private void btnSetDHCP_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { NIC nic = (NIC)this.comboAdapterList.SelectedItem; nic.SetDHCP(); NIC.LoadNICs(this.comboAdapterList); nic.ReselectNIC(this.comboAdapterList); nic = (NIC)this.comboAdapterList.SelectedItem; FormHandler.UpdateNICText(nic, this.txtAdapterIPAddress, this.txtAdapterSubnetMask, this.txtAdapterDefaultGateway); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.WriteMessage("Error in setting DHCP."); Logger.WriteException(ex); Logger.PromptLogReview("There was an error in setting DHCP."); } }
private void btnSetStatic_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.treeSites.SelectedNode == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please select an NAE to set a static IP for."); return; } if (!(this.treeSites.SelectedNode.Tag is NAE)) { MessageBox.Show("Please select an NAE to set a static IP for."); return; } try { NAE nae = (NAE)this.treeSites.SelectedNode.Tag; NIC nic = (NIC)this.comboAdapterList.SelectedItem; if (!StaticIP.IsIPv4(nae.StaticIPAddress.Address) || !StaticIP.IsIPv4(nae.StaticIPAddress.SubnetMask) || !StaticIP.IsIPv4(nae.StaticIPAddress.DefaultGateway)) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter valid IP addresses for the NAE's static IP address, subnet mask, and gateway."); return; } nic.SetStaticIP(nae.StaticIPAddress.Address, nae.StaticIPAddress.SubnetMask, nae.StaticIPAddress.DefaultGateway); NIC.LoadNICs(this.comboAdapterList); nic.ReselectNIC(this.comboAdapterList); nic = (NIC)this.comboAdapterList.SelectedItem; FormHandler.UpdateNICText(nic, this.txtAdapterIPAddress, this.txtAdapterSubnetMask, this.txtAdapterDefaultGateway); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.WriteMessage("Error in setting the static IP address."); Logger.WriteException(ex); Logger.PromptLogReview("There was an error in setting the static IP address."); } }
public frmMain() { Logger.WriteMessage("Form initializing."); InitializeComponent(); /** Setup grid view **/ this.dataNAE.Columns.Add("name", "Property"); this.dataNAE.Columns.Add("value", "Value"); this.dataNAE.Columns[0].ReadOnly = true; this.dataNAE.Columns[1].Width = (this.dataNAE.Width - this.dataNAE.Columns[0].Width) - 3; /** Used for assigning the correct menu to new site and NAE nodes in external classes **/ frmMain.StaticContextSite = this.contextSite; frmMain.StaticContextNAE = this.contextNAE; /** Load NICs into combo box **/ NIC.LoadNICs(this.comboAdapterList); /** Check for existing configuration and load if applicable **/ if (System.IO.File.Exists("default.xml")) { try { FormHandler.XMLToTree(XDocument.Load("default.xml"), this.treeSites); this.treeSites.ExpandAll(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.WriteMessage("Error in loading default save file."); Logger.WriteException(e); Logger.PromptLogReview("An error occurred trying to load your previously saved configuration."); } } /** Start listening for packets **/ try { IList <LivePacketDevice> allDevices = LivePacketDevice.AllLocalMachine; if (allDevices.Count > 0) { foreach (LivePacketDevice device in allDevices) { NAEListener listener = new NAEListener(device); Task.Run((Action)listener.listen); } } else { MessageBox.Show("No network adapters were detected for listening and the NAE Listener will not function properly. Please ensure you have WinPCap installed."); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.WriteMessage("Error in starting packet listeners"); Logger.WriteException(e); Logger.PromptLogReview("An error occurred in starting the listener devices."); MessageBox.Show("Please note that since the listener devices failed to start, the NAE Listener tool will not function."); } /** Setup the NAE Handler **/ NAEHandler.mainFrm = this; NAEHandler.Initialize(); Logger.WriteMessage("Form initialized."); }