private ThermoDynamicData(IXRawfile5 _rawConnection, IFilteringParams filterParams, int numSpectra, ManagedThermoHelperLayer.PrecursorInfo[] couldBePrecursor, SourceFile sourceFile, ThermoGlobalParams thermoGlobalParams) : base(_rawConnection, numSpectra, couldBePrecursor, sourceFile, thermoGlobalParams) { this._rawConnection = _rawConnection; this.filterParams = filterParams; }
private ThermoStaticData(MsDataScan[] scans, ThermoGlobalParams thermoGlobalParams, SourceFile sourceFile) : base(scans, sourceFile) { this.ThermoGlobalParams = thermoGlobalParams; }
public static ThermoStaticData LoadAllStaticData(string filePath, IFilteringParams filterParams = null) { if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { throw new FileNotFoundException(); } if (CheckForMsFileReader() == false) { throw new MzLibException("MsFileReader Not Installed"); } var ok = new ManagedThermoHelperLayer.HelperClass(); IXRawfile5 theConnection = (IXRawfile5) new MSFileReader_XRawfile(); theConnection.Open(filePath); int pbSMData = 0; theConnection.IsThereMSData(ref pbSMData); if (pbSMData == 0) { throw new MzLibException("Could not read data from file " + Path.GetFileName(filePath)); } theConnection.SetCurrentController(0, 1); var precursorInfosArray = ok.GetAllPrecursorInfos(filePath); for (int i = 0; i < precursorInfosArray.Length; i++) { if (precursorInfosArray[i].nScanNumber == 0) { precursorInfosArray[i].nScanNumber = -1; } } int pnFirstSpectrum = 0; theConnection.GetFirstSpectrumNumber(ref pnFirstSpectrum); int pnLastSpectrum = 0; theConnection.GetLastSpectrumNumber(ref pnLastSpectrum); ThermoGlobalParams p = GetAllGlobalStuff(theConnection, precursorInfosArray, filePath); MsDataScan[] scans = new MsDataScan[pnLastSpectrum - pnFirstSpectrum + 1]; for (int nScanNumber = pnFirstSpectrum; nScanNumber <= pnLastSpectrum; nScanNumber++) { scans[nScanNumber - pnFirstSpectrum] = GetMsDataOneBasedScanFromThermoFile(theConnection, nScanNumber, p, filterParams); } theConnection.Close(); string sendCheckSum; using (FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(filePath)) { using (SHA1Managed sha = new SHA1Managed()) { byte[] checksum = sha.ComputeHash(stream); sendCheckSum = BitConverter.ToString(checksum) .Replace("-", string.Empty); } } SourceFile sourceFile = new SourceFile( @"Thermo nativeID format", @"Thermo RAW format", sendCheckSum, @"SHA-1", filePath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath)); return(new ThermoStaticData(scans, p, sourceFile)); }
public static MsDataScan GetMsDataOneBasedScanFromThermoFile(IXRawfile5 theConnection, int nScanNumber, ThermoGlobalParams globalParams, IFilteringParams filterParams = null) { int pnNumPackets = 0; double pdLowMass = 0; double pdHighMass = 0; double pdTIC = 0; double pdBasePeakMass = 0; double pdBasePeakIntensity = 0; int pnNumChannels = 0; int pbUniformTime = 0; double pdFrequency = 0; double pdStartTime = 0; theConnection.GetScanHeaderInfoForScanNum(nScanNumber, ref pnNumPackets, ref pdStartTime, ref pdLowMass, ref pdHighMass, ref pdTIC, ref pdBasePeakMass, ref pdBasePeakIntensity, ref pnNumChannels, ref pbUniformTime, ref pdFrequency); double?ms2isolationWidthFromTrailerExtra = null; double?injectionTimeFromTrailerExtra = null; double?precursorMonoisotopicMZfromTrailierExtra = null; int? chargeStatefromTrailierExtra = null; int? masterScanfromTrailierExtra = null; object pvarValues = null; object pvarLables = null; int pnArraySize = 0; theConnection.GetTrailerExtraForScanNum(nScanNumber, ref pvarLables, ref pvarValues, ref pnArraySize); string[] labels = (string[])pvarLables; string[] values = (string[])pvarValues; for (int i = labels.GetLowerBound(0); i <= labels.GetUpperBound(0); i++) { if (labels[i].StartsWith("MS2 Isolation Width", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { ms2isolationWidthFromTrailerExtra = double.Parse(values[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0 ? (double?)null : double.Parse(values[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (labels[i].StartsWith("Ion Injection Time (ms)", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { injectionTimeFromTrailerExtra = double.Parse(values[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0 ? (double?)null : double.Parse(values[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (labels[i].StartsWith("Monoisotopic M/Z", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { precursorMonoisotopicMZfromTrailierExtra = double.Parse(values[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0 ? (double?)null : double.Parse(values[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (labels[i].StartsWith("Charge State", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { chargeStatefromTrailierExtra = int.Parse(values[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0 ? (int?)null : int.Parse(values[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (labels[i].StartsWith("Master Scan Number", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { masterScanfromTrailierExtra = int.Parse(values[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0 ? (int?)null : int.Parse(values[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } } string pbstrFilter = null; theConnection.GetFilterForScanNum(nScanNumber, ref pbstrFilter); int pnMSOrder = 0; theConnection.GetMSOrderForScanNum(nScanNumber, ref pnMSOrder); int pnMassAnalyzerType = 0; theConnection.GetMassAnalyzerTypeForScanNum(nScanNumber, ref pnMassAnalyzerType); object pvarNoisePacket = null; try //if there is no noise data { theConnection.GetNoiseData(ref pvarNoisePacket, nScanNumber); } catch { //pvarNoisePAcket is already null } double[,] noiseData = pvarNoisePacket as double[, ]; double[,] data; try { object pvarFlags = null; object pvarLabels = null; theConnection.GetLabelData(ref pvarLabels, ref pvarFlags, ref nScanNumber); data = pvarLabels as double[, ]; if (data == null || data.Length == 0) { throw new MzLibException("For spectrum number " + nScanNumber + " the data is null!"); } } catch (MzLibException) { // Warning: the masses reported by GetMassListFromScanNum when centroiding are not properly calibrated and thus could be off by 0.3 m/z or more double pdCentroidPeakWidth = 0; object pvarnMassList = null; object pvarPeakFlags = null; theConnection.GetMassListFromScanNum(ref nScanNumber, null, 0, 0, 0, 1, ref pdCentroidPeakWidth, ref pvarnMassList, ref pvarPeakFlags, ref pnArraySize); data = (double[, ])pvarnMassList; } MzSpectrum thermoSpectrum; if (filterParams != null && data.GetLength(1) > 0 && (filterParams.MinimumAllowedIntensityRatioToBasePeakM.HasValue || filterParams.NumberOfPeaksToKeepPerWindow.HasValue) && ((filterParams.ApplyTrimmingToMs1 && pnMSOrder == 1) || (filterParams.ApplyTrimmingToMsMs && pnMSOrder > 1))) { var count = data.GetLength(1); var mzArray = new double[count]; var intensityArray = new double[count]; Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 0, mzArray, 0, sizeof(double) * count); Buffer.BlockCopy(data, sizeof(double) * count, intensityArray, 0, sizeof(double) * count); if (filterParams.NumberOfWindows == null) { int numPeaks = TopNpeakHelper(ref intensityArray, ref mzArray, filterParams); //the following arrays are modified after TopN helper Array.Resize(ref intensityArray, numPeaks); Array.Resize(ref mzArray, numPeaks); } //Array reference passed by value, array calues will be modified after calling else { WindowModeHelper(ref intensityArray, ref mzArray, filterParams); } Array.Sort(mzArray, intensityArray); thermoSpectrum = new MzSpectrum(mzArray, intensityArray, false); } else { thermoSpectrum = new MzSpectrum(data); } MZAnalyzerType mzAnalyzerType; if ((ThermoMzAnalyzer)pnMassAnalyzerType == ThermoMzAnalyzer.FTMS) { mzAnalyzerType = MZAnalyzerType.Orbitrap; } else { mzAnalyzerType = MZAnalyzerType.Unknown; } string nativeId = "controllerType=0 controllerNumber=1 scan=" + nScanNumber; if (pnMSOrder > 1) { int pnActivationType = 0; theConnection.GetActivationTypeForScanNum(nScanNumber, pnMSOrder, ref pnActivationType); // INITIALIZE globalParams.couldBePrecursor[nScanNumber - 1] (for dynamic connections that don't have it initialized yet) if (globalParams.CouldBePrecursor[nScanNumber - 1].Equals(default(ManagedThermoHelperLayer.PrecursorInfo))) { var ok = new ManagedThermoHelperLayer.HelperClass(); globalParams.CouldBePrecursor[nScanNumber - 1] = ok.GetSingleScanPrecursorInfo(nScanNumber, globalParams.FilePath); } var precursorInfo = globalParams.CouldBePrecursor[nScanNumber - 1]; // THIS METHOD IS BUGGY!!! DO NOT USE //theConnection.FindPrecursorMassInFullScan(nScanNumber, ref pnMasterScan, ref pdFoundMass, ref pdHeaderMass, ref pnChargeState); int oneBasedPrecursorScanNumber = -1; if (precursorInfo.nScanNumber > 0) { oneBasedPrecursorScanNumber = precursorInfo.nScanNumber; } else if (masterScanfromTrailierExtra.HasValue && masterScanfromTrailierExtra > 0) { oneBasedPrecursorScanNumber = masterScanfromTrailierExtra.Value; } else { // we weren't able to get the precursor scan number, so we'll have to guess; // loop back to find precursor scan // (assumed to be the first scan before this scan with an MS order of this scan's MS order - 1) // e.g., if this is an MS2 scan, find the first MS1 scan before this and assume that's the precursor scan int scanOrder = globalParams.MsOrderByScan[nScanNumber - 1]; int precursorScanOrder = scanOrder - 1; for (int i = nScanNumber - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int msOrder = globalParams.MsOrderByScan[i]; if (msOrder == precursorScanOrder) { oneBasedPrecursorScanNumber = i + 1; break; } } } if (oneBasedPrecursorScanNumber == -1) { throw new MzLibException("Could not find precursor info for scan #" + nScanNumber); } int?selectedIonGuessChargeStateGuess = null; if (precursorInfo.nChargeState > 0) { selectedIonGuessChargeStateGuess = precursorInfo.nChargeState; } else if (chargeStatefromTrailierExtra.HasValue) { selectedIonGuessChargeStateGuess = chargeStatefromTrailierExtra; } double?selectedIonGuessMonoisotopicMz = null; if (precursorMonoisotopicMZfromTrailierExtra.HasValue && precursorMonoisotopicMZfromTrailierExtra.Value > 0) { selectedIonGuessMonoisotopicMz = precursorMonoisotopicMZfromTrailierExtra; } if (precursorInfo.dMonoIsoMass > 0 && !selectedIonGuessMonoisotopicMz.HasValue) { selectedIonGuessMonoisotopicMz = precursorInfo.dMonoIsoMass; } Regex matcher; if (pbstrFilter.ToLower().Contains("msx")) { matcher = mFindParentIonOnlyMsx; } else { matcher = mFindParentIonOnlyNonMsx; } double selectedIonGuessMZ = double.Parse(matcher.Match(pbstrFilter).Groups["ParentMZ"].Value); // int? selectedIonChargeStateGuess, double? selectedIonIntensity, double? isolationMZ, double? isolationWidth, DissociationType dissociationType, int? oneBasedPrecursorScanNumber, double? selectedIonMonoisotopicGuessMz, double? injectionTime, double[,] noiseData, string nativeId) // double TotalIonCurrent, double selectedIonMZ, int? selectedIonChargeStateGuess, double? selectedIonIntensity, double? isolationMZ, double? isolationWidth, DissociationType dissociationType, int? oneBasedPrecursorScanNumber, double? selectedIonMonoisotopicGuessMz, double? injectionTime, double[,] noiseData, string nativeId) return(new MsDataScan( thermoSpectrum, nScanNumber, pnMSOrder, true, PolarityRegex.IsMatch(pbstrFilter) ? Polarity.Positive : Polarity.Negative, pdStartTime, new MzRange(pdLowMass, pdHighMass), pbstrFilter, mzAnalyzerType, pdTIC, injectionTimeFromTrailerExtra, noiseData, nativeId, selectedIonGuessMZ, selectedIonGuessChargeStateGuess, null, selectedIonGuessMZ, ms2isolationWidthFromTrailerExtra, (DissociationType)pnActivationType, oneBasedPrecursorScanNumber, selectedIonGuessMonoisotopicMz )); } else { return(new MsDataScan( thermoSpectrum, nScanNumber, 1, true, PolarityRegex.IsMatch(pbstrFilter) ? Polarity.Positive : Polarity.Negative, pdStartTime, new MzRange(pdLowMass, pdHighMass), pbstrFilter, mzAnalyzerType, pdTIC, injectionTimeFromTrailerExtra, noiseData, nativeId)); } }
protected ThermoFile(IXRawfile5 _rawConnection, int numSpectra, ManagedThermoHelperLayer.PrecursorInfo[] couldBePrecursor, SourceFile sourceFile, ThermoGlobalParams thermoGlobalParams) : base(numSpectra, sourceFile) { this.ThermoGlobalParams = thermoGlobalParams; }
protected ThermoFile(IThermoScan[] scans, ThermoGlobalParams thermoGlobalParams, SourceFile sourceFile) : base(scans, sourceFile) { this.ThermoGlobalParams = thermoGlobalParams; }
private ThermoStaticData(IThermoScan[] scans, ThermoGlobalParams p, SourceFile sourceFile) : base(scans, p, sourceFile) { }
private ThermoDynamicData(IXRawfile5 _rawConnection, IFilteringParams filterParams, int numSpectra, SourceFile sourceFile, ThermoGlobalParams thermoGlobalParams) : base(numSpectra, sourceFile) { this._rawConnection = _rawConnection; this.filterParams = filterParams; ThermoGlobalParams = thermoGlobalParams; }