         * Creates a Credential Revocation Information object
         * @param key              Private key
         * @param unrevokedHandles Array of unrevoked revocation handles
         * @param epoch            The counter (representing a time window) in which this CRI is valid
         * @param alg              Revocation algorithm
         * @return CredentialRevocationInformation object
        public static CredentialRevocationInformation CreateCRI(KeyPair key, BIG[] unrevokedHandles, int epoch, RevocationAlgorithm alg)
            CredentialRevocationInformation cr = new CredentialRevocationInformation();

            cr.RevocationAlg = (int)alg;
            cr.Epoch         = epoch;

            // Create epoch key
            WeakBB.KeyPair keyPair = WeakBB.WeakBBKeyGen();
            if (alg == RevocationAlgorithm.ALG_NO_REVOCATION)
                // Dummy PK in the proto
                cr.EpochPk = IdemixUtils.GenG2.ToProto();
                // Real PK only if we are going to use it
                cr.EpochPk = keyPair.Pk.ToProto();

            // Sign epoch + epoch key with the long term key
            byte[] signed;
                signed        = key.Sign(cr.ToByteArray(), "SHA256withECDSA");
                cr.EpochPkSig = ByteString.CopyFrom(signed);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new CryptoException("Error processing the signature: ", e);

            if (alg == RevocationAlgorithm.ALG_NO_REVOCATION)
                // build and return the credential information object
            // If alg not supported, return null
            throw new ArgumentException("Algorithm " + alg.ToString() + " not supported");