예제 #1
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // flagTaggedStates
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal void FlagTaggedStates()
            IList    tagNodes = new ArrayList();
            RBBINode tagNode;
            int      i;
            int      n;

            fRB.fTreeRoots[fRootIx].FindNodes(tagNodes, IBM.ICU.Text.RBBINode.tag);
            for (i = 0; i < tagNodes.Count; i++)       // For each tag node t (all of
                                                       // 'em)
                tagNode = (RBBINode)tagNodes[i];

                for (n = 0; n < fDStates.Count; n++)       // For each state s (row in
                                                           // the state table)
                    RBBITableBuilder.RBBIStateDescriptor sd = (RBBITableBuilder.RBBIStateDescriptor)fDStates[n];
                    if (ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Collections.Contains(tagNode, sd.fPositions))      // if s include the tag
                    // node t
                        ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Generics.Collections.Add(sd.fTagVals, ((int)(tagNode.fVal)));
예제 #2
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // flagAcceptingStates Identify accepting states.
        // First get a list of all of the end marker nodes.
        // Then, for each state s,
        // if s contains one of the end marker nodes in its list of tree positions
        // then
        // s is an accepting state.
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal void FlagAcceptingStates()
            IList    endMarkerNodes = new ArrayList();
            RBBINode endMarker;
            int      i;
            int      n;

            fRB.fTreeRoots[fRootIx].FindNodes(endMarkerNodes, IBM.ICU.Text.RBBINode.endMark);

            for (i = 0; i < endMarkerNodes.Count; i++)
                endMarker = (RBBINode)endMarkerNodes[i];
                for (n = 0; n < fDStates.Count; n++)
                    RBBITableBuilder.RBBIStateDescriptor sd = (RBBITableBuilder.RBBIStateDescriptor)fDStates[n];
                    // if (sd.fPositions.indexOf(endMarker) >= 0) {
                    if (ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Collections.Contains(endMarker, sd.fPositions))
                        // Any non-zero value for fAccepting means this is an
                        // accepting node.
                        // The value is what will be returned to the user as the
                        // break status.
                        // If no other value was specified, force it to -1.

                        if (sd.fAccepting == 0)
                            // State hasn't been marked as accepting yet. Do it now.
                            sd.fAccepting = endMarker.fVal;
                            if (sd.fAccepting == 0)
                                sd.fAccepting = -1;
                        if (sd.fAccepting == -1 && endMarker.fVal != 0)
                            // Both lookahead and non-lookahead accepting for this
                            // state.
                            // Favor the look-ahead. Expedient for line break.
                            // TODO: need a more elegant resolution for conflicting
                            // rules.
                            sd.fAccepting = endMarker.fVal;
                        // implicit else:
                        // if sd.fAccepting already had a value other than 0 or -1,
                        // leave it be.

                        // If the end marker node is from a look-ahead rule, set
                        // the fLookAhead field or this state also.
                        if (endMarker.fLookAheadEnd)
                            // TODO: don't change value if already set?
                            // TODO: allow for more than one active look-ahead rule
                            // in engine.
                            // Make value here an index to a side array in engine?
                            sd.fLookAhead = sd.fAccepting;
예제 #3
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // flagLookAheadStates Very similar to flagAcceptingStates, above.
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal void FlagLookAheadStates()
            IList    lookAheadNodes = new ArrayList();
            RBBINode lookAheadNode;
            int      i;
            int      n;

            fRB.fTreeRoots[fRootIx].FindNodes(lookAheadNodes, IBM.ICU.Text.RBBINode.lookAhead);
            for (i = 0; i < lookAheadNodes.Count; i++)
                lookAheadNode = (RBBINode)lookAheadNodes[i];

                for (n = 0; n < fDStates.Count; n++)
                    RBBITableBuilder.RBBIStateDescriptor sd = (RBBITableBuilder.RBBIStateDescriptor)fDStates[n];
                    if (ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Collections.Contains(lookAheadNode, sd.fPositions))
                        sd.fLookAhead = lookAheadNode.fVal;
예제 #4
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // printStates Debug Function. Dump the fully constructed state transition
        // table.
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

        internal void PrintStates()
            int c;     // input "character"
            int n;     // state number

            System.Console.Out.Write("state |           i n p u t     s y m b o l s \n");
            System.Console.Out.Write("      | Acc  LA    Tag");
            for (c = 0; c < fRB.fSetBuilder.GetNumCharCategories(); c++)
                IBM.ICU.Text.RBBINode.PrintInt((int)c, 3);
            System.Console.Out.Write("      |---------------");
            for (c = 0; c < fRB.fSetBuilder.GetNumCharCategories(); c++)

            for (n = 0; n < fDStates.Count; n++)
                RBBITableBuilder.RBBIStateDescriptor sd = (RBBITableBuilder.RBBIStateDescriptor)fDStates[n];
                IBM.ICU.Text.RBBINode.PrintInt(n, 5);
                System.Console.Out.Write(" | ");

                IBM.ICU.Text.RBBINode.PrintInt(sd.fAccepting, 3);
                IBM.ICU.Text.RBBINode.PrintInt(sd.fLookAhead, 4);
                IBM.ICU.Text.RBBINode.PrintInt(sd.fTagsIdx, 6);
                System.Console.Out.Write(" ");
                for (c = 0; c < fRB.fSetBuilder.GetNumCharCategories(); c++)
                    IBM.ICU.Text.RBBINode.PrintInt(sd.fDtran[c], 3);
예제 #5
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // exportTable() export the state transition table in the ICU4C format.
        // Most of the table is 16 bit shorts. This function exports
        // the whole thing as an array of shorts.
        // The size of the array must be rounded up to a multiple of
        // 8 bytes.
        // See struct RBBIStateTable in ICU4C, common/rbbidata.h
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

        internal short[] ExportTable()
            int state;
            int col;

            if (fRB.fTreeRoots[fRootIx] == null)
                return(new short[0]);

            IBM.ICU.Impl.Assert.Assrt(fRB.fSetBuilder.GetNumCharCategories() < 0x7fff &&
                                      fDStates.Count < 0x7fff);

            int numStates = fDStates.Count;

            // Size of table size in shorts.
            // the "4" is the size of struct RBBIStateTableRow, the row header part
            // only.
            int rowLen    = 4 + fRB.fSetBuilder.GetNumCharCategories();
            int tableSize = GetTableSize() / 2;

            short[] table = new short[tableSize];

            // Fill in the header fields.
            // Annoying because they really want to be ints, not shorts.
            // RBBIStateTable.fNumStates
            table[IBM.ICU.Text.RBBIDataWrapper.NUMSTATES]     = (short)((int)(((uint)numStates) >> 16));
            table[IBM.ICU.Text.RBBIDataWrapper.NUMSTATES + 1] = (short)(numStates & 0x0000ffff);

            // RBBIStateTable.fRowLen
            table[IBM.ICU.Text.RBBIDataWrapper.ROWLEN]     = (short)((int)(((uint)rowLen) >> 16));
            table[IBM.ICU.Text.RBBIDataWrapper.ROWLEN + 1] = (short)(rowLen & 0x0000ffff);

            // RBBIStateTable.fFlags
            int flags = 0;

            if (fRB.fLookAheadHardBreak)
                flags |= IBM.ICU.Text.RBBIDataWrapper.RBBI_LOOKAHEAD_HARD_BREAK;
            if (fRB.fSetBuilder.SawBOF())
                flags |= IBM.ICU.Text.RBBIDataWrapper.RBBI_BOF_REQUIRED;
            table[IBM.ICU.Text.RBBIDataWrapper.FLAGS]     = (short)((int)(((uint)flags) >> 16));
            table[IBM.ICU.Text.RBBIDataWrapper.FLAGS + 1] = (short)(flags & 0x0000ffff);

            int numCharCategories = fRB.fSetBuilder.GetNumCharCategories();

            for (state = 0; state < numStates; state++)
                RBBITableBuilder.RBBIStateDescriptor sd = (RBBITableBuilder.RBBIStateDescriptor)fDStates[state];
                int row = 8 + state * rowLen;
                IBM.ICU.Impl.Assert.Assrt(-32768 < sd.fAccepting && sd.fAccepting <= 32767);
                IBM.ICU.Impl.Assert.Assrt(-32768 < sd.fLookAhead && sd.fLookAhead <= 32767);
                table[row + IBM.ICU.Text.RBBIDataWrapper.ACCEPTING] = (short)sd.fAccepting;
                table[row + IBM.ICU.Text.RBBIDataWrapper.LOOKAHEAD] = (short)sd.fLookAhead;
                table[row + IBM.ICU.Text.RBBIDataWrapper.TAGIDX]    = (short)sd.fTagsIdx;
                for (col = 0; col < numCharCategories; col++)
                    table[row + IBM.ICU.Text.RBBIDataWrapper.NEXTSTATES + col] = (short)sd.fDtran[col];
예제 #6
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // mergeRuleStatusVals
        // Allocate positions in the global array of rule status {tag} values
        // The RBBI runtime uses an array of {sets of status values} that can
        // be returned for boundaries. Each accepting state that has non-zero
        // status includes an index into this array. The format of the array
        // is
        // Num of status values in group 1
        // status val
        // status val
        // ...
        // Num of status vals in group 2
        // status val
        // status val
        // ...
        // etc.
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

        internal void MergeRuleStatusVals()
            // The basic outline of what happens here is this...
            // for each state in this state table
            // if the status tag list for this state is in the global statuses list
            // record where and
            // continue with the next state
            // else
            // add the tag list for this state to the global list.
            int n;

            // Pre-load a single tag of {0} into the table.
            // We will need this as a default, for rule sets with no explicit
            // tagging,
            // or with explicit tagging of {0}.
            if (fRB.fRuleStatusVals.Count == 0)
                ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Generics.Collections.Add(fRB.fRuleStatusVals, ((int)(1)));    // Num of statuses in group
                ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Generics.Collections.Add(fRB.fRuleStatusVals, ((int)(0)));    // and our single status of
                // zero

                SortedSet s0    = new SortedSet();
                Int32     izero = ((int)(0));
                ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Collections.Put(fRB.fStatusSets, s0, izero);
                SortedSet s1 = new SortedSet();
                ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Generics.Collections.Add(s1, izero);
                ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Collections.Put(fRB.fStatusSets, s0, izero);

            // For each state, check whether the state's status tag values are
            // already entered into the status values array, and add them if not.
            for (n = 0; n < fDStates.Count; n++)
                RBBITableBuilder.RBBIStateDescriptor sd         = (RBBITableBuilder.RBBIStateDescriptor)fDStates[n];
                ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.ISet    statusVals = sd.fTagVals;
                Int32 arrayIndexI = (Int32)ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Collections.Get(fRB.fStatusSets, statusVals);
                if (arrayIndexI == null)
                    // This is the first encounter of this set of status values.
                    // Add them to the statusSets map, This map associates
                    // the set of status values with an index in the runtime status
                    // values array.
                    arrayIndexI = ((int)(fRB.fRuleStatusVals.Count));
                    ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Collections.Put(fRB.fStatusSets, statusVals, arrayIndexI);

                    // Add the new set of status values to the vector of values that
                    // will eventually become the array used by the runtime engine.
                    ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Generics.Collections.Add(fRB.fRuleStatusVals, ((int)(statusVals.Count)));
                    IIterator it = new ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.IteratorAdapter(statusVals.GetEnumerator());
                    while (it.HasNext())
                        ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Generics.Collections.Add(fRB.fRuleStatusVals, it.Next());

                // Save the runtime array index back into the state descriptor.
                sd.fTagsIdx = arrayIndexI;
예제 #7
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // buildStateTable() Determine the set of runtime DFA states and the
        // transition tables for these states, by the algorithm
        // of fig. 3.44 in Aho.
        // Most of the comments are quotes of Aho's psuedo-code.
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal void BuildStateTable()
            // Add a dummy state 0 - the stop state. Not from Aho.
            int lastInputSymbol = fRB.fSetBuilder.GetNumCharCategories() - 1;

            RBBITableBuilder.RBBIStateDescriptor failState = new RBBITableBuilder.RBBIStateDescriptor(lastInputSymbol);
            ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Generics.Collections.Add(fDStates, failState);

            // initially, the only unmarked state in Dstates is firstpos(root),
            // where toot is the root of the syntax tree for (r)#;
            RBBITableBuilder.RBBIStateDescriptor initialState = new RBBITableBuilder.RBBIStateDescriptor(
            ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Generics.Collections.AddAll(fRB.fTreeRoots[fRootIx].fFirstPosSet, initialState.fPositions);
            ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Generics.Collections.Add(fDStates, initialState);

            // while there is an unmarked state T in Dstates do begin
            for (;;)
                RBBITableBuilder.RBBIStateDescriptor T = null;
                int tx;
                for (tx = 1; tx < fDStates.Count; tx++)
                    RBBITableBuilder.RBBIStateDescriptor temp = (RBBITableBuilder.RBBIStateDescriptor)fDStates[tx];
                    if (temp.fMarked == false)
                        T = temp;
                if (T == null)

                // mark T;
                T.fMarked = true;

                // for each input symbol a do begin
                int a;
                for (a = 1; a <= lastInputSymbol; a++)
                    // let U be the set of positions that are in followpos(p)
                    // for some position p in T
                    // such that the symbol at position p is a;
                    ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.ISet U = null;
                    RBBINode  p;
                    IIterator pit = new ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.IteratorAdapter(T.fPositions.GetEnumerator());
                    while (pit.HasNext())
                        p = (RBBINode)pit.Next();
                        if ((p.fType == IBM.ICU.Text.RBBINode.leafChar) && (p.fVal == a))
                            if (U == null)
                                U = new HashedSet();
                            ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Generics.Collections.AddAll(p.fFollowPos, U);

                    // if U is not empty and not in DStates then
                    int  ux         = 0;
                    bool UinDstates = false;
                    if (U != null)
                        IBM.ICU.Impl.Assert.Assrt(U.Count > 0);
                        int ix;
                        for (ix = 0; ix < fDStates.Count; ix++)
                            RBBITableBuilder.RBBIStateDescriptor temp2;
                            temp2 = (RBBITableBuilder.RBBIStateDescriptor)fDStates[ix];
                            if (U.Equals(temp2.fPositions))
                                U          = temp2.fPositions;
                                ux         = ix;
                                UinDstates = true;

                        // Add U as an unmarked state to Dstates
                        if (!UinDstates)
                            RBBITableBuilder.RBBIStateDescriptor newState = new RBBITableBuilder.RBBIStateDescriptor(
                            newState.fPositions = U;
                            ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Generics.Collections.Add(fDStates, newState);
                            ux = fDStates.Count - 1;

                        // Dtran[T, a] := U;
                        T.fDtran[a] = ux;