public bool EjecutarNotasCredito(DAConnectionSQL ObjDaConnexion) { bool exitoso = false; string StrinSQL = ""; //var ConClass = new DAConnectionSQL(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Connection = ObjDaConnexion.Con; StrinSQL = "JOIN_NC_CAB"; cmd.CommandText = StrinSQL; try { if (ObjDaConnexion.Con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { ObjDaConnexion.Open(); } cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); exitoso = true; } catch (Exception ex) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error al ejecutar el Qyery " + ex.Message, "Información", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);; } return(exitoso); }
public void UpdateImageItem(DAConnectionSQL ObjDaConnexion, Byte[] bytes, Int32 CodItem) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Connection = ObjDaConnexion.Con; cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE ARTICULOS set FOTOSHA = (@Front_Image) where CODARTICULO = " + CodItem + ""; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Front_Image", bytes); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
public ListaDocVentas GetDocVentas(DAConnectionSQL ObjDaConnexion, ProductoXCB ObjProducto, Int32 Cod_Cli, int TipoFecha) { ListaDocVentas ObjListaDocVentas = new ListaDocVentas(); string StrinSQL = ""; //var ConClass = new DAConnectionSQL(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Connection = ObjDaConnexion.Con; StrinSQL = "exec[SP_GET_DocumentoData]"; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + " '" + ObjProducto.Referencia + "', '" + ObjProducto.Color + "',"; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + " '" + ObjProducto.Talla + "', '" + Cod_Cli + "', " + TipoFecha + ""; cmd.CommandText = StrinSQL; if (ObjDaConnexion.Con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { ObjDaConnexion.Open(); } SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); try { while (dr.Read()) { DocVentas ObjDocVentas = new DocVentas(); var withBlock = ObjDocVentas; withBlock.FechaDoc = dr.GetDateTime(0).ToString(); withBlock.Serie = dr.GetString(1); withBlock.Numero = dr.GetInt32(2); withBlock.TotalDocumento = dr.GetDouble(3); withBlock.DiasFac = dr.GetInt32(4); ObjListaDocVentas.Add(ObjDocVentas); } dr.Close(); } catch (Exception) { dr.Close(); } return(ObjListaDocVentas); }
public bool GetPasswordSupervisor(DAConnectionSQL ObjDaConnexion, string PasswordSupervisor) { bool Valido = false; //var ConClass = new DAConnectionSQL(); string StrinSQL = ""; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Connection = ObjDaConnexion.Con; StrinSQL = "SELECT CODVENDEDOR, NOMVENDEDOR,PASSWORDWEB "; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + "FROM VENDEDORES WHERE PASSWORDWEB = '" + PasswordSupervisor + "'"; cmd.CommandText = StrinSQL; if (ObjDaConnexion.Con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { ObjDaConnexion.Open(); } SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); try { while (dr.Read()) { dr.GetString(2); } if (dr.HasRows) { Valido = true; } else { Valido = false; } dr.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { dr.Close(); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error" + ex.Message); } return(Valido); }
public DataTable GetDataNCR(string TipoSerie, Int32 Numero, DAConnectionSQL ObjDaConnexion) { DataTable DTNotasNCR = new DataTable(); string StrinSQL = ""; //var ConClass = new DAConnectionSQL(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Connection = ObjDaConnexion.Con; StrinSQL = " Select T0.NUMSERIE, T0.NUMFACTURA,T0.SERIEFEL, T0.DOCUMENTOFEL, "; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + " T0.FECHAHORACERTIFICACI,T0.UUID, T1.CodBarra, "; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + " Case When T1.Serie = '" + SerieTienda + "X' then T4.PRECIOIVA "; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + " Else T4.PRECIO end as Precio, t1.UnidadesDevueltas as UnidadesDevueltas, "; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + " ((T4.PRECIOIVA)*t1.UnidadesDevueltas) AS TotalLinea,T1.Descripcion, "; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + " T3.CODCLIENTE, T3.CIF as NIT, T3.NOMBRECLIENTE ,T3.DIRECCION1, "; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + " T1.Numero_Fact, T1.Serie_Fact, T1.Linea_Fact "; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + " from FACTURASVENTACAMPOSLIBRES T0 INNER JOIN "; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + " NotaC_Join T1 ON T0.NUMSERIE = T1.Serie and T0.NUMFACTURA = T1.Numero "; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + " INNER JOIN ALBVENTACAB T2 ON T1.Serie_Fact = T2.NumSerie and T1.Numero_Fact = T2.NUMFAC "; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + " INNER JOIN ALBVENTALIN T4 ON T4.NUMALBARAN = T2.NUMALBARAN AND T2.NUMSERIE = T4.NUMSERIE AND "; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + " T1.CodBarra = CONCAT(T4.REFERENCIA COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AI , T4.COLOR, T4.TALLA) AND "; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + " T1.Linea_Fact = t4.NUMLIN INNER JOIN CLIENTES T3 ON T2.CODCLIENTE = T3.CODCLIENTE "; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + " where T0.NUMSERIE ='" + SerieTienda + TipoSerie + "' and T0.NUMFACTURA = " + Numero; cmd.CommandText = StrinSQL; if (ObjDaConnexion.Con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { ObjDaConnexion.Open(); } try { DTNotasNCR.Load(cmd.ExecuteReader()); return(DTNotasNCR); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error" + ex.Message); } return(DTNotasNCR); }
public Cliente GetCliente(DAConnectionSQL ObjDaConnexion, int CodCliente) { Cliente ObjCliente = new Cliente(); //var ConClass = new DAConnectionSQL(); string StrinSQL = ""; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Connection = ObjDaConnexion.Con; StrinSQL = "SELECT CODCLIENTE, NOMBRECLIENTE,CIF,DIRECCION1, TELEFONO1,TELEFONO2"; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + " FROM CLIENTES where CODCLIENTE = " + CodCliente; cmd.CommandText = StrinSQL; if (ObjDaConnexion.Con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { ObjDaConnexion.Open(); } SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); try { while (dr.Read()) { var withBlock = ObjCliente; withBlock.CodCliente = dr.GetInt32(0); withBlock.NombreCliente = dr.GetString(1); withBlock.CIFCliente = dr.GetString(2); withBlock.Direccion = dr.GetString(3); withBlock.Telefono1 = dr.GetString(4); withBlock.Telefono1 = dr.GetString(5); } dr.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { dr.Close(); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error" + ex.Message); } return(ObjCliente); }
public ProductoXCB GetProductoxCodigo(DAConnectionSQL ObjDaConnexion, string CodigoBarra) { ProductoXCB ObjProductoCXB = new ProductoXCB(); //var ConClass = new DAConnectionSQL(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Connection = ObjDaConnexion.Con; cmd.CommandText = "SP_Get_ArticuloXCodigoBarra '" + CodigoBarra + "' "; if (ObjDaConnexion.Con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { ObjDaConnexion.Open(); } SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); try { while (dr.Read()) { //MotivosDevolucion ObjMotivoDev = new MotivosDevolucion(); var withBlock = ObjProductoCXB; withBlock.CodigoArticulo = (dr.GetInt32(0).ToString()); withBlock.BarCoder = (dr.GetString(1).ToString()); withBlock.NombreArticulo = dr.GetString(4); withBlock.Referencia = dr.GetString(5); withBlock.Talla = dr.GetString(6); withBlock.Color = dr.GetString(7).ToString(); //ObjListaMotivosDev.Add(ObjMotivoDev); } dr.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { dr.Close(); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error" + ex.Message); } return(ObjProductoCXB); }
public byte[] BuscarFotoArticulo(DAConnectionSQL ObjDaConnexion, Int32 CodItem) { byte[] FotoItem = new byte[300]; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Connection = ObjDaConnexion.Con; cmd.CommandText = "select FOTO from ARTICULOS WHERE CODARTICULO = '" + CodItem + "'"; if (ObjDaConnexion.Con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { ObjDaConnexion.Open(); } SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); try { while (dr.Read()) { if (dr["FOTO"].GetType() == typeof(DBNull)) //!dr.IsDBNull(GetString(45))) { FotoItem = null; } else { FotoItem = (byte[])dr[0]; } } dr.Close(); return(FotoItem); } catch (Exception ex) { dr.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Error " + ex.Message); } return(FotoItem); }
public ListaMotivosDev GetMotivosDev(DAConnectionSQL ObjDaConnexion) { ListaMotivosDev ObjListaMotivosDev = new ListaMotivosDev(); //var ConClass = new DAConnectionSQL(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Connection = ObjDaConnexion.Con; cmd.CommandText = "Select * from MOTIVOSDEVOLUCION "; if (ObjDaConnexion.Con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { ObjDaConnexion.Open(); } SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); try { while (dr.Read()) { MotivosDevolucion ObjMotivoDev = new MotivosDevolucion(); var withBlock = ObjMotivoDev; withBlock.IdMotivo = dr.GetInt32(0); withBlock.Descripcion = dr.GetString(1); ObjListaMotivosDev.Add(ObjMotivoDev); } dr.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { dr.Close(); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error" + ex.Message); } return(ObjListaMotivosDev); }
public NotasCredito BuscarNotacredito(DAConnectionSQL ObjDaConnexion, string TipoSerie) { NotasCredito notasCredito = new NotasCredito(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Connection = ObjDaConnexion.Con; cmd.CommandText = "select MAX(Serie) as Serie, MAX(NUMERO) as Numero from NotaC_Join where serie = '" + SerieTienda + TipoSerie + "'"; SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); try { if (ObjDaConnexion.Con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { ObjDaConnexion.Open(); } while (dr.Read()) { notasCredito.Serie = dr.GetString(0); notasCredito.Numero = dr.GetInt32(1); } dr.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { dr.Close(); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error" + ex.Message); } return(notasCredito); }
public NotasCredito InsertarNotasCredito(DAConnectionSQL ObjDaConnexion, ListaNotasCredito ObjListaNotasCredito, string TipoSerie, UserSistemas oUserSistemas) { string StrinSQL = ""; Int32 NumNCR = 0; NotasCredito notasCredito = new NotasCredito(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = ObjDaConnexion.Con; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; //ExisteNC = ValidarDevolucion(cmd, ObjNotasCredito.Serie, ObjNotasCredito.Numero, ObjNotasCredito.CodBarra, ObjNotasCredito.UnidadesDevueltas); try { if (ObjDaConnexion.Con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { ObjDaConnexion.Open(); } NumNCR = BuscarNumeroDoc(cmd, TipoSerie) + 1; cmd.Transaction = ObjDaConnexion.Tran; cmd.Transaction = ObjDaConnexion.Con.BeginTransaction(); //ObjDaConnexion.BeginTransaction(); foreach (var item in ObjListaNotasCredito) { item.CodArticulo = BuscarCodigoArticulo(cmd, item.Referencia); StrinSQL = "INSERT INTO NotaC_Join "; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + "(Fecha_Notac,Serie,Numero,Referencia,Descripcion,UnidadesVenta,UnidadesDevueltas, "; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + "RazonDevolucion,Precio,Talla,Color,CodBarra,Almacen,NumLinea,Dtco,CodArticulo, "; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + "Precio_Sin_Iva, Fecha_Fact, Serie_Fact , Numero_Fact,CODVENDEDOR, Linea_Fact ) "; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + "VALUES ('" + DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "','" + SerieTienda + TipoSerie + "'," + NumNCR + ","; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + "'" + item.Referencia + "','" + item.Descripcion + "',"; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + item.Unidades + "," + item.UnidadesDevueltas + ",'" + item.RazonDevolucion + "',"; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + item.Precio + ",'" + item.Talla + "','"; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + item.CodColor + "','" + item.CodBarra + "','" + Bodega + "'," + item.NumLinea + ",'"; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + item.Descuento + "'," + item.CodArticulo + "," + item.Precio_Sin_iva + ",'"; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + item.Fecha_Fact.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "','" + item.Serie_Fact + "', "; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + item.Num_Fact + ",'" + oUserSistemas.CODVENDEDOR + "', '" + item.Linea_Fact + "')"; cmd.CommandText = StrinSQL; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } StrinSQL = "JOIN_NC_CAB"; cmd.CommandText = StrinSQL; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.CommandText = "select MAX(Serie) as Serie, MAX(NUMERO) as Numero from NotaC_Join where serie = '" + SerieTienda + TipoSerie + "'"; SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { notasCredito.Serie = dr["Serie"].ToString(); notasCredito.Numero = Convert.ToInt32(dr["NUMERO"]); } dr.Close(); //cmd.Transaction = ObjDaConnexion.Con. cmd.Transaction.Commit(); //= ObjDaConnexion.Tran.Commit(); return(notasCredito); //exitoso = true; } catch (Exception ex) { cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); //ObjDaConnexion.RollBackTransaction(); //dr.Close(); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error al ejecutar el Qyery " + ex.Message, "Información", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);; } //return exitoso; return(notasCredito); }
public ListaNotasCredito ValidarDevolucion(DAConnectionSQL ObjDaConnexion, string SerieDoc, Int32 NumeroDoc, string CodBar, int CantdadDev, int Linea_Fact) { ListaNotasCredito ObjListaNotasCredito = new ListaNotasCredito(); bool existe = false; //var ConClass = new DAConnectionSQL(); string StrinSQL = ""; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Connection = ObjDaConnexion.Con; StrinSQL = "Select * "; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + " FROM NotaC_Join where Serie_Fact = '" + SerieDoc + "' and Numero_Fact = " + NumeroDoc + " And "; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + "CodBarra = '" + CodBar + "' and Linea_Fact = ' " + Linea_Fact + "'"; cmd.CommandText = StrinSQL; SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); try { if (ObjDaConnexion.Con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { //ObjDaConnexion.Open(); cmd.Connection.Open(); } while (dr.Read()) { NotasCredito ObjNotaCredito = new NotasCredito(); var withBlock = ObjNotaCredito; if (dr[0] != DBNull.Value) { withBlock.FechaNC = DateTime.Parse(dr.GetDateTime(0).ToString()); } withBlock.Serie = dr.GetString(1); withBlock.Numero = dr.GetInt32(2); withBlock.Referencia = dr.GetString(3); withBlock.Descripcion = dr.GetString(4); withBlock.Unidades = dr.GetInt32(5); withBlock.UnidadesDevueltas = dr.GetInt32(6); withBlock.RazonDevolucion = dr.GetString(7); withBlock.Precio = decimal.Parse(dr.GetDecimal(8).ToString()); withBlock.Talla = dr.GetString(9).ToString(); withBlock.Color = dr.GetString(10); withBlock.CodBarra = dr.GetString(11); withBlock.Almacen = dr.GetString(12); if (dr[17] != DBNull.Value) { withBlock.FechaNC = DateTime.Parse(dr.GetDateTime(0).ToString()); } //withBlock.Fecha_Fact = DateTime.Parse(dr.GetDateTime(17).ToString()); withBlock.Serie_Fact = dr.GetString(18); withBlock.Num_Fact = dr.GetInt32(19); ObjListaNotasCredito.Add(ObjNotaCredito); } dr.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { dr.Close(); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error" + ex.Message); } return(ObjListaNotasCredito); //CodigoArticuloBD; }
public Documento_Cabecera BuscarDocVentasCabecera(DAConnectionSQL ObjDaConnexion, string Serie, int NumDoc) { Documento_Cabecera ObjDocumentoCabecera = new Documento_Cabecera(); //var ConClass = new DAConnectionSQL(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Connection = ObjDaConnexion.Con; cmd.CommandText = "exec [SP_Get_VentasDocumentos] '" + Serie + "'," + NumDoc; if (ObjDaConnexion.Con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { ObjDaConnexion.Open(); } SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); try { while (dr.Read()) { var withBlock = ObjDocumentoCabecera; withBlock.Serie = dr.GetString(10); withBlock.Numero = dr.GetInt32(11); // withBlock.Tipo_Documento = dr.GetString(35); withBlock.Cliente = dr.GetString(7); withBlock.Codigo_Cliente = dr.GetInt32(6); withBlock.Direccion = dr.GetString(43); withBlock.Fecha = DateTime.Parse(dr.GetDateTime(4).ToString()); //withBlock.Fecha_Inicio = DateTime(dr.GetDateTime().ToString()); withBlock.Hora = dr.GetString(5); withBlock.Impuesto = decimal.Parse(dr.GetDouble(27).ToString()); withBlock.Poblacion = dr.GetString(36); //withBlock.Transporte = dr.GetString(39); withBlock.Vendedor = dr.GetString(38); withBlock.Total_BrutoImponible = decimal.Parse(dr.GetDouble(28).ToString()); withBlock.Impuesto = decimal.Parse(dr.GetDouble(27).ToString()); withBlock.Total_Neto = decimal.Parse(dr.GetDouble(26).ToString()); if (dr["FOTOCLIENTE"].GetType() == typeof(DBNull)) //!dr.IsDBNull(GetString(45))) { withBlock.RutaFotoCliente = ""; } else { withBlock.RutaFotoCliente = dr.GetString(50); } } dr.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { dr.Close(); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error" + ex.Message); } return(ObjDocumentoCabecera); }
public UserSistemas GetUserSistema(DAConnectionSQL ObjDaConnexion, UserSistemas oUserSistemas) { UserSistemas oUserSistemaLog = new UserSistemas(); string StrinSQL = ""; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Connection = ObjDaConnexion.Con; StrinSQL = "SELECT CODVENDEDOR, NOMVENDEDOR,TIPOUSUARIO, PASSWORDWEB "; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + " FROM VENDEDORES where NOMVENDEDOR = '" + oUserSistemas.NOMVENDEDOR + "' AND "; StrinSQL = StrinSQL + " PASSWORDWEB = '" + oUserSistemas.PASSWORDWEB + "' "; cmd.CommandText = StrinSQL; if (ObjDaConnexion.Con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { ObjDaConnexion.Open(); } SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); try { while (dr.Read()) { var withBlock = oUserSistemaLog; withBlock.CODVENDEDOR = dr.GetInt32(0); withBlock.NOMVENDEDOR = dr.GetString(1); //withBlock.TIPOUSUARIO = dr.GetInt32(2); if (dr["PASSWORDWEB"].GetType() == typeof(DBNull)) //!dr.IsDBNull(GetString(45))) { withBlock.PASSWORDWEB = ""; } else { withBlock.PASSWORDWEB = dr.GetString(3); } if (dr["TIPOUSUARIO"].GetType() == typeof(DBNull)) //!dr.IsDBNull(GetString(45))) { withBlock.TIPOUSUARIO = 0; } else { withBlock.TIPOUSUARIO = dr.GetInt32(2); } } dr.Close(); } catch (Exception) { dr.Close(); } return(oUserSistemaLog); }
public ListaDocDetalle BuscarDocVentasDetalle(DAConnectionSQL ObjDaConnexion, string Serie, int NumDoc) { ListaDocDetalle ObjListaDocDetalle = new ListaDocDetalle(); byte[] FotoItem = new byte[200]; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Connection = ObjDaConnexion.Con; cmd.CommandText = "exec [SP_Get_VentasDocumentos] '" + Serie + "'," + NumDoc; if (ObjDaConnexion.Con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { ObjDaConnexion.Open(); } SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); try { while (dr.Read()) { Documento_Detalle ObjDocDetalle = new Documento_Detalle(); var withBlock = ObjDocDetalle; withBlock.Serie = dr.GetString(10); withBlock.Numero = dr.GetInt32(11); withBlock.Referencia = dr.GetString(17); withBlock.Descripcion = dr.GetString(18); withBlock.Unidades = Int16.Parse(dr.GetDouble(21).ToString()); withBlock.Precio = decimal.Parse(dr.GetString(22).ToString()); withBlock.Descuento = decimal.Parse(dr.GetDouble(24).ToString()); withBlock.Total = Decimal.Parse(dr.GetDouble(25).ToString()); withBlock.Almacen = dr.GetString(30); withBlock.CodigoArticulo = dr.GetInt32(49); withBlock.NumLinea = dr.GetInt32(16); if (dr["COLOR"].GetType() == typeof(DBNull)) { withBlock.Color = ""; } else { withBlock.Color = dr.GetString(19); } withBlock.Talla = dr.GetString(20); withBlock.Retornable = dr.GetString(44); if (dr["CODCOLOR"].GetType() == typeof(DBNull)) //!dr.IsDBNull(GetString(45))) { withBlock.CodColor = ""; } else { withBlock.CodColor = dr.GetString(45); } if (dr["UnitDevueltas"].GetType() == typeof(DBNull)) //!dr.IsDBNull(GetString(45))) { withBlock.Devoluciones = 0; } else { withBlock.Devoluciones = dr.GetInt32(47); } if (dr["FOTO"].GetType() == typeof(DBNull)) //!dr.IsDBNull(GetString(45))) { withBlock.FotoArticulo = null; } else { FotoItem = (byte[])dr[48]; withBlock.FotoArticulo = (byte[])dr[48]; } //int.Parse(dr.GetString(45)); withBlock.CodBarra = withBlock.Referencia + withBlock.CodColor + withBlock.Talla; //withBlock.FotoArticulo = byte.Parse(dr.GetByte(44).GetType()); //MemoryStream(dr.GetByte(44)); ObjListaDocDetalle.Add(ObjDocDetalle); } dr.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { dr.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Test"); } return(ObjListaDocDetalle); }
//*************************************************** public void DACliente() { DAConnectionSQL DASQLConnection = new DAConnectionSQL(); }