public virtual object VisitFieldDeclaration(FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration, object data) { Debug.Assert((fieldDeclaration != null)); Debug.Assert((fieldDeclaration.Attributes != null)); Debug.Assert((fieldDeclaration.TypeReference != null)); Debug.Assert((fieldDeclaration.Fields != null)); foreach (AttributeSection o in fieldDeclaration.Attributes) { Debug.Assert(o != null); o.AcceptVisitor(this, data); } fieldDeclaration.TypeReference.AcceptVisitor(this, data); foreach (VariableDeclaration o in fieldDeclaration.Fields) { Debug.Assert(o != null); o.AcceptVisitor(this, data); } return null; }
void VariableDeclarator( #line 1301 "Frames/cs.ATG" FieldDeclaration parentFieldDeclaration) { #line 1302 "Frames/cs.ATG" Expression expr = null; Identifier(); #line 1304 "Frames/cs.ATG" VariableDeclaration f = new VariableDeclaration(t.val); f.StartLocation = t.Location; if (la.kind == 3) { lexer.NextToken(); VariableInitializer( #line 1305 "Frames/cs.ATG" out expr); #line 1305 "Frames/cs.ATG" f.Initializer = expr; } #line 1306 "Frames/cs.ATG" f.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; SafeAdd(parentFieldDeclaration, parentFieldDeclaration.Fields, f); }
public override object VisitLocalVariableDeclaration(LocalVariableDeclaration localVariableDeclaration, object data) { base.VisitLocalVariableDeclaration(localVariableDeclaration, data); if ((localVariableDeclaration.Modifier & Modifiers.Static) == Modifiers.Static) { INode parent = localVariableDeclaration.Parent; while (parent != null && !IsTypeLevel(parent)) { parent = parent.Parent; } if (parent != null) { INode type = parent.Parent; if (type != null) { int pos = type.Children.IndexOf(parent); if (pos >= 0) { FieldDeclaration field = new FieldDeclaration(null); field.TypeReference = localVariableDeclaration.TypeReference; field.Modifier = Modifiers.Static; field.Fields = localVariableDeclaration.Variables; new PrefixFieldsVisitor(field.Fields, "static_" + GetTypeLevelEntityName(parent) + "_").Run(parent); type.Children.Insert(pos + 1, field); RemoveCurrentNode(); } } } } return null; }
void StructMemberDecl( #line 753 "Frames/cs.ATG" ModifierList m, List<AttributeSection> attributes) { #line 755 "Frames/cs.ATG" string qualident = null; TypeReference type; Expression expr; List<ParameterDeclarationExpression> p = new List<ParameterDeclarationExpression>(); Statement stmt = null; List<TemplateDefinition> templates = new List<TemplateDefinition>(); TypeReference explicitInterface = null; bool isExtensionMethod = false; if (la.kind == 60) { #line 765 "Frames/cs.ATG" m.Check(Modifiers.Constants); lexer.NextToken(); #line 766 "Frames/cs.ATG" Location startPos = t.Location; Type( #line 767 "Frames/cs.ATG" out type); Identifier(); #line 767 "Frames/cs.ATG" FieldDeclaration fd = new FieldDeclaration(attributes, type, m.Modifier | Modifiers.Const); fd.StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos); VariableDeclaration f = new VariableDeclaration(t.val); f.StartLocation = t.Location; f.TypeReference = type; SafeAdd(fd, fd.Fields, f); Expect(3); Expr( #line 774 "Frames/cs.ATG" out expr); #line 774 "Frames/cs.ATG" f.Initializer = expr; while (la.kind == 14) { lexer.NextToken(); Identifier(); #line 775 "Frames/cs.ATG" f = new VariableDeclaration(t.val); f.StartLocation = t.Location; f.TypeReference = type; SafeAdd(fd, fd.Fields, f); Expect(3); Expr( #line 780 "Frames/cs.ATG" out expr); #line 780 "Frames/cs.ATG" f.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; f.Initializer = expr; } Expect(11); #line 781 "Frames/cs.ATG" fd.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; compilationUnit.AddChild(fd); } else if ( #line 785 "Frames/cs.ATG" NotVoidPointer()) { #line 785 "Frames/cs.ATG" m.Check(Modifiers.PropertysEventsMethods); Expect(123); #line 786 "Frames/cs.ATG" Location startPos = t.Location; if ( #line 787 "Frames/cs.ATG" IsExplicitInterfaceImplementation()) { TypeName( #line 788 "Frames/cs.ATG" out explicitInterface, false); #line 789 "Frames/cs.ATG" if (la.kind != Tokens.Dot || Peek(1).kind != Tokens.This) { qualident = TypeReference.StripLastIdentifierFromType(ref explicitInterface); } } else if (StartOf(19)) { Identifier(); #line 792 "Frames/cs.ATG" qualident = t.val; } else SynErr(162); if (la.kind == 23) { TypeParameterList( #line 795 "Frames/cs.ATG" templates); } Expect(20); if (la.kind == 111) { lexer.NextToken(); #line 798 "Frames/cs.ATG" isExtensionMethod = true; /* C# 3.0 */ } if (StartOf(11)) { FormalParameterList( #line 799 "Frames/cs.ATG" p); } Expect(21); #line 800 "Frames/cs.ATG" MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = new MethodDeclaration { Name = qualident, Modifier = m.Modifier, TypeReference = new TypeReference("System.Void", true), Parameters = p, Attributes = attributes, StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos), EndLocation = t.EndLocation, Templates = templates, IsExtensionMethod = isExtensionMethod }; if (explicitInterface != null) SafeAdd(methodDeclaration, methodDeclaration.InterfaceImplementations, new InterfaceImplementation(explicitInterface, qualident)); compilationUnit.AddChild(methodDeclaration); compilationUnit.BlockStart(methodDeclaration); while (la.kind == 127) { TypeParameterConstraintsClause( #line 818 "Frames/cs.ATG" templates); } if (la.kind == 16) { Block( #line 820 "Frames/cs.ATG" out stmt); } else if (la.kind == 11) { lexer.NextToken(); } else SynErr(163); #line 820 "Frames/cs.ATG" compilationUnit.BlockEnd(); methodDeclaration.Body = (BlockStatement)stmt; } else if (la.kind == 69) { #line 824 "Frames/cs.ATG" m.Check(Modifiers.PropertysEventsMethods); lexer.NextToken(); #line 826 "Frames/cs.ATG" EventDeclaration eventDecl = new EventDeclaration { Modifier = m.Modifier, Attributes = attributes, StartLocation = t.Location }; compilationUnit.AddChild(eventDecl); compilationUnit.BlockStart(eventDecl); EventAddRegion addBlock = null; EventRemoveRegion removeBlock = null; Type( #line 836 "Frames/cs.ATG" out type); #line 836 "Frames/cs.ATG" eventDecl.TypeReference = type; if ( #line 837 "Frames/cs.ATG" IsExplicitInterfaceImplementation()) { TypeName( #line 838 "Frames/cs.ATG" out explicitInterface, false); #line 839 "Frames/cs.ATG" qualident = TypeReference.StripLastIdentifierFromType(ref explicitInterface); #line 840 "Frames/cs.ATG" eventDecl.InterfaceImplementations.Add(new InterfaceImplementation(explicitInterface, qualident)); } else if (StartOf(19)) { Identifier(); #line 842 "Frames/cs.ATG" qualident = t.val; } else SynErr(164); #line 844 "Frames/cs.ATG" eventDecl.Name = qualident; eventDecl.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; if (la.kind == 3) { lexer.NextToken(); Expr( #line 845 "Frames/cs.ATG" out expr); #line 845 "Frames/cs.ATG" eventDecl.Initializer = expr; } if (la.kind == 16) { lexer.NextToken(); #line 846 "Frames/cs.ATG" eventDecl.BodyStart = t.Location; EventAccessorDecls( #line 847 "Frames/cs.ATG" out addBlock, out removeBlock); Expect(17); #line 848 "Frames/cs.ATG" eventDecl.BodyEnd = t.EndLocation; } #line 850 "Frames/cs.ATG" compilationUnit.BlockEnd(); eventDecl.AddRegion = addBlock; eventDecl.RemoveRegion = removeBlock; while (la.kind == 14) { lexer.NextToken(); Identifier(); #line 854 "Frames/cs.ATG" EventDeclaration additionalEventDeclaration = new EventDeclaration { Modifier = eventDecl.Modifier, Attributes = eventDecl.Attributes, StartLocation = eventDecl.StartLocation, TypeReference = eventDecl.TypeReference, Name = t.val }; compilationUnit.AddChild (additionalEventDeclaration); } if (la.kind == 11) { lexer.NextToken(); } } else if ( #line 868 "Frames/cs.ATG" IdentAndLPar()) { #line 868 "Frames/cs.ATG" m.Check(Modifiers.Constructors | Modifiers.StaticConstructors); Identifier(); #line 869 "Frames/cs.ATG" string name = t.val; Location startPos = t.Location; Expect(20); if (StartOf(11)) { #line 869 "Frames/cs.ATG" m.Check(Modifiers.Constructors); FormalParameterList( #line 870 "Frames/cs.ATG" p); } Expect(21); #line 872 "Frames/cs.ATG" ConstructorInitializer init = null; if (la.kind == 9) { #line 873 "Frames/cs.ATG" m.Check(Modifiers.Constructors); ConstructorInitializer( #line 874 "Frames/cs.ATG" out init); } #line 876 "Frames/cs.ATG" ConstructorDeclaration cd = new ConstructorDeclaration(name, m.Modifier, p, init, attributes); cd.StartLocation = startPos; cd.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; if (la.kind == 16) { Block( #line 881 "Frames/cs.ATG" out stmt); } else if (la.kind == 11) { lexer.NextToken(); } else SynErr(165); #line 881 "Frames/cs.ATG" cd.Body = (BlockStatement)stmt; compilationUnit.AddChild(cd); } else if (la.kind == 70 || la.kind == 80) { #line 884 "Frames/cs.ATG" m.Check(Modifiers.Operators); if (m.isNone) Error("at least one modifier must be set"); bool isImplicit = true; Location startPos = Location.Empty; if (la.kind == 80) { lexer.NextToken(); #line 889 "Frames/cs.ATG" startPos = t.Location; } else { lexer.NextToken(); #line 889 "Frames/cs.ATG" isImplicit = false; startPos = t.Location; } Expect(92); Type( #line 890 "Frames/cs.ATG" out type); #line 890 "Frames/cs.ATG" TypeReference operatorType = type; Expect(20); Type( #line 891 "Frames/cs.ATG" out type); Identifier(); #line 891 "Frames/cs.ATG" string varName = t.val; Expect(21); #line 892 "Frames/cs.ATG" Location endPos = t.Location; if (la.kind == 16) { Block( #line 893 "Frames/cs.ATG" out stmt); } else if (la.kind == 11) { lexer.NextToken(); #line 893 "Frames/cs.ATG" stmt = null; } else SynErr(166); #line 896 "Frames/cs.ATG" List<ParameterDeclarationExpression> parameters = new List<ParameterDeclarationExpression>(); parameters.Add(new ParameterDeclarationExpression(type, varName)); OperatorDeclaration operatorDeclaration = new OperatorDeclaration { Name = (isImplicit ? "op_Implicit" : "op_Explicit"), Modifier = m.Modifier, Attributes = attributes, Parameters = parameters, TypeReference = operatorType, ConversionType = isImplicit ? ConversionType.Implicit : ConversionType.Explicit, Body = (BlockStatement)stmt, StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos), EndLocation = endPos }; compilationUnit.AddChild(operatorDeclaration); } else if (StartOf(22)) { TypeDecl( #line 914 "Frames/cs.ATG" m, attributes); } else if (StartOf(10)) { Type( #line 916 "Frames/cs.ATG" out type); #line 916 "Frames/cs.ATG" Location startPos = t.Location; if (la.kind == 92) { #line 918 "Frames/cs.ATG" OverloadableOperatorType op; m.Check(Modifiers.Operators); if (m.isNone) Error("at least one modifier must be set"); lexer.NextToken(); OverloadableOperator( #line 922 "Frames/cs.ATG" out op); #line 922 "Frames/cs.ATG" TypeReference firstType, secondType = null; string secondName = null; Expect(20); Type( #line 923 "Frames/cs.ATG" out firstType); Identifier(); #line 923 "Frames/cs.ATG" string firstName = t.val; if (la.kind == 14) { lexer.NextToken(); Type( #line 924 "Frames/cs.ATG" out secondType); Identifier(); #line 924 "Frames/cs.ATG" secondName = t.val; } else if (la.kind == 21) { } else SynErr(167); #line 932 "Frames/cs.ATG" Location endPos = t.Location; Expect(21); if (la.kind == 16) { Block( #line 933 "Frames/cs.ATG" out stmt); } else if (la.kind == 11) { lexer.NextToken(); } else SynErr(168); #line 935 "Frames/cs.ATG" if (op == OverloadableOperatorType.Add && secondType == null) op = OverloadableOperatorType.UnaryPlus; if (op == OverloadableOperatorType.Subtract && secondType == null) op = OverloadableOperatorType.UnaryMinus; OperatorDeclaration operatorDeclaration = new OperatorDeclaration { Modifier = m.Modifier, Attributes = attributes, TypeReference = type, OverloadableOperator = op, Name = GetReflectionNameForOperator(op), Body = (BlockStatement)stmt, StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos), EndLocation = endPos }; SafeAdd(operatorDeclaration, operatorDeclaration.Parameters, new ParameterDeclarationExpression(firstType, firstName)); if (secondType != null) { SafeAdd(operatorDeclaration, operatorDeclaration.Parameters, new ParameterDeclarationExpression(secondType, secondName)); } compilationUnit.AddChild(operatorDeclaration); } else if ( #line 957 "Frames/cs.ATG" IsVarDecl()) { #line 958 "Frames/cs.ATG" m.Check(Modifiers.Fields); FieldDeclaration fd = new FieldDeclaration(attributes, type, m.Modifier); fd.StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos); if ( #line 962 "Frames/cs.ATG" m.Contains(Modifiers.Fixed)) { VariableDeclarator( #line 963 "Frames/cs.ATG" fd); Expect(18); Expr( #line 965 "Frames/cs.ATG" out expr); #line 965 "Frames/cs.ATG" if (fd.Fields.Count > 0) fd.Fields[fd.Fields.Count-1].FixedArrayInitialization = expr; Expect(19); while (la.kind == 14) { lexer.NextToken(); VariableDeclarator( #line 969 "Frames/cs.ATG" fd); Expect(18); Expr( #line 971 "Frames/cs.ATG" out expr); #line 971 "Frames/cs.ATG" if (fd.Fields.Count > 0) fd.Fields[fd.Fields.Count-1].FixedArrayInitialization = expr; Expect(19); } } else if (StartOf(19)) { VariableDeclarator( #line 976 "Frames/cs.ATG" fd); while (la.kind == 14) { lexer.NextToken(); VariableDeclarator( #line 977 "Frames/cs.ATG" fd); } } else SynErr(169); Expect(11); #line 979 "Frames/cs.ATG" fd.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; compilationUnit.AddChild(fd); } else if (la.kind == 111) { #line 982 "Frames/cs.ATG" m.Check(Modifiers.Indexers); lexer.NextToken(); Expect(18); FormalParameterList( #line 983 "Frames/cs.ATG" p); Expect(19); #line 983 "Frames/cs.ATG" Location endLocation = t.EndLocation; Expect(16); #line 984 "Frames/cs.ATG" IndexerDeclaration indexer = new IndexerDeclaration(type, p, m.Modifier, attributes); indexer.StartLocation = startPos; indexer.EndLocation = endLocation; indexer.BodyStart = t.Location; PropertyGetRegion getRegion; PropertySetRegion setRegion; AccessorDecls( #line 991 "Frames/cs.ATG" out getRegion, out setRegion); Expect(17); #line 992 "Frames/cs.ATG" indexer.BodyEnd = t.EndLocation; indexer.GetRegion = getRegion; indexer.SetRegion = setRegion; compilationUnit.AddChild(indexer); } else if ( #line 997 "Frames/cs.ATG" IsIdentifierToken(la)) { if ( #line 998 "Frames/cs.ATG" IsExplicitInterfaceImplementation()) { TypeName( #line 999 "Frames/cs.ATG" out explicitInterface, false); #line 1000 "Frames/cs.ATG" if (la.kind != Tokens.Dot || Peek(1).kind != Tokens.This) { qualident = TypeReference.StripLastIdentifierFromType(ref explicitInterface); } } else if (StartOf(19)) { Identifier(); #line 1003 "Frames/cs.ATG" qualident = t.val; } else SynErr(170); #line 1005 "Frames/cs.ATG" Location qualIdentEndLocation = t.EndLocation; if (la.kind == 16 || la.kind == 20 || la.kind == 23) { if (la.kind == 20 || la.kind == 23) { #line 1009 "Frames/cs.ATG" m.Check(Modifiers.PropertysEventsMethods); if (la.kind == 23) { TypeParameterList( #line 1011 "Frames/cs.ATG" templates); } Expect(20); if (la.kind == 111) { lexer.NextToken(); #line 1013 "Frames/cs.ATG" isExtensionMethod = true; } if (StartOf(11)) { FormalParameterList( #line 1014 "Frames/cs.ATG" p); } Expect(21); #line 1016 "Frames/cs.ATG" MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = new MethodDeclaration { Name = qualident, Modifier = m.Modifier, TypeReference = type, Parameters = p, Attributes = attributes }; if (explicitInterface != null) methodDeclaration.InterfaceImplementations.Add(new InterfaceImplementation(explicitInterface, qualident)); methodDeclaration.StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos); methodDeclaration.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; methodDeclaration.IsExtensionMethod = isExtensionMethod; methodDeclaration.Templates = templates; compilationUnit.AddChild(methodDeclaration); while (la.kind == 127) { TypeParameterConstraintsClause( #line 1031 "Frames/cs.ATG" templates); } if (la.kind == 16) { Block( #line 1032 "Frames/cs.ATG" out stmt); } else if (la.kind == 11) { lexer.NextToken(); } else SynErr(171); #line 1032 "Frames/cs.ATG" methodDeclaration.Body = (BlockStatement)stmt; } else { lexer.NextToken(); #line 1035 "Frames/cs.ATG" PropertyDeclaration pDecl = new PropertyDeclaration(qualident, type, m.Modifier, attributes); if (explicitInterface != null) pDecl.InterfaceImplementations.Add(new InterfaceImplementation(explicitInterface, qualident)); pDecl.StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos); pDecl.EndLocation = qualIdentEndLocation; pDecl.BodyStart = t.Location; PropertyGetRegion getRegion; PropertySetRegion setRegion; AccessorDecls( #line 1044 "Frames/cs.ATG" out getRegion, out setRegion); Expect(17); #line 1046 "Frames/cs.ATG" pDecl.GetRegion = getRegion; pDecl.SetRegion = setRegion; pDecl.BodyEnd = t.EndLocation; compilationUnit.AddChild(pDecl); } } else if (la.kind == 15) { #line 1054 "Frames/cs.ATG" m.Check(Modifiers.Indexers); lexer.NextToken(); Expect(111); Expect(18); FormalParameterList( #line 1055 "Frames/cs.ATG" p); Expect(19); #line 1056 "Frames/cs.ATG" IndexerDeclaration indexer = new IndexerDeclaration(type, p, m.Modifier, attributes); indexer.StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos); indexer.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; if (explicitInterface != null) SafeAdd(indexer, indexer.InterfaceImplementations, new InterfaceImplementation(explicitInterface, "this")); PropertyGetRegion getRegion; PropertySetRegion setRegion; Expect(16); #line 1064 "Frames/cs.ATG" Location bodyStart = t.Location; AccessorDecls( #line 1065 "Frames/cs.ATG" out getRegion, out setRegion); Expect(17); #line 1066 "Frames/cs.ATG" indexer.BodyStart = bodyStart; indexer.BodyEnd = t.EndLocation; indexer.GetRegion = getRegion; indexer.SetRegion = setRegion; compilationUnit.AddChild(indexer); } else SynErr(172); } else SynErr(173); } else SynErr(174); }
void EnumMemberDecl( #line 1174 "Frames/cs.ATG" out FieldDeclaration f) { #line 1176 "Frames/cs.ATG" Expression expr = null; List<AttributeSection> attributes = new List<AttributeSection>(); AttributeSection section = null; VariableDeclaration varDecl = null; while (la.kind == 18) { AttributeSection( #line 1182 "Frames/cs.ATG" out section); #line 1182 "Frames/cs.ATG" attributes.Add(section); } Identifier(); #line 1183 "Frames/cs.ATG" f = new FieldDeclaration(attributes); varDecl = new VariableDeclaration(t.val); f.Fields.Add(varDecl); f.StartLocation = t.Location; f.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; if (la.kind == 3) { lexer.NextToken(); Expr( #line 1189 "Frames/cs.ATG" out expr); #line 1189 "Frames/cs.ATG" varDecl.Initializer = expr; } }
public virtual object TrackedVisitFieldDeclaration(FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration, object data) { return base.VisitFieldDeclaration(fieldDeclaration, data); }
public sealed override object VisitFieldDeclaration(FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration, object data) { this.BeginVisit(fieldDeclaration); object result = this.TrackedVisitFieldDeclaration(fieldDeclaration, data); this.EndVisit(fieldDeclaration); return result; }
public override object VisitPropertyDeclaration(PropertyDeclaration propertyDeclaration, object data) { if (!IsClassType(ClassType.Interface) && (propertyDeclaration.Modifier & Modifiers.Visibility) == 0) propertyDeclaration.Modifier |= Modifiers.Private; base.VisitPropertyDeclaration(propertyDeclaration, data); ToVBNetRenameConflictingVariablesVisitor.RenameConflicting(propertyDeclaration); if (!IsClassType(ClassType.Interface) && (propertyDeclaration.Modifier & Modifiers.Abstract) == 0) { if (propertyDeclaration.HasGetRegion && propertyDeclaration.HasSetRegion) { if (propertyDeclaration.GetRegion.Block.IsNull && propertyDeclaration.SetRegion.Block.IsNull) { // automatically implemented property string fieldName = "m_" + propertyDeclaration.Name; Modifiers fieldModifier = propertyDeclaration.Modifier & ~(Modifiers.Visibility) | Modifiers.Private; FieldDeclaration newField = new FieldDeclaration(null, propertyDeclaration.TypeReference, fieldModifier); newField.Fields.Add(new VariableDeclaration(fieldName)); InsertAfterSibling(propertyDeclaration, newField); propertyDeclaration.GetRegion.Block = new BlockStatement(); propertyDeclaration.GetRegion.Block.Return(ExpressionBuilder.Identifier(fieldName)); propertyDeclaration.SetRegion.Block = new BlockStatement(); propertyDeclaration.SetRegion.Block.Assign(ExpressionBuilder.Identifier(fieldName), ExpressionBuilder.Identifier("Value")); } } } return null; }
public override object VisitFieldDeclaration(FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration, object data) { fieldDeclaration.Modifier &= ~Modifiers.Dim; // remove "Dim" flag if (IsClassType(ClassType.Struct)) { if ((fieldDeclaration.Modifier & Modifiers.Visibility) == 0) fieldDeclaration.Modifier |= Modifiers.Public; } return base.VisitFieldDeclaration(fieldDeclaration, data); }
void EnumMemberDecl( #line 743 "VBNET.ATG" out FieldDeclaration f) { #line 745 "VBNET.ATG" Expression expr = null;List<AttributeSection> attributes = new List<AttributeSection>(); AttributeSection section = null; VariableDeclaration varDecl = null; while (la.kind == 28) { AttributeSection( #line 749 "VBNET.ATG" out section); #line 749 "VBNET.ATG" attributes.Add(section); } Identifier(); #line 752 "VBNET.ATG" f = new FieldDeclaration(attributes); varDecl = new VariableDeclaration(t.val); f.Fields.Add(varDecl); f.StartLocation = varDecl.StartLocation = t.Location; if (la.kind == 10) { lexer.NextToken(); Expr( #line 757 "VBNET.ATG" out expr); #line 757 "VBNET.ATG" varDecl.Initializer = expr; } EndOfStmt(); }
void StructureMemberDecl( #line 775 "VBNET.ATG" ModifierList m, List<AttributeSection> attributes) { #line 777 "VBNET.ATG" TypeReference type = null; List<ParameterDeclarationExpression> p = new List<ParameterDeclarationExpression>(); Statement stmt = null; List<VariableDeclaration> variableDeclarators = new List<VariableDeclaration>(); List<TemplateDefinition> templates = new List<TemplateDefinition>(); switch (la.kind) { case 71: case 90: case 102: case 129: case 141: case 194: { NonModuleDeclaration( #line 784 "VBNET.ATG" m, attributes); break; } case 195: { lexer.NextToken(); #line 788 "VBNET.ATG" Location startPos = t.Location; if (StartOf(14)) { #line 792 "VBNET.ATG" string name = String.Empty; MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration; List<string> handlesClause = null; List<InterfaceImplementation> implementsClause = null; Identifier(); #line 798 "VBNET.ATG" name = t.val; m.Check(Modifiers.VBMethods); TypeParameterList( #line 801 "VBNET.ATG" templates); if (la.kind == 25) { lexer.NextToken(); if (StartOf(4)) { FormalParameterList( #line 802 "VBNET.ATG" p); } Expect(26); } if (la.kind == 121 || la.kind == 123) { if (la.kind == 123) { ImplementsClause( #line 805 "VBNET.ATG" out implementsClause); } else { HandlesClause( #line 807 "VBNET.ATG" out handlesClause); } } #line 810 "VBNET.ATG" Location endLocation = t.EndLocation; if ( #line 813 "VBNET.ATG" IsMustOverride(m)) { EndOfStmt(); #line 816 "VBNET.ATG" methodDeclaration = new MethodDeclaration { Name = name, Modifier = m.Modifier, Parameters = p, Attributes = attributes, StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos), EndLocation = endLocation, TypeReference = new TypeReference("System.Void", true), Templates = templates, HandlesClause = handlesClause, InterfaceImplementations = implementsClause }; compilationUnit.AddChild(methodDeclaration); } else if (la.kind == 1) { lexer.NextToken(); #line 829 "VBNET.ATG" methodDeclaration = new MethodDeclaration { Name = name, Modifier = m.Modifier, Parameters = p, Attributes = attributes, StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos), EndLocation = endLocation, TypeReference = new TypeReference("System.Void", true), Templates = templates, HandlesClause = handlesClause, InterfaceImplementations = implementsClause }; compilationUnit.AddChild(methodDeclaration); #line 840 "VBNET.ATG" if (ParseMethodBodies) { Block( #line 841 "VBNET.ATG" out stmt); Expect(100); Expect(195); #line 843 "VBNET.ATG" } else { // don't parse method body lexer.SkipCurrentBlock(Tokens.Sub); stmt = new BlockStatement(); } #line 849 "VBNET.ATG" methodDeclaration.Body = (BlockStatement)stmt; #line 850 "VBNET.ATG" methodDeclaration.Body.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; EndOfStmt(); } else SynErr(238); } else if (la.kind == 148) { lexer.NextToken(); if (la.kind == 25) { lexer.NextToken(); if (StartOf(4)) { FormalParameterList( #line 854 "VBNET.ATG" p); } Expect(26); } #line 855 "VBNET.ATG" m.Check(Modifiers.Constructors); #line 856 "VBNET.ATG" Location constructorEndLocation = t.EndLocation; Expect(1); #line 859 "VBNET.ATG" if (ParseMethodBodies) { Block( #line 860 "VBNET.ATG" out stmt); Expect(100); Expect(195); #line 862 "VBNET.ATG" } else { // don't parse method body lexer.SkipCurrentBlock(Tokens.Sub); stmt = new BlockStatement(); } #line 868 "VBNET.ATG" Location endLocation = t.EndLocation; EndOfStmt(); #line 871 "VBNET.ATG" ConstructorDeclaration cd = new ConstructorDeclaration("New", m.Modifier, p, attributes); cd.StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos); cd.EndLocation = constructorEndLocation; cd.Body = (BlockStatement)stmt; cd.Body.EndLocation = endLocation; compilationUnit.AddChild(cd); } else SynErr(239); break; } case 114: { lexer.NextToken(); #line 883 "VBNET.ATG" m.Check(Modifiers.VBMethods); string name = String.Empty; Location startPos = t.Location; MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration;List<string> handlesClause = null; List<InterfaceImplementation> implementsClause = null; AttributeSection returnTypeAttributeSection = null; Identifier(); #line 890 "VBNET.ATG" name = t.val; TypeParameterList( #line 891 "VBNET.ATG" templates); if (la.kind == 25) { lexer.NextToken(); if (StartOf(4)) { FormalParameterList( #line 892 "VBNET.ATG" p); } Expect(26); } if (la.kind == 50) { lexer.NextToken(); while (la.kind == 28) { AttributeSection( #line 893 "VBNET.ATG" out returnTypeAttributeSection); } TypeName( #line 893 "VBNET.ATG" out type); } #line 895 "VBNET.ATG" if(type == null) { type = new TypeReference("System.Object", true); } if (la.kind == 121 || la.kind == 123) { if (la.kind == 123) { ImplementsClause( #line 901 "VBNET.ATG" out implementsClause); } else { HandlesClause( #line 903 "VBNET.ATG" out handlesClause); } } if ( #line 908 "VBNET.ATG" IsMustOverride(m)) { EndOfStmt(); #line 911 "VBNET.ATG" methodDeclaration = new MethodDeclaration { Name = name, Modifier = m.Modifier, TypeReference = type, Parameters = p, Attributes = attributes, StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos), EndLocation = t.EndLocation, HandlesClause = handlesClause, Templates = templates, InterfaceImplementations = implementsClause }; if (returnTypeAttributeSection != null) { returnTypeAttributeSection.AttributeTarget = "return"; methodDeclaration.Attributes.Add(returnTypeAttributeSection); } compilationUnit.AddChild(methodDeclaration); } else if (la.kind == 1) { lexer.NextToken(); #line 929 "VBNET.ATG" methodDeclaration = new MethodDeclaration { Name = name, Modifier = m.Modifier, TypeReference = type, Parameters = p, Attributes = attributes, StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos), EndLocation = t.EndLocation, Templates = templates, HandlesClause = handlesClause, InterfaceImplementations = implementsClause }; if (returnTypeAttributeSection != null) { returnTypeAttributeSection.AttributeTarget = "return"; methodDeclaration.Attributes.Add(returnTypeAttributeSection); } compilationUnit.AddChild(methodDeclaration); if (ParseMethodBodies) { Block( #line 946 "VBNET.ATG" out stmt); Expect(100); Expect(114); #line 948 "VBNET.ATG" } else { // don't parse method body lexer.SkipCurrentBlock(Tokens.Function); stmt = new BlockStatement(); } methodDeclaration.Body = (BlockStatement)stmt; methodDeclaration.Body.StartLocation = methodDeclaration.EndLocation; methodDeclaration.Body.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; EndOfStmt(); } else SynErr(240); break; } case 88: { lexer.NextToken(); #line 962 "VBNET.ATG" m.Check(Modifiers.VBExternalMethods); Location startPos = t.Location; CharsetModifier charsetModifer = CharsetModifier.None; string library = String.Empty; string alias = null; string name = String.Empty; if (StartOf(15)) { Charset( #line 969 "VBNET.ATG" out charsetModifer); } if (la.kind == 195) { lexer.NextToken(); Identifier(); #line 972 "VBNET.ATG" name = t.val; Expect(135); Expect(3); #line 973 "VBNET.ATG" library = t.literalValue as string; if (la.kind == 46) { lexer.NextToken(); Expect(3); #line 974 "VBNET.ATG" alias = t.literalValue as string; } if (la.kind == 25) { lexer.NextToken(); if (StartOf(4)) { FormalParameterList( #line 975 "VBNET.ATG" p); } Expect(26); } EndOfStmt(); #line 978 "VBNET.ATG" DeclareDeclaration declareDeclaration = new DeclareDeclaration(name, m.Modifier, null, p, attributes, library, alias, charsetModifer); declareDeclaration.StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos); declareDeclaration.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; compilationUnit.AddChild(declareDeclaration); } else if (la.kind == 114) { lexer.NextToken(); Identifier(); #line 985 "VBNET.ATG" name = t.val; Expect(135); Expect(3); #line 986 "VBNET.ATG" library = t.literalValue as string; if (la.kind == 46) { lexer.NextToken(); Expect(3); #line 987 "VBNET.ATG" alias = t.literalValue as string; } if (la.kind == 25) { lexer.NextToken(); if (StartOf(4)) { FormalParameterList( #line 988 "VBNET.ATG" p); } Expect(26); } if (la.kind == 50) { lexer.NextToken(); TypeName( #line 989 "VBNET.ATG" out type); } EndOfStmt(); #line 992 "VBNET.ATG" DeclareDeclaration declareDeclaration = new DeclareDeclaration(name, m.Modifier, type, p, attributes, library, alias, charsetModifer); declareDeclaration.StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos); declareDeclaration.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; compilationUnit.AddChild(declareDeclaration); } else SynErr(241); break; } case 106: { lexer.NextToken(); #line 1002 "VBNET.ATG" m.Check(Modifiers.VBEvents); Location startPos = t.Location; EventDeclaration eventDeclaration; string name = String.Empty; List<InterfaceImplementation> implementsClause = null; Identifier(); #line 1008 "VBNET.ATG" name= t.val; if (la.kind == 50) { lexer.NextToken(); TypeName( #line 1010 "VBNET.ATG" out type); } else if (StartOf(16)) { if (la.kind == 25) { lexer.NextToken(); if (StartOf(4)) { FormalParameterList( #line 1012 "VBNET.ATG" p); } Expect(26); } } else SynErr(242); if (la.kind == 123) { ImplementsClause( #line 1014 "VBNET.ATG" out implementsClause); } #line 1016 "VBNET.ATG" eventDeclaration = new EventDeclaration { Name = name, TypeReference = type, Modifier = m.Modifier, Parameters = p, Attributes = attributes, InterfaceImplementations = implementsClause, StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos), EndLocation = t.EndLocation }; compilationUnit.AddChild(eventDeclaration); EndOfStmt(); break; } case 2: case 45: case 49: case 51: case 52: case 53: case 54: case 57: case 74: case 91: case 94: case 103: case 108: case 113: case 120: case 126: case 130: case 133: case 156: case 162: case 169: case 188: case 197: case 198: case 208: case 209: case 215: { #line 1026 "VBNET.ATG" Location startPos = t.Location; #line 1028 "VBNET.ATG" m.Check(Modifiers.Fields); FieldDeclaration fd = new FieldDeclaration(attributes, null, m.Modifier); fd.StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos); IdentifierForFieldDeclaration(); #line 1032 "VBNET.ATG" string name = t.val; VariableDeclaratorPartAfterIdentifier( #line 1033 "VBNET.ATG" variableDeclarators, name); while (la.kind == 12) { lexer.NextToken(); VariableDeclarator( #line 1034 "VBNET.ATG" variableDeclarators); } EndOfStmt(); #line 1037 "VBNET.ATG" fd.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; fd.Fields = variableDeclarators; compilationUnit.AddChild(fd); break; } case 75: { #line 1042 "VBNET.ATG" m.Check(Modifiers.Fields); lexer.NextToken(); #line 1043 "VBNET.ATG" m.Add(Modifiers.Const, t.Location); #line 1045 "VBNET.ATG" FieldDeclaration fd = new FieldDeclaration(attributes, type, m.Modifier); fd.StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(t.Location); List<VariableDeclaration> constantDeclarators = new List<VariableDeclaration>(); ConstantDeclarator( #line 1049 "VBNET.ATG" constantDeclarators); while (la.kind == 12) { lexer.NextToken(); ConstantDeclarator( #line 1050 "VBNET.ATG" constantDeclarators); } #line 1052 "VBNET.ATG" fd.Fields = constantDeclarators; fd.EndLocation = t.Location; EndOfStmt(); #line 1057 "VBNET.ATG" fd.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; compilationUnit.AddChild(fd); break; } case 171: { lexer.NextToken(); #line 1063 "VBNET.ATG" m.Check(Modifiers.VBProperties); Location startPos = t.Location; List<InterfaceImplementation> implementsClause = null; Identifier(); #line 1067 "VBNET.ATG" string propertyName = t.val; if (la.kind == 25) { lexer.NextToken(); if (StartOf(4)) { FormalParameterList( #line 1068 "VBNET.ATG" p); } Expect(26); } if (la.kind == 50) { lexer.NextToken(); TypeName( #line 1069 "VBNET.ATG" out type); } #line 1071 "VBNET.ATG" if(type == null) { type = new TypeReference("System.Object", true); } if (la.kind == 123) { ImplementsClause( #line 1075 "VBNET.ATG" out implementsClause); } EndOfStmt(); if ( #line 1079 "VBNET.ATG" IsMustOverride(m)) { #line 1081 "VBNET.ATG" PropertyDeclaration pDecl = new PropertyDeclaration(propertyName, type, m.Modifier, attributes); pDecl.StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos); pDecl.EndLocation = t.Location; pDecl.TypeReference = type; pDecl.InterfaceImplementations = implementsClause; pDecl.Parameters = p; compilationUnit.AddChild(pDecl); } else if (StartOf(17)) { #line 1091 "VBNET.ATG" PropertyDeclaration pDecl = new PropertyDeclaration(propertyName, type, m.Modifier, attributes); pDecl.StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos); pDecl.EndLocation = t.Location; pDecl.BodyStart = t.Location; pDecl.TypeReference = type; pDecl.InterfaceImplementations = implementsClause; pDecl.Parameters = p; PropertyGetRegion getRegion; PropertySetRegion setRegion; AccessorDecls( #line 1101 "VBNET.ATG" out getRegion, out setRegion); Expect(100); Expect(171); EndOfStmt(); #line 1105 "VBNET.ATG" pDecl.GetRegion = getRegion; pDecl.SetRegion = setRegion; pDecl.BodyEnd = t.EndLocation; compilationUnit.AddChild(pDecl); } else SynErr(243); break; } case 85: { lexer.NextToken(); #line 1112 "VBNET.ATG" Location startPos = t.Location; Expect(106); #line 1114 "VBNET.ATG" m.Check(Modifiers.VBCustomEvents); EventAddRemoveRegion eventAccessorDeclaration; EventAddRegion addHandlerAccessorDeclaration = null; EventRemoveRegion removeHandlerAccessorDeclaration = null; EventRaiseRegion raiseEventAccessorDeclaration = null; List<InterfaceImplementation> implementsClause = null; Identifier(); #line 1121 "VBNET.ATG" string customEventName = t.val; Expect(50); TypeName( #line 1122 "VBNET.ATG" out type); if (la.kind == 123) { ImplementsClause( #line 1123 "VBNET.ATG" out implementsClause); } EndOfStmt(); while (StartOf(18)) { EventAccessorDeclaration( #line 1126 "VBNET.ATG" out eventAccessorDeclaration); #line 1128 "VBNET.ATG" if(eventAccessorDeclaration is EventAddRegion) { addHandlerAccessorDeclaration = (EventAddRegion)eventAccessorDeclaration; } else if(eventAccessorDeclaration is EventRemoveRegion) { removeHandlerAccessorDeclaration = (EventRemoveRegion)eventAccessorDeclaration; } else if(eventAccessorDeclaration is EventRaiseRegion) { raiseEventAccessorDeclaration = (EventRaiseRegion)eventAccessorDeclaration; } } Expect(100); Expect(106); EndOfStmt(); #line 1144 "VBNET.ATG" if(addHandlerAccessorDeclaration == null) { Error("Need to provide AddHandler accessor."); } if(removeHandlerAccessorDeclaration == null) { Error("Need to provide RemoveHandler accessor."); } if(raiseEventAccessorDeclaration == null) { Error("Need to provide RaiseEvent accessor."); } EventDeclaration decl = new EventDeclaration { TypeReference = type, Name = customEventName, Modifier = m.Modifier, Attributes = attributes, StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos), EndLocation = t.EndLocation, AddRegion = addHandlerAccessorDeclaration, RemoveRegion = removeHandlerAccessorDeclaration, RaiseRegion = raiseEventAccessorDeclaration }; compilationUnit.AddChild(decl); break; } case 147: case 158: case 217: { #line 1170 "VBNET.ATG" ConversionType opConversionType = ConversionType.None; if (la.kind == 147 || la.kind == 217) { if (la.kind == 217) { lexer.NextToken(); #line 1171 "VBNET.ATG" opConversionType = ConversionType.Implicit; } else { lexer.NextToken(); #line 1172 "VBNET.ATG" opConversionType = ConversionType.Explicit; } } Expect(158); #line 1175 "VBNET.ATG" m.Check(Modifiers.VBOperators); Location startPos = t.Location; TypeReference returnType = NullTypeReference.Instance; TypeReference operandType = NullTypeReference.Instance; string operandName; OverloadableOperatorType operatorType; AttributeSection section; List<ParameterDeclarationExpression> parameters = new List<ParameterDeclarationExpression>(); List<AttributeSection> returnTypeAttributes = new List<AttributeSection>(); OverloadableOperator( #line 1185 "VBNET.ATG" out operatorType); Expect(25); if (la.kind == 59) { lexer.NextToken(); } Identifier(); #line 1186 "VBNET.ATG" operandName = t.val; if (la.kind == 50) { lexer.NextToken(); TypeName( #line 1187 "VBNET.ATG" out operandType); } #line 1188 "VBNET.ATG" parameters.Add(new ParameterDeclarationExpression(operandType, operandName, ParameterModifiers.In)); while (la.kind == 12) { lexer.NextToken(); if (la.kind == 59) { lexer.NextToken(); } Identifier(); #line 1192 "VBNET.ATG" operandName = t.val; if (la.kind == 50) { lexer.NextToken(); TypeName( #line 1193 "VBNET.ATG" out operandType); } #line 1194 "VBNET.ATG" parameters.Add(new ParameterDeclarationExpression(operandType, operandName, ParameterModifiers.In)); } Expect(26); #line 1197 "VBNET.ATG" Location endPos = t.EndLocation; if (la.kind == 50) { lexer.NextToken(); while (la.kind == 28) { AttributeSection( #line 1198 "VBNET.ATG" out section); #line 1198 "VBNET.ATG" returnTypeAttributes.Add(section); } TypeName( #line 1198 "VBNET.ATG" out returnType); #line 1198 "VBNET.ATG" endPos = t.EndLocation; } Expect(1); Block( #line 1200 "VBNET.ATG" out stmt); Expect(100); Expect(158); EndOfStmt(); #line 1202 "VBNET.ATG" OperatorDeclaration operatorDeclaration = new OperatorDeclaration { Modifier = m.Modifier, Attributes = attributes, Parameters = parameters, TypeReference = returnType, OverloadableOperator = operatorType, ConversionType = opConversionType, ReturnTypeAttributes = returnTypeAttributes, Body = (BlockStatement)stmt, StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos), EndLocation = endPos }; operatorDeclaration.Body.StartLocation = startPos; operatorDeclaration.Body.EndLocation = t.Location; compilationUnit.AddChild(operatorDeclaration); break; } default: SynErr(244); break; } }
public virtual object VisitFieldDeclaration(FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration, object data) { Debug.Assert((fieldDeclaration != null)); Debug.Assert((fieldDeclaration.Attributes != null)); Debug.Assert((fieldDeclaration.TypeReference != null)); Debug.Assert((fieldDeclaration.Fields != null)); for (int i = 0; i < fieldDeclaration.Attributes.Count; i++) { AttributeSection o = fieldDeclaration.Attributes[i]; Debug.Assert(o != null); nodeStack.Push(o); o.AcceptVisitor(this, data); o = (AttributeSection)nodeStack.Pop(); if (o == null) fieldDeclaration.Attributes.RemoveAt(i--); else fieldDeclaration.Attributes[i] = o; } nodeStack.Push(fieldDeclaration.TypeReference); fieldDeclaration.TypeReference.AcceptVisitor(this, data); fieldDeclaration.TypeReference = ((TypeReference)(nodeStack.Pop())); for (int i = 0; i < fieldDeclaration.Fields.Count; i++) { VariableDeclaration o = fieldDeclaration.Fields[i]; Debug.Assert(o != null); nodeStack.Push(o); o.AcceptVisitor(this, data); o = (VariableDeclaration)nodeStack.Pop(); if (o == null) fieldDeclaration.Fields.RemoveAt(i--); else fieldDeclaration.Fields[i] = o; } return null; }
public virtual object VisitFieldDeclaration(FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration, object data) { throw new global::System.NotImplementedException("FieldDeclaration"); }
public override object VisitFieldDeclaration(FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration, object data) { for (int i = 0; i < fieldDeclaration.Fields.Count; ++i) { VariableDeclaration field = (VariableDeclaration)fieldDeclaration.Fields[i]; if ((fieldDeclaration.Modifier & Modifiers.WithEvents) != 0) { //this.withEventsFields.Add(field); } TypeReference fieldType = fieldDeclaration.GetTypeForField(i); if (fieldType.IsNull) { fieldType = new TypeReference(typeDeclarations.Peek().Name); } CodeMemberField memberField = new CodeMemberField(ConvType(fieldType), field.Name); memberField.Attributes = ConvMemberAttributes(fieldDeclaration.Modifier); if (!field.Initializer.IsNull) { memberField.InitExpression = (CodeExpression)field.Initializer.AcceptVisitor(this, data); } typeDeclarations.Peek().Members.Add(memberField); } return null; }