public void Test_LDA_Performance200k_10() { int errorCode = 0; try { LDA lda = new LDA(); ILArray<double> X = ILMath.horzcat(ILMath.randn(2,200000)*2.0,ILMath.randn(2,200000)*-2.0); ILLogicalArray labels = ILMath.tological(ILMath.horzcat(ILMath.ones(1,100000), ILMath.zeros(1,100000))); labels = labels.Concat( ILMath.tological( ILMath.zeros(1,100000).Concat( ILMath.ones(1,100000),1)),0); ILPerformer timer = new ILPerformer(); timer.Tic(); LDA.Hyperplane C; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i ++) { C = lda.TrainLDA(X,labels,0.4); } timer.Toc(); Info("Test_LDA_Performance2: data: 2x200000 run 10 times in: " + timer.Duration + "ms"); Success(); }catch(Exception e) { Error(errorCode,e.Message); } }
//public void Test_SimpleAsyncAlgorithmSample() { // int errorCode = 0; // try { // SimpleAsyncSample sampleAlg = new SimpleAsyncSample(null, 2.0,50,ILMath.randn(3,2)); // sampleAlg.RunAsync(); // while (sampleAlg.State == ILAlgorithmRunningState.Running) { // Info(sampleAlg.Progress * 100 + "\r"); // System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(300); // } // Info(sampleAlg.Result.result.ToString()); // //sampleAlg.Result; // Success(); // } catch(Exception e) { // Error(errorCode,e.Message); // } //} public void Test_LDA() { int errorCode = 0; try { LDA lda = new LDA(); lda.StateChanged += new ILAlgorithmStateChangedEventHandler(lda_StateChanged); lda.ProgressChanged += new ILAlgorithmStateChangedEventHandler(lda_ProgressChanged); ILArray<double> X = new ILArray<double>(new double[]{-2,-2,-3,-3,2,2,3,3},2,4); ILLogicalArray labels = new ILLogicalArray (new byte[8]{0,1,0,1,1,0,1,0},2,4); LDA.Hyperplane C = lda.TrainLDA(X,labels,0.4); if (Object.ReferenceEquals(C,null)) throw new Exception ("LDA: result is null!"); if (!(C.w is ILArray<double>) || C.w.Dimensions[0] != 2) throw new Exception("LDA: Results C[0] should be ILArray<double> 2x1"); if (!(C.b is ILArray<double>) || !C.b.IsScalar) throw new Exception("LDA: Results C[1] should be ILArray<double> 2x1"); if (ILMath.abs(C.w[0] - -9.3750) > 1e-8) throw new Exception("LDA: invalid result: C.w(1) should be : -9.3750"); if (ILMath.abs(C.w[1] - -9.3750) > 1e-8) throw new Exception("LDA: invalid result: C.w(2) should be : -9.3750"); if (ILMath.abs(C.b.GetValue(0)) > 1e-8) throw new Exception("LDA: invalid result: C.b should be : 0.0!"); Success(); } catch(Exception e) { Error(errorCode,e.Message); } }
public void Test_LDA_Performance2000_var(int rep) { int errorCode = 0; try { LDA lda = new LDA(); ILArray<double> X = ILMath.horzcat(ILMath.randn(2,2000)*2.0,ILMath.randn(2,2000)*-2.0); ILLogicalArray labels = ILMath.tological(ILMath.horzcat(ILMath.ones(1,2000), ILMath.zeros(1,2000))); labels = labels.Concat( ILMath.tological( ILMath.zeros(1,2000).Concat( ILMath.ones(1,2000),1)),0); ILPerformer timer = new ILPerformer(); LDA.Hyperplane C; int oldRefMin = ILNumerics.Settings.ILSettings.MinimumRefDimensions; ILNumerics.Settings.ILSettings.MinimumRefDimensions = 2; timer.Tic(); for (int i = 0; i < rep; i ++) { C = lda.TrainLDA(X,labels,0.4); } timer.Toc(); Info("Test_LDA_Performance: with reference - data: 2x2000 run " + rep.ToString() + " times in: " + timer.Duration + "ms"); ILNumerics.Settings.ILSettings.MinimumRefDimensions = 3; timer.Tic(); for (int i = 0; i < rep; i ++) { C = lda.TrainLDA(X,labels,0.4); } timer.Toc(); ILNumerics.Settings.ILSettings.MinimumRefDimensions = oldRefMin; Info("Test_LDA_Performance: without reference - data: 2x2000 run " + rep.ToString() + " times in: " + timer.Duration + "ms"); Success(); }catch(Exception e) { Error(errorCode,e.Message); } }