public static ParseInformation CreateParseInfo(string code) { DefaultProjectContent projectContent = new DefaultProjectContent(); PythonParser parser = new PythonParser(); ICompilationUnit compilationUnit = parser.Parse(projectContent, @"C:\", code); return new ParseInformation(compilationUnit); }
public void SetUpFixture() { resourceWriter = new MockResourceWriter(); resourceService = new MockResourceService(); resourceService.SetResourceWriter(resourceWriter); AvalonEdit.TextEditor textEditor = new AvalonEdit.TextEditor(); document = textEditor.Document; textEditor.Text = GetTextEditorCode(); PythonParser parser = new PythonParser(); ICompilationUnit compilationUnit = parser.Parse(new DefaultProjectContent(), @"", document.Text); using (DesignSurface designSurface = new DesignSurface(typeof(Form))) { IDesignerHost host = (IDesignerHost)designSurface.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)); Form form = (Form)host.RootComponent; form.ClientSize = new Size(499, 309); PropertyDescriptorCollection descriptors = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(form); PropertyDescriptor namePropertyDescriptor = descriptors.Find("Name", false); namePropertyDescriptor.SetValue(form, "MainForm"); DesignerSerializationManager serializationManager = new DesignerSerializationManager(host); using (serializationManager.CreateSession()) { AvalonEditDocumentAdapter adapter = new AvalonEditDocumentAdapter(document, null); MockTextEditorOptions options = new MockTextEditorOptions(); PythonDesignerGenerator generator = new PythonDesignerGenerator(options); generator.Merge(host, adapter, compilationUnit, serializationManager); } } }
public void SetUpFixture() { string python = "class Test:\r\n" + "\tdef foo(self):\r\n" + "\t\tpass"; DefaultProjectContent projectContent = new DefaultProjectContent(); PythonParser parser = new PythonParser(); compilationUnit = parser.Parse(projectContent, @"C:\", python); if (compilationUnit.Classes.Count > 0) { c = compilationUnit.Classes[0]; if (c.Methods.Count > 0) { method = c.Methods[0]; } TextArea textArea = new TextArea(); document = new TextDocument(); textArea.Document = document; textArea.Document.Text = python; ParserFoldingStrategy foldingStrategy = new ParserFoldingStrategy(textArea); ParseInformation parseInfo = new ParseInformation(compilationUnit); foldingStrategy.UpdateFoldings(parseInfo); List<FoldingSection> folds = new List<FoldingSection>(foldingStrategy.FoldingManager.AllFoldings); if (folds.Count > 0) { classFold = folds[0]; } if (folds.Count > 1) { methodFold = folds[1]; } } }
public void SetUpFixture() { string python = "class"; DefaultProjectContent projectContent = new DefaultProjectContent(); PythonParser parser = new PythonParser(); compilationUnit = parser.Parse(projectContent, @"C:\", python); }
public void Init() { string python = "from math import *"; DefaultProjectContent projectContent = new DefaultProjectContent(); PythonParser parser = new PythonParser(); compilationUnit = parser.Parse(projectContent, @"C:\", python); import = compilationUnit.UsingScope.Usings[0] as PythonFromImport; }
public PythonResolverTestsHelper(string code) { ProjectContent = new ScriptingUtils.MockProjectContent(); PythonParser parser = new PythonParser(); string fileName = @""; CompilationUnit = parser.Parse(ProjectContent, fileName, code) as DefaultCompilationUnit; ParseInfo = new ParseInformation(CompilationUnit); Resolver = new PythonResolver(); }
public void SetUpFixture() { string python = "class Test:\r\n" + "\tpass"; DefaultProjectContent projectContent = new DefaultProjectContent(); PythonParser parser = new PythonParser(); compilationUnit = parser.Parse(projectContent, @"C:\Projects\Test\", python); if (compilationUnit.Classes.Count > 0) { c = compilationUnit.Classes[0]; } }
public void SetUpFixture() { PythonParser parser = new PythonParser(); MockProjectContent mockProjectContent = new MockProjectContent(); ICompilationUnit compilationUnit = parser.Parse(mockProjectContent, @"C:\Projects\Test\", GetPythonCode()); parseInfo = new ParseInformation(compilationUnit); if (compilationUnit.Classes.Count > 0) { mainFormClass = compilationUnit.Classes[0]; initializeComponentsMethod = FormsDesignerSecondaryDisplayBinding.GetInitializeComponents(mainFormClass); } }
public void InitBase() { projectContent = new MockProjectContent(); PythonParser parser = new PythonParser(); string fileName = @"C:\projects\test\"; compilationUnit = parser.Parse(projectContent, fileName, GetPythonScript()); parseInfo = new ParseInformation(compilationUnit); resolver = new PythonResolver(); expressionResult = GetExpressionResult(); resolveResult = resolver.Resolve(expressionResult, parseInfo, GetPythonScript()); }
public void SetUpFixture() { string python = "import System\r\n" + "\r\n" + "class Class1:\r\n" + " def __init__(self):\r\n" + " Console.\r\n" + " pass\r\n"; DefaultProjectContent projectContent = new DefaultProjectContent(); PythonParser parser = new PythonParser(); compilationUnit = parser.Parse(projectContent, @"C:\", python); }
public void InitializeComponentsUsedInsteadOfInitializeComponent() { PythonParser parser = new PythonParser(); MockProjectContent mockProjectContent = new MockProjectContent(); string code = GetFormCode().Replace("InitializeComponent", "InitializeComponents"); ICompilationUnit compilationUnit = parser.Parse(mockProjectContent, @"C:\Projects\Test\", code); ParseInformation parseInfo = new ParseInformation(compilationUnit); IMethod expectedMethod = GetInitializeComponentMethod(compilationUnit); IMethod method = PythonDesignerGenerator.GetInitializeComponents(parseInfo); Assert.IsNotNull(method); Assert.AreSame(expectedMethod, method); }
public void SetUpFixture() { PythonParser parser = new PythonParser(); MockProjectContent mockProjectContent = new MockProjectContent(); ICompilationUnit compilationUnit = parser.Parse(mockProjectContent, @"C:\Projects\Test\", GetFormCode()); // Create parse info to return from ParseFile method. parseInfo = new ParseInformation(compilationUnit); // Get the InitializeComponent method from the // compilation unit. expectedInitializeComponentMethod = GetInitializeComponentMethod(compilationUnit); // Find the InitializeComponent method using the designer generator. initializeComponentMethod = PythonDesignerGenerator.GetInitializeComponents(parseInfo); }
public void SetUpFixture() { textEditorOptions = new MockTextEditorOptions(); generator = new DerivedPythonDesignerGenerator(textEditorOptions); mockViewContent = new MockTextEditorViewContent(); viewContent = new DerivedFormDesignerViewContent(mockViewContent, new MockOpenedFile(fileName)); generator.Attach(viewContent); viewContent.DesignerCodeFileContent = GetTextEditorCode(); PythonParser parser = new PythonParser(); ICompilationUnit parserCompilationUnit = parser.Parse(new DefaultProjectContent(), fileName, GetTextEditorCode()); ParseInformation parseInfo = new ParseInformation(parserCompilationUnit); generator.ParseInfoToReturnFromParseFileMethod = parseInfo; AfterSetUpFixture(); }
public void SetUpFixture() { string python = "class Test(Base):\r\n" + "\tdef foo(self, sender, e):\r\n" + "\t\tpass"; DefaultProjectContent projectContent = new DefaultProjectContent(); PythonParser parser = new PythonParser(); ICompilationUnit compilationUnit = parser.Parse(projectContent, @"C:\", python); if (compilationUnit.Classes.Count > 0) { IClass c = compilationUnit.Classes[0]; method = c.Methods[0]; if (method.Parameters.Count > 1) { senderParameter = method.Parameters[0]; eventArgsParameter = method.Parameters[1]; } } }
public void SetUpFixture() { AvalonEdit.TextEditor textEditor = new AvalonEdit.TextEditor(); document = textEditor.Document; textEditor.Text = GetTextEditorCode(); PythonParser parser = new PythonParser(); MockProjectContent projectContent = new MockProjectContent(); MockProject project = new MockProject(); project.RootNamespace = "RootNamespace"; projectContent.Project = project; ICompilationUnit compilationUnit = parser.Parse(projectContent, @"", document.Text); using (DesignSurface designSurface = new DesignSurface(typeof(Form))) { IDesignerHost host = (IDesignerHost)designSurface.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)); IEventBindingService eventBindingService = new MockEventBindingService(host); Form form = (Form)host.RootComponent; form.ClientSize = new Size(200, 300); PropertyDescriptorCollection descriptors = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(form); PropertyDescriptor namePropertyDescriptor = descriptors.Find("Name", false); namePropertyDescriptor.SetValue(form, "MainForm"); // Add picture box PictureBox pictureBox = (PictureBox)host.CreateComponent(typeof(PictureBox), "pictureBox1"); pictureBox.Location = new Point(0, 0); pictureBox.Image = new Bitmap(10, 10); pictureBox.Size = new Size(100, 120); pictureBox.TabIndex = 0; form.Controls.Add(pictureBox); MockTextEditorOptions options = new MockTextEditorOptions(); options.ConvertTabsToSpaces = true; options.IndentationSize = 4; DesignerSerializationManager serializationManager = new DesignerSerializationManager(host); using (serializationManager.CreateSession()) { AvalonEditDocumentAdapter adapter = new AvalonEditDocumentAdapter(document, null); PythonDesignerGenerator generator = new PythonDesignerGenerator(options); generator.Merge(host, adapter, compilationUnit, serializationManager); } } }
public void SetUpFixture() { resolver = new PythonResolver(); mockProjectContent = new MockProjectContent(); mockProjectContent.AddExistingNamespaceContents("System", new List<ICompletionEntry>()); string python = "import System\r\n" + "class Test:\r\n" + " def __init__(self):\r\n" + " System.\r\n"; PythonParser parser = new PythonParser(); string fileName = @"C:\Projects\Test\"; DefaultCompilationUnit cu = parser.Parse(mockProjectContent, fileName, python) as DefaultCompilationUnit; ParseInformation parseInfo = new ParseInformation(cu); ExpressionResult expressionResult = new ExpressionResult("System", new DomRegion(4, 2), null, null); resolveResult = resolver.Resolve(expressionResult, parseInfo, python) as NamespaceResolveResult; }
public void SetUpFixture() { string python = "import unittest\r\n" + "\r\n" + "class simpleTest(unittest.TestCase):\r\n" + " def testSuccess(self):\r\n" + " assert True\r\n" + "\r\n" + " def testFailure(self):\r\n" + " assert False\r\n" + "\r\n"; DefaultProjectContent projectContent = new DefaultProjectContent(); PythonParser parser = new PythonParser(); compilationUnit = parser.Parse(projectContent, @"C:\", python); if (compilationUnit.Classes.Count > 0) { c = compilationUnit.Classes[0]; } }
public void SetUpFixture() { string python = "class MyClass:\r\n" + " def firstMethod(self):\r\n" + " class NestedClass:\r\n" + " def firstNestedClassMethod(self):\r\n" + " pass\r\n" + "\r\n" + " def secondMethod(self):\r\n" + " pass\r\n" + "\r\n"; DefaultProjectContent projectContent = new DefaultProjectContent(); PythonParser parser = new PythonParser(); compilationUnit = parser.Parse(projectContent, @"C:\", python); if (compilationUnit.Classes.Count > 0) { c = compilationUnit.Classes[0]; } }
public void SetUpFixture() { string python = "import unittest\r\n" + "\r\n" + "class BaseTest(unittest.TestCase):\r\n" + " def testSuccess(self):\r\n" + " assert True\r\n" + "\r\n" + "class DerivedTest(BaseTest):\r\n" + " pass\r\n" + "\r\n"; projectContent = new DefaultProjectContent(); PythonParser parser = new PythonParser(); string fileName = @"C:\"; compilationUnit = parser.Parse(projectContent, fileName, python); projectContent.UpdateCompilationUnit(null, compilationUnit, fileName); if (compilationUnit.Classes.Count > 1) { c = compilationUnit.Classes[1]; } }
public void ParseShouldNotThrowInvalidCastException() { PythonParser parser = new PythonParser(); ICompilationUnit unit = parser.Parse(new DefaultProjectContent(), @"d:\projects\test\", code); Assert.AreEqual(1, unit.Classes.Count); }