public LocationChangedEventArgs() { Changed = enLogEvents.Location; System = ""; Location = ""; Position = new Point3Dbl(); TimeStamp = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); }
/// <summary> /// parses /// </summary> /// <param name="coordinateString"></param> internal static Boolean TryParse(string coordinateString, out Point3Dbl coordinate) { System.Globalization.CultureInfo customCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; var style = System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Number | System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint; Point3Dbl parsedCoordinate = new Point3Dbl(); Boolean retValue = true; String[] parts = coordinateString.Split(new char[] { ',' }); if ((parts.GetUpperBound(0) == 2)) { for (int i = 0; i <= parts.GetUpperBound(0); i++) { Double dblValue = 0.0; if (Double.TryParse(parts[i], style, customCulture, out dblValue)) { switch (i) { case 0: parsedCoordinate.X = dblValue; break; case 1: parsedCoordinate.Y = dblValue; break; case 2: parsedCoordinate.Z = dblValue; break; } } else { retValue = false; } } } else { retValue = false; } if (retValue) { coordinate = parsedCoordinate; } else { coordinate = new Point3Dbl(); } return(retValue); }
/// <summary> /// parses /// </summary> /// <param name="coordinateString"></param> internal static Boolean TryParse(string coordinateString, out Point3Dbl coordinate) { System.Globalization.CultureInfo customCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; var style = System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Number | System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint; Point3Dbl parsedCoordinate = new Point3Dbl(); Boolean retValue = true; String[] parts = coordinateString.Split(new char[] {','}); if((parts.GetUpperBound(0) == 2)) { for (int i = 0; i <= parts.GetUpperBound(0); i++) { Double dblValue = 0.0; if(Double.TryParse(parts[i], style, customCulture, out dblValue)) { switch (i) { case 0: parsedCoordinate.X = dblValue; break; case 1: parsedCoordinate.Y = dblValue; break; case 2: parsedCoordinate.Z = dblValue; break; } } else retValue = false; } } else retValue = false; if(retValue) { coordinate = parsedCoordinate; } else { coordinate = new Point3Dbl(); } return retValue; }
/// <summary> /// returns the coordinates of the system /// </summary> /// <param name="systemName"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal Point3Dbl GetCoordinates(String systemName) { Point3Dbl retValue = new Point3Dbl();; String sqlString; DataTable data = new DataTable(); try { sqlString = "select x, y, z from tbSystems where SystemName = " + DBConnector.SQLAEscape(systemName); Program.DBCon.Execute(sqlString, data); if(data.Rows.Count > 0) { retValue.X = ((data.Rows[0]["x"] == DBNull.Value) ? null : (double?)data.Rows[0]["x"]); retValue.Y = ((data.Rows[0]["y"] == DBNull.Value) ? null : (double?)data.Rows[0]["y"]); retValue.Z = ((data.Rows[0]["z"] == DBNull.Value) ? null : (double?)data.Rows[0]["z"]); } return retValue; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error while retrieving system coordinates from database", ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Checks if the system is existing and adds it, if not. /// Also sets the visited-flag if not set. /// </summary> /// <param name="newSystemName"></param> /// <param name="newStationName"></param> /// <param name="setVisitedFlag"></param> /// <param name="name"></param> public void checkPotentiallyNewSystemOrStation(String newSystemName, String newStationName, Point3Dbl coordinates = null, Boolean setVisitedFlag = true) { String sqlString; Int32 systemID = 0; Int32 stationID = 0; Boolean systemFirstTimeVisited = false; Boolean stationFirstTimeVisited = false; DataTable Data = new DataTable(); Boolean Visited; PerformanceTimer pt = new PerformanceTimer(); try { pt.startMeasuring(); newSystemName = newSystemName.Trim(); newStationName = newStationName.Trim(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(newSystemName)) { sqlString = "select id, visited from tbSystems where Systemname = " + DBConnector.SQLAEscape(newSystemName); if (Program.DBCon.Execute(sqlString, Data) > 0) { // system is existing, check or update the visited-flag systemID = (Int32)(Data.Rows[0]["ID"]); Visited = (Boolean)(Data.Rows[0]["visited"]); if (!Visited && setVisitedFlag) { sqlString = String.Format("update tbSystems set visited = 1 where id = {0};" + "insert ignore into tbVisitedSystems(system_id, time) values" + " ({0},{1});", systemID.ToString(), DBConnector.SQLDateTime(DateTime.UtcNow)); Program.DBCon.Execute(sqlString); // set flag in the memory table var system = Program.Data.BaseData.tbsystems.FindByid(systemID); if(system != null) system.visited = setVisitedFlag; systemFirstTimeVisited = setVisitedFlag; } if((coordinates != null) && (coordinates.Valid)) { var system = Program.Data.BaseData.tbsystems.FindByid(systemID); if(system != null) { if((system.x == null) || (Math.Abs(system.x - coordinates.X.Value) > 0.001) || (system.y == null) || (Math.Abs(system.y - coordinates.Y.Value) > 0.001) || (system.z == null) || (Math.Abs(system.z - coordinates.Z.Value) > 0.001)) { sqlString = String.Format("update tbSystems set x={0}, y={1}, z={2}, updated_at = UTC_TIMESTAMP()" + " where ((ABS(x-{0}) > 0.001) or (ABS(y-{1}) > 0.001) or (ABS(z-{2}) > 0.001)) and id = {3}", DBConnector.SQLDecimal(coordinates.X.Value), DBConnector.SQLDecimal(coordinates.Y.Value), DBConnector.SQLDecimal(coordinates.Z.Value), systemID); if(Program.DBCon.Execute(sqlString)>0) { system.x = coordinates.X.Value; system.y = coordinates.Y.Value; system.z = coordinates.Z.Value; } } } } } else { // add a new system Program.DBCon.TransBegin(); try { systemID = Program.DBCon.Execute<Int32>("select min(ID)-1 from tbsystems"); sqlString = String.Format("insert into tbSystems(id, systemname, x, y, z, updated_at, visited) values ({0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6});" + "insert ignore into tbVisitedsystems(system_id, time) values ({0},{5});", systemID, DBConnector.SQLAEscape(newSystemName), coordinates.Valid ? DBConnector.SQLDecimal(coordinates.X.Value) : "null", coordinates.Valid ? DBConnector.SQLDecimal(coordinates.Y.Value) : "null", coordinates.Valid ? DBConnector.SQLDecimal(coordinates.Z.Value) : "null", DBConnector.SQLDateTime(DateTime.UtcNow), "1"); Program.DBCon.Execute(sqlString); Program.DBCon.TransCommit(); } catch (Exception ex) { Program.DBCon.TransRollback(); throw new Exception("Error while inserting a new system"); } systemFirstTimeVisited = setVisitedFlag; dsEliteDB.tbsystemsRow newSystemRow = (dsEliteDB.tbsystemsRow)Program.Data.BaseData.tbsystems.NewRow(); = systemID; newSystemRow.systemname = DBConnector.SQLAEscape(newSystemName); if(coordinates.Valid) { newSystemRow.x = coordinates.X.Value; newSystemRow.y = coordinates.X.Value; newSystemRow.z = coordinates.X.Value; } newSystemRow.updated_at = DateTime.UtcNow; newSystemRow.visited = setVisitedFlag; Program.Data.BaseData.tbsystems.Rows.Add(newSystemRow); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(newStationName)) { Data.Clear(); sqlString = "select St.ID, St.visited from tbSystems Sy, tbStations St" + " where Sy.ID = St. System_ID" + " and Sy.ID = " + systemID + " and St.Stationname = " + DBConnector.SQLAEscape(newStationName); if (Program.DBCon.Execute(sqlString, Data) > 0) { // station is existing, check or update the visited-flag stationID = (Int32)(Data.Rows[0]["ID"]); Visited = (Boolean)(Data.Rows[0]["visited"]); if (!Visited && setVisitedFlag) { sqlString = String.Format("update tbStations set visited = 1 where id = {0};" + "insert ignore into tbVisitedStations(station_id, time) values" + " ({0},{1});", stationID.ToString(), DBConnector.SQLDateTime(DateTime.UtcNow)); Program.DBCon.Execute(sqlString); // set flag in the memory table var station = Program.Data.BaseData.tbstations.FindByid(stationID); if(station != null) station.visited = setVisitedFlag; stationFirstTimeVisited = setVisitedFlag; } } else { // add a new station Program.DBCon.TransBegin(); try { stationID = Program.DBCon.Execute<Int32>("select min(ID)-1 from tbStations"); sqlString = String.Format("insert into tbStations(id, stationname, system_id, updated_at, visited) values ({0},{1},{2},{3},{4});" + "insert ignore into tbVisitedstations(station_id, time) values ({0},{3});", stationID, DBConnector.SQLAEscape(newSystemName), systemID, DBConnector.SQLDateTime(DateTime.UtcNow), "1"); Program.DBCon.Execute(sqlString); Program.DBCon.TransCommit(); } catch (Exception ex) { Program.DBCon.TransRollback(); throw new Exception("Error while inserting a new station"); } stationFirstTimeVisited = setVisitedFlag; dsEliteDB.tbstationsRow newStationRow = (dsEliteDB.tbstationsRow)Program.Data.BaseData.tbstations.NewRow(); = stationID; newStationRow.system_id = systemID; newStationRow.stationname = DBConnector.SQLAEscape(newStationName); newStationRow.updated_at = DateTime.UtcNow; newStationRow.visited = setVisitedFlag; Program.Data.BaseData.tbstations.Rows.Add(newStationRow); } } if(systemFirstTimeVisited && (Program.Data.BaseData.tbvisitedsystems.Select("System_ID = " + systemID).Count() == 0)) { dsEliteDB.tbvisitedsystemsRow newVisSystemRow = (dsEliteDB.tbvisitedsystemsRow)Program.Data.BaseData.tbvisitedsystems.NewRow(); newVisSystemRow.system_id = systemID; newVisSystemRow.time = DateTime.UtcNow; Program.Data.BaseData.tbvisitedsystems.Rows.Add(newVisSystemRow); } if(stationFirstTimeVisited && (Program.Data.BaseData.tbvisitedstations.Select("Station_ID = " + stationID).Count() == 0)) { dsEliteDB.tbvisitedstationsRow newVisStationRow = (dsEliteDB.tbvisitedstationsRow)Program.Data.BaseData.tbvisitedstations.NewRow(); newVisStationRow.station_id = stationID; newVisStationRow.time = DateTime.UtcNow; Program.Data.BaseData.tbvisitedstations.Rows.Add(newVisStationRow); } if (((systemFirstTimeVisited) || (stationFirstTimeVisited)) && (stationID != 0) && (Program.Data.BaseData.visystemsandstations.Select("SystemID = " + systemID + " and StationID = " + stationID).Count() == 0)) { dsEliteDB.visystemsandstationsRow newVisStationRow = (dsEliteDB.visystemsandstationsRow)Program.Data.BaseData.visystemsandstations.NewRow(); newVisStationRow.SystemName = newSystemName; newVisStationRow.SystemID = systemID; newVisStationRow.StationName = newStationName; newVisStationRow.StationID = stationID; Program.Data.BaseData.visystemsandstations.Rows.Add(newVisStationRow); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error while checking for potentially new system or station", ex); } }
/// <summary> /// shows location data like system/station/ccordinates on gui /// </summary> private void ShowLocationData() { try { if(this.InvokeRequired) this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(ShowLocationData)); else { Point3Dbl coords = new Point3Dbl(); String currentSystem = Program.actualCondition.System; String currentLocation = Program.actualCondition.Station; this.tbCurrentSystemFromLogs.Text = currentSystem; this.tbCurrentStationinfoFromLogs.Text = currentLocation; this.tbCurrentBodyinfoFromLogs.Text = Program.actualCondition.Body; if(!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Program.actualCondition.BodyType)) { this.tbCurrentBodyinfoFromLogs.Text += " (" + Program.actualCondition.BodyType + ")"; } coords = Program.actualCondition.Coordinates; if(coords.Valid) { txtPosition_X.Text = coords.X.Value.ToString("f3"); txtPosition_Y.Text = coords.Y.Value.ToString("f3"); txtPosition_Z.Text = coords.Z.Value.ToString("f3"); } else { txtPosition_X.Text = "n/a"; txtPosition_Y.Text = "n/a"; txtPosition_Z.Text = "n/a"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error while showing location infos", ex); } }
public LocationInfoEventArgs() { System = ""; Location = ""; Position = new Point3Dbl(); TimeStamp = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); }
private void UpdateSystemNameFromLogFile_worker() { SingleThreadLogger logger = new SingleThreadLogger(ThreadLoggerType.FileScanner); Regex RegExTest_FindBestIsland = new Regex(String.Format("FindBestIsland:.+:.+:.+:.+", Regex.Escape(Program.DBCon.getIniValue<String>(IBE.IBESettingsView.DB_GROUPNAME, "PilotsName"))), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); Regex RegExTest_Island_Claimed = new Regex(String.Format("vvv------------ ISLAND .+ CLAIMED ------------vvv"), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); do { try { Boolean EndNow = false; string Systemname = ""; string Locationname = ""; string currentLogString; Match m = null; Boolean Got_Jump = false; List<String> PossibleLocations = new List<string>(); List<LogEvent> LoggedEvents = new List<LogEvent>(); DateTime TimestampCurrentLine = DateTime.MinValue; String InfoCurrentLine = ""; //DateTime Timestamp_YoungestLine = DateTime.MaxValue; Int32 LineCountRaw = 0; Int32 LineCount = 0; DateTime TimestampLastScanCandidate = DateTime.MinValue; String InfoLastScanCandidate = ""; #if extScanLog logger.Log("start, RegEx = <" + String.Format("FindBestIsland:.+:.+:.+:.+", Regex.Escape(Program.RegulatedNoiseSettings.PilotsName)) + ">"); #endif var appConfigPath = Program.DBCon.getIniValue("Settings", "GamePath"); if (Directory.Exists(appConfigPath)) { //var versions = Directory.GetDirectories(appConfigPath).Where(x => x.Contains("FORC-FDEV")).ToList().OrderByDescending(x => x).ToList(); var versions = new String[] {appConfigPath}; if (versions.Count() == 0) { #if extScanLog logger.Log("no dirs with <FORC-FDEV> found"); var versions2 = Directory.GetDirectories(appConfigPath).ToList().OrderByDescending(x => x).ToList(); foreach (string SubPath in versions2) { logger.Log("but found <" + SubPath + ">"); } #endif } else { #if extScanLog logger.Log("lookin' for files in <" + versions[0] + ">"); #endif // We'll just go right ahead and use the latest log... var netLogs = Directory.GetFiles(versions[0] + "\\Logs", "netLog*.log") .OrderByDescending(File.GetLastWriteTime) .ToArray(); if (netLogs.Length != 0) { Systemname = ""; Locationname = ""; LoggedEvents.Clear(); var newestNetLog = netLogs[0]; if(!m_currentLogFile.Equals(newestNetLog, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { // new logfile -> ignore the first jump again, it's simpply the "startjump" of ED, not a real jump m_InitialJumpFound = false; m_currentLogFile = newestNetLog; Program.DBCon.setIniValue(DB_GROUPNAME, "CurrentLogfile", m_currentLogFile); Program.DBCon.setIniValue(DB_GROUPNAME, "InitialJumpFound", m_InitialJumpFound.ToString()); m_TimestampLastScan = DateTime.MinValue; m_InfoLastScan = ""; Program.DBCon.setIniValue(DB_GROUPNAME, "TimestampLastScan", m_TimestampLastScan.ToString()); Program.DBCon.setIniValue(DB_GROUPNAME, "InfoLastScan", m_InfoLastScan); } #if extScanLog Debug.Print("File opened : <" + newestNetLog + ">"); logger.Log("File opened : <" + newestNetLog + ">"); #endif FileStream Datei = new FileStream(newestNetLog, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); Byte[] ByteBuffer = new Byte[1]; Byte[] LineBuffer = new Byte[SEARCH_MAXLENGTH]; Datei.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End); while (!EndNow && (Datei.Position >= 2)) { long StartPos = -1; long EndPos = -1; do { Datei.Read(ByteBuffer, 0, ByteBuffer.Length); //Debug.Print(ByteBuffer[0].ToString("x") + " "); if ((ByteBuffer[0] == 0x0A) || (ByteBuffer[0] == 0x0D)) if (EndPos == -1) { if (ByteBuffer[0] == 0x0D) EndPos = Datei.Position + 1; else EndPos = Datei.Position; Datei.Seek(-3, SeekOrigin.Current); } else { if (ByteBuffer[0] == 0x0D) StartPos = Datei.Position + 1; else StartPos = Datei.Position; } else { if((LineCountRaw == 0) && (EndPos == -1)) { EndPos = Datei.Position; } Datei.Seek(-3, SeekOrigin.Current); } } while (StartPos == -1 && Datei.Position >= 3); LineCountRaw++; if((StartPos == -1) && ((EndPos - StartPos) > SEARCH_MINLENGTH)) StartPos = 0; if ((StartPos >= 0) && ((EndPos - StartPos) <= SEARCH_MAXLENGTH)) { // found a line and it's not too long // read Datei.Read(LineBuffer, 0, (int)(EndPos - StartPos)); // and convert to string currentLogString = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(LineBuffer, 0, (int)(EndPos - StartPos) ); Debug.Print("log - scanning :" + currentLogString); if (currentLogString != null) { // ********************************************* // check the timestamp of the current line to avoid to re-analyse older data if(TryGetTimeFromLine(currentLogString, ref TimestampCurrentLine, ref InfoCurrentLine)) { if(TimestampCurrentLine < m_TimestampLastScan) { // everything is coming now is older EndNow = true; } else if ((TimestampCurrentLine == m_TimestampLastScan) && (InfoCurrentLine.Equals(m_InfoLastScan))) { // everything is coming now is older EndNow = true; } // if it's the first line we have to save the "new youngest line" // to avoid to re-analyse the same lines lines next scan if(LineCount == 0) { TimestampLastScanCandidate = TimestampCurrentLine; InfoLastScanCandidate = InfoCurrentLine; } LineCount++; if(!EndNow) { // first: check if we've jumped m = RegExTest_Island_Claimed.Match(currentLogString); if (m.Success) { if(!Got_Jump) { LoggedEvents.Add(new LogEvent() { EventType = enLogEvents.Jump, Value = "", Time = TimestampCurrentLine}); Got_Jump = true; } #if extScanLog Debug.Print("Jump Recognized"); logger.Log("Jump Recognized : " + currentLogString.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "")); #endif } // ********************************************* // second: looking for the systemname if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(Systemname)) { if (currentLogString.Contains("System:")) { #if extScanLog Debug.Print("Systemstring:" + currentLogString); logger.Log("Systemstring:" + currentLogString.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "")); #endif // before 2.1 : // Systemname = currentLogString.Substring(currentLogString.IndexOf("(", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1); // Systemname = Systemname.Substring(0, Systemname.IndexOf(")", StringComparison.Ordinal)); // since 2.1 : currentLogString = currentLogString.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "").Replace(@"\\", ""); MatchCollection matchCollection = Regex.Matches(currentLogString, @"(?<match>[^""\s]+)|\""(?<match>[^""]*)"""); Point3Dbl systemPosition = new Point3Dbl(); for (int i = 0; i < matchCollection.Count; i++) { if ((matchCollection[i].ToString().Equals("System:")) && (matchCollection.Count > i)) { Systemname = matchCollection[i+1].ToString().Replace("\"", ""); } else if ((matchCollection[i].ToString().StartsWith("System:")) && (matchCollection[i].ToString().Length > "System:".Length)) { Systemname = matchCollection[i].ToString().Substring("System:".Length).Replace("\"", ""); } else if (matchCollection[i].ToString().StartsWith("StarPos:(")) { try { var posParts = matchCollection[i].ToString().Replace("StarPos:(", "").Replace(")ly", "").Replace(")", "").Split(new char[] {','}); systemPosition.X = Double.Parse(posParts[0], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); systemPosition.Y = Double.Parse(posParts[1], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); systemPosition.Z = Double.Parse(posParts[2], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (Exception) { } } } LoggedEvents.Add(new LogEvent() { EventType = enLogEvents.System, Value = Systemname, Time = TimestampCurrentLine, Position = systemPosition}); #if extScanLog Debug.Print("System: " + systemName); logger.Log("System: " + systemName); #endif // preparing search for location info RegExTest_FindBestIsland = new Regex(String.Format("FindBestIsland:.+:.+:.+:{0}", Regex.Escape(Systemname)), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); #if extScanLog logger.Log("new Regex : <" + String.Format("FindBestIsland:.+:.+:.+:{0}", Regex.Escape(systemName)) + ">"); #endif // we may have candidates, check them and if nothing found search from the current position foreach (string candidate in PossibleLocations) { #if extScanLog Debug.Print("check candidate : " + candidate); logger.Log("check candidate : " + candidate.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "")); #endif m = RegExTest_FindBestIsland.Match(candidate); //Debug.Print(currentLogString); //if (currentLogString.Contains("Duke Jones")) // Debug.Print("Stop"); if (m.Success) { #if extScanLog Debug.Print("locationstring from candidate : " + candidate); logger.Log("locationstring from candidate : " + candidate.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "")); #endif getLocation(ref Locationname, m); DateTime CurrentTimestamp = new DateTime(); String CurrentInfo = ""; TryGetTimeFromLine(currentLogString, ref CurrentTimestamp, ref CurrentInfo); LoggedEvents.Add(new LogEvent() { EventType = enLogEvents.Location, Value = Locationname, Time = CurrentTimestamp}); EndNow = true; break; } } } else { m = RegExTest_FindBestIsland.Match(currentLogString); if (m.Success) { #if extScanLog Debug.Print("Candidate : " + currentLogString); logger.Log("Candidate added : " + currentLogString.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "")); #endif PossibleLocations.Add(currentLogString); } } } } if(!EndNow) { // if we have the systemname we're looking for the locationname if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Systemname) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Locationname)) { m = RegExTest_FindBestIsland.Match(currentLogString); //Debug.Print(currentLogString); //if (currentLogString.Contains("Duke Jones")) // Debug.Print("Stop"); if (m.Success) { #if extScanLog Debug.Print("locationstring (direct) : " + currentLogString); logger.Log("locationstring (direct) : " + currentLogString.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "")); #endif getLocation(ref Locationname, m); LoggedEvents.Add(new LogEvent() { EventType = enLogEvents.Location, Value = Locationname, Time = TimestampCurrentLine}); EndNow = true; } } } } } } if(!EndNow) { if (StartPos >= 3) { Datei.Seek(StartPos-1, SeekOrigin.Begin); } else Datei.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); } } if((!m_TimestampLastScan.Equals(TimestampLastScanCandidate)) || (!m_InfoLastScan.Equals(InfoLastScanCandidate))) { // save only if changed m_TimestampLastScan = TimestampLastScanCandidate; m_InfoLastScan = InfoLastScanCandidate; Program.DBCon.setIniValue(DB_GROUPNAME, "TimestampLastScan", m_TimestampLastScan.ToString()); Program.DBCon.setIniValue(DB_GROUPNAME, "InfoLastScan", m_InfoLastScan); } Datei.Close(); Datei.Dispose(); #if extScanLog Debug.Print("Datei geschlossen"); logger.Log("File closed"); #endif processingLocationInfo(LoggedEvents); LoggedEvents.Clear(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Print("AnalyseError"); logger.Log(ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace + "\n\n"); } #if extScanLog logger.Log("sleeping..."); logger.Log("\n\n\n"); Debug.Print("\n\n\n"); #endif m_LogfileScanner_ARE.WaitOne(); #if extScanLog logger.Log("awake..."); #endif }while (!m_Closing); #if extScanLog Debug.Print("out"); #endif }
public BasedataEventArgs() { EventType = JournalEvent.Undefined; Coordinates = new Point3Dbl(); }