public void Write(NetworkClient client) { client.WSock.WriteByte(Id); client.WSock.WriteByte(EntityId); client.WSock.WriteString(ModelName); client.WSock.Purge(); }
static void BoxHandler(NetworkClient client, HypercubeMap map, Vector3S location, byte mode, Block block) { if (mode != 1) return; switch (client.CS.MyEntity.BuildState) { case 0: client.CS.MyEntity.ClientState.SetCoord(location, 0); client.CS.MyEntity.BuildState = 1; break; case 1: var coord1 = client.CS.MyEntity.ClientState.GetCoord(0); var blocks = Math.Abs(location.X - coord1.X)*Math.Abs(location.Y - coord1.Y)* Math.Abs(location.Z - coord1.Z); var replaceBlock = client.CS.MyEntity.ClientState.GetString(0); if (blocks < 50000) { map.BuildBox(client, coord1.X, coord1.Y, coord1.Z, location.X, location.Y, location.Z, block, String.IsNullOrEmpty(replaceBlock) ? ServerCore.Blockholder.UnknownBlock : ServerCore.Blockholder.GetBlock(replaceBlock), false, 1, true, false); Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SBox created."); } else Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§EBox too large."); client.CS.MyEntity.SetBuildmode(""); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Sends all server supported extensions to the client. /// </summary> /// <param name="client"></param> public static void CPEHandshake(NetworkClient client) { var cExtInfo = new ExtInfo {AppName = "Hypercube Server", ExtensionCount = SupportedExtensions}; client.SendQueue.Enqueue(cExtInfo); var cExtEntry = new ExtEntry {ExtName = "CustomBlocks", Version = CustomBlocksVersion}; client.SendQueue.Enqueue(cExtEntry); cExtEntry.ExtName = "EmoteFix"; cExtEntry.Version = EmoteFixVersion; client.SendQueue.Enqueue(cExtEntry); cExtEntry.ExtName = "HeldBlock"; cExtEntry.Version = HeldBlockVersion; client.SendQueue.Enqueue(cExtEntry); cExtEntry.ExtName = "ClickDistance"; cExtEntry.Version = ClickDistanceVersion; client.SendQueue.Enqueue(cExtEntry); cExtEntry.ExtName = "ChangeModel"; cExtEntry.Version = ChangeModelVersion; client.SendQueue.Enqueue(cExtEntry); cExtEntry.ExtName = "ExtPlayerList"; cExtEntry.Version = ExtPlayerListVersion; client.SendQueue.Enqueue(cExtEntry); cExtEntry.ExtName = "EnvWeatherType"; cExtEntry.Version = EnvWeatherTypeVersion; client.SendQueue.Enqueue(cExtEntry); cExtEntry.ExtName = "EnvMapAppearance"; cExtEntry.Version = EnvMapAppearanceVersion; client.SendQueue.Enqueue(cExtEntry); cExtEntry.ExtName = "MessageTypes"; cExtEntry.Version = MessageTypesVersion; client.SendQueue.Enqueue(cExtEntry); cExtEntry.ExtName = "BlockPermissions"; cExtEntry.Version = BlockPermissionsVersion; client.SendQueue.Enqueue(cExtEntry); //CExtEntry.ExtName = "TextHotKey"; //CExtEntry.Version = TextHotKeyVersion; //CExtEntry.Write(Client); //CExtEntry.ExtName = "HackControl"; //CExtEntry.Version = HackControlVersion; //CExtEntry.Write(Client); cExtEntry.ExtName = "SelectionCuboid"; cExtEntry.Version = SelectionCuboidVersion; client.SendQueue.Enqueue(cExtEntry); cExtEntry.ExtName = "EnvColors"; cExtEntry.Version = EnvColorsVersion; client.SendQueue.Enqueue(cExtEntry); }
public void Call(NetworkClient client, string[] args, string text1, string text2) { if (!CanBeCalled(client)) { Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§EYou do not have permission to use this command."); return; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Plugin)) ServerCore.Luahandler.RunFunction(Plugin, client, args, text1, text2); // -- Run lua plugin for this command. else Handler(client, args, text1, text2); }
static void CreateTPHandler(NetworkClient client, HypercubeMap map, Vector3S location, byte mode, Block block) { if (mode != 1) return; var state = client.CS.MyEntity.BuildState; switch (state) { case 0: client.CS.MyEntity.ClientState.SetCoord(location.X, location.Y, location.Z, 1); client.CS.MyEntity.BuildState = 1; return; case 1: var destCoord = client.CS.MyEntity.ClientState.GetCoord(0); var destRot = client.CS.MyEntity.ClientState.GetInt(0); var destLook = client.CS.MyEntity.ClientState.GetInt(1); var startCoord = client.CS.MyEntity.ClientState.GetCoord(1); var endCoord = new Vector3S { X = location.X, Y = location.Y, Z = location.Z }; var teleName = client.CS.MyEntity.ClientState.GetString(0); var destMap = HypercubeMap.GetMap(client.CS.MyEntity.ClientState.GetString(1)); // -- Move things around so the smaller is the start, the larger being the end. if (startCoord.X > location.X) { endCoord.X = startCoord.X; startCoord.X = location.X; } if (startCoord.Y > location.Y) { endCoord.Y = startCoord.Y; startCoord.Y = location.Y; } if (startCoord.Z > location.Z) { endCoord.Z = startCoord.Z; startCoord.Z = location.Z; } client.CS.CurrentMap.Teleporters.CreateTeleporter(teleName, startCoord, endCoord, destCoord, (byte)destLook, (byte)destRot, destMap); Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§STeleporter created."); client.CS.MyEntity.SetBuildmode(""); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Handles a client that is disconnecting /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The client that has disconnected.</param> public void HandleDisconnect(NetworkClient client) { lock (ClientLock) { Clients.Remove(client); } try { client.BaseSocket.Close(); } catch (IOException) { } if (!client.CS.LoggedIn) return; client.CS.LoggedIn = false; lock (client.CS.CurrentMap.ClientLock) { client.CS.CurrentMap.Clients.Remove(client.CS.Id); client.CS.CurrentMap.CreateClientList(); } if (client.CS.MyEntity != null) { client.CS.CurrentMap.DeleteEntity(ref client.CS.MyEntity); ServerCore.FreeEids.Push((short)client.CS.MyEntity.Id); } ServerCore.OnlinePlayers -= 1; ServerCore.FreeIds.Push(client.CS.NameId); LoggedClients.Remove(client.CS.LoginName); IntLoggedClients.Remove(client.CS.Id); CreateLists(); var remove = new ExtRemovePlayerName {NameId = client.CS.NameId}; foreach (var c in ClientList) { if (c.CS.CPEExtensions.ContainsKey("ExtPlayerList")) c.SendQueue.Enqueue(remove); } ServerCore.Logger.Log("Network", "Player " + client.CS.LoginName + " has disconnected.", LogType.Info); // -- Notify of their disconnection. ServerCore.Luahandler.RunFunction("E_PlayerDisconnect", client.CS.LoginName); Chat.SendGlobalChat(ServerCore.TextFormats.SystemMessage + "Player " + client.CS.FormattedName + ServerCore.TextFormats.SystemMessage + " left."); }
static void RulesHandler(NetworkClient client, string[] args, string text1, string text2) { Chat.SendClientChat(client, "&6Server Rules:"); for (var i = 0; i < ServerCore.Rules.Count; i++) Chat.SendClientChat(client, "&6" + (i + 1) + ": " + ServerCore.Rules[i]); }
static void PlayersHandler(NetworkClient client, string[] args, string text1, string text2) { var onlineString = "§SOnline Players: " + ServerCore.Nh.Clients.Count + "<br>"; foreach (var hm in ServerCore.Maps.Values) { onlineString += "§S" + hm.CWMap.MapName + "&f: "; foreach(var c in hm.ClientsList) onlineString += c.CS.FormattedName + " §D "; onlineString += "<br>"; } Chat.SendClientChat(client, onlineString); }
static void MapsHandler(NetworkClient client, string[] args, string text1, string text2) { var mapString = "§SMaps:<br>"; foreach (var m in ServerCore.Maps.Values) { if (client.HasAllPermissions(m.Showperms.Values.ToList())) mapString += "§S" + m.CWMap.MapName + " §D "; } Chat.SendClientChat(client, mapString); }
static void InfoHandler(NetworkClient client, string[] args, string text1, string text2) { Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SServer Info:"); Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SThis server runs the &8Hypercube §SSoftware, by Umby24."); Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SServer Version: " + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version + " on .NET " + Environment.Version + " (" + Environment.OSVersion + ")"); Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SUptime: " + (DateTime.UtcNow - ServerCore.Uptime).ToString("hh")); }
static void Getrankhandler(NetworkClient client, string[] args, string text1, string text2) { if (args.Length != 1) { Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§EIncorrect usage. See /cmdhelp getrank."); return; } args[0] = ServerCore.DB.GetPlayerName(args[0]); if (args[0] == "") { Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§ECould not find the player."); return; } var playerRanks = RankContainer.SplitRanks(ServerCore.DB.GetDatabaseString(args[0], "PlayerDB", "Rank")); var playerSteps = RankContainer.SplitSteps(ServerCore.DB.GetDatabaseString(args[0], "PlayerDB", "RankStep")); var playerInfo = "§SRank(s) for " + args[0] + ": "; foreach (var r in playerRanks) playerInfo += r.Prefix + r.Name + r.Suffix + "(" + playerSteps[playerRanks.IndexOf(r)] + "), "; playerInfo = playerInfo.Substring(0, playerInfo.Length - 1); // -- Remove the final comma. playerInfo += "<br>"; Chat.SendClientChat(client, playerInfo); }
static void CmdhelpHandler(NetworkClient client, string[] args, string text1, string text2) { if (args.Length == 0) { Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§E&fUsage of this command: /cmdhelp [command]."); return; } if (ServerCore.Commandholder.CommandDict.ContainsKey("/" + args[0].ToLower()) == false) { Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§E&fCommand not found."); return; } if (!ServerCore.Commandholder.CommandDict["/" + args[0]].CanBeSeen(client)) { Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§E&fCommand not found."); return; } var thisCommand = ServerCore.Commandholder.CommandDict["/" + args[0].ToLower()]; Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§S/" + args[0]); Chat.SendClientChat(client, thisCommand.Help); }
/// <summary> /// Updates a client on everyone's ExtPlayerList (Ex. Client changed maps.) /// </summary> /// <param name="client">Client that has moved maps.</param> public static void UpdateExtPlayerList(NetworkClient client) { var toUpdate = new ExtAddPlayerName { NameId = client.CS.NameId, ListName = client.CS.FormattedName, PlayerName = client.CS.LoginName, GroupName = ServerCore.TextFormats.ExtPlayerList + client.CS.CurrentMap.CWMap.MapName, GroupRank = 0 }; lock (ServerCore.Nh.ClientLock) { foreach (var c in ServerCore.Nh.Clients) { if (c.CS.CPEExtensions.ContainsKey("ExtPlayerList")) c.SendQueue.Enqueue(toUpdate); } } }
/// <summary> /// Does initial setup of ExtPlayerList for a player that is logging in. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">Client logging in</param> public static void SetupExtPlayerList(NetworkClient client) { var extPlayerListPacket = new ExtAddPlayerName {GroupRank = 0}; lock (ServerCore.Nh.ClientLock) { foreach (var c in ServerCore.Nh.Clients) { if (c != client) { if (c.CS.CPEExtensions.ContainsKey("ExtPlayerList")) { extPlayerListPacket.NameId = client.CS.NameId; extPlayerListPacket.ListName = client.CS.FormattedName; extPlayerListPacket.PlayerName = client.CS.LoginName; extPlayerListPacket.GroupName = ServerCore.TextFormats.ExtPlayerList + client.CS.CurrentMap.CWMap.MapName; c.SendQueue.Enqueue(extPlayerListPacket); } if (!client.CS.CPEExtensions.ContainsKey("ExtPlayerList")) continue; extPlayerListPacket.NameId = c.CS.NameId; extPlayerListPacket.ListName = c.CS.FormattedName; extPlayerListPacket.PlayerName = c.CS.LoginName; extPlayerListPacket.GroupName = ServerCore.TextFormats.ExtPlayerList + c.CS.CurrentMap.CWMap.MapName; client.SendQueue.Enqueue(extPlayerListPacket); } else { if (!client.CS.CPEExtensions.ContainsKey("ExtPlayerList")) continue; extPlayerListPacket.NameId = client.CS.NameId; extPlayerListPacket.ListName = client.CS.FormattedName; extPlayerListPacket.PlayerName = client.CS.LoginName; extPlayerListPacket.GroupName = ServerCore.TextFormats.ExtPlayerList + client.CS.CurrentMap.CWMap.MapName; client.SendQueue.Enqueue(extPlayerListPacket); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Sends additional packets to clients after sending the map to the client. /// </summary> /// <param name="client"></param> public static void PostMapActions(NetworkClient client) { int mapAppearance, blockPerms, weatherVer, colorVer; // -- EnvMapAppearance if (client.CS.CPEExtensions.TryGetValue("EnvMapAppearance", out mapAppearance) && mapAppearance == EnvMapAppearanceVersion) { var cpeData = client.CS.CurrentMap.CPESettings; var mapApprPacket = new EnvSetMapAppearance { EdgeBlock = cpeData.EdgeBlock, SideBlock = cpeData.SideBlock, SideLevel = cpeData.SideLevel, TextureUrl = cpeData.TextureUrl }; // -- Customblocks compatibility check if (mapApprPacket.EdgeBlock > 49) { var mBlock = ServerCore.Blockholder.GetBlock(mapApprPacket.EdgeBlock); if (mBlock.CPELevel > client.CS.CustomBlocksLevel) mapApprPacket.EdgeBlock = (byte)mBlock.CPEReplace; } if (mapApprPacket.SideBlock > 49) { var mBlock = ServerCore.Blockholder.GetBlock(mapApprPacket.SideBlock); if (mBlock.CPELevel > client.CS.CustomBlocksLevel) mapApprPacket.SideBlock = (byte)mBlock.CPEReplace; } client.SendQueue.Enqueue(mapApprPacket); } // -- BlockPermissions if (client.CS.CPEExtensions.TryGetValue("BlockPermissions", out blockPerms) && blockPerms == BlockPermissionsVersion) { foreach (var block in ServerCore.Blockholder.NumberList) { // -- For every block if (block.CPELevel > client.CS.CustomBlocksLevel) // -- If its within this player's CustomBlock support continue; if (block.Name == "Unknown") // -- If its not an unknown block continue; if (block.Special) // -- If it's not a custom block. continue; var disallowPlace = new SetBlockPermissions { // -- THen set the permissions for the block AllowDeletion = 1, AllowPlacement = 1, BlockType = block.OnClient, }; if (!client.HasAllPermissions(block.PlacePermissions)) { disallowPlace.AllowPlacement = 0; } if (!client.HasAllPermissions(block.DeletePermissions)) disallowPlace.AllowDeletion = 0; if (disallowPlace.AllowDeletion != 1 || disallowPlace.AllowPlacement != 1) // -- Only send if we're changing permissions though client.SendQueue.Enqueue(disallowPlace); } } // -- EnvWeatherType if (client.CS.CPEExtensions.TryGetValue("EnvWeatherType", out weatherVer) && weatherVer == EnvWeatherTypeVersion) { var weather = new EnvSetWeatherType { WeatherType = client.CS.CurrentMap.CPESettings.Weather, }; client.SendQueue.Enqueue(weather); } // -- EnvColors if (client.CS.CPEExtensions.TryGetValue("EnvColors", out colorVer) && colorVer == EnvColorsVersion) { // -- if envcolors is enabled on the map if (client.CS.CurrentMap.CPESettings.EnvColorsVersion > 0) { var skyColor = new EnvSetColor { ColorType = (byte) EnvSetColor.ColorTypes.SkyColor, Red = client.CS.CurrentMap.CPESettings.SkyColor[0], Green = client.CS.CurrentMap.CPESettings.SkyColor[1], Blue = client.CS.CurrentMap.CPESettings.SkyColor[2], }; var cloudColor = new EnvSetColor { ColorType = (byte)EnvSetColor.ColorTypes.CloudColor, Red = client.CS.CurrentMap.CPESettings.CloudColor[0], Green = client.CS.CurrentMap.CPESettings.CloudColor[1], Blue = client.CS.CurrentMap.CPESettings.CloudColor[2], }; var fogColor = new EnvSetColor { ColorType = (byte)EnvSetColor.ColorTypes.FogColor, Red = client.CS.CurrentMap.CPESettings.FogColor[0], Green = client.CS.CurrentMap.CPESettings.FogColor[1], Blue = client.CS.CurrentMap.CPESettings.FogColor[2], }; var ambeintColor = new EnvSetColor { ColorType = (byte)EnvSetColor.ColorTypes.AmbientColor, Red = client.CS.CurrentMap.CPESettings.AmbientColor[0], Green = client.CS.CurrentMap.CPESettings.AmbientColor[1], Blue = client.CS.CurrentMap.CPESettings.AmbientColor[2], }; var sunlightColor = new EnvSetColor { ColorType = (byte)EnvSetColor.ColorTypes.SunlightColor, Red = client.CS.CurrentMap.CPESettings.SunlightColor[0], Green = client.CS.CurrentMap.CPESettings.SunlightColor[1], Blue = client.CS.CurrentMap.CPESettings.SunlightColor[2], }; client.SendQueue.Enqueue(skyColor); client.SendQueue.Enqueue(cloudColor); client.SendQueue.Enqueue(fogColor); client.SendQueue.Enqueue(ambeintColor); client.SendQueue.Enqueue(sunlightColor); } } }
/// <summary> /// Verifys the authenticity of someone logging in. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The client to verify</param> /// <returns>true if verified, false if not.</returns> public bool VerifyClientName(NetworkClient client) { if (client.CS.Ip == "" || client.CS.Ip.Substring(0, 7) == "192.168" || ServerCore.Nh.VerifyNames == false) return true; var md5Creator = MD5.Create(); var correct = BitConverter.ToString(md5Creator.ComputeHash(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Salt + client.CS.LoginName))).Replace("-", ""); if (correct.Trim().ToLower() == client.CS.MpPass.Trim().ToLower()) return true; ServerCore.Logger.Log("Heartbeat", correct.Trim() + " != " + client.CS.MpPass.Trim(), LogType.Warning); return false; }
static void AboutHandler(NetworkClient client, string[] args, string text1, string text2) { Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SServer Software:&f ServerCore"); Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SServer Developer:&f Umby24"); Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SServer Version:&f 0.0 ALPHA"); Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SThis server is written from scratch in C#<br>§Sand supports Lua scripting!"); }
static void BindHandler(NetworkClient client, string[] args, string text1, string text2) { switch (args.Length) { case 0: Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SYour currently bound block is &f" + client.CS.MyEntity.Boundblock.Name + "§S."); Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SLooking for fCraft style bind? See /cmdhelp bind and /cmdhelp material."); break; case 1: // -- Change the Bound block only. var newBlock = ServerCore.Blockholder.GetBlock(text1); if (newBlock == null) { Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§ECouldn't find a block called '" + text1 + "'."); return; } client.CS.MyEntity.Boundblock = newBlock; ServerCore.DB.SetDatabase(client.CS.LoginName, "PlayerDB", "BoundBlock", newBlock.Id); Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SYour bound block is now " + newBlock.Name); break; case 2: var newBlocka = ServerCore.Blockholder.GetBlock(args[0]); if (newBlocka == null) { Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§ECouldn't find a block called '" + args[0] + "'."); return; } var materialBlock = ServerCore.Blockholder.GetBlock(text2); if (materialBlock == null) { Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§ECouldn't find a block called '" + args[1] + "'."); return; } client.CS.MyEntity.Boundblock = newBlocka; ServerCore.DB.SetDatabase(client.CS.LoginName, "PlayerDB", "BoundBlock", newBlocka.Id); Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SYour bound block is now " + newBlocka.Name); client.CS.MyEntity.BuildMaterial = materialBlock; Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SYour build material is now " + materialBlock.Name); break; default: Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§EWrong number of arguments supplied. See /cmdhelp bind"); break; } }
static void CommandsHandler(NetworkClient client, string[] args, string text1, string text2) { if (args.Length == 0) { // -- List command groups Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SCommand groups:"); Chat.SendClientChat(client, "&a All"); foreach (var a in ServerCore.Commandholder.Groups.Keys) Chat.SendClientChat(client, "&a " + a); } else if (args.Length == 1) { // -- list a group. if (!ServerCore.Commandholder.Groups.ContainsKey(args[0]) && args[0].ToLower() != "all") { Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§EGroup '" + args[0] + "' not found."); return; } var commandString = "§D&f "; var currentLen = 5; if (args[0].ToLower() == "all") { foreach (var b in ServerCore.Commandholder.CommandDict.Keys) { if (!ServerCore.Commandholder.CommandDict[b].CanBeSeen(client)) continue; if ((b.Substring(1, b.Length - 1) + " §D&f ").Length + currentLen >= 59) { commandString += "<br>§D&f " + b.Substring(1, b.Length - 1) + " §D&f "; currentLen = ("§D&f " + b.Substring(1, b.Length - 1) + " §D&f ").Length; } else { commandString += b.Substring(1, b.Length - 1) + " §D&f "; currentLen += (b.Substring(1, b.Length - 1) + " §D&f ").Length; } } Chat.SendClientChat(client, "&aAll Commands:<br>" + commandString); return; } foreach (var b in ServerCore.Commandholder.Groups[args[0]]) { if (!ServerCore.Commandholder.CommandDict["/" + b].CanBeSeen(client)) continue; if ((b.Substring(1, b.Length - 1) + " §D&f ").Length + currentLen >= 59) { commandString += "<br>§D&f " + b + " §D&f "; currentLen = ("§D&f " + b + " §D&f ").Length; } else { commandString += b + " §D&f "; currentLen += (b + " §D&f ").Length; } } Chat.SendClientChat(client, "&aGroup " + args[0]); Chat.SendClientChat(client, commandString); } else { Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§EWrong number of arguments supplied. See /cmdhelp commands"); } }
private static void BoxHandler(NetworkClient client, string[] args, string text1, string text2) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text1)) { var block = ServerCore.Blockholder.GetBlock(text1); if (block == ServerCore.Blockholder.UnknownBlock) { Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§ECould not find a block called '" + text1 + "'."); return; } client.CS.MyEntity.SetBuildmode("Box"); client.CS.MyEntity.ClientState.SetString(text1, 0); Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SBuildmode: Box started. Place two blocks to build a box."); Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§Replacing: " + block.Name); client.CS.MyEntity.BuildState = 0; return; } Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SBuildmode: Box started. Place two blocks to build a box."); client.CS.MyEntity.SetBuildmode("Box"); client.CS.MyEntity.BuildState = 0; }
static void GlobalHandler(NetworkClient client, string[] args, string text1, string text2) { if (args.Length == 0) { // -- Toggle. if (ServerCore.DB.GetDatabaseInt(client.CS.LoginName, "PlayerDB", "Global") == 1) { client.CS.Global = false; Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SGlobal chat is now off by default."); ServerCore.DB.SetDatabase(client.CS.LoginName, "PlayerDB", "Global", "0"); } else { client.CS.Global = true; Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SGlobal chat is now on by default."); ServerCore.DB.SetDatabase(client.CS.LoginName, "PlayerDB", "Global", "1"); } } else if (args.Length == 1) { if (args[0].ToLower() == "on" || args[0].ToLower() == "true") { client.CS.Global = true; Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SGlobal chat is now on by default."); ServerCore.DB.SetDatabase(client.CS.LoginName, "PlayerDB", "Global", "1"); } else if (args[0].ToLower() == "off" || args[0].ToLower() == "false") { client.CS.Global = false; Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SGlobal chat is now off by default."); ServerCore.DB.SetDatabase(client.CS.LoginName, "PlayerDB", "Global", "0"); } } else Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§EIncorrect number of arguments, see /cmdhelp global."); }
static void CancelHandler(NetworkClient client, string[] args, string text1, string text2) { client.CS.MyEntity.SetBuildmode(""); Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SBuildmodes canceled."); }
static void MapHandler(NetworkClient client, string[] args, string text1, string text2) { if (args.Length == 0) { Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§EInvalid number of arguments. See /cmdhelp map"); return; } HypercubeMap m; ServerCore.Maps.TryGetValue(args[0], out m); if (m != null) client.ChangeMap(m); else Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§EMap '" + args[0] + "' not found."); }
static void MaterialHandler(NetworkClient client, string[] args, string text1, string text2) { if (args.Length == 0) { Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SYour build material has been reset."); client.CS.MyEntity.BuildMaterial = ServerCore.Blockholder.GetBlock(""); return; } var newBlock = ServerCore.Blockholder.GetBlock(text1); if (newBlock == null || newBlock.Name == "Unknown") { Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§ECouldn't find a block called '" + text1 + "'."); return; } client.CS.MyEntity.BuildMaterial = newBlock; Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SYour build material is now " + newBlock.Name); }
private static void ModelHandler(NetworkClient client, string[] args, string text1, string text2) { if (args.Length > 1) { Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§EInvalid number of arguments. See /cmdhelp model"); return; } if (args.Length == 0) { client.CS.MyEntity.Model = "default"; Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SYour model has been reset."); return; } int block; if (int.TryParse(args[0], out block)) { if (block > 66 || block < 1) { Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§EInvalid block number. Must be from 1-66."); return; } client.CS.MyEntity.Model = block.ToString(); Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SModel changed."); return; } switch (args[0].ToLower()) { case "croc": case "skele": args[0] = "skele"; goto case "skeleton"; case "skeleton": case "spider": case "crocodile": args[0] = "croc"; goto case "pig"; case "pig": case "printer": case "chicken": case "creeper": case "sheep": case "zombie": client.CS.MyEntity.Model = args[0].ToLower(); break; default: client.CS.MyEntity.Model = "default"; break; } Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SModel changed."); }
static void MaterialsHandler(NetworkClient client, string[] args, string text1, string text2) { if (args.Length > 0) Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SWarning: This command does not accept arguments."); var list = ""; foreach (var b in ServerCore.Blockholder.NameList.Values) { if (b.Special) list += b.Name + " §D&f "; } Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SMaterials:"); Chat.SendClientChat(client, list); }
static void RanksHandler(NetworkClient client, string[] args, string text1, string text2) { Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SGroups&f:"); var groupDict = new Dictionary<string, string>(); foreach (var r in ServerCore.Rankholder.NameList.Values) { if (groupDict.Keys.Contains(r.Group)) groupDict[r.Group] += "§S| " + r.Prefix + r.Name + r.Suffix + " "; else groupDict.Add(r.Group, "§S" + r.Group + "&f: " + r.Prefix + r.Name + r.Suffix + " "); } foreach (var b in groupDict.Keys) Chat.SendClientChat(client, groupDict[b]); }
static void PlaceHandler(NetworkClient client, string[] args, string text1, string text2) { var myLoc = client.CS.MyEntity.GetBlockLocation(); if (args.Length == 0) { client.CS.CurrentMap.ClientChangeBlock(client, myLoc.X, myLoc.Y, (short)(myLoc.Z - 2), 1, client.CS.MyEntity.Lastmaterial); Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SBlock placed."); } else if (args.Length == 1) { var newBlock = ServerCore.Blockholder.GetBlock(text1); if (newBlock == null) { Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§ECouldn't find a block called '" + text1 + "'."); return; } client.CS.MyEntity.Lastmaterial = newBlock; client.CS.CurrentMap.ClientChangeBlock(client, myLoc.X, myLoc.Y, (short)(myLoc.Z - 2), 1, client.CS.MyEntity.Lastmaterial); Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SBlock placed."); } }
private static void TPHandler(NetworkClient client, string[] args, string text1, string text2) { if (args.Length == 0 || args.Length > 1) { Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§EIncorrect number of arguments. See /cmdhelp tp"); return; } NetworkClient tpClient; if (!ServerCore.Nh.LoggedClients.TryGetValue(args[0], out tpClient)) { Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§ECould not find a player called '" + args[0] + "'."); return; } if (tpClient.CS.CurrentMap != client.CS.CurrentMap) client.ChangeMap(tpClient.CS.CurrentMap); if (client.CS.CurrentMap != tpClient.CS.CurrentMap) return; client.CS.MyEntity.Location = tpClient.CS.MyEntity.Location; client.CS.MyEntity.Rot = tpClient.CS.MyEntity.Rot; client.CS.MyEntity.Look = tpClient.CS.MyEntity.Look; client.CS.MyEntity.SendOwn = true; Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§STeleported."); }
static void UndoHandler(NetworkClient client, string[] args, string text1, string text2) { if (args.Length == 0) { client.Undo(30000); Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SDone."); return; } int myInt; int.TryParse(args[0], out myInt); client.Undo(myInt); Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SDone."); }