예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts an IES file to either a point or spot light cookie.
        /// </summary>
        public void ConvertIES(string filePath, string targetPath, bool createSpotlightCookies, bool rawImport, bool applyVignette, out Cubemap pointLightCookie, out Texture2D spotlightCookie, out EXRData exrData, out string targetFilename)
            // Parse the ies data.
            IESData iesData = ParseIES.Parse(filePath, rawImport ? NormalizationMode.Linear : NormalizationMode);

            // Create a texture from the normalized IES data.
            _iesTexture = IESToTexture.ConvertIesData(iesData);

            // Regular import - creates cookies that are directly usable within Unity.
            if (!rawImport)
                exrData = default(EXRData);
                RegularImport(filePath, targetPath, createSpotlightCookies, applyVignette, out pointLightCookie, out spotlightCookie, out targetFilename, iesData);
            // Raw import - creates a .exr import of the IES data instead, to give the user full control.
                pointLightCookie = null;
                spotlightCookie  = null;
                RawImport(iesData, filePath, targetPath, createSpotlightCookies, out exrData, out targetFilename);

            // Clean up.
            if (_iesTexture != null)
예제 #2
        public void ConvertIES(string filePath, string targetPath, bool createSpotlightCookies, bool rawImport, bool applyVignette, out Cubemap pointLightCookie, out Texture2D spotlightCookie, out EXRData exrData, out string targetFilename)
            IESData iesdata = ParseIES.Parse(filePath, rawImport ? NormalizationMode.Linear : this.NormalizationMode);

            this._iesTexture = IESToTexture.ConvertIesData(iesdata);
            if (!rawImport)
                exrData = default(EXRData);
                this.RegularImport(filePath, targetPath, createSpotlightCookies, applyVignette, out pointLightCookie, out spotlightCookie, out targetFilename, iesdata);
                pointLightCookie = null;
                spotlightCookie  = null;
                this.RawImport(iesdata, filePath, targetPath, createSpotlightCookies, out exrData, out targetFilename);
            if (this._iesTexture != null)
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts an IES file to either a point or spot light cookie.
        /// </summary>
        public void ConvertIES(string filePath, string targetPath, bool createSpotlightCookies, out Cubemap pointLightCookie, out Texture2D spotlightCookie, out string targetFilename)
            // Parse the ies data.
            IESData iesData = ParseIES.Parse(filePath, SquashHistogram);

            IesTexture = IESToTexture.ConvertIesData(iesData, Resolution);

            // If spot light cookie creation is enabled, check if the ies data can be projected into a spot light cookie.
            // Only half the sphere may be provided if the ies data is to fit inside a spot light cookie.
            if (createSpotlightCookies && iesData.VerticalType != VerticalType.Full)
                pointLightCookie = null;
                GetComponent <IESToSpotlightCookie>().CreateSpotlightCookie(IesTexture, iesData, Resolution, out spotlightCookie);
            // Create a point light cookie cubemap in all other cases.
                spotlightCookie = null;
                GetComponent <IESToCubemap>().CreateCubemap(IesTexture, iesData, Resolution, out pointLightCookie);

            // Create the target file name and required folders.
            BuildTargetFilename(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath), targetPath, pointLightCookie != null, SquashHistogram, out targetFilename);