CreateZip() 공개 메소드

Create a zip archive sending output to the outputStream passed.
The outputStream is closed after creation.
public CreateZip ( Stream outputStream, string sourceDirectory, bool recurse, string fileFilter, string directoryFilter ) : void
outputStream Stream The stream to write archive data to.
sourceDirectory string The directory to source files from.
recurse bool True to recurse directories, false for no recursion.
fileFilter string The file filter to apply.
directoryFilter string The directory filter to apply.
리턴 void
예제 #1
        public Program()
            string[] dirs=Directory.GetDirectories(".");
            foreach (string dir in dirs)

                DataBase.AnimatedBitmap an = new DataBase.AnimatedBitmap();
                an._Name =Path.GetFileName(dir);
                foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(dir))
                    if (Regex.IsMatch(Path.GetExtension(file), "jpg|png", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                        an._Bitmaps.Add(file.Replace(@"\", "/","./",""));

                if (an._Bitmaps.Count > 0)
                    Image img = Bitmap.FromFile(an._Bitmaps.First());
                    an._Width = img.Width;
                    an._Height = img.Height;

            Common._XmlSerializer.Serialize("./db.xml", _DataBase);

            FastZip _FastZip = new FastZip();
예제 #2
 public void gerarZipDiretorio(string sDiretorioOrigem, string sDiretorioDestino)
     FastZip sz = new FastZip();
         string sArquivoZip = string.Empty;
         //Aqui vou criar um nome do arquivo.
         DateTime newDate = DateTime.Now;
         sArquivoZip = "MeuZip_" + Convert.ToString(newDate).Replace("/", "_").Replace(":", "") + ".zip";
         //Só um tratamento para garantir mais estabilidade
         if (sDiretorioOrigem.Substring(sDiretorioOrigem.Length - 2) != "\\" || sDiretorioDestino.Substring(sDiretorioDestino.Length - 2) != "\\")
             sDiretorioOrigem = sDiretorioOrigem + "\\";
         sz.Password = txtDiretorioZipSenha.Text;
         //Gera o ZIP
         sz.CreateZip(sDiretorioDestino + sArquivoZip, sDiretorioOrigem + "" + "\\", true, "", "");
     catch (Exception ex)
         MessageBox.Show("Ocorreu um erro durante o processo de compactação : " + ex);
         //Limpa o Objeto
         sz = null;
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// 压缩文件夹
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_fileForlder">文件夹路径</param>
 /// <param name="_outZip">zip文件路径+名字</param>
 public void ZipFolder(string _fileFolder, string _outZip)
     string directory = _outZip.Substring(0, _outZip.LastIndexOf('/'));
     if (!Directory.Exists(directory))
     if (File.Exists(_outZip))
     progress = progressOverall = 0;
     Thread thread = new Thread(delegate ()
         int fileCount = FileCount(_fileFolder);
         int fileCompleted = 0;
         FastZipEvents events = new FastZipEvents();
         events.Progress = new ProgressHandler((object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) =>
             progress = e.PercentComplete;
             if (progress == 100) { fileCompleted++; progressOverall = 100 * fileCompleted / fileCount; }
         events.ProgressInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(progressUpdateTime);
         events.ProcessFile = new ProcessFileHandler(
             (object sender, ScanEventArgs e) => { });
         FastZip fastZip = new FastZip(events);
         fastZip.CreateZip(_outZip, _fileFolder, true, "");
     thread.IsBackground = true;
예제 #4
파일: Backup.cs 프로젝트: Rawwar13/YAMS
        public static void BackupNow(MCServer s)
            Database.AddLog("Backing up " + s.ServerTitle, "backup");

            //Check for a backup dir and create if not
            if (!Directory.Exists(s.ServerDirectory + @"\backups\")) Directory.CreateDirectory(s.ServerDirectory + @"\backups\");

            //Force a save

            //Copy world to a temp Dir
            if (Directory.Exists(Core.StoragePath + s.ServerID.ToString() + @"\backups\temp\")) Directory.Delete(Core.StoragePath + s.ServerID.ToString() + @"\backups\temp\", true);
            if (!Directory.Exists(Core.StoragePath + s.ServerID.ToString() + @"\backups\temp\")) Directory.CreateDirectory(Core.StoragePath + s.ServerID.ToString() + @"\backups\temp\");
            Util.Copy(s.ServerDirectory + @"\world\", s.ServerDirectory + @"\backups\temp\");

            //Re-enable saving then force another save

            //Now zip up temp dir and move to backups
            FastZip z = new FastZip();
            z.CreateEmptyDirectories = true;
            z.CreateZip(s.ServerDirectory + @"\backups\" + DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month + "-" + DateTime.Now.Day + "-" + DateTime.Now.Hour + "-" + DateTime.Now.Minute + ".zip", s.ServerDirectory + @"\backups\temp\", true, "");

            //If the server is empty, reset the HasChanged
            if (s.Players.Count == 0) s.HasChanged = false;
예제 #5
파일: Backup.cs 프로젝트: rusnewman/YAMS
        public static void BackupNow(MCServer s, string strAppendName = "")
            Database.AddLog("Backing up " + s.ServerTitle, "backup");

            //Check for a backup dir and create if not
            if (!Directory.Exists(s.ServerDirectory + @"\backups\")) Directory.CreateDirectory(s.ServerDirectory + @"\backups\");

            //Force a save

            //Find all the directories that start with "world"
            if (Directory.Exists(Core.StoragePath + s.ServerID.ToString() + @"\backups\temp\")) Directory.Delete(Core.StoragePath + s.ServerID.ToString() + @"\backups\temp\", true);
            if (!Directory.Exists(Core.StoragePath + s.ServerID.ToString() + @"\backups\temp\")) Directory.CreateDirectory(Core.StoragePath + s.ServerID.ToString() + @"\backups\temp\");

            string[] dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(s.ServerDirectory, "world*");
            foreach (string dir in dirs)
                //Copy world to a temp Dir
                DirectoryInfo thisDir = new DirectoryInfo(dir);
                Util.Copy(dir, s.ServerDirectory + @"\backups\temp\" + thisDir.Name);

            //Re-enable saving then force another save

            //Now zip up temp dir and move to backups
            FastZip z = new FastZip();
            z.CreateEmptyDirectories = true;
            z.CreateZip(s.ServerDirectory + @"\backups\" + DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString("D2") + "-" + DateTime.Now.Day.ToString("D2") + "-" + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString("D2") + "-" + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString("D2") + strAppendName + ".zip", s.ServerDirectory + @"\backups\temp\", true, "");

            //If the server is empty, reset the HasChanged
            if (s.Players.Count == 0) s.HasChanged = false;
예제 #6
    /// <summary>压缩文件</summary>
    /// <param name="filename">filename生成的文件的名称,如:C:\RAR\075_20110820153200001-1.rar</param>
    /// <param name="directory">directory要压缩的文件夹路径,如:C:\OA</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static bool PackFiles(string filename, string directory)

            directory = directory.Replace("/", "\\");

            if (!directory.EndsWith("\\"))
                directory += "\\";
            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(directory))
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(filename))
            FastZip fz = new FastZip();
            fz.CreateEmptyDirectories = true;
            fz.CreateZip(filename, directory, true, "");
            return true;
        catch (Exception)
            return false;
예제 #7
파일: Merger.cs 프로젝트: EpicMorg/EMRJT
 private static async Task MergeFile( MergeParams p ) {
     var zf = new FastZip();
     using ( var s = File.OpenWrite( p.DestImg ) ) {
         s.Seek( 0, SeekOrigin.End );
         zf.CreateZip( s, Path.GetDirectoryName( p.DataSource ), false, Path.GetFileName( p.DataSource ), "" );
예제 #8
        private void saveToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SavePangyaPicture("front", FrontImg);
            SavePangyaPicture("back", BackImg);

            bool existsicon = System.IO.File.Exists("C:\\Windows\\Temp\\davedevils\\" + ActualFileSD + "\\icon");

            if (existsicon)
                SavePangyaPicture("icon", IconImg);

            ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip z = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip();
            z.CreateEmptyDirectories = false;
            z.CreateZip(ActualFileSD + ".jpg", "C:\\Windows\\Temp\\davedevils\\" + ActualFileSD, true, "");

            if (File.Exists(ActualFileSD + ".jpg"))
                MessageBox.Show("Saved at " + ActualFileSD + ".jpg");
                MessageBox.Show("Save has fail :(");
예제 #9
        public static Boolean ZipFolder(String folder, String zipFile)
            if (!Directory.Exists(folder))
                Debug.WriteLine("Cannot find directory '{0}'", folder);

                ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip z = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip();
                z.CreateEmptyDirectories = true;
                z.CreateZip(zipFile, folder, true, "");

                if (File.Exists(zipFile))
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine("Exception during processing {0}", ex);
예제 #10
 public static  void ZipDir(string strDir, string strZipFile)
     FastZip fz = new FastZip();
     fz.CreateEmptyDirectories = true;
     fz.CreateZip(strZipFile, strDir, true, "");
     fz = null;
예제 #11
        private void buttonCreateBackup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Directory.Exists("_backup")) Directory.Delete("_backup", true);

            // prompt user for backup filename
            SaveFileDialog saveBackup = new SaveFileDialog();
            saveBackup.Filter = "SnakeBite Backup|*.sbb";
            DialogResult saveResult = saveBackup.ShowDialog();
            if (saveResult != DialogResult.OK) return;

            // copy current settings
            File.Copy(ModManager.GameDir + "\\sbmods.xml", "_backup\\sbmods.xml");

            // copy current 01.dat
            File.Copy(ModManager.GameArchivePath, "_backup\\01.dat");

            // compress to backup
            FastZip zipper = new FastZip();
            zipper.CreateZip(saveBackup.FileName, "_backup", true, "(.*?)");

            Directory.Delete("_backup", true);

            MessageBox.Show("Backup complete.", "SnakeBite", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
예제 #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes the specified directory to a new zip file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sourceDirectory">Directory with files to add.</param>
 /// <param name="zipFileName">Output file name.</param>
 public static void Zip(string sourceDirectory, string zipFileName)
     FastZip fastZip = new FastZip();
     fastZip.RestoreAttributesOnExtract = true;
     fastZip.RestoreDateTimeOnExtract = true;
     fastZip.CreateZip(zipFileName, sourceDirectory, true, null);
예제 #13
        public ReleasePackage CreateDeltaPackage(ReleasePackage basePackage, ReleasePackage newPackage, string outputFile)
            Contract.Requires(basePackage != null);
            Contract.Requires(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(outputFile) && !File.Exists(outputFile));

            if (basePackage.Version > newPackage.Version) {
                var message = String.Format(
                    "You cannot create a delta package based on version {0} as it is a later version than {1}",
                throw new InvalidOperationException(message);

            if (basePackage.ReleasePackageFile == null) {
                throw new ArgumentException("The base package's release file is null", "basePackage");

            if (!File.Exists(basePackage.ReleasePackageFile)) {
                throw new FileNotFoundException("The base package release does not exist", basePackage.ReleasePackageFile);

            if (!File.Exists(newPackage.ReleasePackageFile)) {
                throw new FileNotFoundException("The new package release does not exist", newPackage.ReleasePackageFile);

            string baseTempPath = null;
            string tempPath = null;

            using (Utility.WithTempDirectory(out baseTempPath, null))
            using (Utility.WithTempDirectory(out tempPath, null)) {
                var baseTempInfo = new DirectoryInfo(baseTempPath);
                var tempInfo = new DirectoryInfo(tempPath);

                this.Log().Info("Extracting {0} and {1} into {2}", 
                    basePackage.ReleasePackageFile, newPackage.ReleasePackageFile, tempPath);

                var fz = new FastZip();
                fz.ExtractZip(basePackage.ReleasePackageFile, baseTempInfo.FullName, null);
                fz.ExtractZip(newPackage.ReleasePackageFile, tempInfo.FullName, null);

                // Collect a list of relative paths under 'lib' and map them
                // to their full name. We'll use this later to determine in
                // the new version of the package whether the file exists or
                // not.
                var baseLibFiles = baseTempInfo.GetAllFilesRecursively()
                    .Where(x => x.FullName.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("lib" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar))
                    .ToDictionary(k => k.FullName.Replace(baseTempInfo.FullName, ""), v => v.FullName);

                var newLibDir = tempInfo.GetDirectories().First(x => x.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == "lib");

                foreach (var libFile in newLibDir.GetAllFilesRecursively()) {
                    createDeltaForSingleFile(libFile, tempInfo, baseLibFiles);

                fz.CreateZip(outputFile, tempInfo.FullName, true, null);

            return new ReleasePackage(outputFile);
예제 #14
    protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string zipFileName = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData) + @"\OSAE\";

            FastZip fastZip = new FastZip();
            if (File.Exists(zipFileName))

            fastZip.CreateZip(zipFileName, Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData) + @"\OSAE\Logs", true, "");

            Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;");
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", new FileInfo(zipFileName).Length.ToString());
            Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";
        //catch (Exception ex)
            // not going to do anything as the file may be in use so just carry on
예제 #15
        public void Basics()
            const string tempName1 = "a(1).dat";

            MemoryStream target = new MemoryStream();

            string tempFilePath = GetTempFilePath();
            Assert.IsNotNull(tempFilePath, "No permission to execute this test?");

            string addFile = Path.Combine(tempFilePath, tempName1);
            MakeTempFile(addFile, 1);

            try {
                FastZip fastZip = new FastZip();
                fastZip.CreateZip(target, tempFilePath, false, @"a\(1\)\.dat", null);

                MemoryStream archive = new MemoryStream(target.ToArray());
                using (ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(archive)) {
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, zf.Count);
                    ZipEntry entry = zf[0];
                    Assert.AreEqual(tempName1, entry.Name);
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, entry.Size);

            finally {
예제 #16
 public void createZip(string source, string zipFile)
     ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip z = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip();
     z.CreateEmptyDirectories     = true;
     z.RestoreAttributesOnExtract = true;
     z.RestoreDateTimeOnExtract   = true;
     z.CreateZip(zipFile, source, true, "");
예제 #17
파일: Merger.cs 프로젝트: EpicMorg/EMRJT
 private static async Task MergeDirectory( MergeParams p ) {
     using ( var s = File.OpenWrite( p.DestImg ) ) {
         s.Seek( 0, SeekOrigin.End );
         var zf = new FastZip {
             CreateEmptyDirectories = true
         zf.CreateZip( s, Path.GetDirectoryName( p.DataSource ), true, "*", Path.GetFileName( p.DataSource ) );
예제 #18
        public string ZipDirectory(string path)
            string zipPath = path + @"..\" + "空白詢價單.zip";

            ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip z = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip();
            z.CreateEmptyDirectories = true;
            z.CreateZip(zipPath, path, true, "");
예제 #19
파일: ZipClass.cs 프로젝트: XiaoQiJun/BPS
        /// <summary>
        /// 压缩目录
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">数组(数组[0]: 要压缩的目录; 数组[1]: 压缩的文件名)</param>
        public static void ZipFileDictory(string[] args)
                FastZip fastZip = new FastZip();

                bool recurse = true;

                //压缩后的文件名,压缩目录 ,是否递归          


                fastZip.CreateZip(args[1], args[0], recurse, "");

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

            //string[] filenames = Directory.GetFiles(args[0]);

            //Crc32 crc = new Crc32();
            //ZipOutputStream s = new ZipOutputStream(File.Create(args[1]));

            //foreach (string file in filenames)
            //    //打开压缩文件
            //    FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(file);

            //    byte[] buffer = new byte[fs.Length];
            //    fs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
            //    ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(file);

            //    entry.DateTime = DateTime.Now;

            //    entry.Size = fs.Length;
            //    fs.Close();

            //    crc.Reset();
            //    crc.Update(buffer);

            //    entry.Crc = crc.Value;

            //    s.PutNextEntry(entry);

            //    s.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);


예제 #20
        /// <summary>Creates the archive</summary>
        /// <param name="sourcePath">The path to create the archive from.</param>
        public void WriteArchive(string sourcePath)
            if (File.Exists(this.ArchiveFilePath)) File.Delete(this.ArchiveFilePath);

            FastZip fastZip = new FastZip();
            fastZip.CreateZip(this.ArchiveFilePath, sourcePath, true, null);

            ArchiveMeta meta = new ArchiveMeta();
            string contents = Serialize(meta);

            File.WriteAllText(this.ConfigFilePath, contents);
예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// 压缩
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_localPath">待压缩的目录或文件</param>
        /// <param name="_zipFileName">压缩后的目录文件</param>
        public static void compress(string _localPath, string _zipFileName)
            string localPath   = _localPath;   //待压缩的目录或文件
            string zipFileName = _zipFileName; //压缩后的目录文件
            // Export the directory tree from SVN server.
            //localPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(localPath, Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
            // Zip it into a memory stream.

            var zip = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip();

            zip.CreateZip(zipFileName, localPath, true, string.Empty, string.Empty);
예제 #22
        public void Action(object sender, EventArgs args)
            lock (LOCK)
            long id = Interlocked.Increment(ref myFileId);

            string tmpFile = GetTmpDir();
            if (!Directory.Exists(tmpFile))

            string tmpFileOutput = tmpFile + "_output";
            if (!Directory.Exists(tmpFileOutput))

              Logger.LogMessage("Begin backing up");

              FastZip zip = new FastZip();
              zip.CreateEmptyDirectories = true;

              List<string> zipFiles = new List<string>();
              foreach (string folder in Config.Instance.BackupFolders)
            string zipFile = Path.Combine(tmpFile, Path.GetFileName(folder) + ".zip");
            zip.CreateZip(zipFile, folder, true, null);
              string backUp = Path.Combine(tmpFileOutput, "backup_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss") + ".zip");

              Logger.LogMessage("Create Backup file");

              FastZip z = new FastZip();
              z.CreateZip(backUp, tmpFile, true, null);

              foreach (string file in zipFiles)

              Logger.LogMessage("Publishing backup");
              FireAtrifact(id, backUp, true);

예제 #23
 /// <summary>
 /// 压缩
 /// </summary> 
 /// <param name="filename"> 压缩后的文件名(包含物理路径)</param>
 /// <param name="directory">待压缩的文件夹(包含物理路径)</param>
 public static void PackFiles(string filename, string directory)
         FastZip fz = new FastZip();
         fz.CreateEmptyDirectories = true;
         fz.CreateZip(filename, directory, true, "");
         fz = null;
     catch (Exception)
예제 #24
        public PackageMaster Zip(string zipFileNameFormat, params object[] args)
            lastZipFileName = string.Format(

            lastZipFileName = new PathBuilder(packagingDir).Add(lastZipFileName);

            FastZip zip = new FastZip();
            zip.CreateZip(lastZipFileName, packagingDirTemp, true, null, null);

            return this;
예제 #25
파일: Shakefile.cs 프로젝트: speier/shake
    public void Deploy()

        FileTask.CopyDir(shake.Project.Directory, BuildDir, null, new[] { "LICENSE.txt", "README.txt" });
        FileTask.CopyDir(shake.Project.DirectoryCombine("doc"), Path.Combine(BuildDir, "Documentation"));
        FileTask.CopyDir(shake.Project.DirectoryCombine(@"src\Shake.Samples"), Path.Combine(BuildDir, "Samples"));

        var zipName = string.Format("shake-{0}-{1}-{2}", AsmVer.Major, AsmVer.Minor, AsmVer.Build);
        var zip = new FastZip();
        zip.CreateZip(Path.Combine(DeployDir, zipName), BuildDir, true, "");

예제 #26
    /// <summary>
    /// 创建补丁
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="path">差异化文件路径</param>
    /// <param name="suffix">附加后缀</param>
    /// <param name="compress">是否压缩</param>
    /// <param name="onStep"></param>
    /// <param name="onEnd"></param>
    public void CreatePatch(List <string> path, string prefix, string suffix, bool compress = false, Action <int, int> onStep = null, Action <string> onEnd = null)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Info.DiffPatchPath))
            if (onEnd != null)
        string targetPath = Path.Combine(Info.DiffPatchPath, string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}", prefix, Info.LastVersion, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmm-ss"), suffix));

        if (Directory.Exists(targetPath))
            Directory.Delete(targetPath, true);
        Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() =>
            string tempPath;
            for (int i = 0; i < path.Count; i++)
                if (onStep != null)
                    onStep.Invoke(i, path.Count);
                tempPath = Info.CreatePatchUseLeftFile.Contains(path[i]) ? GetLeftPathByRightPath(Info.LeftComprePath, Info.RightComprePath, path[i]) : path[i];
                Copy(tempPath, GetLeftPathByRightPath(targetPath, Info.RightComprePath, path[i]));
            if (compress)
                ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip zip = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip();
                zip.CreateZip(targetPath + ".zip", targetPath, true, "");
                Directory.Delete(targetPath, true);
                if (onEnd != null)
            else if (onEnd != null)

예제 #27
        public void CreateExceptions()
            FastZip fastZip = new FastZip();
            string tempFilePath = GetTempFilePath();
            Assert.IsNotNull(tempFilePath, "No permission to execute this test?");

            string addFile = Path.Combine(tempFilePath, "");
                fastZip.CreateZip(addFile, @"z:\doesnt exist", false, null);
예제 #28
        public static void Pack(string path)
            var sourcePath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData);
            sourcePath = Path.Combine(sourcePath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path));
            sourcePath = sourcePath + ".htp";
            var destPath = Path.Combine(Warehouse.Warehouse.ProjectEditorLocation, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path));
            destPath = destPath + ".htp";

            var fz = new FastZip
                             CreateEmptyDirectories = true
            fz.CreateZip(sourcePath, Warehouse.Warehouse.ProjectEditorLocation, true, "");

            File.Move(sourcePath, destPath);
        internal static bool ArchiveFilm(IMLItem item, DirectoryInfo parent, string archiveLocation)

            if (!Settings.ArchiveWatchedFilms)
                return false;

            FastZip fz = new FastZip();

            if (Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(item, "Watched") != "true" 
                Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(item, "Watched") != "True")
                return false;

            Helpers.UpdateProgress("Updating Films Section...", "Archiving watched film " + item.Name + "...", item);

                string year = String.Empty;

                if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(item, "Year") ) ) 
                    year = " (" + Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(item, "Year") + ")";

                if (!archiveLocation.EndsWith("\\"))
                    archiveLocation = archiveLocation + "\\";

                //TODO: Use Path.Combine
                string zipFile = archiveLocation + parent.Name + year + ".zip";
                fz.CreateZip(zipFile, parent.FullName, true, ".*");

                Directory.Delete(parent.FullName, true);

            catch (Exception e)

                    "An unexpected error ocurred in the Film Archiving process. " +
                    "The error was: " + e


            return true;

예제 #30
        public static void GenerateMgsv(string MgsvFile, string ModName, string SourceFolder)
            ModEntry metaData = new ModEntry();
            metaData.Name = ModName;
            metaData.Author = "SnakeBite";
            metaData.MGSVersion.Version = "";
            metaData.SBVersion.Version = "";
            metaData.Version = "[QM]";
            metaData.Description = "[Generated by SnakeBite]";
            metaData.Website = "";

            List<ModFpkEntry> fpkEntries = new List<ModFpkEntry>();
            List<ModQarEntry> qarEntries = new List<ModQarEntry>();

            foreach(var File in Directory.GetFiles(SourceFolder, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                string ShortFileName = File.Substring(SourceFolder.Length + 1);
                    // do fpk
                    var fpkCont = GzsLib.ListArchiveContents<FpkFile>(File);
                    foreach(var fpkFile in fpkCont)
                        fpkEntries.Add(new ModFpkEntry()
                            FpkFile = ShortFileName,
                            FilePath = fpkFile,
                            SourceType = FileSource.Mod
                } else
                    // do qar
                    qarEntries.Add(new ModQarEntry() { FilePath = ShortFileName, SourceType = FileSource.Mod });

            metaData.ModQarEntries = qarEntries;
            metaData.ModFpkEntries = fpkEntries;
            metaData.SaveToFile(Path.Combine(SourceFolder, "metadata.xml"));

            FastZip makeZip = new FastZip();
            makeZip.CreateZip(MgsvFile, SourceFolder, true, ".*");
예제 #31
        /// <summary>
        /// zip压缩文件
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pathToPack">将要被压缩的文件夹(绝对路径)</param>
        /// <param name="packedToPath">压缩包放到哪个路径下,如路径不存在会自动创建</param>
        /// <param name="filename">压缩包的名字,要有后缀.zip</param>
        /// <param name="filter">排除文件</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool PackFiles(string pathToPack,string packedToPath, string filename,string filter="")
                FastZip fz = new FastZip();
                fz.CreateEmptyDirectories = true;
                if (!Directory.Exists(packedToPath))
                string filePath = Path.Combine(packedToPath, filename);
                fz.CreateZip(filePath, pathToPack, true, filter);
                fz = null;
                return true;
            catch(Exception e)

                throw e;
예제 #32
파일: Zip.cs 프로젝트: jacean/RingsII
        public static void ZipDir(string DirToZip, string ZipedFile)
            if (ZipedFile == string.Empty)
                ZipedFile = DirToZip.Substring(DirToZip.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1);
                ZipedFile = ZipedFile + ".zip";
            //    if (Path.GetExtension(ZipedFile) != ".zip")
            //    {
            //        ZipedFile = ZipedFile + ".zip";
            //    }
            //    ZipedFile = Path.GetDirectoryName(DirToZip) + "\\" + ZipedFile;

            FastZip fastzip = new FastZip();
            //// Create Empty Directory
            fastzip.CreateEmptyDirectories = true;
            fastzip.CreateZip(ZipedFile, DirToZip, true, string.Empty);
예제 #33
        public static string PackagePlugin(string PluginDescriptionFilePath, string Extension)
            string tempfile = Path.GetTempFileName();
            string zipFileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(PluginDescriptionFilePath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(PluginDescriptionFilePath)) + Extension;
            string sourceDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(PluginDescriptionFilePath);

            FastZip fastZip = new FastZip();
                fastZip.CreateZip(tempfile, sourceDirectory, true, "");

                if (File.Exists(zipFileName))
                File.Move(tempfile, zipFileName);

                return zipFileName;
            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(ex.Message, "Log");
            return null;
예제 #34
 public void CreateUpdateZip(IndicatorUpdateResult indicatorUpdateResult, string filename)
     // create directory
     string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename);
     string tmpDir = path + @"\tmpUpdateZip";
     // sql file
     var sb = new StringBuilder();
     foreach (var s in indicatorUpdateResult.SqlStatements)
     File.WriteAllText(tmpDir + @"\sql.txt", sb.ToString());
     // move original file to zip
     System.IO.File.Copy(indicatorUpdateResult.OriginalFile, tmpDir + @"\source.xlsx", true);
     // create translation update file
     CreateTranslationsFile(indicatorUpdateResult.IndicatorTranslations, tmpDir + @"\translations.xlsx");
     // zip
     FastZip fastZip = new FastZip();
     fastZip.CreateZip(filename, tmpDir, true, null);
     // delete old directory
     System.IO.Directory.Delete(tmpDir, true);
        public override Task Invoke(IOwinContext context)
            var path = FileSystem.MapPath(_options.BasePath, context.Request.Path.Value);
            var ext = Path.GetExtension(path);
            if (CanHandle(ext, context.Request.Path.Value))
                Trace.WriteLine("Invoke DownloadMiddlewar");

                var filename = Path.GetFileName(path);
                var folderPath = Path.Combine(_options.BasePath, "downloads");

                context.Response.StatusCode = 200;
                context.Response.ContentType = MimeTypeService.GetMimeType(".zip");
                context.Response.Headers.Add("Content-Disposition", new[] { String.Format("attachment; filename={0}.zip", filename) });

                var fastZip = new FastZip();
                fastZip.CreateZip(context.Response.Body, folderPath, false, filename, null);

                return Globals.CompletedTask;

            return Next.Invoke(context);
예제 #36
        public static void BuildArchive(string SourceDir, ModEntry metaData, string OutputFile)
            if (Directory.Exists("_build")) Directory.Delete("_build", true);

            // build FPKs
            metaData.ModFpkEntries = new List<ModFpkEntry>();
            foreach (string FpkDir in ListFpkFolders(SourceDir))
                foreach (ModFpkEntry fpkEntry in BuildFpk(FpkDir, SourceDir))

            // build QAR entries
            metaData.ModQarEntries = new List<ModQarEntry>();
            foreach (string qarFile in ListQarFiles(SourceDir))
                string subDir = qarFile.Substring(0, qarFile.LastIndexOf("\\")); // the subdirectory for XML output
                subDir = subDir.Substring(SourceDir.Length);
                string qarFilePath = Tools.ToQarPath(qarFile.Substring(SourceDir.Length));
                if (!Directory.Exists("_build" + subDir)) Directory.CreateDirectory("_build" + subDir); // create file structure
                File.Copy(qarFile, "_build" + qarFile.Substring(SourceDir.Length), true);
                metaData.ModQarEntries.Add(new ModQarEntry() { FilePath = qarFilePath, Compressed = qarFile.Substring(qarFile.LastIndexOf(".") + 1).Contains("fpk") ? true : false, ContentHash = Tools.HashFile(qarFile) });

            metaData.SBVersion = "400"; //


            // build archive
            FastZip zipper = new FastZip();
            zipper.CreateZip(OutputFile, "_build", true, "(.*?)");

            Directory.Delete("_build", true);
예제 #37
    protected void Run(bool viewListOnly)
            if (SelectedSendMethod == SendMethod.None)
                throw new CustomMessageException("Send method not selected");

            int staffID = Session != null && Session["StaffID"] != null?Convert.ToInt32(Session["StaffID"]) : -1;

            int siteID = -1;

            if (!chkIncClinics.Checked && !chkIncAgedCare.Checked)
                throw new CustomMessageException("Plese check to generate for Clinics and/or Aged Care");
            else if (chkIncClinics.Checked && chkIncAgedCare.Checked)
                siteID = -1;
            else if (chkIncClinics.Checked)
                foreach (Site s in SiteDB.GetAll())
                    if (s.SiteType.ID == 1)
                        siteID = s.SiteID;
            else if (chkIncAgedCare.Checked)
                foreach (Site s in SiteDB.GetAll())
                    if (s.SiteType.ID == 2)
                        siteID = s.SiteID;

             * // if called by automated settings there will be no session setting for SiteID or StaffID
             * // but siteID is needed to know which letter template to use for generation
             * if (siteID == null)
             * {
             *  Site[] sites = SiteDB.GetAll();
             *  siteID = (sites.Length == 1) ? sites[0].SiteID : sites[sites.Length - 1].SiteID; // if one site, use that -- else choose last one since clinics site developed first and exists
             * }

            string outputInfo;
            string outputList;

            Letter.FileContents fileContents = ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.Run(
                SelectedSendMethod == SendMethod.Email ? ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.SendMethod.Email_To_Referrer : ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.SendMethod.Batch,
                out outputInfo,
                out outputList,

            lblInfo.Text = outputInfo;
            lblList.Text = outputList;

            if (fileContents != null)
                System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = fileContents.Contents;
                System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["downloadFile_DocName"]  = fileContents.DocName;

                // put in session variables so when it reloads to this page, we can popup the download window
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "download", "<script language=javascript>'DownloadFile.aspx','_blank','status=1,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=30,height=30');</script>");
        catch (CustomMessageException cmEx)
        catch (Exception ex)
            SetErrorMessage("", ex.ToString());


        bool debugMode = true;

        //  We can not send email all their patients in one email - will be too big with attachments and rejected by their mail provider
        //  So if via email - need to send one at a time
        //  Then if cuts out or times out, it has processed some so don't need to re-process those when it's run again
        //  remember to process the emails first ... so if any interruptions/errors ... at least some will have been processed

            string sendMethod = rdioSendType.SelectedValue;
            if (!viewListOnly && SelectedSendMethod == SendMethod.None)
                throw new CustomMessageException("Send method not selected");

            string tmpLettersDirectory = Letter.GetTempLettersDirectory();
            if (!Directory.Exists(tmpLettersDirectory))
                throw new CustomMessageException("Temp letters directory doesn't exist");

            string debugOutput = string.Empty;
            int    startTime   = Environment.TickCount;

            DataTable bookingsWithUnsetnLetters = BookingDB.GetBookingsWithEPCLetters(DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, Convert.ToInt32(registerReferrerID.Value), -1, false, true, chkIncBatching.Checked, chkIncUnsent.Checked);

            double queryExecutionTime = (double)(Environment.TickCount - startTime) / 1000.0;
            startTime = Environment.TickCount;

            ArrayList filesToPrint = new ArrayList();

            int       c = 0;
            int       currentRegReferrerID       = -1;
            ArrayList bookingsForCurrentReferrer = new ArrayList();
            foreach (DataRow row in bookingsWithUnsetnLetters.Rows)
                //c++; if (c % 15 != 1) continue;
                if (c > ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.MaxSending)
                Tuple <Booking, PatientReferrer, bool, string, HealthCard> rowData = LoadRow(row);
                Booking         booking     = rowData.Item1;
                PatientReferrer pr          = rowData.Item2;
                bool            refHasEmail = rowData.Item3;
                string          refEmail    = rowData.Item4;
                HealthCard      hc          = rowData.Item5;

                if (pr.RegisterReferrer.RegisterReferrerID != currentRegReferrerID)
                    filesToPrint.AddRange(ProcessReferrersLetters(viewListOnly, bookingsForCurrentReferrer, ref debugOutput));
                    currentRegReferrerID       = pr.RegisterReferrer.RegisterReferrerID;
                    bookingsForCurrentReferrer = new ArrayList();


            // process last group
            filesToPrint.AddRange(ProcessReferrersLetters(viewListOnly, bookingsForCurrentReferrer, ref debugOutput));

            bool zipSeperately = true;

            if (zipSeperately && filesToPrint.Count > 0)
                // seperate into doc types because can only merge docs with docs of same template (ie docname)
                Hashtable filesToPrintHash = new Hashtable();
                for (int i = 0; i < filesToPrint.Count; i++)
                    Letter.FileContents curFileContents = (Letter.FileContents)filesToPrint[i];
                    if (filesToPrintHash[curFileContents.DocName] == null)
                        filesToPrintHash[curFileContents.DocName] = new ArrayList();

                // merge and put merged files into temp dir
                string baseTmpDir = FileHelper.GetTempDirectoryName(tmpLettersDirectory);
                string tmpDir     = baseTmpDir + "EPC Letters" + @"\";
                string[] tmpFiles = new string[filesToPrintHash.Keys.Count];
                IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = filesToPrintHash.GetEnumerator();
                for (int i = 0; enumerator.MoveNext(); i++)
                    ArrayList files   = (ArrayList)enumerator.Value;
                    string    docName = (string)enumerator.Key;

                    // last file is screwing up, so just re-add the last file again for a temp fix
                    files.Add(files[files.Count - 1]);

                    Letter.FileContents fileContents = Letter.FileContents.Merge((Letter.FileContents[])files.ToArray(typeof(Letter.FileContents)), docName); // .pdf

                    string tmpFileName = tmpDir + fileContents.DocName;
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(tmpFileName, fileContents.Contents);
                    tmpFiles[i] = tmpFileName;

                // zip em
                string zipFileName = "EPC";
                string zipFilePath = baseTmpDir + zipFileName;
                ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip zip = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip();
                zip.CreateEmptyDirectories = true;
                zip.CreateZip(zipFilePath, tmpDir, true, "");

                // get filecontents of zip here
                Letter.FileContents zipFileContents = new Letter.FileContents(zipFilePath, zipFileName);
                Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = zipFileContents.Contents;
                Session["downloadFile_DocName"]  = zipFileContents.DocName;

                // delete files
                for (int i = 0; i < tmpFiles.Length; i++)
                    System.IO.File.SetAttributes(tmpFiles[i], FileAttributes.Normal);
                System.IO.File.SetAttributes(zipFilePath, FileAttributes.Normal);
                System.IO.Directory.Delete(tmpDir, false);
                System.IO.Directory.Delete(baseTmpDir, false);

                // put in session variables so when it reloads to this page, we can popup the download window
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "download", "<script language=javascript>'DownloadFile.aspx','_blank','status=1,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=30,height=30');</script>");

            if (!zipSeperately && filesToPrint.Count > 0)
                Letter.FileContents fileContents = Letter.FileContents.Merge((Letter.FileContents[])filesToPrint.ToArray(typeof(Letter.FileContents)), "Referral Letters.doc"); // .pdf
                Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = fileContents.Contents;
                Session["downloadFile_DocName"]  = fileContents.DocName;

                // put in session variables so when it reloads to this page, we can popup the download window
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "download", "<script language=javascript>'DownloadFile.aspx','_blank','status=1,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=30,height=30');</script>");

            if (!viewListOnly && Convert.ToInt32(registerReferrerID.Value) == -1 && chkIncBatching.Checked)

            double restExecutionTime = (double)(Environment.TickCount - startTime) / 1000.0;

            if (debugMode)
                string countGenrated = bookingsWithUnsetnLetters.Rows.Count > ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.MaxSending ? ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.MaxSending + " of " + bookingsWithUnsetnLetters.Rows.Count + " generated" : bookingsWithUnsetnLetters.Rows.Count.ToString() + " generated";
                string countShowing  = bookingsWithUnsetnLetters.Rows.Count > ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.MaxSending ? ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.MaxSending + " of " + bookingsWithUnsetnLetters.Rows.Count + " showing to generate. <br />* If there are more than " + ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.MaxSending + ", the next " + ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.MaxSending + " will have to be generated seperately after this." : bookingsWithUnsetnLetters.Rows.Count.ToString();

                if (!viewListOnly)
                    lblInfo.Text = @"<table cellpadding=""0"">
                                    <tr><td><b>Send Method</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + SelectedSendMethod.ToString() + @"</td><td style=""width:25px;""></td><td><b>Query Time</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + queryExecutionTime + @" seconds</td></tr>
                                    <tr><td><b>Count</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + countGenrated + @"</td><td style=""width:25px;""></td><td><b>Runing Time</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + restExecutionTime + @" seconds</td></tr>
                                 </table>" + "<br />";

                if (viewListOnly)
                    lblInfo.Text = @"<table cellpadding=""0"">
                                    <tr><td valign=""top""><b>Count</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + countShowing + @"</td></tr>
                                 </table>" + "<br />";

                if (viewListOnly)
                    lblList.Text = @"<table class=""table table-bordered table-striped table-grid table-grid-top-bottum-padding-thick auto_width block_center"" border=""1"">
                                            <th>Send By</th>
                                        </tr>" +
                                   (debugOutput.Length == 0 ? "<tr><td colspan=\"6\">No Rows</td></tr>" : debugOutput) +
        catch (CustomMessageException cmEx)
        catch (Exception ex)
    protected void Run(bool viewListOnly)
        bool debugMode = true;

        int bulkLetterSendingQueueBatchID = !viewListOnly && UseBulkLetterSender?BulkLetterSendingQueueBatchDB.Insert(DebugEmail, false) : -1;

        //  We can not send email all their patients in one email - will be too big with attachments and rejected by their mail provider
        //  So if via email - need to send one at a time
        //  Then if cuts out or times out, it has processed some so don't need to re-process those when it's run again
        //  just remember to process the emails first ... so if any interruptions/errors ... at least some will have been processed

            bool AutoSendFaxesAsEmailsIfNoEmailExistsToGPs = Convert.ToInt32(SystemVariableDB.GetByDescr("AutoSendFaxesAsEmailsIfNoEmailExistsToGPs").Value) == 1;

            string sendMethod = rdioSendType.SelectedValue;
            if (!viewListOnly && SelectedSendMethod == SendMethod.None)
                throw new CustomMessageException("Send method not selected");

            string tmpLettersDirectory = Letter.GetTempLettersDirectory();
            if (!Directory.Exists(tmpLettersDirectory))
                throw new CustomMessageException("Temp letters directory doesn't exist");

            string debugOutput = string.Empty;
            int    startTime   = Environment.TickCount;

            // NB.
            // start/emd date time __must__ refer to the treatment date because
            // as a letter can be generated any time (days or weeks) after a treatment, there is no way
            // to be sure which invoice it is attached to, only which booking
            if (txtStartDate.Text.Length > 0 && !Utilities.IsValidDate(txtStartDate.Text, "dd-mm-yyyy"))
                throw new CustomMessageException("Start date must be empty or valid and of the format dd-mm-yyyy");
            if (txtEndDate.Text.Length > 0 && !Utilities.IsValidDate(txtEndDate.Text, "dd-mm-yyyy"))
                throw new CustomMessageException("End date must be empty or valid and of the format dd-mm-yyyy");
            DateTime startDate = txtStartDate.Text.Length == 0 ? DateTime.MinValue : Utilities.GetDate(txtStartDate.Text, "dd-mm-yyyy");
            DateTime endDate   = txtEndDate.Text.Length == 0 ? DateTime.MinValue : Utilities.GetDate(txtEndDate.Text, "dd-mm-yyyy");

            DataTable bookingsWithSentLetters = BookingDB.GetBookingsWithEPCLetters(startDate, endDate, Convert.ToInt32(registerReferrerID.Value), Convert.ToInt32(patientID.Value), true, false);

            if (!viewListOnly && bookingsWithSentLetters.Rows.Count > MaxSending)
                throw new CustomMessageException("Can not generate more than " + MaxSending + " letters at a time. Please narrow your date range.");

            double queryExecutionTime = (double)(Environment.TickCount - startTime) / 1000.0;
            startTime = Environment.TickCount;

            ArrayList filesToPrint = new ArrayList();

            int       currentRegReferrerID       = -1;
            ArrayList bookingsForCurrentReferrer = new ArrayList();
            foreach (DataRow row in bookingsWithSentLetters.Rows)
                Tuple <Booking, PatientReferrer, bool, bool, HealthCard> rowData = LoadRow(row);
                Booking         booking     = rowData.Item1;
                PatientReferrer pr          = rowData.Item2;
                bool            refHasEmail = rowData.Item3;
                bool            refHasFax   = rowData.Item4;
                HealthCard      hc          = rowData.Item5;

                if (pr.RegisterReferrer.RegisterReferrerID != currentRegReferrerID)
                    filesToPrint.AddRange(ProcessReferrersLetters(viewListOnly, bookingsForCurrentReferrer, AutoSendFaxesAsEmailsIfNoEmailExistsToGPs, ref debugOutput, bulkLetterSendingQueueBatchID));
                    currentRegReferrerID       = pr.RegisterReferrer.RegisterReferrerID;
                    bookingsForCurrentReferrer = new ArrayList();


            // process last group
            filesToPrint.AddRange(ProcessReferrersLetters(viewListOnly, bookingsForCurrentReferrer, AutoSendFaxesAsEmailsIfNoEmailExistsToGPs, ref debugOutput, bulkLetterSendingQueueBatchID));

            bool zipSeperately = true;

            if (zipSeperately && filesToPrint.Count > 0)
                // seperate into doc types because can only merge docs with docs of same template (ie docname)
                Hashtable filesToPrintHash = new Hashtable();
                for (int i = 0; i < filesToPrint.Count; i++)
                    Letter.FileContents curFileContents = (Letter.FileContents)filesToPrint[i];
                    if (filesToPrintHash[curFileContents.DocName] == null)
                        filesToPrintHash[curFileContents.DocName] = new ArrayList();

                // merge and put merged files into temp dir
                string baseTmpDir = FileHelper.GetTempDirectoryName(tmpLettersDirectory);
                string tmpDir     = baseTmpDir + "EPC Letters" + @"\";
                string[] tmpFiles = new string[filesToPrintHash.Keys.Count];
                IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = filesToPrintHash.GetEnumerator();
                for (int i = 0; enumerator.MoveNext(); i++)
                    ArrayList files   = (ArrayList)enumerator.Value;
                    string    docName = (string)enumerator.Key;

                    // last file is screwing up, so just re-add the last file again for a temp fix
                    files.Add(files[files.Count - 1]);

                    Letter.FileContents fileContents = Letter.FileContents.Merge((Letter.FileContents[])files.ToArray(typeof(Letter.FileContents)), docName); // .pdf

                    string tmpFileName = tmpDir + fileContents.DocName;
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(tmpFileName, fileContents.Contents);
                    tmpFiles[i] = tmpFileName;

                // zip em
                string zipFileName = "EPC";
                string zipFilePath = baseTmpDir + zipFileName;
                ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip zip = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip();
                zip.CreateEmptyDirectories = true;
                zip.CreateZip(zipFilePath, tmpDir, true, "");

                // get filecontents of zip here
                Letter.FileContents zipFileContents = new Letter.FileContents(zipFilePath, zipFileName);
                Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = zipFileContents.Contents;
                Session["downloadFile_DocName"]  = zipFileContents.DocName;

                // delete files
                for (int i = 0; i < tmpFiles.Length; i++)
                    System.IO.File.SetAttributes(tmpFiles[i], FileAttributes.Normal);
                System.IO.File.SetAttributes(zipFilePath, FileAttributes.Normal);
                System.IO.Directory.Delete(tmpDir, false);
                System.IO.Directory.Delete(baseTmpDir, false);

                // put in session variables so when it reloads to this page, we can popup the download window
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "download", "<script language=javascript>'DownloadFile.aspx','_blank','status=1,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=30,height=30');</script>");

            if (!zipSeperately && filesToPrint.Count > 0)
                Letter.FileContents fileContents = Letter.FileContents.Merge((Letter.FileContents[])filesToPrint.ToArray(typeof(Letter.FileContents)), "Referral Letters.doc");  // .pdf
                Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = fileContents.Contents;
                Session["downloadFile_DocName"]  = fileContents.DocName;

                // put in session variables so when it reloads to this page, we can popup the download window
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "download", "<script language=javascript>'DownloadFile.aspx','_blank','status=1,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=30,height=30');</script>");

            double restExecutionTime = (double)(Environment.TickCount - startTime) / 1000.0;

            if (debugMode)
                if (!viewListOnly)
                    lblInfo.Text = @"<table cellpadding=""0"">
                                    <tr><td><b>Send Method</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + SelectedSendMethod.ToString() + @"</td><td style=""width:25px;""></td><td><b>Query Time</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + queryExecutionTime + @" seconds</td></tr>
                                    <tr><td><b>Count</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + bookingsWithSentLetters.Rows.Count + @"</td><td style=""width:25px;""></td><td><b>Runing Time</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + restExecutionTime + @" seconds</td></tr>

                string countShowing = bookingsWithSentLetters.Rows.Count > MaxSending ? bookingsWithSentLetters.Rows.Count + " showing to re-generate. <br /><font color=red>* You can not generate more than 175 at a time. Please narrow your search before printing.</font>" : bookingsWithSentLetters.Rows.Count.ToString();
                if (viewListOnly)
                    lblInfo.Text = @"<table cellpadding=""0"">
                                    <tr><td valign=""top""><b>Count</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + countShowing + @"</td></tr>

                if (viewListOnly)
                    lblList.Text = @"<table class=""table table-bordered table-striped table-grid table-grid-top-bottum-padding-thick auto_width block_center"" cellpadding=""4"" border=""1"">
                                            <th style=""white-space:nowrap;"">Send By</th>
                                        </tr>" +
                                   (debugOutput.Length == 0 ? "<tr><td colspan=\"7\">No Rows</td></tr>" : debugOutput) +
        catch (CustomMessageException cmEx)
        catch (Exception ex)
            SetErrorMessage("", ex.ToString());
    public static Letter.FileContents Run(SendMethod sendMethod, int siteID, int staffID, int registerReferrerID, bool incBatching, bool incUnsent, bool viewListOnly, bool viewFullList, out string outputInfo, out string outputList, string btnViewListClientID)
        RndPageID = (new Random()).Next().ToString();

        bool debugMode = true;

        string tmpLettersDirectory = Letter.GetTempLettersDirectory();

        if (!Directory.Exists(tmpLettersDirectory))
            throw new CustomMessageException("Temp letters directory doesn't exist");

        int    startTime = 0;
        double queryExecutionTimeClinic = 0;
        double generateFilesToPrintExecutionTimeClinic = 0;
        double queryExecutionTimeAgedCare = 0;
        double generateFilesToPrintExecutionTimeAgedCare = 0;

        outputInfo = string.Empty;
        outputList = string.Empty;

        //  We can not send email all their patients in one email - will be too big with attachments and rejected by their mail provider
        //  So if via email - need to send one at a time
        //  Then if cuts out or times out, it has processed some so don't need to re-process those when it's run again
        //  remember to process the emails first ... so if any interruptions/errors ... at least some will have been processed

        Site[] allSites    = SiteDB.GetAll();
        bool   runAllSites = siteID == -1;

        Site agedCareSite = null;
        Site clinicSite   = null;

        Site[] sitesToRun = runAllSites ? allSites : new Site[] { SiteDB.GetByID(siteID) };
        foreach (Site s in sitesToRun)
            if (s.SiteType.ID == 1)
                clinicSite = s;
            else if (s.SiteType.ID == 2)
                agedCareSite = s;

        ArrayList filesToPrintClinic   = new ArrayList();
        ArrayList filesToPrintAgedCare = new ArrayList();
        string    debugOutput          = string.Empty;
        int       numGenerated         = 0;

        DataTable bookingsWithUnsetnLettersClinic   = null;
        DataTable bookingsWithUnsetnLettersAgedCare = null;

        if (clinicSite != null)
            startTime = Environment.TickCount;

            bookingsWithUnsetnLettersClinic = BookingDB.GetBookingsWithEPCLetters(DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, registerReferrerID, -1, false, true, incBatching, incUnsent);

            queryExecutionTimeClinic = (double)(Environment.TickCount - startTime) / 1000.0;
            startTime = Environment.TickCount;

            int       currentRegReferrerID       = -1;
            ArrayList bookingsForCurrentReferrer = new ArrayList();
            foreach (DataRow row in bookingsWithUnsetnLettersClinic.Rows)

                //if (numGenerated % 15 != 1) continue;
                if ((!viewListOnly || !viewFullList) && (numGenerated > MaxSending))

                Tuple <Booking, PatientReferrer, bool, string, string, HealthCard> rowData = LoadClinicRow(row);
                Booking         booking     = rowData.Item1;
                PatientReferrer pr          = rowData.Item2;
                bool            refHasEmail = rowData.Item3;
                string          refEmail    = rowData.Item4;
                string          refFax      = rowData.Item5;
                HealthCard      hc          = rowData.Item6;

                //if (booking.Patient == null || (booking.Patient.PatientID != 31522 && booking.Patient.PatientID != 27654))
                //    numGenerated--;
                //    continue;

                if (pr.RegisterReferrer.RegisterReferrerID != currentRegReferrerID)
                    filesToPrintClinic.AddRange(ProcessReferrersClinicLetters(sendMethod, viewListOnly, clinicSite, staffID, bookingsForCurrentReferrer, ref debugOutput, btnViewListClientID));
                    currentRegReferrerID       = pr.RegisterReferrer.RegisterReferrerID;
                    bookingsForCurrentReferrer = new ArrayList();


            // process last group
            filesToPrintClinic.AddRange(ProcessReferrersClinicLetters(sendMethod, viewListOnly, clinicSite, staffID, bookingsForCurrentReferrer, ref debugOutput, btnViewListClientID));

            generateFilesToPrintExecutionTimeClinic = (double)(Environment.TickCount - startTime) / 1000.0;
        if (agedCareSite != null)
            startTime = Environment.TickCount;

            bookingsWithUnsetnLettersAgedCare = BookingPatientDB.GetBookingsPatientOfferingsWithEPCLetters(DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, registerReferrerID, -1, false, true, incBatching, incUnsent);

            queryExecutionTimeAgedCare = (double)(Environment.TickCount - startTime) / 1000.0;
            startTime = Environment.TickCount;

            int       currentRegReferrerID       = -1;
            ArrayList bookingsForCurrentReferrer = new ArrayList();
            foreach (DataRow row in bookingsWithUnsetnLettersAgedCare.Rows)
                //if (numGenerated % 15 != 1) continue;
                if ((!viewListOnly || !viewFullList) && (numGenerated > MaxSending))
                Tuple <BookingPatient, Offering, PatientReferrer, bool, string, string, HealthCard> rowData = LoadAgedCareRow(row);
                BookingPatient  bp          = rowData.Item1;
                Offering        offering    = rowData.Item2;
                PatientReferrer pr          = rowData.Item3;
                bool            refHasEmail = rowData.Item4;
                string          refEmail    = rowData.Item5;
                string          refFax      = rowData.Item6;
                HealthCard      hc          = rowData.Item7;

                //if (bp.Booking.Patient == null || (bp.Booking.Patient.PatientID != 31522 && bp.Booking.Patient.PatientID != 27654))
                //    numGenerated--;
                //    continue;

                if (pr.RegisterReferrer.RegisterReferrerID != currentRegReferrerID)
                    filesToPrintAgedCare.AddRange(ProcessReferrersAgedCareLetters(sendMethod, viewListOnly, agedCareSite, staffID, bookingsForCurrentReferrer, ref debugOutput, btnViewListClientID));
                    currentRegReferrerID       = pr.RegisterReferrer.RegisterReferrerID;
                    bookingsForCurrentReferrer = new ArrayList();


            // process last group
            filesToPrintAgedCare.AddRange(ProcessReferrersAgedCareLetters(sendMethod, viewListOnly, agedCareSite, staffID, bookingsForCurrentReferrer, ref debugOutput, btnViewListClientID));

            generateFilesToPrintExecutionTimeAgedCare = (double)(Environment.TickCount - startTime) / 1000.0;

        startTime = Environment.TickCount;

        bool zipSeperately = true;

        Letter.FileContents zipFileContents = null;

        if (zipSeperately && (filesToPrintClinic.Count + filesToPrintAgedCare.Count) > 0)
            // if 2 sites exist in the system - change doc names to have "[AgedCare]" or "[Clinics]" before docname
            if (allSites.Length > 1)
                for (int i = 0; i < filesToPrintClinic.Count; i++)
                    ((Letter.FileContents)filesToPrintClinic[i]).DocName = "[Clinics] " + ((Letter.FileContents)filesToPrintClinic[i]).DocName;
                for (int i = 0; i < filesToPrintAgedCare.Count; i++)
                    ((Letter.FileContents)filesToPrintAgedCare[i]).DocName = "[AgedCare] " + ((Letter.FileContents)filesToPrintAgedCare[i]).DocName;

            ArrayList filesToPrint = new ArrayList();

            // seperate into doc types because can only merge docs with docs of same template (ie docname)
            Hashtable filesToPrintHash = new Hashtable();
            for (int i = 0; i < filesToPrint.Count; i++)
                Letter.FileContents curFileContents = (Letter.FileContents)filesToPrint[i];
                if (filesToPrintHash[curFileContents.DocName] == null)
                    filesToPrintHash[curFileContents.DocName] = new ArrayList();

            // merge and put merged files into temp dir
            string baseTmpDir = FileHelper.GetTempDirectoryName(tmpLettersDirectory);
            string tmpDir     = baseTmpDir + "Referral Letters" + @"\";
            string[] tmpFiles = new string[filesToPrintHash.Keys.Count];
            IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = filesToPrintHash.GetEnumerator();
            for (int i = 0; enumerator.MoveNext(); i++)
                ArrayList files   = (ArrayList)enumerator.Value;
                string    docName = (string)enumerator.Key;

                // last file is screwing up, so just re-add the last file again for a temp fix
                files.Add(files[files.Count - 1]);

                Letter.FileContents fileContents = Letter.FileContents.Merge((Letter.FileContents[])files.ToArray(typeof(Letter.FileContents)), docName); // .pdf

                string tmpFileName = tmpDir + fileContents.DocName;
                System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(tmpFileName, fileContents.Contents);
                tmpFiles[i] = tmpFileName;

            // zip em
            string zipFileName = "Referral";
            string zipFilePath = baseTmpDir + zipFileName;
            ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip zip = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip();
            zip.CreateEmptyDirectories = true;
            zip.CreateZip(zipFilePath, tmpDir, true, "");

            // get filecontents of zip here
            zipFileContents = new Letter.FileContents(zipFilePath, zipFileName);
            //Letter.FileContents zipFileContents = new Letter.FileContents(zipFilePath, zipFileName);
            //System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = zipFileContents.Contents;
            //System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["downloadFile_DocName"]  = zipFileContents.DocName;

            // delete files
            for (int i = 0; i < tmpFiles.Length; i++)
                System.IO.File.SetAttributes(tmpFiles[i], FileAttributes.Normal);
            System.IO.File.SetAttributes(zipFilePath, FileAttributes.Normal);
            System.IO.Directory.Delete(tmpDir, false);
            System.IO.Directory.Delete(baseTmpDir, false);

            // put in session variables so when it reloads to this page, we can popup the download window
            //Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "download", "<script language=javascript>'DownloadFile.aspx','_blank','status=1,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=30,height=30');</script>");

        if (!zipSeperately && (filesToPrintClinic.Count + filesToPrintAgedCare.Count) > 0)
            ArrayList filesToPrint = new ArrayList();

            zipFileContents = Letter.FileContents.Merge((Letter.FileContents[])filesToPrint.ToArray(typeof(Letter.FileContents)), "Referral Letters.doc"); // .pdf
            //Letter.FileContents fileContents = Letter.FileContents.Merge((Letter.FileContents[])filesToPrint.ToArray(typeof(Letter.FileContents)), "Referral Letters.doc"); // .pdf
            //System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = fileContents.Contents;
            //System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["downloadFile_DocName"]  = fileContents.DocName;

            // put in session variables so when it reloads to this page, we can popup the download window
            //Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "download", "<script language=javascript>'DownloadFile.aspx','_blank','status=1,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=30,height=30');</script>");

        if (!viewListOnly && registerReferrerID == -1 && incBatching)

        double restExecutionTime = (double)(Environment.TickCount - startTime) / 1000.0;

        if (debugMode)
            int    total         = (bookingsWithUnsetnLettersClinic == null ? 0 : bookingsWithUnsetnLettersClinic.Rows.Count) + (bookingsWithUnsetnLettersAgedCare == null ? 0 : bookingsWithUnsetnLettersAgedCare.Rows.Count);
            string countGenrated = total > MaxSending ? MaxSending + " of " + total + " generated" : total.ToString() + " generated";
            string countShowing  = total > MaxSending ? MaxSending + " of " + total + " showing to generate. <br />* If there are more than " + MaxSending + ", the next " + MaxSending + " will have to be generated seperately after this." : total.ToString();
            if (total > MaxSending && viewFullList)
                countShowing = total + " showing to generate. <br />* If there are more than " + MaxSending + ", only the first " + MaxSending + " will be generated and batches of " + MaxSending + " will have to be generated seperately after.";

            string queryExecutionTimeText = string.Empty;
            if (agedCareSite == null && clinicSite == null)
                queryExecutionTimeText = "0";
            if (agedCareSite == null && clinicSite != null)
                queryExecutionTimeText = queryExecutionTimeClinic.ToString();
            if (agedCareSite != null && clinicSite == null)
                queryExecutionTimeText = queryExecutionTimeAgedCare.ToString();
            if (agedCareSite != null && clinicSite != null)
                queryExecutionTimeText = "[Clinics: " + queryExecutionTimeClinic + "] [AgedCare: " + queryExecutionTimeAgedCare + "]";

            string restExecutionTimeText = string.Empty;
            if (agedCareSite == null && clinicSite == null)
                restExecutionTimeText = "0";
            if (agedCareSite == null && clinicSite != null)
                restExecutionTimeText = (generateFilesToPrintExecutionTimeClinic + restExecutionTime).ToString();
            if (agedCareSite != null && clinicSite == null)
                restExecutionTimeText = (generateFilesToPrintExecutionTimeAgedCare + restExecutionTime).ToString();
            if (agedCareSite != null && clinicSite != null)
                restExecutionTimeText = "[Clinics: " + generateFilesToPrintExecutionTimeClinic + "] [AgedCare: " + generateFilesToPrintExecutionTimeAgedCare + "] [Merging" + restExecutionTime + "]";

            if (!viewListOnly)
                outputInfo = @"<table cellpadding=""0"">
                                <tr><td><b>Send Method</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + sendMethod.ToString() + @"</td><td style=""width:25px;""></td><td><b>Query Time</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + queryExecutionTimeText + @" seconds</td></tr>
                                <tr><td><b>Count</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + countGenrated + @"</td><td style=""width:25px;""></td><td><b>Runing Time</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + restExecutionTimeText + @" seconds</td></tr>

            if (viewListOnly)
                outputInfo = @"<table cellpadding=""0"">
                                <tr><td valign=""top""><b>Count</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + countShowing + @"</td></tr>

            if (viewListOnly)
                outputList = @"<table class=""table table-bordered table-striped table-grid table-grid-top-bottum-padding-thick auto_width block_center"" border=""1"">
                                        <th>Send By</th>
                                        <th>Update Email/Fax</th>
                                    </tr>" +
                             (debugOutput.Length == 0 ? "<tr><td colspan=\"6\">No Rows</td></tr>" : debugOutput) +

예제 #40
        protected override void ExecuteAction(IFileActionInfo fileActionInfo)
            SourceTargetFilterFileInfo zipFile = fileActionInfo as SourceTargetFilterFileInfo;

            zip.CreateZip(zipFile.SourceFileName, zipFile.TargetPath, _recurse, zipFile.FilterFiles);