public CommandDialog(CommandParams cpar) { Cpar = cpar; InitializeComponent(); labelFlow.Text = Cpar.CommandFlowFlag.ToString().Replace('_', ' '); labelAddr.Text = Cpar.Address; checkBoxInterlockCheck.Checked = Cpar.interlockCheck; checkBoxSynchroCheck.Checked = Cpar.synchroCheck; checkBoxTest.Checked = Cpar.Test; //.Value = (decimal)Cpar.orCat; comboBoxCat.Items.AddRange(Enum.GetNames(typeof(OrCat))); comboBoxCat.SelectedIndex = (int)Cpar.orCat; textBoxIdent.Text = Cpar.orIdent; comboBoxValue.Items.Clear(); if (Cpar.T != DateTime.MinValue) { dateTimePickerT.Value = Cpar.T; } checkBoxSBODiffTime.Enabled = false; groupBoxSBO.Enabled = (Cpar.CommandFlowFlag == CommandCtrlModel.Select_Before_Operate_With_Normal_Security || Cpar.CommandFlowFlag == CommandCtrlModel.Select_Before_Operate_With_Enhanced_Security) && !Cpar.Address.Contains(".Cancel."); switch (Cpar.DataType) { case scsm_MMS_TypeEnum.boolean: textBoxValue.Hide(); comboBoxValue.Show(); comboBoxValue.Items.Add("OFF / False"); comboBoxValue.Items.Add("ON / True"); comboBoxValue.SelectedIndex = (bool)Cpar.ctlVal ? 0 : 1; break; case scsm_MMS_TypeEnum.bit_string: textBoxValue.Hide(); comboBoxValue.Show(); comboBoxValue.Items.Add("00 / Stop"); comboBoxValue.Items.Add("01 / Higher"); comboBoxValue.Items.Add("10 / Lower"); comboBoxValue.Items.Add("11 / Reserved"); comboBoxValue.SelectedIndex = ((byte[])Cpar.ctlVal)[0]; break; case scsm_MMS_TypeEnum.integer: comboBoxValue.Hide(); textBoxValue.Show(); textBoxValue.Text = ((long)Cpar.ctlVal).ToString(); break; case scsm_MMS_TypeEnum.floating_point: comboBoxValue.Hide(); textBoxValue.Show(); textBoxValue.Text = ((float)Cpar.ctlVal).ToString(); break; default: break; } }
public CommandParams PrepareSendCommand(NodeBase data) { if (data != null) { NodeData d = (NodeData)data.Parent; if (d != null) { NodeBase b;//, c; CommandParams cPar = new CommandParams(); cPar.CommType = CommandType.SingleCommand; if ((b = d.FindChildNode("ctlVal")) != null) { cPar.DataType = ((NodeData)b).DataType; cPar.Address = b.IecAddress; cPar.ctlVal = ((NodeData)b).DataValue; } cPar.T = DateTime.MinValue; cPar.interlockCheck = true; cPar.synchroCheck = true; cPar.orCat = OrCat.STATION_CONTROL; cPar.orIdent = "IEDEXPLORER"; cPar.CommandFlowFlag = CommandCtrlModel.Unknown; b = data; List <string> path = new List <string>(); do { b = b.Parent; path.Add(b.Name); } while (!(b is NodeFC)); path[0] = "ctlModel"; path[path.Count - 1] = "CF"; b = b.Parent; for (int i = path.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if ((b = b.FindChildNode(path[i])) == null) { break; } } if (b != null) { if (b is NodeData && !(b is NodeDO)) { cPar.CommandFlowFlag = (CommandCtrlModel)((long)((b as NodeData).DataValue)); } } cPar.SBOrun = false; cPar.SBOdiffTime = false; cPar.SBOtimeout = 100; return(cPar); } else { Logger.getLogger().LogError("Basic structure for a command not found at " + data.IecAddress + "!"); } } return(null); }
private void button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { NodeData var = (NodeData)listView1.SelectedItems[0].Tag; Iec61850State iecs = var.GetIecs(); NodeData data = (NodeData)listView1.SelectedItems[0].Tag; CommandParams cPar = iecs.Controller.PrepareSendCommand((NodeBase)listView1.SelectedItems[0].Tag); if (cPar != null) { if ((String)(((Button)sender).Tag) == "true") { cPar.ctlVal = true; } else { cPar.ctlVal = false; } iecs.Controller.SendCommand(data, cPar, ActionRequested.WriteAsStructure); } return; }
public void SendCommand(NodeBase data, CommandParams cPar, ActionRequested how) { if (data != null) { Logger.getLogger().LogInfo("Sending command " + data.IecAddress); NodeData d = (NodeData)data.Parent; if (d != null) { NodeBase b, c; List <NodeData> ndar = new List <NodeData>(); //char *nameo[] = {"$Oper$ctlVal", "$Oper$origin$orCat", "$Oper$origin$orIdent", "$Oper$ctlNum", "$Oper$T", "$Oper$Test", "$Oper$Check"}; if ((b = d.FindChildNode("ctlVal")) != null) { NodeData n = new NodeData(b.Name); n.DataType = ((NodeData)b).DataType; n.DataValue = cPar.ctlVal; ndar.Add(n); } if ((b = d.FindChildNode("origin")) != null) { if (how == ActionRequested.WriteAsStructure) { NodeData n = new NodeData(b.Name); n.DataType = scsm_MMS_TypeEnum.structure; n.DataValue = 2; ndar.Add(n); if ((c = b.FindChildNode("orCat")) != null) { NodeData n2 = new NodeData(b.Name + "$" + c.Name); n2.DataType = ((NodeData)c).DataType; n2.DataValue = (long)cPar.orCat; n.AddChildNode(n2); } if ((c = b.FindChildNode("orIdent")) != null) { NodeData n2 = new NodeData(b.Name + "$" + c.Name); n2.DataType = ((NodeData)c).DataType; byte[] bytes = new byte[cPar.orIdent.Length]; int tmp1, tmp2; bool tmp3; Encoder ascii = (new ASCIIEncoding()).GetEncoder(); ascii.Convert(cPar.orIdent.ToCharArray(), 0, cPar.orIdent.Length, bytes, 0, cPar.orIdent.Length, true, out tmp1, out tmp2, out tmp3); n2.DataValue = bytes; n.AddChildNode(n2); } } else { if ((c = b.FindChildNode("orCat")) != null) { NodeData n = new NodeData(b.Name + "$" + c.Name); n.DataType = ((NodeData)c).DataType; n.DataValue = (long)cPar.orCat; ndar.Add(n); } if ((c = b.FindChildNode("orIdent")) != null) { NodeData n = new NodeData(b.Name + "$" + c.Name); n.DataType = ((NodeData)c).DataType; byte[] bytes = new byte[cPar.orIdent.Length]; int tmp1, tmp2; bool tmp3; Encoder ascii = (new ASCIIEncoding()).GetEncoder(); ascii.Convert(cPar.orIdent.ToCharArray(), 0, cPar.orIdent.Length, bytes, 0, cPar.orIdent.Length, true, out tmp1, out tmp2, out tmp3); n.DataValue = bytes; ndar.Add(n); } } } if ((b = d.FindChildNode("ctlNum")) != null) { NodeData n = new NodeData(b.Name); n.DataType = ((NodeData)b).DataType; if (d.Name == "SBO" || d.Name == "SBOw") { n.DataValue = m_ctlNum; } else { n.DataValue = m_ctlNum++; } ndar.Add(n); } if ((b = d.FindChildNode("T")) != null) { NodeData n = new NodeData(b.Name); n.DataType = ((NodeData)b).DataType; byte[] btm = new byte[] { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 }; n.DataValue = btm; if (cPar.T != DateTime.MinValue) { if (d.Name == "Oper" && cPar.SBOdiffTime && cPar.SBOrun) { cPar.T.AddMilliseconds(cPar.SBOtimeout); } Scsm_MMS.ConvertToUtcTime(cPar.T, btm); } ndar.Add(n); } if ((b = d.FindChildNode("Test")) != null) { NodeData n = new NodeData(b.Name); n.DataType = ((NodeData)b).DataType; n.DataValue = cPar.Test; ndar.Add(n); } if ((b = d.FindChildNode("Check")) != null) { NodeData n = new NodeData(b.Name); n.DataType = ((NodeData)b).DataType; byte sync = 0x80; byte intl = 0x40; byte check = 0; if (cPar.synchroCheck) { check |= sync; } if (cPar.interlockCheck) { check |= intl; } n.DataValue = new byte[] { check }; n.DataParam = ((NodeData)b).DataParam; ndar.Add(n); } iecs.Send(ndar.ToArray(), d.CommAddress, how); } else { Logger.getLogger().LogError("Basic structure for a command not found at " + data.IecAddress + "!"); } } }
public async void PrepareSendCommand(NodeBase data, CommandParams cPar, ActionRequested how) { if (cPar.SBOrun) { string sName = (cPar.CommandFlowFlag == CommandCtrlModel.Select_Before_Operate_With_Enhanced_Security) ? "SBOw" : "SBO"; NodeData d = (NodeData)data.Parent; NodeData op = null, sel = null; if (d != null) { if (d.Name == "SBOw" || d.Name == "SBO") { sName = "Oper"; sel = (NodeData)data; } else { op = (NodeData)data; } NodeBase dd = d.Parent; if (dd != null) { NodeData d2 = (NodeData)dd.FindChildNode(sName); if (d2 != null) { NodeData d3 = (NodeData)d2.FindChildNode("ctlVal"); if (d3 != null) { if (op == null) { op = d3; } else { sel = d3; } SendCommand(sel, cPar, how); await PutTaskDelay(cPar.SBOtimeout); SendCommand(op, cPar, how); } else { Logger.getLogger().LogWarning("Cannot send SBO command sequence, ctlVal not found in " + d2.IecAddress); } } else { Logger.getLogger().LogWarning("Cannot send SBO command sequence, " + sName + " not found in " + dd.IecAddress); } } else { Logger.getLogger().LogWarning("Cannot send SBO command sequence, null parent of " + d.IecAddress); } } else { Logger.getLogger().LogWarning("Cannot send SBO command sequence, null parent of " + data.IecAddress); } } else { SendCommand(data, cPar, how); } }
private void SendCommand(NodeBase data, Iec61850State iecs, ActionRequested how) { if (data != null) { NodeData d = (NodeData)data.Parent; if (d != null) { NodeBase b, c; CommandParams cPar = new CommandParams(); cPar.CommType = CommandType.SingleCommand; if ((b = d.FindChildNode("ctlVal")) != null) { cPar.DataType = ((NodeData)b).DataType; cPar.Address = b.Address; cPar.ctlVal = ((NodeData)b).DataValue; } cPar.T = DateTime.MinValue; cPar.interlockCheck = true; cPar.synchroCheck = true; cPar.orCat = OrCat.STATION_CONTROL; cPar.orIdent = "IEDEXPLORER"; //cPar.orIdent = "ET03: R001 K189 Origin:128"; cPar.CommandFlowFlag = CommandCtrlModel.Unknown; b = data; List <string> path = new List <string>(); do { b = b.Parent; path.Add(b.Name); } while (!(b is NodeFC)); path[0] = "ctlModel"; path[path.Count - 1] = "CF"; b = b.Parent; for (int i = path.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if ((b = b.FindChildNode(path[i])) == null) { break; } } if (b != null) { if (b is NodeData) { cPar.CommandFlowFlag = (CommandCtrlModel)((long)((b as NodeData).DataValue)); } } CommandDialog dlg = new CommandDialog(cPar); DialogResult res = dlg.ShowDialog(this); if (res == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } List <NodeData> ndar = new List <NodeData>(); //char *nameo[] = {"$Oper$ctlVal", "$Oper$origin$orCat", "$Oper$origin$orIdent", "$Oper$ctlNum", "$Oper$T", "$Oper$Test", "$Oper$Check"}; if ((b = d.FindChildNode("ctlVal")) != null) { NodeData n = new NodeData(b.Name); n.DataType = ((NodeData)b).DataType; n.DataValue = cPar.ctlVal; ndar.Add(n); } if ((b = d.FindChildNode("origin")) != null) { if (how == ActionRequested.WriteAsStructure) { NodeData n = new NodeData(b.Name); n.DataType = scsm_MMS_TypeEnum.structure; n.DataValue = 2; ndar.Add(n); if ((c = b.FindChildNode("orCat")) != null) { NodeData n2 = new NodeData(b.Name + "$" + c.Name); n2.DataType = ((NodeData)c).DataType; n2.DataValue = (long)cPar.orCat; n.AddChildNode(n2); } if ((c = b.FindChildNode("orIdent")) != null) { NodeData n2 = new NodeData(b.Name + "$" + c.Name); n2.DataType = ((NodeData)c).DataType; byte[] bytes = new byte[cPar.orIdent.Length]; int tmp1, tmp2; bool tmp3; Encoder ascii = (new ASCIIEncoding()).GetEncoder(); ascii.Convert(cPar.orIdent.ToCharArray(), 0, cPar.orIdent.Length, bytes, 0, cPar.orIdent.Length, true, out tmp1, out tmp2, out tmp3); n2.DataValue = bytes; n.AddChildNode(n2); } } else { if ((c = b.FindChildNode("orCat")) != null) { NodeData n = new NodeData(b.Name + "$" + c.Name); n.DataType = ((NodeData)c).DataType; n.DataValue = (long)cPar.orCat; ndar.Add(n); } if ((c = b.FindChildNode("orIdent")) != null) { NodeData n = new NodeData(b.Name + "$" + c.Name); n.DataType = ((NodeData)c).DataType; byte[] bytes = new byte[cPar.orIdent.Length]; int tmp1, tmp2; bool tmp3; Encoder ascii = (new ASCIIEncoding()).GetEncoder(); ascii.Convert(cPar.orIdent.ToCharArray(), 0, cPar.orIdent.Length, bytes, 0, cPar.orIdent.Length, true, out tmp1, out tmp2, out tmp3); n.DataValue = bytes; ndar.Add(n); } } } if ((b = d.FindChildNode("ctlNum")) != null) { NodeData n = new NodeData(b.Name); n.DataType = ((NodeData)b).DataType; n.DataValue = m_ctlNum++; ndar.Add(n); } if ((b = d.FindChildNode("T")) != null) { NodeData n = new NodeData(b.Name); n.DataType = ((NodeData)b).DataType; byte[] btm = new byte[] { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 }; n.DataValue = btm; if (cPar.T != DateTime.MinValue) { int t = (int)Scsm_MMS.ConvertToUnixTimestamp(cPar.T); byte[] uib = BitConverter.GetBytes(t); btm[0] = uib[3]; btm[1] = uib[2]; btm[2] = uib[1]; btm[3] = uib[0]; } ndar.Add(n); } if ((b = d.FindChildNode("Test")) != null) { NodeData n = new NodeData(b.Name); n.DataType = ((NodeData)b).DataType; n.DataValue = false; ndar.Add(n); } if ((b = d.FindChildNode("Check")) != null) { NodeData n = new NodeData(b.Name); n.DataType = ((NodeData)b).DataType; n.DataValue = new byte[] { 0x40 }; n.DataParam = ((NodeData)b).DataParam; ndar.Add(n); } iecs.Send(ndar.ToArray(), d.CommAddress, how); } else { MessageBox.Show("Basic structure not found!"); } } }