// Takes us to the browse session page private void buttonBrowse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //you have seen this plenty of times, I hope it is self explainatory now Hide(); InstructorConsole InstructorSchedule2 = new InstructorConsole("cfrisby"); InstructorSchedule2.ShowDialog(); //WeekResourcesAvailabilityPage WeekResourceAvailability = new WeekResourcesAvailabilityPage(); //WeekResourceAvailability.ShowDialog(); //CustomerAppointmentsPage CustomerAppointment = new CustomerAppointmentsPage(); //CustomerAppointment.ShowDialog(); //CarAssignationPage CarAssignationPage = new CarAssignationPage(); //CarAssignationPage.ShowDialog(); Close(); }
// Clicked when user decides they are ready to log in, // Will get username and password, use that to query database and check that username and password are correct. // A message box will be used to state whether or not we logged in successfully private void buttonLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string username = "", password = ""; //It checks that the text boxes has something typed in it using a method bool hasText = checkTextBoxes(); if (!hasText) { MessageBox.Show("Please make sure all fields have data."); comboBoxUserType.Focus(); return; } //(1) GET the username and password from the text boxes, is good to put them in a try catch try { username = textBoxUserName.Text.Trim(); password = textBoxPassword.Text.Trim(); } catch { //Error message, more useful when you are storing numbers etc. into the database. MessageBox.Show("Username or Password given is in an incorrect format."); return; } //(2) SELECT statement getting all data from users, i.e. SELECT * FROM Users //(3) IF it returns some data, THEN check each username and password combination, ELSE There are no registered users string message = checkLogin(username, password, comboBoxUserType.Text.Trim()); MessageBox.Show($"{message}"); if (message.Substring(0, 7) == "Success") { Hide(); //Depending on the user type opens one or other form switch (comboBoxUserType.Text) { case "Admins": //InstructorsSchedulePage InstructorSchedule1 = new InstructorsSchedulePage(username, "Admins"); //InstructorSchedule1.ShowDialog(); //CarAssignationPage CarAssignationPage = new CarAssignationPage(); //CarAssignationPage.ShowDialog(); AdminConsole WeekResourceAvailability = new AdminConsole(); WeekResourceAvailability.ShowDialog(); break; case "Clients": ClientConsole CustomerAppointment = new ClientConsole(username); CustomerAppointment.ShowDialog(); break; case "Instructors": InstructorConsole InstructorSchedule2 = new InstructorConsole(username); InstructorSchedule2.ShowDialog(); break; default: break; } Close(); } //initialiseTextControls(); }