; Expression newProjector = newInnerProjection.Projector; TableAlias newAlias = new TableAlias(); var pc = ColumnProjector.ProjectColumns(this.language, newProjector, null, newAlias, newOuterSelect.Alias, newInnerSelect.Alias); JoinExpression join = new JoinExpression(JoinType.OuterApply, newOuterSelect, newInnerSelect, null); SelectExpression joinedSelect = new SelectExpression(newAlias, pc.Columns, join, null, null, null, proj.IsSingleton, null, null, false); // apply client-join treatment recursively this.currentSelect = joinedSelect; newProjector = this.Visit(pc.Projector); // compute keys (this only works if join condition was a single column comparison) List <Expression> outerKeys = new List <Expression>(); List <Expression> innerKeys = new List <Expression>(); if (this.GetEquiJoinKeyExpressions(newInnerSelect.Where, newOuterSelect.Alias, outerKeys, innerKeys)) { // outerKey needs to refer to the outer-scope's alias var outerKey = outerKeys.Select(k => ColumnMapper.Map(k, save.Alias, newOuterSelect.Alias)); // innerKey needs to refer to the new alias for the select with the new join var innerKey = innerKeys.Select(k => ColumnMapper.Map(k, joinedSelect.Alias, ((ColumnExpression)k).Alias)); ProjectionExpression newProjection = new ProjectionExpression(joinedSelect, newProjector, proj.Aggregator); return(new ClientJoinExpression(newProjection, outerKey, innerKey)); } } else { bool saveJoin = this.canJoinOnClient; this.canJoinOnClient = false; var result = base.VisitProjection(proj); this.canJoinOnClient = saveJoin; return(result); } } else { this.isTopLevel = false; } return(base.VisitProjection(proj)); } finally { this.currentSelect = save; } }