public override void Execute(IODAAgent source, IODAAgent target) { //Get Energy from corpse AnimalAgent b = target.GetComponent<AnimalAgent>(); AnimalAgent a = source.GetComponent<AnimalAgent>(); //if (a.timerHolder.ConsumeToken("attack")) //{ //fight result calculator float fightResult = FightCalculator(a, b); if (fightResult >= 0.0f) { b.RemoveToValue(EvolutionNames.AgentSelf.Health,fightResult); // = - fightResult; } else { b.RemoveToValue(EvolutionNames.AgentSelf.Health,fightResult); a.AddToValue(EvolutionNames.AgentSelf.Health,fightResult); // = + fightResult; } a.gameObject.transform.LookAt(b.gameObject.transform); a.GetAAC().fightAnimation(); //Debug.Log(source.ToString() + " fight and deals (" + fightResult + ") dmg"); //} }
public override void Execute(IODAAgent source, IODAAgent target) { source.SetDebug("Wiggle"); AnimalAgent agent = source.GetComponent<AnimalAgent>() as AnimalAgent; agent.Wiggle(); //Debug.Log("Wiggle"); }
public override void Execute(IODAAgent source, IODAAgent target) { //Get Energy from berries Berry b = target.GetComponent<Berry>(); //Debug.Log(source.ToString() + " eats a berry (+" + target.GetComponent<EvolutionAgent>().energy +")"); // +=; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); Debug.Assert(player != null); playerAgent = player.GetComponent<IODA.IODAAgent>(); Debug.Assert(playerAgent != null); }
public void Start() { ioda = GetComponent<IODA.IODAAgent> (); if (timerHolder == null) { timerHolder = gameObject.AddComponent<TimerHolder> (); timerHolder.Prepare(); } }
public override void Execute(IODAAgent source, IODAAgent target) { source.SetDebug("GrowPlant"); PlantAgent plant = (PlantAgent)source.GetComponent<PlantAgent>(); if (!plant.IsMature()) { plant.Grow(Time.deltaTime, Time.timeScale); } }
public override void Execute(IODAAgent source, IODAAgent target) { source.SetDebug("EatCorpse"); //Get Energy from corpse CorpseAgent b = target.GetComponent<CorpseAgent>(); AnimalAgent a = source.GetComponent<AnimalAgent>(); a.GetAAC().eatingAnimation(); a.AddToValue(EvolutionNames.AgentSelf.Energy,b.Take()); //Debug.Log(source.ToString() + " eats a corpse (+" + b.reserve + ")"); }
public override bool IsTriggered(IODAAgent source, IODAAgent target) { AnimalAgent agent = source.GetComponent<AnimalAgent>() as AnimalAgent; if (agent.GetEnergy() < agent.GetEnergyMaximum() / 2) { return true; } else { return false; } }
public override bool IsValid(IODAAgent source, IODAAgent target) { //target exists and is a bush if (target == null) return false; Berry b = target.GetComponent<Berry>(); if(b == null) return false; if(distance!= -1 && source.DistanceTo(target) < distance) return true; return false; }
public override bool IsValid(IODAAgent source, IODAAgent target) { //target exists and is a bush if (target == null) return false; CorpseAgent b = target.GetComponent<CorpseAgent>(); if (b == null) return false; if (source.DistanceTo(target) > distance) return false; return true; }
public override bool IsValid(IODAAgent source, IODAAgent target) { //target exists and is a Animal and animal is carnivore if (target == null) return false; AnimalAgent b = target.GetComponent<AnimalAgent>(); if (b == null || !source.GetComponent<AnimalAgent>().IsCarnivore()) return false; //distance to fight if (source.DistanceTo(target) > distance) return false; return true; }
public override void Execute(IODAAgent source, IODAAgent target) { source.SetDebug("SeekFood"); //GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent<QuestManager>().SendMessage("EventListner", "fight"); AnimalAgent agent = source.GetComponent<AnimalAgent>() as AnimalAgent; if (agent != null) { List<EvolutionAgent> percepts = agent.GetPerceptGetter().GetPercepts(); EvolutionAgent foundTarget = null; if (agent.IsCarnivore()) { foundTarget = SeekCorpse(agent, percepts); if (!foundTarget) { foundTarget = SeekAnimal(agent, percepts); } } else { foundTarget = SeekBush(agent, percepts); } if (null != foundTarget) { = foundTarget.GetComponent<IODAAgent>(); source.SetDebug("SeekFood-Found"); } else { = null; source.SetDebug("SeekFood-Not found"); } if (null != { source.SetDebug("SeekFood-MoveToward"); agent.MoveTowards(<EvolutionAgent>()); } else { agent.Wiggle(); source.SetDebug("SeekFood-Wiggle"); } } }
public override void Execute(IODAAgent source, IODAAgent target) { source.SetDebug("EatBush"); //Get Energy from berries Bush b = target.GetComponent<Bush>(); AnimalAgent a = source.GetComponent<AnimalAgent>(); if (b.IsMature()) { a.GetAAC().eatingAnimation(); a.AddToValue(EvolutionNames.AgentSelf.Energy, b.Take()); //a.RemoveBush(target.gameObject); //Debug.Log(source.ToString() + " eats a bush (+" + b.growMax + ")"); } else { = null; } }
public override void Execute(IODAAgent source, IODAAgent target) { //Debug.Log("MoveTo"); //source.gameObject.GetComponent<N> }
public abstract bool IsValid(IODAAgent source, IODAAgent target);
public abstract bool IsTriggered(IODAAgent source, IODAAgent target);
public abstract void Execute(IODAAgent source, IODAAgent target);
public override bool IsTriggered(IODAAgent source, IODAAgent target) { //Berries are mature Bush b = target.GetComponent<Bush>(); return b.IsMature(); }
public static float DistanceBetween(IODAAgent source, IODAAgent target) { return Vector3.Distance(source.transform.position, target.gameObject.transform.position); }
public float DistanceTo(IODAAgent target) { return DistanceBetween(this, target); }
public override bool IsTriggered(IODAAgent source, IODAAgent target) { //Berries are mature Berry b = target.GetComponent<Berry>(); return b != null && b.IsMature(); }
public override bool IsTriggered(IODAAgent source, IODAAgent target) { return true; }
public override bool IsValid(IODAAgent source, IODAAgent target) { PlantAgent pa = source.GetComponent<PlantAgent>(); return pa != null; }
public override bool IsValid(IODAAgent source, IODAAgent target) { return true; }
public override bool IsValid(IODAAgent source, IODAAgent target) { AnimalAgent aa = source.GetComponent<AnimalAgent>() as AnimalAgent; return aa != null; }