예제 #1
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // findNodes() Locate all the nodes of the specified type, starting
 // at the specified root.
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 internal void FindNodes(IList dest, int kind)
     if (fType == kind)
         ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Generics.Collections.Add(dest, this);
     if (fLeftChild != null)
         fLeftChild.FindNodes(dest, kind);
     if (fRightChild != null)
         fRightChild.FindNodes(dest, kind);
예제 #2
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // calcChainedFollowPos. Modify the previously calculated followPos sets
        // to implement rule chaining. NOT described by Aho
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal void CalcChainedFollowPos(RBBINode tree)
            IList endMarkerNodes = new ArrayList();
            IList leafNodes      = new ArrayList();

            // get a list of all endmarker nodes.
            tree.FindNodes(endMarkerNodes, IBM.ICU.Text.RBBINode.endMark);

            // get a list all leaf nodes
            tree.FindNodes(leafNodes, IBM.ICU.Text.RBBINode.leafChar);

            // Get all nodes that can be the start a match, which is FirstPosition()
            // of the portion of the tree corresponding to user-written rules.
            // See the tree description in bofFixup().
            RBBINode userRuleRoot = tree;

            if (fRB.fSetBuilder.SawBOF())
                userRuleRoot = tree.fLeftChild.fRightChild;
            IBM.ICU.Impl.Assert.Assrt(userRuleRoot != null);
            ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.ISet matchStartNodes = userRuleRoot.fFirstPosSet;

            // Iteratate over all leaf nodes,
            IIterator endNodeIx = new ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.IteratorAdapter(leafNodes.GetEnumerator());

            while (endNodeIx.HasNext())
                RBBINode tNode   = (RBBINode)endNodeIx.Next();
                RBBINode endNode = null;

                // Identify leaf nodes that correspond to overall rule match
                // positions.
                // These include an endMarkerNode in their followPos sets.
                IIterator i = new ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.IteratorAdapter(endMarkerNodes.GetEnumerator());
                while (i.HasNext())
                    RBBINode endMarkerNode = (RBBINode)i.Next();
                    if (ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Collections.Contains(endMarkerNode, tNode.fFollowPos))
                        endNode = tNode;
                if (endNode == null)
                    // node wasn't an end node. Try again with the next.

                // We've got a node that can end a match.

                // Line Break Specific hack: If this node's val correspond to the
                // $CM char class,
                // don't chain from it.
                // TODO: Add rule syntax for this behavior, get specifics out of
                // here and
                // into the rule file.
                if (fRB.fLBCMNoChain)
                    int c = this.fRB.fSetBuilder.GetFirstChar(endNode.fVal);
                    if (c != -1)
                        // c == -1 occurs with sets containing only the {eof} marker
                        // string.
                        int cLBProp = IBM.ICU.Lang.UCharacter.GetIntPropertyValue(c,
                        if (cLBProp == IBM.ICU.Lang.UCharacter.LineBreak.COMBINING_MARK)

                // Now iterate over the nodes that can start a match, looking for
                // ones
                // with the same char class as our ending node.
                RBBINode  startNode;
                IIterator startNodeIx = new ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.IteratorAdapter(matchStartNodes.GetEnumerator());
                while (startNodeIx.HasNext())
                    startNode = (RBBINode)startNodeIx.Next();
                    if (startNode.fType != IBM.ICU.Text.RBBINode.leafChar)

                    if (endNode.fVal == startNode.fVal)
                        // The end val (character class) of one possible match is
                        // the
                        // same as the start of another.

                        // Add all nodes from the followPos of the start node to the
                        // followPos set of the end node, which will have the effect
                        // of
                        // letting matches transition from a match state at endNode
                        // to the second char of a match starting with startNode.
                        ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Generics.Collections.AddAll(startNode.fFollowPos, endNode.fFollowPos);