예제 #1
        private string Formula_EMA(SchemaInstrument formula, LocalFormula localFormula, List <int> selectedIndex, List <RecordInstrument> values)
            var retval      = string.Empty;
            var closing     = GetDouble(selectedIndex.Count - 1, localFormula, selectedIndex, values);
            var previous    = GetValueInstrument(selectedIndex.Count - 2, selectedIndex, values);
            var previousEma = Double.Parse(previous.Values[localFormula.Items[0].FieldName]);

            if (previousEma == 0)
                var sum = 0d;
                for (var i = 1; i < selectedIndex.Count; i++)
                    sum += GetDouble(i, localFormula, selectedIndex, values);

                var avg = (sum / (selectedIndex.Count - 1));
                retval = (avg == 0 ? null : avg.ToString());
                var multiplier = (2d / (selectedIndex.Count + 1));
                var ema        = closing * multiplier + previousEma * (1 - multiplier);
                retval = (ema == 0 ? null : ema.ToString());

예제 #2
        public void TransformData(SchemaInstrument formula, List <SchemaInstrument> instruments, List <RecordInstrument> values)
            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(formula.Transform))
            var localFormula = GetUnit(formula);
            var selected     = GetSelected(values, localFormula);

            if (selected.Count > 0)
                var value = values[selected[0]].Values[formula.Key];

                foreach (var transform in localFormula.Transform)
                    switch (transform.Key.ToLower())
                    case "normalise":
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                            value = String.Format("{0:0.000000}", Math.Round((Convert.ToDouble(value) - Convert.ToDouble(transform.Value[0])) / (Convert.ToDouble(transform.Value[1]) - Convert.ToDouble(transform.Value[0])), 6));

                    case "categorise":
                        var categories = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        for (var i = 1; i < transform.Value.Count; i++)
                            var splt = transform.Value[i].Split('=');
                            categories.Add(splt[0], splt[1]);

                        if (categories.ContainsKey(value))
                            value = categories[value];



                    var transformKey = $"{formula.Key}_t";
                    values[selected[0]].Values[transformKey] = value;
예제 #3
파일: WatchFile.cs 프로젝트: TycTak/IGSB
        public WatchFile(string watchFileUri, JObject parseObject)
                WatchFileUri        = watchFileUri;
                Schemas             = new List <Schema>();
                Alias               = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                MergeFieldList      = new List <string>();
                MergeCaptureList    = new List <string>();
                DistinctFieldList   = new List <string>();
                DistinctCaptureList = new List <string>();
                ChartFieldList      = new List <string>();
                ChartCaptureList    = new List <string>();

                WatchFileId = parseObject["watchfileid"].ToString();
                WatchName   = parseObject["watchname"].ToString();
                Currency    = parseObject["currency"].ToString().ToUpper();

                var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

                if (parseObject.ContainsKey("alias"))
                    foreach (JObject alias in parseObject["alias"])
                        if (!IsValid(alias, "alias") || !IsValid(alias, "name"))
                            throw new Exception("Alias or Name missing from watch file settings");
                        Alias.Add(alias["alias"].ToString(), alias["name"].ToString());

                foreach (var alias in Alias.ToArray())
                    Alias[alias.Key] = Substitute(alias.Value);

                foreach (JObject schema in parseObject["schemas"])
                    Type codeType;
                    var  watchSchema = new Schema();

                    if (!schema.ContainsKey("codelibrary"))
                        codeType = typeof(DefaultCodeLibrary);
                        codeType = assembly.GetType(schema["codelibrary"].ToString());

                    watchSchema.SchemaId          = Substitute(schema["schemaid"].ToString());
                    watchSchema.SchemaName        = Substitute(schema["schemaname"].ToString());
                    watchSchema.Unit              = (SchemaInstrument.enmUnit)Enum.Parse(typeof(SchemaInstrument.enmUnit), schema["unit"].ToString());
                    watchSchema.UnitValue         = double.Parse(schema["unitvalue"].ToString());
                    watchSchema.IsActive          = (schema.ContainsKey("isactive") ? bool.Parse(schema["isactive"].ToString()) : false);
                    watchSchema.SchemaInstruments = new List <SchemaInstrument>();

                    watchSchema.CodeLibrary = (ICodeLibrary)Activator.CreateInstance(codeType);

                    M(enmMessageType.Debug, String.Format("WatchList.cstor: CodeLibrary [{0}] loaded for {1}", codeType, watchSchema.SchemaId));

                    watchSchema.Settings = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                    if (schema.ContainsKey("settings"))
                        foreach (JObject setting in schema["settings"])
                            if (!IsValid(setting, "key") || !IsValid(setting, "value"))
                                throw new Exception("Key or Value missing from watch file settings");
                            watchSchema.Settings.Add(setting["key"].ToString(), Substitute(setting["value"].ToString()));

                    // TODO NEED TO VALIDATE SCHEMA -->
                    // TODO NO RANGES with MINUS FIGURE ALLOWED
                    // TODO Should only be one ISPREDICT = TRUE setting
                    // TODO There must be at least one predict key
                    // TODO Alias must be 3 characters or more
                    // TODO Some methods do not allow minus values, see attributes
                    // TODO Some methods do not allow ranges, see attributes
                    // TODO If a field in the "value" element refers to a field that has not been collected then it is in the wrong order to capture or calculate
                    // TODO Check two instruments are not writing to same field
                    // TODO Key is not allowed with _ at the end, this is used to indicate a transformed field
                    // TODO Predict key must be the first column, now called isnewrecord
                    // TODO All formula items must reference rows <=0 i.e. minus figures or zero
                    // TODO Range values must be 2 items or more
                    foreach (JObject instrument in schema["instruments"])
                        var isActive = (instrument.ContainsKey("isactive") ? bool.Parse(instrument["isactive"].ToString()) : true);

                        if (isActive)
                            var schemaInstrument = new SchemaInstrument();
                            schemaInstrument.IsNewRecordEvent = (instrument.ContainsKey("isnewrecord") ? bool.Parse(instrument["isnewrecord"].ToString()) : false);
                            schemaInstrument.IsColumn         = (instrument.ContainsKey("iscolumn") ? bool.Parse(instrument["iscolumn"].ToString()) : true);
                            schemaInstrument.IsSignal         = (instrument.ContainsKey("issignal") ? bool.Parse(instrument["issignal"].ToString()) : false);
                            schemaInstrument.CacheKey         = $"{watchSchema.SchemaId}_{instrument["key"]}";
                            schemaInstrument.Key       = instrument["key"].ToString();
                            schemaInstrument.Value     = Substitute(instrument["value"].ToString());
                            schemaInstrument.Name      = Substitute(instrument["name"].ToString());
                            schemaInstrument.Transform = (instrument.ContainsKey("transform") ? Substitute(instrument["transform"].ToString()) : null);

                            schemaInstrument.Type     = (instrument.ContainsKey("type") ? (SchemaInstrument.enmType)Enum.Parse(typeof(SchemaInstrument.enmType), instrument["type"].ToString()) : enmType.formula);
                            schemaInstrument.DataType = (instrument.ContainsKey("datatype") ? (SchemaInstrument.enmDataType)Enum.Parse(typeof(SchemaInstrument.enmDataType), instrument["datatype"].ToString()) : enmDataType.@double);
                            //schemaInstrument.Unit = (schemaInstrument.Type == enmType.capture ? enmUnit.none : unit); // (instrument.ContainsKey("unit") ? (SchemaInstrument.enmUnit)Enum.Parse(typeof(SchemaInstrument.enmUnit), instrument["unit"].ToString()) : (schemaInstrument.Type == enmType.capture ? enmUnit.none : SchemaInstrument.enmUnit.ticks));
                            //schemaInstrument.UnitValue = (schemaInstrument.Type == enmType.capture ? 0 : unitValue);

                            var isFuture = false;

                            if (schemaInstrument.Type == enmType.formula)
                                var splt = schemaInstrument.Value.Split(";")[0].Split(",");
                                isFuture = (Convert.ToDouble(splt[1]) < 0);

                            schemaInstrument.IsFuture = isFuture;
                            schemaInstrument.Settings = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                            if (instrument.ContainsKey("settings"))
                                foreach (JObject setting in instrument["settings"])
                                    schemaInstrument.Settings.Add(setting["key"].ToString(), Substitute(setting["value"].ToString()));

                            if (schemaInstrument.Type == SchemaInstrument.enmType.capture)
                                if (schemaInstrument.Name.EndsWith("TICK"))
                                    if (!DistinctCaptureList.Exists(x => x.Equals(schemaInstrument.Name)))
                                    if (!DistinctFieldList.Exists(x => x.Equals(schemaInstrument.Value)))
                                else if (schemaInstrument.Name.StartsWith("CHART"))
                                    if (!ChartCaptureList.Exists(x => x.Equals(schemaInstrument.Name)))
                                    if (!ChartFieldList.Exists(x => x.Equals(schemaInstrument.Value)))
                                    if (!MergeCaptureList.Exists(x => x.Equals(schemaInstrument.Name)))
                                    if (!MergeFieldList.Exists(x => x.Equals(schemaInstrument.Value)))

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(schemaInstrument.Transform))
                                var transform = schemaInstrument.Transform.Split(',');

                                var foundDataType = Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enmDataType), transform[transform.Length - 1]);
                                var dataType      = (foundDataType ? (enmDataType)Enum.Parse(typeof(enmDataType), transform[transform.Length - 1]) : schemaInstrument.DataType);

                                SchemaInstrument transformInstrument = new SchemaInstrument()
                                    IsColumn = schemaInstrument.IsColumn,
                                    DataType = dataType,
                                    Key      = $"{schemaInstrument.Key}_t",
                                    IsSignal = schemaInstrument.IsSignal,
                                    Settings = schemaInstrument.Settings,
                                    Type     = SchemaInstrument.enmType.transform

                                schemaInstrument.IsSignal  = false;
                                schemaInstrument.IsColumn  = false;
                                schemaInstrument.Transform = (foundDataType ? string.Join(',', transform, 0, transform.Length - 1) : schemaInstrument.Transform);



                    SchemaInstrument completedInstrument = new SchemaInstrument()
                        IsColumn = false,
                        DataType = enmDataType.@string,
                        Key      = "completed",
                        IsSignal = false,
                        Settings = new Dictionary <string, string>(),
                        Type     = SchemaInstrument.enmType.transform,
                        Value    = new String('X', watchSchema.SchemaInstruments.Where(x => (x.Type == enmType.transform || x.Type == enmType.capture || x.Type == enmType.formula) && !x.IsFuture).Count())



                Loaded   = DateTime.Now;
                CheckSum = GetCheckSum(parseObject.ToString());

            } catch (Exception ex)
                M(enmMessageType.Error, $"WatchList.cstor ERROR: Please check your watch file format [{ex.Message}]");
                throw ex;
예제 #4
        public void ExecuteMethod(SchemaInstrument formula, List <RecordInstrument> values)
            var localFormula  = GetUnit(formula);
            var selectedIndex = GetSelected(values, localFormula);
            var isCapture     = (selectedIndex.Count >= 1);
            var isValid       = CheckValid(values, selectedIndex, localFormula);

            if (isCapture && isValid)
                var target = values[selectedIndex[0]];

                string newValue  = "0";
                bool   allowNull = true;

                switch (System.Enum.Parse(typeof(enmProcess), formula.Name.ToLower()))
                case enmProcess.signal:
                    if (selectedIndex.Count == 3)
                        var change      = (GetDouble(1, localFormula, selectedIndex, values) - GetDouble(2, localFormula, selectedIndex, values));
                        var signalRange = (formula.Settings.ContainsKey("range") ? double.Parse(formula.Settings["range"]) : 5);

                        newValue  = (change > signalRange ? $"1": (change < -signalRange ? $"-1" : "0"));
                        allowNull = false;

                case enmProcess.getvalue:
                    if (selectedIndex.Count == 2)
                        newValue = GetString(1, localFormula, selectedIndex, values);

                case enmProcess.count:
                    if (selectedIndex.Count >= 1)
                        var count = 0;
                        for (var i = 1; i <= (selectedIndex.Count - 1); ++i)

                        newValue = count.ToString();

                case enmProcess.changedvalue:
                    if (selectedIndex.Count == 3)
                        newValue = (GetDouble(1, localFormula, selectedIndex, values) - GetDouble(2, localFormula, selectedIndex, values)).ToString();

                case enmProcess.percentage:
                    if (selectedIndex.Count == 3)
                        var v1         = GetDouble(1, localFormula, selectedIndex, values);
                        var v2         = GetDouble(2, localFormula, selectedIndex, values);
                        var difference = (v1 - v2);
                        var percentage = difference / ((v1 + v2) / 2) * 100;
                        newValue = String.Format("{0:0.000}", percentage);

                case enmProcess.roc:
                    if (selectedIndex.Count == 3)
                        var v1  = GetDouble(1, localFormula, selectedIndex, values);
                        var v2  = GetDouble(2, localFormula, selectedIndex, values);
                        var roc = ((v1 / v2) - 1) * 100;
                        newValue = String.Format("{0:0.000}", roc);

                case enmProcess.changedinterval:
                    if (selectedIndex.Count == 3)
                        newValue = (GetValueInstrument(1, selectedIndex, values).Time - GetValueInstrument(2, selectedIndex, values).Time).ToString();

                case enmProcess.average:
                    if (selectedIndex.Count >= 3)
                        var sum = 0d;
                        for (var i = 1; i < selectedIndex.Count; i++)
                            sum += GetDouble(i, localFormula, selectedIndex, values);

                        var average = (sum / (selectedIndex.Count - 1));

                        newValue = String.Format("{0:0.00}", average);

                case enmProcess.ema:
                    if (selectedIndex.Count >= 3)
                        newValue = String.Format("{0:0.00}", Formula_EMA(formula, localFormula, selectedIndex, values));

                case enmProcess.macd:
                    if (selectedIndex.Count == 3)
                        var v1 = GetDouble(1, localFormula, selectedIndex, values);
                        var v2 = GetDouble(2, localFormula, selectedIndex, values);

                        newValue = (Convert.ToDouble(v1) - Convert.ToDouble(v2)).ToString();

                case enmProcess.rsi:
                    if (selectedIndex.Count >= 3)
                        var gain  = 0d;
                        var loss  = 0d;
                        var times = string.Empty;

                        for (var i = 2; i < selectedIndex.Count; i++)
                            var v1 = GetDouble(i, localFormula, selectedIndex, values);
                            var v2 = GetDouble(i - 1, localFormula, selectedIndex, values);

                            var diff = v2 - v1;

                            if (diff <= 0)
                                loss += Math.Abs(diff);
                                gain += diff;

                            times += "X";

                        var rsi = (100 - (100 / (1 + (gain / (selectedIndex.Count - 2)) / (loss / (selectedIndex.Count - 2)))));

                        newValue = String.Format("{0:0.00}", rsi);

                case enmProcess.standarddeviation:
                    if (selectedIndex.Count >= 3)
                        var sum = 0d;
                        for (var i = 1; i < selectedIndex.Count; i++)
                            sum += GetDouble(i, localFormula, selectedIndex, values);

                        var average = (sum / (selectedIndex.Count - 1));

                        sum = 0d;
                        for (var i = 1; i < selectedIndex.Count; i++)
                            var val = GetDouble(i, localFormula, selectedIndex, values) - average;
                            sum += (val * val);

                        average = (sum / (selectedIndex.Count - 1));
                        var stdDev = (average * average);

                        newValue = String.Format("{0:0.00}", average);

                case enmProcess.stochasticoscillator:
                    if (selectedIndex.Count >= 3)
                        var max = 0d;
                        var min = Double.MaxValue;
                        for (var i = 1; i < selectedIndex.Count; i++)
                            var val = GetDouble(i, localFormula, selectedIndex, values);
                            max = Math.Max(val, max);
                            min = Math.Min(val, min);

                        var latest = GetDouble(selectedIndex.Count - 1, localFormula, selectedIndex, values);

                        var stoch = ((latest - min) / (max - min));

                        newValue = String.Format("{0:0.00}", stoch);


                newValue = (newValue == "0" && allowNull ? null : newValue);

                target.Values[localFormula.Items[0].FieldName] = newValue;
예제 #5
        private LocalFormula GetUnit(SchemaInstrument formula)
            var retval = new LocalFormula();

            if (CachedFormula.ContainsKey(formula.CacheKey))
                retval = CachedFormula[formula.CacheKey];
                retval.Key = formula.Key;

                retval.Items    = new List <LocalFormula.ItemInfo>();
                retval.Value    = formula.Value;
                retval.Unit     = formula.Unit;
                retval.Type     = formula.Type;
                retval.DataType = formula.DataType;

                int min = int.MaxValue;
                int max = int.MinValue;

                if (formula.Transform != null)
                    var transforms = formula.Transform.Split(';');

                    for (var i = 0; i < transforms.Length; i++)
                        retval.Transform = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
                        var items = transforms[i].Split(',');
                        var args  = new string[items.Length - 1];
                        Array.Copy(items, 1, args, 0, args.Length);

                        retval.Transform.Add(items[0], args.ToList <string>());

                var fields = retval.Value.Split(';');

                if (formula.Type == enmType.formula)
                    for (var i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++)
                        var item = fields[i].Split(',');
                        if (item.Length == 2)
                            var fieldName = item[0];

                            var selectedRows = item[1];
                            retval.ValueType = (selectedRows.Contains('>') ? enmValueType.range : (selectedRows.Contains('~') ? enmValueType.scale : enmValueType.single));

                            if (retval.ValueType == enmValueType.single)
                                var y = int.Parse(selectedRows);
                                min = Math.Min(min, y);
                                max = Math.Max(max, y);
                                retval.Items.Add(new LocalFormula.ItemInfo(fieldName, y));
                            else if (retval.ValueType == enmValueType.range) // && retval.Unit == enmUnit.ticks)
                                var range = selectedRows.Split(">");
                                var a     = int.Parse(range[0]);
                                var b     = int.Parse(range[1]);
                                if (a > b)
                                    (a, b) = (b, a);

                                for (var x = a; x <= b; x++)
                                    min = Math.Min(min, x);
                                    max = Math.Max(max, x);
                                    retval.Items.Add(new LocalFormula.ItemInfo(fieldName, x));
                            //else if (retval.ValueType == enmValueType.range && retval.Unit == enmUnit.seconds)
                            //    var range = selectedRows.Split(">");
                            //    var a = int.Parse(range[0]);
                            //    var b = int.Parse(range[1]);
                            //    retval.Items.Add(new LocalFormula.ItemInfo(fieldName, a));
                            //    retval.Items.Add(new LocalFormula.ItemInfo(fieldName, b));
                                var range = selectedRows.Split("~");
                                foreach (var x in range)
                                    var y = int.Parse(x);
                                    min = Math.Min(min, y);
                                    max = Math.Max(max, y);
                                    retval.Items.Add(new LocalFormula.ItemInfo(fieldName, y));
                            throw new Exception("Formula item in value element must have <field>,<position> combination");

                    retval.Range = max - min + 1;
                    retval.Min   = min;
                    retval.Max   = max;

                CachedFormula.Add(formula.CacheKey, retval);
