예제 #1
        public void ProcessMetaDatas(List <MetaData> metadatas)
            //process genres
            foreach (MetaData meta in metadatas)
                foreach (string genre in meta.Genres)
                    if (!GenreColumnMap.ContainsKey(genre)) //if not already in map
                        GenreColumnMap.Add(genre, GenreColumnCount++);

            //process ways to watch
            foreach (MetaData meta in metadatas)
                WayToWatch watch = meta.WayToWatch;

                foreach (OptionGroup group in watch.Groups)
                    foreach (WatchOption option in group.Options)
                        string optionStr = $"{group.DisplayName} {option.Primary}";

                        if (!WayToWatchColumnMap.ContainsKey(optionStr)) //if not already in map
                            WayToWatchColumnMap.Add(optionStr, WayToWatchColumnCount++);

            // COLUMNS:
            //Rating Count
            //Genre columns
            //Ways to watch columns

            MainTable = new String[metadatas.Count + 1, 9 + GenreColumnCount + WayToWatchColumnCount];

            //generate headings
            int count = 0;

            MainTable[0, count++] = "Id";
            MainTable[0, count++] = "Title";
            MainTable[0, count++] = "StartYear";
            MainTable[0, count++] = "EndYear";
            MainTable[0, count++] = "NumEpisodes";
            MainTable[0, count++] = "RunningTime";
            MainTable[0, count++] = "Rating";
            MainTable[0, count++] = "RatingCount";
            MainTable[0, count++] = "Certificate";
            foreach (String genre in GenreColumnMap.Keys)
                MainTable[0, count++] = genre;
            foreach (String wayToWatch in WayToWatchColumnMap.Keys)
                MainTable[0, count++] = wayToWatch;

            //add data
            int rowNum = 1;

            foreach (MetaData meta in metadatas)
                count = 0;

                MainTable[rowNum, count++] = meta.Id;
                MainTable[rowNum, count++] = meta.Title;
                MainTable[rowNum, count++] = meta.StartYear.ToString();
                MainTable[rowNum, count++] = meta.EndYear.ToString();
                MainTable[rowNum, count++] = meta.NumEpisodes.ToString();
                MainTable[rowNum, count++] = meta.AverageRunningTimeMinutes.ToString();
                MainTable[rowNum, count++] = meta.Rating.ToString();
                MainTable[rowNum, count++] = meta.RatingCount.ToString();
                MainTable[rowNum, count++] = meta.Certificate;
                for (int i = 0; i < meta.Genres.Length; i++)
                    int colInd = -1;
                    if (GenreColumnMap.TryGetValue(meta.Genres[i], out colInd))
                        MainTable[rowNum, count + colInd] = (i + 1).ToString();
                count += GenreColumnCount;
                foreach (OptionGroup group in meta.WayToWatch.Groups)
                    foreach (WatchOption watchOption in group.Options)
                        int colInd = -1;
                        if (WayToWatchColumnMap.TryGetValue($"{group.DisplayName} {watchOption.Primary}", out colInd))
                            MainTable[rowNum, count + colInd] = watchOption.Secondary;
                count += WayToWatchColumnCount;

예제 #2
        static MetaData ReadMetaData(String text)
            int startIndex = 0, endIndex = 0;

            var objectName  = "title";
            var titleObject = GetObjectJSON(objectName, text, out startIndex, out endIndex);

            text = text.Substring(endIndex);

            objectName = "ratings";
            var ratingsObject = GetObjectJSON(objectName, text, out startIndex, out endIndex);

            text = text.Substring(endIndex);

            objectName = "metacritic";
            var metacriticObject = GetObjectJSON(objectName, text, out startIndex, out endIndex);

            text = text.Substring(endIndex);

            objectName = "releaseDate";
            var releaseDate = GetValue(objectName, text, out startIndex, out endIndex);

            text = text.Substring(endIndex);

            objectName = "popularity";
            var popularity = GetObjectJSON(objectName, text, out startIndex, out endIndex);

            text = text.Substring(endIndex);

            objectName = "waysToWatch";
            var waysToWatch = GetObjectJSON(objectName, text, out startIndex, out endIndex);

            text = text.Substring(endIndex);

            objectName = "genres";
            var genres = GetArrayJSON(objectName, text, out startIndex, out endIndex);

            text = text.Substring(endIndex);

            var genreArray = genres.Split(",");

            for (int i = 0; i < genreArray.Length; i++)
                genreArray[i] = Clean(genreArray[i]);

            objectName = "certificate";
            var certificate = GetValue(objectName, text, out startIndex, out endIndex);

            text = text.Substring(endIndex);

            //Get values
            //TV Show
            String imdbID = GetValue("id", titleObject);

            String title = GetValue("title", titleObject);

            String startYear = GetValue("seriesStartYear", titleObject);

            String endYear = GetValue("seriesEndYear", titleObject);

            String numEpisodes = GetValue("numberOfEpisodes", titleObject);

            String runningTime = GetValue("runningTimeInMinutes", titleObject);

            String rating      = GetValue("rating", ratingsObject);
            String ratingCount = GetValue("ratingCount", ratingsObject);

            WayToWatch ways = new WayToWatch();

            ways.Id = GetValue("id", waysToWatch);
            List <OptionGroup> optionGroups = new List <OptionGroup>();

            //Streaming options
            String options = GetArrayJSON("optionGroups", waysToWatch);

            options = RemoveArrayBrackets(options);

            while (options.Length > 0) //loop until it breaks. Exception driven development
                string thisOption = GetFirstObjectFrom(options, 0);
                options = options.Substring(thisOption.Length);

                OptionGroup group = new OptionGroup();
                group.DisplayName = GetValue("displayName", thisOption);

                String watchOptions = GetArrayJSON("watchOptions", thisOption);
                watchOptions = RemoveArrayBrackets(watchOptions);
                List <WatchOption> watchOptionsList = new List <WatchOption>();

                while (watchOptions.Length > 0)
                    string thisWatchOption = GetFirstObjectFrom(watchOptions, 0);
                    watchOptions = watchOptions.Substring(thisWatchOption.Length);

                    var watchOption = new WatchOption();
                    watchOption.Primary   = GetValue("primaryText", thisWatchOption);
                    watchOption.Secondary = GetValue("secondaryText", thisWatchOption);

                    var linkJSON = GetObjectJSON("link", thisWatchOption);

                    watchOption.UriLink = GetValue("uri", linkJSON);


                group.Options = watchOptionsList;

            ways.Groups = optionGroups;

            MetaData metadata = new MetaData()
                Id          = imdbID,
                Title       = title,
                StartYear   = Int32.Parse(startYear),
                EndYear     = Int32.Parse(endYear),
                NumEpisodes = Int32.Parse(numEpisodes),
                AverageRunningTimeMinutes = Int32.Parse(runningTime),
                Rating      = Decimal.Parse(rating),
                RatingCount = Int64.Parse(ratingCount),
                WayToWatch  = ways,
                Genres      = genreArray,
                Certificate = certificate
