public void Set(TextEditor textEditor, IEnumerable<MulticastMessageViewModel> collection) { _ranges.Clear(); var document = new StringBuilder(); var settings = new List<CustomElementSetting>(); foreach (var target in collection) { int startOffset = document.Length; { string item1; if (target.Option.State.HasFlag(MulticastMessageState.IsLocked)) item1 = "#"; else if (target.Option.State.HasFlag(MulticastMessageState.IsUnread)) item1 = "!"; else item1 = "@"; var item2 = target.Item.CreationTime.ToLocalTime().ToString(LanguagesManager.Instance.DateTime_StringFormat, System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); var item3 = target.Item.Signature; { settings.Add(new CustomElementSetting("State", document.Length, item1.Length)); document.Append(item1); document.Append(" "); settings.Add(new CustomElementSetting("CreationTime", document.Length, item2.Length)); document.Append(item2); document.Append(" - "); settings.Add(new CustomElementSetting("Signature", document.Length, item3.Length)); document.Append(item3); if (!Inspect.ContainTrustSignature(target.Item.Signature)) { document.Append(" +"); document.Append(target.Option.Cost); } } document.AppendLine(); } { document.AppendLine(); } { foreach (var line in target.Item.Comment .Trim('\r', '\n') .Split(new string[] { "\r\n", "\r", "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None) .Take(128)) { foreach (var match in _uriRegexes.Select(n => n.Matches(line)).SelectMany(n => n.OfType<Match>())) { settings.Add(new CustomElementSetting("Uri", document.Length + match.Index, match.Length)); } document.AppendLine(line); } } { document.AppendLine(); } _ranges.Add(new CustomElementRange(startOffset, document.Length)); } if (document.Length >= 2) document.Remove(document.Length - 2, 2); textEditor.Document.BeginUpdate(); textEditor.Document.Text = ""; textEditor.CaretOffset = 0; textEditor.SelectionLength = 0; textEditor.TextArea.TextView.ElementGenerators.Clear(); textEditor.ScrollToHome(); textEditor.Document.Text = document.ToString(); var elementGenerator = new CustomElementGenerator(settings); elementGenerator.ClickEvent += (string text) => this.OnClickEvent(text); elementGenerator.SelectEvent += (CustomElementRange range) => textEditor.Select(range.Start, range.End - range.Start); textEditor.TextArea.TextView.ElementGenerators.Add(elementGenerator); textEditor.Document.EndUpdate(); textEditor.CaretOffset = textEditor.Document.Text.Length; textEditor.TextArea.Caret.BringCaretToView(); textEditor.ScrollToEnd(); }
public void FindTextInTextEditor(TextEditor te) { if (tbFind.Text.Length == 0) return; // if (cbFindUp.IsChecked == false) G.CurOffset = te.SelectionStart; // else G.CurOffset = te.SelectionStart + te.SelectionLength; string stext = tbFind.Text; if (cbMatchCase.IsChecked == false) stext = stext.ToLower(); // if (cbMatchWholeWord.IsChecked == true) stext = ' ' + stext + ' '; if (cbFindUp.IsChecked == false) //Find down { while (true) { DocumentLine dl = te.Document.GetLineByOffset(G.CurOffset); string str = te.Document.GetText(G.CurOffset, dl.Length - (G.CurOffset - dl.Offset)); if (cbMatchCase.IsChecked == false) str = str.ToLower(); int pos; pos = str.IndexOf(stext); if (pos != -1) { } if (cbMatchWholeWord.IsChecked == true) if (!G.LineConsist(str.Split(' '), stext)) pos = -1; if (pos != -1) { te.ScrollToLine(dl.LineNumber); te.Select(dl.Offset + pos, stext.Length); G.CurOffset = dl.Offset + dl.TotalLength; ; break; } G.CurOffset = dl.Offset + dl.TotalLength; if (G.CurOffset >= te.Document.TextLength) { MessageBox.Show("Reached end of document."); G.CurOffset = 0; break; } }//for } else // Find up { while (true) { DocumentLine dl = te.Document.GetLineByOffset(G.CurOffset); string str = te.Document.GetText(dl.Offset, G.CurOffset - dl.Offset); if (cbMatchCase.IsChecked == false) str = str.ToLower(); int pos = str.IndexOf(stext); if (pos != -1) { te.ScrollToLine(dl.LineNumber); te.Select(dl.Offset + pos, stext.Length); G.CurOffset = dl.Offset + pos; break; }//if if (dl.PreviousLine != null) G.CurOffset = dl.PreviousLine.Offset + dl.PreviousLine.Length; else G.CurOffset = 0; if (G.CurOffset <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("Reached begin of document."); G.CurOffset = 0; break; } }//for } }//func
private void MoveCaretToSource(SegmentLocation loc, ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.TextEditor editor, bool selectText = true, int?tabToSelect = null) { if (loc != null) { var start = loc.Start.Offset; var end = loc.End.Offset; editor.ScrollToLine(editor.Document.GetLocation(start).Line); if (selectText) { editor.Select(start, end - start + 1); } if (tabToSelect.HasValue) { MainTabs.SelectedIndex = tabToSelect.Value; } } else { editor.Select(0, 0); } }
//public void ClearLabels() //{ // var ruleset = editor.SyntaxHighlighting.GetNamedRuleSet("LabelsRuleSet"); // ruleset.Rules.Clear(); //} //public void AddLabel(string name) //{ // var color = editor.SyntaxHighlighting.GetNamedColor("Label"); // var ruleset = editor.SyntaxHighlighting.GetNamedRuleSet("LabelsRuleSet"); // ruleset.Rules.Add(new HighlightingRule() { // Color = color, // Regex = new Regex($"\\b(?>{Regex.Escape(name)})\\b", // RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant) // }); //} public void SelectLine(int lineNumber) { // //Get the line number based off the offset. var line = editor.Document.GetLineByNumber(lineNumber); //Select the text. editor.Select(line.Offset, line.Length); //Scroll the textEditor to the selected line. var visualTop = editor.TextArea.TextView.GetVisualTopByDocumentLine(lineNumber); editor.ScrollToVerticalOffset(visualTop); }
private void ReplaceAll(TextEditor editor) { if (this.cboReplace.Text == null) { MessageBox.Show("No Replace Text specified"); } int origPos = editor.CaretOffset; if (!this.cboLookIn.SelectedValue.ToString().Equals("Selection")) { //Check whether the relevant Text is already selected if (this.cboFind.Text != null && !this.cboFind.Text.Equals(String.Empty)) { if (this.cboFind.Text.Equals(editor.SelectedText)) { //If it is remove the selection so the FindNext() call will simply find the currently highlighted text editor.SelectionStart = 0; editor.SelectionLength = 0; } } } //Replace All works over the entire document unless there was already a selection present int minPos, maxPos; bool restoreSelection = false; if (editor.SelectionLength > 0 && this.IsScopeSelection) { restoreSelection = true; minPos = editor.SelectionStart - 1; maxPos = editor.SelectionStart + editor.SelectionLength; editor.CaretOffset = Math.Max(minPos, 0); } else { minPos = -1; maxPos = editor.Text.Length; editor.CaretOffset = 0; } editor.SelectionStart = 0; editor.SelectionLength = 0; editor.Document.BeginUpdate(); String replace = this.cboReplace.Text; while (this.FindNext(editor, minPos, maxPos)) { int diff = replace.Length - editor.SelectionLength; editor.Document.Replace(editor.SelectionStart, editor.SelectionLength, replace); editor.SelectionLength = replace.Length; editor.CaretOffset = editor.SelectionStart; maxPos += diff; } editor.Document.EndUpdate(); editor.CaretOffset = origPos; editor.ScrollToLine(editor.Document.GetLineByOffset(origPos).LineNumber); if (restoreSelection) { editor.Select(minPos + 1, maxPos - minPos - 1); } }
public static void HighlightText(TextEditor te, int nl) { DocumentLine dl = te.Document.GetLineByNumber(nl); te.UpdateLayout(); te.Select(dl.Offset, dl.Length); te.ScrollToLine(nl); }
public static void ChangeCpointInCurrentFrame(TextEditor te, int kind, int x, int y) { if (te == null) return; DocumentLine line = te.Document.GetLineByOffset(te.CaretOffset); int index = WhatFrameFromLineNumber(te.oi as ObjectInfo, line.LineNumber); if (index == -1) return; ObjectInfo oi = te.oi as ObjectInfo; if (kind!=int.MaxValue) ChangeValuesInTagOrAdd(ref[index].cpoint, "kind:", kind.ToString()); ChangeValuesInTagOrAdd(ref[index].cpoint, "x:", x.ToString()); ChangeValuesInTagOrAdd(ref[index].cpoint, "y:", y.ToString()); string text = space3 + "cpoint:" + Environment.NewLine + space6 + ListPropDescToString([index].cpoint) + Environment.NewLine + space3 + "cpoint_end:" + Environment.NewLine; if ([index].lnst.ol_cpoint != -1) { List<PropDesc> lpd =[index].cpoint; DocumentLine dlFirst = te.Document.Lines[[index].lnst.ol_cpoint - 1]; int lcount =[index].lnst.cl_cpoint -[index].lnst.ol_cpoint; te.Document.Replace(dlFirst.Offset, LenghtForGivenLinesCount(dlFirst, lcount), text); te.Select(dlFirst.Offset, 0); } else { DocumentLine dl = te.Document.Lines[[index].lastheaderline]; te.Document.Insert(dl.Offset, text); te.Select(dl.Offset, 0); } }
public static void ChangeBpointInCurrentFrame(TextEditor te, int x, int y) { if (te == null) return; DocumentLine line = te.Document.GetLineByOffset(te.CaretOffset); int index = WhatFrameFromLineNumber(te.oi as ObjectInfo, line.LineNumber); if (index == -1) return; string text = space3 + "bpoint:" + Environment.NewLine + space6 + "x: " + x.ToString() + space2 + "y: " + y.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + space3 + "bpoint_end:" + Environment.NewLine; ObjectInfo oi = te.oi as ObjectInfo; if ([index].lnst.ol_bpoint != -1) { DocumentLine dlFirst = te.Document.Lines[[index].lnst.ol_bpoint - 1]; int lcount =[index].lnst.cl_bpoint -[index].lnst.ol_bpoint; te.Document.Replace(dlFirst.Offset, LenghtForGivenLinesCount(dlFirst, lcount), text); te.Select(dlFirst.Offset, 0); } else { DocumentLine dl = te.Document.Lines[[index].lastheaderline]; te.Document.Insert(dl.Offset, text); te.Select(dl.Offset, 0); } }
public static void ChangePicInCurrentFrame(TextEditor te, int pic) { if (te == null) return; DocumentLine line = te.Document.GetLineByOffset(te.CaretOffset); int index = WhatFrameFromLineNumber(te.oi as ObjectInfo, line.LineNumber); if (index == -1) return; ObjectInfo oi = te.oi as ObjectInfo; ChangeValuesInTagOrAdd(ref[index].header, "pic:", pic.ToString()); string text = space3 + ListPropDescToString([index].header) + Environment.NewLine; DocumentLine dlFirst = te.Document.Lines[[index].oline]; int lcount =[index].lastheaderline -[index].firstheaderline; te.Document.Replace(dlFirst.Offset, LenghtForGivenLinesCount(dlFirst, lcount), text); te.Select(dlFirst.Offset, 0); }
private static void PasteRegionableTagInCurrentFrame(TextEditor te, int kind, Rect reg, string tag = "bdy") { if (te == null) return; DocumentLine line = te.Document.GetLineByOffset(te.CaretOffset); int index = WhatFrameFromLineNumber(te.oi as ObjectInfo, line.LineNumber); if (index == -1) return; string text = space3 + tag + ":" + Environment.NewLine + space6 + "kind: " + kind.ToString() + space2 + "x: " + reg.X.ToString() + space2 + "y: " + reg.Y.ToString() + space2 + "w: " + reg.Width.ToString() + space2 + "h: " + reg.Height.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + space3 + tag + "_end:" + Environment.NewLine; ObjectInfo oi = te.oi as ObjectInfo; List<List<PropDesc>> tagobject =[index].bdy; if (tag == "itr") tagobject =[index].itr; int count = tagobject.Count; if (count > 0) { List<int> cl_tag =[index].lnst.cl_bdy; if (tag == "itr") cl_tag =[index].lnst.cl_itr; int i = cl_tag[count - 1]; DocumentLine dl = te.Document.GetLineByNumber(i + 1); te.Document.Insert(dl.Offset, text); te.Select(dl.Offset, 0); } else { int i =[index].cline; DocumentLine dl = te.Document.GetLineByNumber(i); te.Document.Insert(dl.Offset, text); te.Select(dl.Offset, 0); } }
public static void PasteItrInCurrentFrame(TextEditor te, int kind, int effect, Rect itr) { if (te == null) return; DocumentLine line = te.Document.GetLineByOffset(te.CaretOffset); int index = WhatFrameFromLineNumber(te.oi as ObjectInfo, line.LineNumber); if (index == -1) return; string text = space3 + "itr:" + Environment.NewLine + space6 + "kind: " + kind.ToString() + space2 + "x: " + itr.X.ToString() + space2 + "y: " + itr.Y.ToString() + space2 + "w: " + itr.Width.ToString() + space2 + "h: " + itr.Height.ToString() + space2 + "effect: " + effect.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + space3 + "itr_end:" + Environment.NewLine; ObjectInfo oi = te.oi as ObjectInfo; int count =[index].itr.Count; if (count > 0) { List<int> cl_tag =[index].lnst.cl_itr; cl_tag =[index].lnst.cl_itr; int i = cl_tag[count - 1]; DocumentLine dl = te.Document.GetLineByNumber(i + 1); te.Document.Insert(dl.Offset, text); te.Select(dl.Offset, 0); } else { int i =[index].cline; DocumentLine dl = te.Document.GetLineByNumber(i); te.Document.Insert(dl.Offset, text); te.Select(dl.Offset, 0); } }
public static void ChangeCurrentBdyInCurrentFrame(TextEditor te, int kind, Rect bdy, int bindex) { if (bdy == Rect.Empty) return; if (te == null) return; DocumentLine line = te.Document.GetLineByOffset(te.CaretOffset); int index = WhatFrameFromLineNumber(te.oi as ObjectInfo, line.LineNumber); if (index == -1) return; ObjectInfo oi = te.oi as ObjectInfo; if (bindex < 0 && bindex >=[index].bdy.Count) return; List<PropDesc> lpd =[index].bdy[bindex]; if (kind!=int.MaxValue) ChangeValuesInTagOrAdd(ref lpd, "kind:", kind.ToString()); ChangeValuesInTagOrAdd(ref lpd, "x:", bdy.X.ToString()); ChangeValuesInTagOrAdd(ref lpd, "y:", bdy.Y.ToString()); ChangeValuesInTagOrAdd(ref lpd, "w:", bdy.Width.ToString()); ChangeValuesInTagOrAdd(ref lpd, "h:", bdy.Height.ToString());[index].bdy[bindex] = lpd; string text = space3 + "bdy:" + Environment.NewLine + space6 + ListPropDescToString(lpd)+ Environment.NewLine + space3 + "bdy_end:" + Environment.NewLine; if ([index].lnst.ol_bdy[bindex] != -1) { DocumentLine dlFirst = te.Document.Lines[[index].lnst.ol_bdy[bindex] - 1]; int lcount =[index].lnst.cl_bdy[bindex] -[index].lnst.ol_bdy[bindex]; te.Document.Replace(dlFirst.Offset, LenghtForGivenLinesCount(dlFirst, lcount), text); te.Select(dlFirst.Offset, 0); } }
/// <summary> /// Selects a Symbol around the current selection (if any) or caret position /// </summary> /// <param name="editor">Text Editor</param> public void SelectSymbol(TextEditor editor) { int selStart, selLength; if (editor.SelectionStart >= 0 && editor.SelectionLength > 0) { selStart = editor.SelectionStart; selLength = editor.SelectionLength; } else { selStart = editor.CaretOffset; selLength = 0; } //If there is an existing Selection and deliminators are not included //check whether the preceding and following characters are deiliminators and if so //alter the selection start and length appropriately to include these otherwise our //select won't select the surrounding symbol properly if (selStart > 0 && selLength > 0 && !this._includeDelim) { if (this.IsStartingDeliminator(editor.Document.GetCharAt(selStart-1))) { selStart--; selLength++; } if (selStart + selLength < editor.Document.TextLength - 1) { if (this.IsEndingDeliminator(editor.Document.GetCharAt(selStart + selLength))) selLength++; } } char? endDelim = null; //Extend the selection backwards while (selStart >= 0) { selStart--; selLength++; //Start of Document is always a Boundary if (selStart == 0) break; //Otherwise check if character at start of selection is a boundary char current = editor.Document.GetCharAt(selStart); if (this.IsStartingDeliminator(current)) { endDelim = this.RequireMatchingDeliminator(current); break; } } if (!this._includeDelim) { if (selStart > 0 || this.IsStartingDeliminator(editor.Document.GetCharAt(selStart))) { selStart++; selLength--; } } //Extend the selection forwards while (selStart + selLength < editor.Document.TextLength) { selLength++; //End of Document is always a Boundary if (selStart + selLength == editor.Document.TextLength) break; //Otherwise check if character after end of selection is a boundary char current = editor.Document.GetCharAt(selStart + selLength); if (endDelim != null ) { //If a matching End Deliminator is required then stop when that is reached if (endDelim == current) break; } else if (this.IsEndingDeliminator(current)) { //Otherwise stop when any End Deliminator is found break; } } if (this._includeDelim) { selLength++; } //Select the Symbol Text editor.Select(selStart, selLength); editor.ScrollToLine(editor.Document.GetLineByOffset(selStart).LineNumber); }
public bool FindNext(TextEditor editor, int minPos, int maxPos) { if (editor == null) { MessageBox.Show("No Text Editor is associated with this Find and Replace Dialog"); return false; } if (this.cboFind.Text == null || this.cboFind.Text.Equals(String.Empty)) { MessageBox.Show("No Find Text specified"); return false; } String find = this.cboFind.Text; //Validate Regex if (this.chkRegex.IsChecked == true) { try { Regex.IsMatch(String.Empty, find); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Regular Expression is malformed - " + ex.Message); return false; } } //Add Search Text to Combo Box for later reuse if (!this.cboFind.Items.Contains(find)) { this.cboFind.Items.Add(find); } int start = editor.CaretOffset; int pos; int length = find.Length; StringComparison compareMode = (this.chkMatchCase.IsChecked == true) ? StringComparison.Ordinal : StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase; RegexOptions regexOps = (this.chkMatchCase.IsChecked == true) ? RegexOptions.None : RegexOptions.IgnoreCase; if (this.chkSearchUp.IsChecked == true) { //Search portion of Document prior to current position if (this.chkRegex.IsChecked == true) { MatchCollection ms = Regex.Matches(editor.Text.Substring(0, start), find, regexOps); if (ms.Count == 0) { pos = -1; } else { pos = ms[ms.Count - 1].Index; length = ms[ms.Count - 1].Length; } } else { pos = editor.Text.Substring(0, start).LastIndexOf(find, compareMode); } } else { //Search position of Document subsequent to current position (incl. any selected text) start += editor.SelectionLength; if (this.chkRegex.IsChecked == true) { Match m = Regex.Match(editor.Text.Substring(start), find, regexOps); if (!m.Success) { pos = -1; } else { pos = start + m.Index; length = m.Length; } } else { pos = editor.Text.IndexOf(find, start, compareMode); } } //If we've found the position of the next highlight it and return true otherwise return false if (pos > -1) { //Check we meet any document range restrictions if (pos < minPos || pos > maxPos) { editor.CaretOffset = pos; editor.SelectionStart = pos; editor.SelectionLength = length; return this.FindNext(editor, minPos, maxPos); } //If Matching on whole word ensure that their are boundaries before and after the match if (this.chkMatchWholeWord.IsChecked == true) { //Check boundary before if (pos > 0) { char c = editor.Text[pos - 1]; if (Char.IsLetterOrDigit(c)) { //Not a boundary so adjust start position and recurse editor.CaretOffset = pos + length; if (this.chkSearchUp.IsChecked == false) editor.CaretOffset -= editor.SelectionLength; return this.FindNext(editor); } } //Check boundary after if (pos + length < editor.Text.Length - 1) { char c = editor.Text[pos + length]; if (Char.IsLetterOrDigit(c)) { //Not a boundary so adjust start position and recurse editor.CaretOffset = pos + length - 1; if (this.chkSearchUp.IsChecked == false) editor.CaretOffset -= editor.SelectionLength; return this.FindNext(editor); } } } editor.Select(pos, length); editor.CaretOffset = pos; editor.ScrollTo(editor.Document.GetLineByOffset(pos).LineNumber, 0); return true; } else { return false; } }
public void Select(int start, int length) { _editor.Select(start, length); }
//Highlight symbols start and end private void highlightStartEnd(TextEditor rtb) { int offset = rtb.CaretOffset; if (offset < rtb.Text.Length) { char[] chStart = { '(', '[', '{' }; char[] chEnd = { ')', ']', '}' }; for (int i = 0; i < chStart.Length; i++) { if (rtb.Text.Substring(offset, 1) == chStart[i].ToString()) { rtb.Select(offset, 1); offset = rtb.Text.IndexOf(chEnd[i], offset); rtb.Select(offset, 1); rtb.TextArea.SelectionBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(100, 0, 100)); break; } } } }
public void Set(TextEditor textEditor, DateTime creationTime, string signature, int cost, string comment) { var document = new StringBuilder(); var settings = new List<CustomElementSetting>(); { { var item1 = "#"; var item2 = creationTime.ToLocalTime().ToString(LanguagesManager.Instance.DateTime_StringFormat, System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); var item3 = signature; { settings.Add(new CustomElementSetting("State", document.Length, item1.Length)); document.Append(item1); document.Append(" "); settings.Add(new CustomElementSetting("CreationTime", document.Length, item2.Length)); document.Append(item2); document.Append(" - "); settings.Add(new CustomElementSetting("Signature", document.Length, item3.Length)); document.Append(item3); if (!Inspect.ContainTrustSignature(signature)) { document.Append(" - "); document.Append(cost); } } document.AppendLine(); } { document.AppendLine(); } { foreach (var line in comment .Trim('\r', '\n') .Split(new string[] { "\r\n", "\r", "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None) .Take(128)) { foreach (var match in _uriRegexes.Select(n => n.Matches(line)).SelectMany(n => n.OfType<Match>())) { settings.Add(new CustomElementSetting("Uri", document.Length + match.Index, match.Length)); } document.AppendLine(line); } } { document.AppendLine(); } } if (document.Length >= 2) document.Remove(document.Length - 2, 2); textEditor.Document.BeginUpdate(); textEditor.Document.Text = ""; textEditor.CaretOffset = 0; textEditor.SelectionLength = 0; textEditor.TextArea.TextView.ElementGenerators.Clear(); textEditor.Document.Text = document.ToString(); var elementGenerator = new CustomElementGenerator(settings); elementGenerator.ClickEvent += (string text) => this.OnClickEvent(text); elementGenerator.SelectEvent += (CustomElementRange range) => textEditor.Select(range.Start, range.End - range.Start); textEditor.TextArea.TextView.ElementGenerators.Add(new CustomElementGenerator(settings)); textEditor.Document.EndUpdate(); }